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Question on "Over the hill" mission, Dutch Campaign (Spoilerish, I think)

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Hi - I'm having a great time with the Nato campaigns, right now I'm playing the Dutch "Back on Tracks" one.

I'm on the "Over the hill" mission, and I gotta know - am I really getting bombed by the Syrian air force? I'm getting bombed by someone, and they are super-accurate and deadly! So far I've lost two of those little recon dealies, and also two Leopards.

At first I thought it was a cool surprise, like they managed to sneak a plane or two up when everyone thought their air force was kapput, but now after I've lost four vehicles to what seem like laser guided bombs I'm wondering if something crazy happened when I started the mission.

I noticed in the briefing I'm supposed to have an F-15E, so far I've only had the two apaches show up (right at the start) and some artillery (maybe 10 minutes in?)

Is it even remotely possible that it's my F-15E bombing me?

If anyone knows what the scoop is with this mission I'd be great to know, just so I can decide to restart, or keep playing, or skip it.


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Hi again,

Just tried the standalone "Over the hill" mission from the repository, the same thing happened - around minute 8 I lost a Fenneck to a jet. Guessing there has to be some kind of problem with the mission in general, right?

Gives me a new appreciation for anyone playing as the Syrians... man it's disheartening to get blown to kingdom come like that!

Not that big a deal since the airfield mission is standalone, I can at least finish the campaign (assuming that's the last mission?) Just wanted to give a head's up in case someone else was playing it.

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I know that's why I had to skip it!

I like the idea of a "friendly fire" incident (in theory, of course) but man it's brutal. Plus, an F-15E? I don't even want to think about how many bombs that thing can carry! I decided to skip the mission on the 20 minute mark when I lost my 2nd leo; couldn't imagine playing through for any longer with that plane roaming around.

Just as a note/aside/suggestion, it would have been cool to put something in the briefing for the next mission about the friendly fire incident - would clear up any confusion about what was going on (I'm assuming the briefing in the next 'stand-alone' mission is the same as the one in the campaign, it doesn't mention anything).

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I dont mind 1 or 2 bombs, fine for story puropuses, and im lucky ive only lost 5 men to the strikes. (2 drivers and 3 leo crewmen), but it keeps comming around. I really do want to finish the mission and ive been reloading the map and managed to get a save where the f15 misses. hopefully it will go away now.

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Nah, keeps dropping them jaja,

thing is its on an inmobilized Leo that has its crew taht "bugged" under it while they where recrewing it (before it got inmobilized), lets see how it goes. hopefully one of these saves the F-15 will actually miss like it ussualy does!

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  • 2 years later...

Playing this mission as well. And when I heard a jet I thought WTF my JTAC ain't tasked! Next thing I knew the bomb fell off the sky and killed 2 Bradleys with one shot, along with 15 men in them! Aaaaargh:mad:

I suppose the AI uses area targeting for the air strike. Gonna have to speed up the tempo, leap over the ridge and steamroll those red infantry bastards!...

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I was extremely lucky for this scenario. Only one vehicle was destroyed by the friendly fire air strikes and the other attacks were near misses, resulting in some immoblizations.

Casualties at the end of this scenario was 3 KIA and 1 Vehicle (light armored recon vehicle) destroyed. I was very happy with the outcome given how badly it could have been.

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I was extremely lucky for this scenario. Only one vehicle was destroyed by the friendly fire air strikes and the other attacks were near misses, resulting in some immoblizations.

Casualties at the end of this scenario was 3 KIA and 1 Vehicle (light armored recon vehicle) destroyed. I was very happy with the outcome given how badly it could have been.

Are you not the legendary BlackMoria. Thus your result doesn't count:p

After a lotta saves and reloads I managed to get out of the AI area target zone and not hit by those supposedly GBU-10s. However Kornets and RPGs immobiled 2 Bradleys and an abrams as was pushing them too hard. Oh well, can't have them all. Next mission has a feeble 30% repair chance so maybe 1 of them can get back to full health, then again the kameshli scenario provides more units than one needs and is the final one in the campaign, so shouldn't matter:o

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