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Posts posted by PEB14

  1. On 12/17/2022 at 3:29 AM, GhostRider3/3 said:

    A Once Quiet Town Easier V2 is the final product.  Thanks to 'Hilts" a slight issue with the British HQ units has been rectified.   https://www.dropbox.com/s/j63gdei96ndnsma/A Once Quiet Town Easier V2.btt?dl=0

    Looks like the "final product" is not available anymore, only the January 2022 version…

    Is it possible to get it? What shall be played, the "Easier v2" version or the "normal" one?

  2. 13 hours ago, WimO said:

    Working on that at this time by turning the series into a campaign (excluding Shanley on Hill 30). Presently in play test, play test, play test ....

    I know I'm asking too much, but…

    Do you plan one single campaign as the US or TWO campaigns (one for the US and on for the Germans)?

    By mere coincidence I was having a deep look in your 82nd scenarios yesterday; I haven't played any yet, but they sound very good (both balanced and well documented, with a great master map), and I really believe there is matter for campaigns on both sides. Which would be great, as there are no campaigns on the German side for the early June timeframe!


    Edit: by the way you should change the title of the topic, looks like you're not retiring anymore… for our greatest pleasure!😉

  3. 21 hours ago, Erwin said:

    10) LOS/LOF issues.  While CM2 is supposed to be WYSIWYG it often doesn't work that way.  One can get down to level one and eyeball a situation.  But, what one sees from a location often is not what a unit will see at that same location.  Eg: The AI can see pixel-wide gaps in what human examination considers completely blocked LOS.  A related issue is that one can eyeball a situation like a road in town and there is no obstruction down a street to target a building.  But one finds that when one places a unit in that location, it cannot see or shoot at the building. 

    I may be wrong, but IIRC, the only reliable mean to establish whether a LOS exists from a unit in a given place towards another unit in another location is to put a waypoint on the former place. Then you click on this waypoint, and try to direct fire on the latter point. The LOS tool then lets you know wether you do have a LOS or not.

    A least this is the way I proceeded satisfactorily up to know during my very brief CM career...


    21 hours ago, Erwin said:

    14) SMOKE and buildings...  Smoke acts as if there are no obstructions or walls and will drift through a building as it is made of wire.  This is actually very helpful when one is attempting to assault a multi-room building.  But, doesn't reflect RL.

    That's not a bug, it's because you forgot to close the doors and windows...😉


    21 hours ago, Erwin said:

    15) When one orders a SMOKE artillery strike and run out of SMOKE, the battery obviously still has all its HE rounds.  However, if you first order HE, when all shells are gone the battery has no SMOKE rounds left - they seem to have been used up as HE.

    Is it related to OFFboard artillery only?

    I'm 100% sure that I was able to fire my smoke and WP rounds with 51 mm Brit mortars after having exhausted their ridiculously small supply of HE shells ...


  4. 19 hours ago, Artkin said:

    You are wrong. Why don't you test it for yourself before writing on our forums? I dont feel like wasting my time uploading a screenshot. 

    Wow… How rude Mr Artkin…

    First let me apologize to pollute YOUR forum with my posts. My bad.

    Second I must be fair and recognize that you are right. Apparently I didn't understand properly the mouse appearance change when I played the campaign first (newbie mistake? remember, this is the training campaign).

    So I restarted the campaign to reproduce the issue, here are the screenshots:


    T-34 on the bridge: no issue.



    JS2: impossible to place a waypoint on the bridge itself.


    So, the sum it up, one-lane bridge are impassable by heavy vehicles (like JS tanks), as indicated in the game manual. And, as rightfully pointed out by Artkin, this can be seen by hovering the mouse on the bridge itself: if the bridge is impassable by a vehicle, you can't position a waypoint on the bridge itself.

    End of the story.

  5. 1 hour ago, chuckdyke said:

    If the command panel says dismount, every other unit should be able to mount a vehicle. If it says bail out only the original crew can mount it, even of the same formation can't remount it. I tried to bail out a Green Crew and substitute them for an Crack Crew, same type of tank same platoon. I was on the point to report it as a bug but it is not.

    Well done, I haven't tested the difference between "dismount" and "bail out". 👍

    IIRC I only tested "dismount".

  6. 9 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:

    That is what we did for CMFI and it is the only reasonable way to approach the early war period.  The thing is, we had more areas to explore post Normandy so we did both moving forward (1945) and moving backwards (mid 1943)



    A ray of hope for the WW2 early war fan club: Steve does indeed recognize there is a "reasonable way" towards early war.

