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Commonweath module: game improvements?

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A great example would be Naval War: Arctic Circle which is very much a niche wargame. They post a couple screenshots and a little preview every time they finish modeling a new unit, along with the occasional dev diary. Wouldn't you guys have preferred something like that instead of going months at a time with no new info at all?

What's the point?

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Heh heh I didn't mean to stir up the "keep us informed" debate, though I suppose that was inevitable.

It's less clear to me why BFC wouldn't tell us what we're buying when it's time to order though. Maybe this list will come at actual release, just not pre-order.


You might be over-thinking it. You're asking why BFC hasn't revealed what the module comes with, apart from what the module is supposed to come with. But BFC has told you what the module comes with: the module comes with what the module comes with. It's not supposed to come with anything else than what it comes with. Simple, eh? ;)

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However, it's not what you buy the module for since the update is free. Since it's not a reason to buy the module, and since you couldn't play the updated version even if you knew what was in it, you don't really need to know.

And since you're getting it for free, you don't deserve to know either, you ingrate.

Furthermore, you don't even want to know. Knowledge of something good that you can't have yet is never a good thing!

And finally, you can't know since typically the person telling these things is either Martin or Steve and usually Charles isn't telling them either! :D

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What's the point?

Keeping interest high in the game. Giving the hardcore fans something to talk about. Letting people see what you are offering to sell them. Shrouding everything in mystery and then having two or three big news updates a year is not a good way to keep customers interested.

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BFC constantly posting in the forums wouldn't get the module any sooner to your hairy paws. To the contrary. In fact their time would be better spent not posting in the forums at all and concentrating on game development instead!

Does this also include the staff posting defending their products from the slightest criticism?

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Does this also include the staff posting defending their products from the slightest criticism?

Oh please. BFC responds, at best, occasionally, and then to only the stronger criticisms that are posted here on the forums. "...posting defending their products from the slightest criticism" is unnecessary hyperbole.

I may be generally quite positive in my opinions about CMBN, but I have brought up several criticisms/suggestions for game improvement in the past few weeks, and BFC has not responded to a single one them in any way. I actually would like it if they responded to all of my "slightest criticisms," as at least then I would know what they think regarding the issues I have raised. But I understand that this is not a reasonable thing to expect, so I don't lose much sleep over it.

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I just don't see the point in hype. It never serves anyone and most of the time is just plain misleading, resulting in a letdown. *cough* Duke Nukem Forever *cough* Get stuff to the market, THEN tell people that it's available. That's how it should work, but no, game companies like to start a marketing operation before they start work on the game itself. Since games these days don't really have a 'shelf life' because the majority are sold online, it doesn't matter how many copies are sold on the first week.

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Well Steve used to be a pretty impressive one-man PR team, of a sort. He seemed to be around at all hours on th eforums anyway, dispensing opinions and info and responding to questions and criticisms, although he was never adverse to taking issue with customers he disagreed with. The few times I’ve looked in on the forums of late, I don't recall seeing any posts by him.

So it's possible he's occupied doing other things...like getting the next module ready for release. Would you like to have that delayed so that he can hang out here with "the guys" more?


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So it's possible he's occupied doing other things...like getting the next module ready for release. Would you like to have that delayed so that he can hang out here with "the guys" more?


Yes! I miss our sponsor. Why has he abandoned us? Every now and then he will creep out of the shadows to smack-down some wayward forum member, only to then quietly recede back into the shadows.

Maybe he got fed up with the inane posts and insane arguing over every little minutia of WWII grogginess. Or more likely Mr. Emrys 17,500 posts scared the livin' bejesus out of him, and he is hold up in some mountain cave near Tora Bora.

How about two tickets to the new Arrested Development movie to start hanging out with the guys again Steve?

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The only real "features" (or at least what I would call features) were the enhanced LOS system, where height was taken into account and maybe the return for the blue bar. I'll be happy if they prove me wrong, but right now even small UI changes seem very unlikely.

To me a missing "cover armor arc" in Normandy's hedgerow hell seems like a design flaw and as such should have been fixed in a day one patch.

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There are a couple of orders that really are needed to be honest. Though the game would be even better with them I can live without.

Hopefully it is addressed in the Bulge game. Though we also have to look that it wasn't added to CMBN even though it had been asked for alot with regards to CMSF.

So I have my fingers crossed.

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