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Ideas for China

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Hello ^^ ,

1) to balance the "everything against China" strategy

- Adding adding 5% to US mobilization each time Japan take a new chinese city. With Chungking-Sian-Chengchow-Foochow-Lanchow-Changsha, it would be +30%, a good incentive to avoid going overboard :) .

(+35% if applying 2) below)

2) to make taking Nanning worth it (either or both)

- Change it to a city with 10 MPPs

- Adding a lend-lease lane from USA reaching Nanning

(like the one between USA-UK)

What do you think :) ?

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These are some really good ideas and I'm only hesitant to make any further changes on our end as there will likely be already some significant changes to how China and Japan are played out with the next patch... we'll keep you posted but I think everyone is going to be very happy with the new changes :)

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