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Brute Force - FEEDBACK please

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I was also thinking of changing the combat values so at least any combat a unit will usually take at least 1 point of damage.

All these combats where every unit is like a blind cripple at a party with a 6" stick trying to hit a pinata 12' above their wheel chair has got to be adjusted.

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This is an excellent mod except for the map arrangement - difficult to keep track of diffrent theaters. I have tried playing your mod but the map arrangement is a big distraction and deterrent for me to continue. Good work though!

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Big Al, so far all my findings are based on H to H games, assume that, unless I say otherwise. As far as "no chance", it's still early, 42, so we'll see, but I just got the DE for the "Great Patriotic War" with the additional units and 400 MPPs and the Russians don't need any help, especially at this scale. Lendlease becomes irrelevant.

And ...I wish you'd reconsider the double strike Bombers again. It's almost impossible to relegate an occupied port and accompanying city/town supply deficient with the limited number of assets available to perform that task.

Everyone.....chant...."Bring Back Interdiction"!:D

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Did the "great patriotic war" pop up in the 1942 scenario? Or is this a 1939 scenario that is in 1942 and you did a 1942 barb?

I will take a look at the bombing. Maybe I will modify the bombers.

I dont like 2x strikes for bombers because it makes the game tedious. There are more air units. 2x interceptions is ok. And the bombers with 2x strike annihilate the land units. Its such a monsterous tool.

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It's the 39 campaign and I did Barby in 41 as historical. I'm not talking about TAC bombers, I'm suggesting that the strategic attack to diminish supply and efficiency be enhanced, giving Bombers the ability to hit two targets per turn, like the current default campaigns in SC 2 releases. The Germans only get two, Italians 1 and Japanese 3. Only occassionally are they used to attack ground units, mostly recon and strategic attacks is my forte'.

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Initially I thought it was too easy for Japan in China, but after getting the surrender and not much MPP help, the management of partisans makes China a real PIA. It's still early and I just started the double invasion of USSR, Germany in the west and Japan in the East. Also pulled off the Spanish conquest with the fall of Gibraltar and now there is a big fight going on in Algeria and Morocco.

Funny thing, the USA came in on Chinese surrender.....I'm not too sure about that, in the historical context, I doubt that would've happened. USA wasn't DoWing anyone with its isolationist stance.

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USA DOW is a boost to their entry so late in 1941 its likely it pushes them enough to get in. What year did you conquer China?

Also what is the relative skill level between you and your opponent?

Interesting scenario. Im curious where it will end.

Yours is the 1st HvH report. I even cant find an opponent and Ive asked. Game has to be balanced for the fun factor.

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Hi Al

Someone else might already have told you but on your map of the UK the city you called Manchester should be Newcastle and the city you called Newcastle should be Edinburgh.

Have you thought of any house rules to deal with your differences in scale between the Pacific theatre and the European one? It seems to me to be about 3 to 1, so one of your corps can potentially move about 120 miles a turn in Europe and about 360 miles in China.

One possibility would be to have different terrain types in the Pacific so that the cost of movement could be adjusted e.g. a tropical mountain has double or triple the cost of an ordinary mountain etc. There appear to be 12 different terrain types in SC so you could have 6 in each theatre with the cost in one being, say, double the cost in the other.

I guess the sea only has one terrain type but the AP's for sea movement are way too low in the game anyway. After all a ship steaming at a steady 15knots could travel 5000nm in 14 days which would equate to well over 100 of your European squares and even 50 of your Pacific ones.

The most problematic unit type to consider in terms of range would be aircraft but actually the Japanese typically outranged most others so even with the "European" scale for Allied aircraft the Japanese could be given longer ranges and still not be unrealistic. However, your AP of 8 for a US fighter is way too far for a Wildcat in the Pacific but would be alright for a Zero. I think you will probably need a house rule for aircraft but for sure you should increase the Japanese aircraft ranges relative to those of the US if you want to allow for one of the advantages they actually did have at least in the early years.



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Scale is 40m Euro, 80m pacific

Ill look at the cities, thanks.

One house rule I use is "dont move the Pearl Harbor Ships". There is no way for me to script in "if you move the PH ships, X Y Z happens." The human player can simply replace them with other ships at any time.

