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What fixes will be in Commonwealth?

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Has there been any word on that topic? I think most will agree that there are a few issues in CM:BN that aren't completely satisfactory, like some balancing/modelling issues (like mortars or HMGs) as well as some LOS/spotting problems, mostly in connection with foliage (like the one I posted here:http://battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=99105).

Also I wonder if there will be some additions to terrain features to better accomodate the landscape arround Caen?

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I hope they fix the foliage issue (often the closest piece of foliage is rendered "behind" the one furthest away). It's really difficult to show what it is like, so here's a mockup of what it would look like if it affected vehicles as well:


It's got something to do with the render "priority" or something I think, it's like an optical illusion which isn't an illusion :D

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I want a way to re-man a gun if you have accidentally abandoned it.

I did that with one of my AT guns and the guys just sit there and looked at a perfectly healthy gun. I cannot figure out a way to get them to re-man it. Have it act more like the deploy weapon button as you can flick it on or off and it will not come into effect until the turn start rather than have it instantaneous.

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I am hoping that the super human tank crew's abilities are toned down a bit. In scenario after scenario I have seen american pistol-wielding tank crews which have abandoned their vehicles, rampage around the area taking out tank commanders, killing and wounding troops in halftracks, gunning down troops equipped with MG42's, and making an overall nuisance of themselves. Highly unrealistic, considering they bailed out of their burning wrecks in the first place.

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What about dropping their experience level a few notches once outside the tank?

I just played a scenario "Gegenangriff Auf Huegel382" and had 2 tank crews (with 3 pistols and 2 MP40s) take out a whole row of foxholes. I even had them reload from a truck and sent them back into the line. They were better as assault troops than they were as tankers.

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I had an enemy tank crew pin down an entire German platoon just then, 6 of my guys down and the assault stalled. I could only get them out when I surrounded them and pinned them down with a HMG and a second platoon.

Wow amazing stories guys. My tank crews have *never* done that before. They come out broken and run away. After they are a long way away I can calm them down and perhaps use them for observing near the line. I rarely have crack and elite crews. Is that where you guys see this type of behavior?

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Some of the AI crews in a battle i recently played, were like one/two man armies. Ridiculously, running towards my defensive positions. Which included AT guns,mg's & tanks firing at them... yet they still kept coming

Yeah, that happens a lot. If memory serves, it has something to do with the AI not differentiating between crews and vehicles. If they belong to the same group, they just get orders like everybody else and dutifully obey them - on foot, if necessary.

I knocked out an M8 recon vehicle and the bailed out remnants of its crew (2 guys, .45 and grease gun) stopped a whole platoon dead in its tracks when they started to advance along that route. Infuriating.

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It sounds like having a separate set of two categories for "crew" might be a solution. Only weapon crewmen could re-enter weapons and AFV crew men vehicles. I believe it stands now that this is tracked so that men only re-enter their own vehicle(?). That way a morale hit could be tracked and applied to un-mounted troops.

I'm hoping that (particularly infantry) path-finding around bridges gets another look. I had to quit one of the campaigns due to this issue ("Courage & Fortitude", if I recall correctly).

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Personally I'm hoping that the defensive properties of houses gets looked at. I'm tired of my men in houses getting mown down by enemies in the open.

Negates the whole concept of "cover". It's weird when a garden wall provides more protection than a structure wall.

I know the point has been made that the bullets from infantry weapons of the time could theoretically penetrate walls of some of the buildings ( isn't this why CMx1 had "Heavy" and "Light" building categories ? ) but nowhere have I read WWII accounts of street fighting where they simply hosed a building suspected of containing enemy troops with a convenient MG and wiped them out.

As it stands now, I'm using the completely ahistorical tactic of waiting behind a building for the enemy to occupy it because then I can massacre them.

Edit: +1 for the idea of making crews automatically "broken" or something similar to prevent their banzai charges.

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Well I know what you mean, and it is ahistorical.

However, not as bad as some think, I remember seeing a German drawn diagram of a defense line running through a village, as opposed to in front if it. It keeps LOS on German positions low, especially for support weapons set back for the attackers, among other advantages..

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Well I know what you mean, and it is ahistorical.

However, not as bad as some think, I remember seeing a German drawn diagram of a defense line running through a village, as opposed to in front if it. It keeps LOS on German positions low, especially for support weapons set back for the attackers, among other advantages..

Yeah, but that's a different issue than being discussed here.


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Some of the AI crews in a battle i recently played, were like one/two man armies. Ridiculously, running towards my defensive positions. Which included AT guns,mg's & tanks firing at them... yet they still kept coming

If Chuck Norris would have been one of those tank crew members, the war would have been over by Christmas.

Remember, Jesus could walk on water, but Chck Norrise can swim through land!

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If Chuck Norris would have been one of those tank crew members, the war would have been over by Christmas.

Remember, Jesus could walk on water, but Chck Norrise can swim through land!

Are you sure cos I heard that.....One time Chuck Norris was signing up for the U.S army and all the wars ended.

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is it possible to make them unplayable units and they just make a b-line for the nearest edge of the map?

I agree. I think unplayable units should be shown as 'routing' (as suggested they would do in the manual) and head off to the nearest friendly edge of the map post-haste.

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Another option would be to have bailed out crews have Scarce levels of ammo in their small arms (how likely are they to be wearing or grab ammo belts when their vehicle is destroyed?) to inhibit their combat power while retaining the player's choice to have them hide, flee or fight. A 1 level Experience (not Morale) drop outside the vehicle might make sense too. Even if they've left their vehicle voluntarily to scout or Spot, they have no business (or incentive) seeking out or staying in major firefights. Self defence or rounding up enemy surrenderees they may stumble across is another matter and there are ample historical accoumts of both.

I definitely don't like the Auto-Rout idea. Why represent them in the game at all if they're merely ciphers? Also, what happens if they've bailed voluntarily or the vehicle isn't destroyed? Can the TacAI distinguish?

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