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Combat Mission Names Lists are up !

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How could I forget Old "I like it firm and fruity" Nursie? But Flashheart? Nah, he's just a git. Ooh, I have to go: a lorry load of paperclips just arrived!


P.S. What are you implying about "Bob"? That he's really a girl? Nonsense! He plays cricket, he farts in bed...

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*** As I stated in an email Mattias Hitler and Himmler were common names in their respective regions of birth and would have been present throughout the German army. ***

Fionn ???? Hitler was AUSTRIAN. There were not THAT many Ausrtians in the german army, at least not that the name would have been present throughout the army. Hitler wasn't even his real name. His (father's) name was Schickelgruber. He took the family's name of his mother. I hope Schickelgruber won't be in the game either!

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My two cents as a german gamer to this matter:

*** As I stated in an email Mattias Hitler and Himmler were common names in their respective regions of birth and would have been present throughout the German army. ***

If you let these uncommon and very infamous names in the game IMO that will show a first hand account of tastelessness. It will be the same as if a Mr. Josef Mengele will show up in a game about medical ethics. You don´t really want this game to be regarded tasteless, want you?

To get more common/harmless names in the game would be the better way. IMO



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Well the names Hitler etc won't be going in. Personally, I think they should but they won't be making it in so everyone can keep their hair on wink.gif.

Bensp, FWIW there were quite a few Austrians in the German Army and simply because it was common in Austria doesn't mean it wasn't present in Southern Germany. Seriously, it's only a name. Seems people can't accept that though and it's not worth the hassle of fighting over IMO. In any case they're not going in.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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what happened to the Umlauts in some of the German names? Are they just missing on the web-site, but will be included in the game (please say yes)?

If not, could you use the German way to substitude them (i.e. "ä, ö and ü" become "ae, oe and ue" and not "a, o and u")?

That would look much better to me as a native German speaker.


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Well, here's the deal which I think most people are forgetting.

The aim of this offer was NOT to get names which would pass a commonality and origin test BUT to allow people who were going to buy the game (since I'm assuming everyone who sent in their own name wants to buy the game) to see THEIR name "in lights" so to speak.

Thus, when someone from Germany emailed me but spelled their name with an "sh" instead of "sch" I entered it as "sh"...

My ONLY aims were:

1. try to ensure totally unsuitable names don't get in and

2. to give people a chance to have THEIR name in the game. Now, personally I'm willing to allow a "Muterspaugh" in even though it might officially be more likely to be "Mutersbaech" BECAUSE I was not doing this as an exercise in ultra-realism BUT with a view to increasing people's enjoyment of the game.

E.g. Someone wrote to me to ask to have their last name included. This last name was "Handshin". Now I know that the spelling Handschin or even Handschein are more correct BUT my aim was to allow people to have fun by seeing their names in the game.

SO what I did was I just took down those names without any interpretation from me.. The VAST majority of those names are last names of people who are playing the game and want to see their name in it OR they are the last names of family relatives who fought in the war. In the spirit of this being a game I'm willing to see a little "unofficial" spelling (since IMO Handshin is his name and he should know how to spell it so it can't be wrong as many have been making out to me in private emails.... I've gotten more complaints about this name thing than I would have believed possible. It's getting quite out of hand IMO.) if that make Mr Handshin happy.

My last name SHOULD be O'Ceallaigh or O'Kelly depending on how rigidly Gaelic you want to be BUT I just say Kelly now, who wants to tell me that because a grammar rule says it SHOULD be O'Kelly that I am wrong to spell it Kelly?

My point is I wasn't prepared to turn around and alter the names people submitted to me simply because I (underlined) felt they weren't "correct" spellings.

I'll leave THAT particular decision up to Charles. I'll actually send him an email now asking him about this issue. I'll abide by his decision and let u know what it is but personally I think everyone should remember that everytime you are asking for a name to be spelled differently you are actually moving this offer farther and farther away from the spirit which moved me to make the offer. I spent my time doing this because I wanted people's names who were going to buy CM to be in the game since I felt this would be nice for people to do.

CM has enough names already present that it doesn't need anymore... This was merely done so people could see their names in lights. EVERY change in spelling is, in effect, going to remove one person's name from the list and make this offer into something different.

If I'd wanted to do this I'd simply have accessed a German phonebook and picked out "standard" german names but that wasn't the idea behind it.

I hope you understand what I'm trying to convey here. I fully understand people wanting the right spelling but when that results in REAL names being changed and thus destroying the reason I made this offer and commitment in the first place I'm in favour of allowing a few mispellings by in order to give people the pleasure of seeing their names spelled exactly as they sent them to me.

Maybe you all think rigid accuracy is more important than the feeling which those people will feel when seeing their names though.. I don't know..

Well, I'll ask Charles and see what he says.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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You left out Mayes (American).

There really was a Captain Jesse Mayes of the 555th Parachute Infantry Battalion, so that should satisfy the history nuts smile.gif


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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What about "Major Major"

When one of my friends was in the Army a Lieutenant with surname "Majuri" (Major in Finnish) was positioned in his garrison.

In Finnish army there is always an "Officer on Duty" (I don't know the exact English translation) who is responsible that everything goes well in the garrison. In addition, each unit has an "NCO on Duty" who is responsible for that unit. The "NCO on Duty" has two assistants who are usually privates.