The sea movement isnt an issue but I think the size of the pacific is. I am heavily leaning toward a full ETO scale pacific map. It will actually make the AI play better with larger areas to land and it will scale correctly. If you notice clear land tiles in the Pacific cost 2 APs to move through.

Yes the A/C are a problem. Ive been trying different things to adjust. Too short they are kinda useless at sea. Too long they cause other problems.

I am playing 2 games with Amadeus at the moment. We have played 1 turn each and already I found somethings to fix lol.

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  • 6 months later...

I've just started playing the 19389 BF campaign, having recently (about two weeks ago) gotten hold of SCGG.

I don't have anything useful to add yet :) I just wanted to say thanks for this campaign! I like the split map, and I like the way you've set up the force pools.

Edit: I'm up to about Sept 1940, playing as Axis against the AI. France, Norway, and the low countries have all fallen. All the eastern countries are at war. Yugo has gone Axis. Italy has overrun Greece, after entering the war a bit sooner than I wanted (which in turn meant most of Lybia has been overrun by the British. The Japanese are steamrolling the Chinese, and Siam and indochina have already allied with Japan.

One oddity is that Poland never partioned - I (as Germans) control all of pre-war Poland, which should make BARBAROSSA a little more straightforward.

Future plans: Italy is trying to hang on to Lybia, and getting set to start taking down Malta. Germany has a mass of forces poised to move declare war and move in on Spain, they're just waiting for replacements and morale/readiness to recover after the French campaign. Japan is looking to take the Chinese capital, then will start prepping for war against the US.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since June I have been running a game with my very experienced pal Lane. We are balance testing the game. He is the best wargamer I know and we found some weaknesses in different areas and a few bugs. Sadly we havent made it out of 1941.

There issues we ran into and corrected were....

#1 Yugo entry to Axis had too much of a push due to a script error - FIXED

#2 China falls way too easy, so some unit adjustments were needed - FIXED

#3 France either was too hard or too easy. We changed some units the Germans get and the French get - FIXED

#4 Italian East African was useless. They literally couldnt accomlish anything so I changed some unts - FIXED

#5 Germans plowed through USSR too easy, due to France too easy and experience - FIXED hopefully lol

Pacific theatre still untested.

My game pal is really the master at exploitation of a game system. So he is finding holes in the mechanics I never saw before. So we are working on game balance. It takes time.

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I'm up to mid-ish 1943. Russia is all but finished (they're basically back agains tthe Urals, with a few holdouts waiting to die in the Caucasus. Spain and portugal have been overrun, and Italy - with a little German help - has moved dow east Africa and Taken South Africa, and is starting to move up the west African coast. Madagascar is about to be invaded.

China has been left with just ... Urumchi? over in the west. I stopped pushing in China once all towns except Urumchi had fallen, and have just been conducting low level partisan squashing while ... India and Persia have been overrun, as have all islands in the Pacific (incl Hawaii) *except* NZ and a little bit of Australia (only Sydney and Brisbane remain Allied).

All three Axis nations have purchased everything possible, and are now just accumulating BRPs.

I noticed - and purchased - the Hungarian submarine. Now every turn I get a reminder that there's no ports in Hungary :D (on the other hand, Romania could usefully have a small navy - maybe a sub and an escort fleet, or just the escort fleet?)

Every turn I get a message about the French resistance affecting supply, but they don't seem to actually *do* anything. The garrison in France has become massive as the war in Russia winds down, but still the messages about the partisans keep rolling in.

I have saves available if you want?

Edit: regarding Italian East Africa; I found that the Italians there couldn't do much (except occupy Djubouti and Somalia), but on the other hand they proved impossible for the Allied AI to defeat. That seemed reasonable to me - the East African campaign was very much a side show, but for the Commonwealth forces involved it wasn't a pushover.

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No - 0, 0, 0. This is my second game of GCG :)

(Oct 43 now, SEALION is underway and proving a ripping success, mainly because the US and UK keep putting their ground troops in landing craft and providing target practice for my subs, which means there's effectively no one left to defend the UK. Aust has gone down, NZ has been invaded but will probably hold out for a while because there's no Japanese air available, and West Africa is about to go down. An invasion of the US is perhaps on for '44. At this point I'm mainly playing as a learning exercise - how to attack. How to conduct amphib ops. How to wrestle with supply issues. Etc.)

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