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Anyone know what module will come after CW?

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Wouldn't it be lovely to see the windmills turning, with the speed of the blades and orientation of the head dependant on the scenario wind settings? (sort-of similar to how smoke is already blown about in accordance with the scenario wind settings)


You've seen the beta-version of Combat Mission: Farmville, then?

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I really want the EF game more than another west front game but alas I know that's not the case.

I don't mind there current business module I think it's fine to charge for work you've done. My problem is.... paying top dollar for a game only to find that it is bugged and doesn't work as advertised. I know this happens with other games but I am a full fledged groupy of BF so it hurts more :).

Maybe its like sburke said, that they're being subsidized by the government so they aren't as motivated to make a bug free game as they would if they were totally private ;).

? I never said anything about being subsidized other than that if they had to rely on just DLCs they'd have to apply for food stamps. As to the game being bugged, it is a computer game. To assume that it will not have any issues is like expecting rain when and only when you need it. There is absolutely no and likely never will be a bug free game. As to it not working as advertised, other than the occasional issue (and the serious ones get worked on pretty darn quick) I'd be hard put to say the game doesn't work. Is it 100% of what we would all want? Absolutely not, but ask yourself this (and answer honestly) do you ever think there will be a day we won't want just one more feature, item or even have full agreement on how behavior should be modelled?

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Deployment bug, red button bug are the ones I'm referring to. I don't want the moon. Worked on and fixed for release are two totally different things. Like I said in another thread if there was a patch a week I'd never ask for a thing to be fixed but that's just me.

My joke about gov subsidies was a lame joke like yours about food stamps being taken away from the poor

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I'm with Doug/Badger Dog. CMBN + CW has cost me under $0.09/hour since May 17(15?)(18?), 2011.

Nine frigg'n cents! Yup, there are bugs and yup, BFC fix things even though it takes a while, sometimes a looong while. But it's not even close to being broken. And between here and The Few Good Men Forum, I have "met" (Inter-met?) a lot a nice people and overall good sh*ts. A few nasties, but not too many. Even many of the ones who like to bitch usually admit that they are hooked.

With BFC, there is one truth: They are dedicated to the game simulation of as-accurate-as-can-be WWII simulation, and they will continue to perfect it.

The future is so bright for us all, we're gonna need shades!

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It's a labor of love, not just a business. I don't think BFC has ever said they were solely in it for the money. If they did, I would definitely assume they were loony as this is surely not going to lead to a multi billion doller IPO...unless they come out with some way of just turning it into something that allows you to tell the entire world what inanely stupid thing you are doing right now in less than 128 characters...

It is just bad, even for a side-hobby. They want $35 for a set of half-assed textures for one model. It has been a month. Did they even patch the King Tiger? This is about expectation of a comparable game not money. If they are in it for the love, then set up a professional development cycle. Not some half-ass set of models every year.


One quick note about the KT and Lynx model details. This is something that slipped through until the last minute and should have been caught. But we didn't think it was serious enough to delay the game for 2 weeks just to have better visuals for the two vehicles in question. They will be updated with the next patch.


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Come on, that's $35 per year (at this pace) for massive amounts of content for a one of a kind game. Not just some new models, but dozens of hours worth of scenarios and campaigns, and the tools for the community to extend that indefinitely. Just look at CMSF, there are over 20 user made campaigns out there, untold numbers of scenarios, and even today 2-3 fresh campaigns in the pipe. Once we get the full module family for CMBN, there will be more content created than you could ever play through.

I will agree that they seem to have the slowest patch cycle known to man, but nothings perfect. :P

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My two cents...

... even though I don't own an Ipad (and I'm not even planning to buy one), I'm really glad that BF is trying to bring their games in the Ipad market. This means that they're working hard to reach a broader audience, hopefully resulting in a bigger income that all of us "hardcore gamers" will enjoy.

The short-term downside, though, is that the extra resources needed for developing and supporting new games for a new platform will be drain from the "old" pc development, thus slowing modules' releases.

... again, only my two cents, maybe I'm all wrong and BF is already a huge company with 20 different teams working on 40 different projects, and they are only being lazy... :-)

Thanks for reading,


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It is just bad, even for a side-hobby. They want $35 for a set of half-assed textures for one model. It has been a month. Did they even patch the King Tiger?

As others have already stated there´s plenty of other content in the CW module to keep me happy. The brilliant "Kampfgruppe Engel" campaign alone is IMO worth all the money.

That said, I agree that BFC should have patched the half finished german vehicles long time ago. But unfortunatly BFC seems quite slow in making these patches and equally arrogant when it comes to keeping the community informed about these things.

I have modded dirty versions of the Lynx and Wespe, the Lynx mainly because I couldn´t begin playing Kampfgruppe Engel with that eyesore. I wont mod any more, though, because I have no idea if a patch is going to render all my modding work obsolete - and I have no idea if this patch will come tomorrow or in six months.

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So if I buy the MG module but not bother with the CW module your saying I can't use the British paras?? Surely that can't be right.

I expect the Paras will be in the MG module aswell.

Just thought on with regards to the SS aswell.

So whats the story here? With CMSF you could buy any module without having to buy the others.

If the MG moduel doesn't have SS and Birtish Para's then it may aswell be an expansion map\campaign pack for CMBN+CW rather than a full priced module.

Edit to say I will at some point buy both modules, however I think if a module is coming out you shouldn't have to have any other module to play it. It should have everything needed to play the module with the base game.

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So if I buy the MG module but not bother with the CW module your saying I can't use the British paras?? Surely that can't be right.

I expect the Paras will be in the MG module aswell.

I think your expectations may be wrong. The MG module will likely include some new ToEs, whether the british paras would have a new ToE to be included in that module though has not been said.

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To reiterate and pile-on:

U.S. Airborne & Glider Infantry saw substantial TOE changes between when they were withdrawn from Normandy in July, and when they were re-deployed as part of Market Garden. Some of these changes went all the way down to the platoon level.

I know less about British Airborne TOEs, but IIRC there were some significant TOE changes here to prior to Market Garden as well.

So, to add my SWAG to the pile, I would guess that there will be "new" U.S. & Brit Airborne formations in the MG module, reflecting these formations as they deployed in September 1944.

Those without the MG module will still be able to play with Airborne infantry (including CW Airborne, if they have the CW module), but they will be limited to the June-July 1944 formations, and won't be able to play any scenarios that utilize airborne units unique to the September TOEs contained in MG.

Conversely, those with the MG module, but no CW module, will be able to play with September 1944 CW Airborne formations, but not June-July 1944 CW Airborne formations. And those with just the base game will still be able to play with June-July U.S. Airborne TOEs, but not the September TOEs for same. Probably a pretty small group of players that will choose to buy MG, but not CW, but this is my educated guess as to how things will play out.

Worth noting that there are also some (generally less significant) changes to TOEs and also some semi-official equipment changes that show up in other types of formations by September 1944. It will be interesting to see what, if any of these are included as units unique to the MG module.

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I agree with YankeeDog, and I don't understand what could be unclear about this? You will be able to play with all content (campaigns, battles, maps, units etc.) of those modules you buy, and if you don't buy it, that content will not be available. Very simple.

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