Well, one day when Lieutenant Majuri was the "Officer on Duty" he wanted to ask some question from the "NCO on Duty" of the company where my friend served. At the time a particularly clueless private was serving as an assistant. The resulting phone conversation was (translated in English):

Private: XXX company, 2nd Assistant on Duty YYY.

Lieutenant: This is Lieutenant Major ...

P [interrupting]: There is no such thing! [hangs up]

About five minutes a quite irate Lieutenant stormed in to explain that there really is such thing as "Lieutenant Major".


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Ok, all names will be as correct as possible. Thus they WILL be corrected to the original German.

Umlauts won't be present due to some tech difficulties but instead the "ae", ue etc will be done.

I'll be posting a revised list near the end of the week for people to check.. Please, if you see an error in the revised list just email me. If I amn't emailed the correction then I can't guarantee it will be fixed.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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I just wanted to say that I appreciate your efforts in getting our names put into the game.

I have been lurking here since the Computer Squad Leader days and have been following the proceedings with great interest. I figured it was finally time to step from the shadows. Once again, thanks for your help and effort. I am certainly looking forward to the game.

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Not to harp on anyone, but DANG!!!

How many times does Fionn have to say "Email it to me, don't post it here. The only way I will be sure to get it added/corrected is if you email it to me."

My wife's a teacher and I continually marvel at the inability of her students to listen to and follow instructions.

I recognize that you may have emailed to Fionn in addition to posting here, and if so, my apologies. If not, however, "hello, is there anyone out there?"

Ok, I'm done ranting about my pet peeve. I did not mean to offend anyone personally (that's why I didn't mention anyone's name), just trying to raise awareness.



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I emailed my name two days BEFORE I posted. The only reason I posted it was to cover all bets. I like covering all the bets. Keeps me from losing much. smile.gif


"Battles are won by slaughter and maneuver. The greater the general, the more he contributes in maneuver, the less he demands in slaughter."

Sir Winston Churchill

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Rant all you want. I'm the first to admit when I'm wrong. I was so worried about being left off the names list, that I replied before I had read the entire thread.

So, you're absolutely justified and I consider myself properly chastised. But I think that the really important thing here is to remember that it takes a big man to admit when he's wrong... smile.gif


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But Rex, I heard size doesn't matter.

Once again I just want to make absolutely clear.. If the name or correction is ONLY posted here I can't guarantee it will go in. If you email me it'll go in and there's absolutely no point in posting it here.

The new list will go up soon.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Guest Scott Clinton

Well, to tell the truth after what Big Time posted about not useing names that carry a historical or reconizable reference I just figured I would not make the final cut

...damn White Water...damn Monica L....damn Travel Office...damn...



The Grumbling Grognard

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I noticed there were no 'Mac's in the bloody UK list. How can you possibly have a Highland Regiment without at least one MacDonald, MacLeod, MacKenzie, or Campbell? I would have submitted it, but I was touring bonnie Scotland when the names call was posted and it closed before I got back.

Jeff Pattison (Clan MacLaren)

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Unless I'm mistaken the names we're submitting to Fionn are in adition to a database of names already in the game. This has been done with the idea of having our family names in the game.

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Lokesa is right. My SOLE reason for doing this was because one day I thought it'd be cool if we could see our own names in CM and I brought it up with Charles and Steve. They said ok and so I made the announcements on the board a few months ago (and again more recently).

Mainly I accept current last names and last names of relatives who fought in the war but I do accept some small lists. E.g. someone wanted to see some officers of the 2nd Free French Armoured Division commemorated so I accepted a number of their name from him.

So, if you've got a few Scottish names from the Highland Regiments then email me and I'll add them.

As always though it is better to email me this than post it to the list here. it is MUCH easier and more quickly dealt with if you email me with your ideas regarding names.

So Jeff, email me with a list and I'll add them ok. (Nothing too massive... Remember you can rename your troops in the scenario editor with ease if you want everyone to be a Jock.)



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Originally CM squads were to be identified by a letter and a number similiar to the Steel Panthers system. Although after a long discussion led by Chris Jenkins and others, BigTime agreed that squads labeled

by leader would increase player identification with their units. This same thread evolved into the idea of including players names as well. If I remember correctly, Charles Moylan was on vacation at the time and upon his return agreed to the idea. For anyone interested in the discussion, there is a thread titled "Individualism" dated 3-5-99. You can locate this thread by using the search function. I think this was another great example of BigTime listening to their customers.


[This message has been edited by Ken Talley (edited 10-13-99).]

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Are the names only that of sergeants and officers, or will the names of privates pop up? The reason I ask is the German army was filled with soldiers from non-German countries. The Ost regiments had German NCO's, but in the game if the NCO gets it, is the squad renamed after a corporal? Of course, if the German NCO of an Ost squad got shot by Americans or his squad members, the squad usually immediately surrendered.

That might be a little too much complication for very little benefit to the historical verisimilitude of CM.

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There are Scottish names in the list. I am part Scottish, and made sure of it. How could we have a war without Scottish people? They practically invented it. My own bloodthirsty ancestors, Clan Gunn, were even more warlike than their cousins. Feels great to see how far this whole names thing has come.


Climb to Glory!

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