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robert carver

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hi robert,

your ww3 map is wonderful and i like the camp. very much, but:

why you choose the chinese civil war as a ww3 reason, why not the iran crisis or cuban missile crisis?

the soviets are very strong, unfortunately...

why is portugal an usa ally and why are the nuclear attacks so weak?


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Hi Mathias,

Here are some answers…

"why you choose the Chinese civil war as a ww3 reason, why not the iran crisis or cuban missile crisis?"

--I use the Berlin crisis of 1948 as the catalysts. I looked for an opportunity to frame the game and found that in 1948 there were several crisis that could have lead to war between the West and USSR. The bonus was that the Chinese Civil war was going on at the same time. This set up the situation nicely for a global scenario.

"why is Portugal an USA ally and why are the nuclear attacks so weak?"

--The reason why Portugal is an at-start ally of the USA is that Portugal ended WW2 as an ally of the USA, so I just kept them there.


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