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Thinking about buying

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I was thinking about buying this game but the game that I found says this "Strategic Command WW2 : Global Conflict (PC) (UK)" but my questions is does it matter if it says "UK" on it or does it matter. Or should I get one that says US on it instead. I have no clue, if someone can help me that would be great. Thank You!

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Are both of these copies in a retail store or some other retailer on the Internet (and not Battlefront.com) ? If you get the game from a retail store or another retailer, then you will have to use the patches available from THAT distributor (and NOT Battlefront.com). The 'UK' designation in this case most likely points out that the game is from an UK distributor.

I believe Excalibur Games distributes some of the Strategic Command series in the UK. They've kept up with the patches to my knowledge, but some other distributors may have not (i.e. - there are no patches available - just what is in the box).

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Hi MA2,

It is the same game but Schrullenhaft is likely correct that the Excalibur retail distributor may not have the latest patches available for download from their website.

From what I remember we did send them the latest v1.07 patch but I am not 100% certain it was ever published for download on their end.

You might want to double check with them as the last I remember is the v1.06 patch was the latest available.

If this is satisfactory then the game will match the Battlefront version up to v1.06, otherwise for full compatibility, i.e. for Multiplayer games and so on, the Battlefront release of the game contains the latest and greatest patches for all of our games.

I hope this helps,


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