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Wargame European

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Few days of from work and i hoped with Commonwealth Module.. Now killing time with Wargame European Escalation, came out today. Plays around 1985, Cold War. No comparison with Combat Mission but i wish it could steal some features of it. Plays fast and fluently:

Best all, and still waiting,


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Yes but look at the turning times for the vehicles, how fast do tracked vehicle turn on a point!!! Watch the ZSU ZSU...

Everything is possible just depends on time and cash and quality. If you have loads of cash and plenty of time you can build quality.

I predict this will get closed pretty soon as off topic....


But nice looking game and the villages look great....

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All true marginally, somewhere between Company of Heroes and Achtung Panzer. No C&C though, one (good) shot one kill, no base building and lot more coordinated ai. Fire and artillery distances real and helo's. No it's not a sim.

But still CM could borrow a lot from it. Maps are huge 150-150 km, still running great.

Unfortunately no demo.

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Yeah looks good. Some of shown features could be used in CM. I like that maps are huge and something like that would allow for an operational view in CM. Everything is Smooth and you can zoom all the way down to the ground and it looks great with nice framerates.

CM with graphics like that and same huge maps would be the only game I would ever play.

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To me that game looks pretty ridiculous as far as realism goes. Not for me. Though I'm sure it's great fun for those who love this type of multiplayer mayhem.

The reason the maps are huge and the graphics are fancy is because it probably has about 5 % the amount of stuff going on under the hood compared to CMx2.

I prefer the look of a fully modded CMBN to that to be honest with you.

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To me, it looks like a typical arcade-style "war" game. The graphics have the usual somewhat cartoonish (meaning overly-stylized), airbrushed look. To be honest, I really like the more natural/neutral-looking graphics in CM. Yes, mods sometimes improve them, but I actually prefer CM's graphics to games like this. Yes, the terrain could look better and I'd LOVE to get a better FPS, but I really like CM's vehicle models and the soldiers look quite good too. I looked at Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 and the ONLY thing I liked better was the fluidity of motion of the soldiers. However, CM's soldiers look more detailed, so I'd rather have them anyway.

Thanks for posting though. It's nice to see what other people are looking at/comparing to!

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To me, it looks like a typical arcade-style "war" game. The graphics have the usual somewhat cartoonish (meaning overly-stylized), airbrushed look. To be honest, I really like the more natural/neutral-looking graphics in CM. Yes, mods sometimes improve them, but I actually prefer CM's graphics to games like this. Yes, the terrain could look better and I'd LOVE to get a better FPS, but I really like CM's vehicle models and the soldiers look quite good too. I looked at Achtung Panzer: Kharkov 1943 and the ONLY thing I liked better was the fluidity of motion of the soldiers. However, CM's soldiers look more detailed, so I'd rather have them anyway.

Thanks for posting though. It's nice to see what other people are looking at/comparing to!

I'd thought earlier after viewing a short portion of that clip that CM models and textures look better, on the whole. I do like the buildings in that clip, though.

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I'd thought earlier after viewing a short portion of that clip that CM models and textures look better, on the whole. I do like the buildings in that clip, though.

Yes, they do look good. If CM could add some of that, but keep its natural look (meaning--make it look real, not like what the Hollywood art director things looks cool), it would be great.

Still, there is nothing about the clip I saw that would make me want to play it.

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While you may call the grafix "cartoonish" the map designers did a very good job recreating the german landscape. Im kinda imressed by the natural "look" of the landscape.

Without some recent mods CMBN does look cartoonish too with its oversaturated landscapes.

And the best part is that spotting and LOS works predictable! Thought is naturaly much simplier and the gameplay arcadish.

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But still CM could borrow a lot from it. Maps are huge 150-150 km, still running great.

Now that's just absolutely ridiculous. It's only 100 km from Cherbourg to Caen, what would you do on a map like that? Lead the entire Heeresgruppe B? :D I doubt they do much of 1:1 LOS calculations, either, and if you watch this trailer you'll see that their idea of infantry combat is also quite interesting:


It's like saying that cars could borrow a lot from motorcycle, like the two wheel design. But then they wouldn't be cars, would they?

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As to the 150 km: according to the trailer it is up to 150 square km. Means maps are a max of 10 by 15 km. Still pretty large, and indeed good looking. But I guess they need that, as even the infantry seems to be running at 20 kmh, and their idea of tactics seems to be to rush at each other, guns blazing. Not for me....

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As to the 150 km: according to the trailer it is up to 150 square km. Means maps are a max of 10 by 15 km. Still pretty large, and indeed good looking. But I guess they need that, as even the infantry seems to be running at 20 kmh, and their idea of tactics seems to be to rush at each other, guns blazing. Not for me....

I have the game - it is fun - but its most definitely NOT CM - then again nothing is. I sincerely hope that CM learns absolutely nothing from this game.

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I got it too yesterday and yeah it's fun since it's fast paced. If you want a quick fix of action it's quite good but if you want realism and reward for thinking then CM is the way to go.

I love CM and what it provides. With that said it still needs to evolve and go towards modern graphics. I agree that work should be done on realism rather than looks but all the realism under the hood will not help you unless you can see that with your own eyes and hear it with you own ears.

Ocasionally burning tank with screeming crew members jumping out on fire will definately immerse you into the battle rather than just some off animation where they jump out like it is some kind of excercise.

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They say I've got ADHD and even I find this too twitchy. It's got something to do with pretending to be realistic. I play a lot of FPS/RTS/Moba games that have an insane tempo and that's fine. They don't advertise themselves as having "NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN REALISM IN A REAL-TIME STRATEGY GAME." I found the pace ludicrous. It's just tanks and infantry racing from place to place with their triggers stuck. I like it how terrain doesn't seem to have any effect since tanks and infantry didn't slow down or avoid any obstacles. They appear to glide through everything. While pumping out serious amounts of ordnance without bothering to aim. You could shoot out crewmen from vehicles in the RTS "Z" and that came out in 1996! Not to mention vehicles having weaker side and rear armour has been an RTS staple for, uhh, I don't know, many many years? Dawn Of War & Company of Heroes had morale. And so on...

It just seems mediocre. It's got very little to do with realism and the cynic in me assumes that it doesn't have the same kind of polish and balance as eSports-oriented clickfests like Starcraft 2 or League of Legends.

The only saving grace I can think of is nukes. It looks exactly like World in Conflict and what made that game fun was dropping Daisy Cutters, carpet bombings and nukes all over the map.

A Cold War game without nukes would suck.

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Yeah the manual is only 33 pages compared to CMBN's 197 pages. It has some "Kidddie Console" game features but at least it has big Maps and Graphics from the 21'st Century.

I don't feel this was a total waste of money. Like I did with men of war,sudden strike,and many others. it is a quick fix game compared to CMBN......Bring on the CW module....

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