    A first step towards the Holy Grail... 🤩

  7. 8 hours ago, chuckdyke said:

    Even in the 50's to be able to drive a car was a big deal. Just prior to WW2 in Europe only three people had a car. The mayor, doctor and maybe some very well to do person. To be able to drive a truck with the responsibility to maintain it was something like today's PHD.

    I think you misunderstand me (sorry, probably my bad!).

    I mostly agree with what you write, but in game terms what I describe above is what should happen. And indeed it DOES happen: taking the save file from Erwin, I was able to un-crew and re-crew several other SPW with very different units (MG gunners or HQ units most notably). Whether this is realistic or not is not my point; my point is, this is possible from a Combat Mission software perspective, which makes what happens to Erwin technically a bug.

  8. On 1/24/2023 at 5:19 AM, Ithikial_AU said:

    If they are turning away it may actually be that the bridge it too light to carry the heavy tanks rather than the bridge bug. Designers can use this on purpose sometimes if it's historically appropriate and/or they want to provide tactical challenges to players. If you have a screenshot of the bridge it may help understand the issue.


    Just to confirm that Ithikial's answer was correct. In this scenario, the bridge is clearly a one-lane bridge. The game manual clearly states that heavy vehicles cannot cross those bridges. However vague "heavy vehicles " might sound, JS and JSU clearly qualify as such and it is perfectly clear why they won't cross this specific bridge.


    On 1/24/2023 at 8:37 AM, Artkin said:

    If you hover your mouse over the bridge with a move order and if your icon doesnt change then the bridge is navigable by your vehicle. It WILL NOT let you place a movement order on it if it's too weak to support your vehicle. Try doing what I said above.

    Unfortunately this is not true. The mouse icon doesn't change when pointing on the bridge with a move order for a heavy vehicle over a one-lane bridge.

  9. 6 hours ago, Brille said:

    A quick search on the net also confirms this: Starting in 1942 they were withdrawn from frontline service due to their insufficiant effects on the battlefield.

    They were used however by occupation forces till the end of the war.

    Very strange if one considers the versatility of the 60mm mortar, one of the most powerful infantry weapon of CM-WW2!

    6 hours ago, Brille said:

    That´s another reason more to finally give us some early war games or modules !!! 😆


  10. Well, it depends what one calls a "bug". When the game does not work as intended, to me it is a bug. This is the case of your SPW, that should be crewed by any of the troops.

    The issue of the FO is tied to the game mechanics, which has its own flaws, as you point out, but from a software point of view it is not a bug, as it works as intended: you got some replacement unfortunately it turns out that the replacement guy is not up to the task.

    As for RL… I think it depends much on the campaign itself. If you're on your own behind enemy lines, it's understandable that you won't get a new FO. If there are only 6 hours between missions 5 and 6, same thing. In other context it might be less obvious…

  11. 7 hours ago, PEB14 said:

    I wouldn't call it a bug, even if it can ruin the game. If I understand correctly campaigns mechanics, core units are replaced only according to a replacement percentage, defined by the campaogn designer. For a 2-men team, any percentage lower than 50% means that basically you have low chances to get a replacement, whatever would happen in RL.

    I'm not an expert, but would this happen if the FO wasn't labelled as core unit?



    I checked your save. I was able to reproduce everything you found.

    I stay convinced that the FO issue is not a bug. You've lost the only guy able to call artillery in, his buddy is not able to do so on his own. Annoying, but technically it doesn't sound like a bug. If the campaign designer wants to pre vent it I guess he can simply not put the FO in a core unit and independently add a FO to the player's OB at the beginning of each mission: this way he would be sure the player always has got one.

    On the other hand, the SPW issue sounds like a bug. Whatever the troops your crew them with, they still show as "dismounted". I dismounted other SPW and recrewed them with different teams (SPW crews, a HQ, a HMG team): it always works.

    Do you remember what was the status of these SPW at the end of mission 5? And Wasn't the Zug they belong to completely wiped out?


  12. I wouldn't wall it a bug, even if it can ruin the game. If I understand correctly campaigns mechanics, core units are replaced only according to a replacement percentage, defined by the campaogn designer. For a 2-men team, any percentage lower than 50% means that basically you have low chances to get a replacement, whatever would happen in RL.

    I'm not an expert, but would this happen if the FO wasn't labelled as core unit?


  13. That's the hell of a scenario…

    What a beautiful map, with incredible slopes (especially in the vineyards) and terrific line of sights… In my game, the Germans surrendered 8 minutes before full-time. The casualty rate on both sides was the highest I have seen so far, but I'm proud (and surprised!) that all my crystal vehicles survived! And the Stuart clearly won the day! Several units end the game with no ammo at all, or just a pair of hand grenades…

    I strongly recommend this scenario, even for unexperienced players. I learned a lot in the way of assaulting enemy positions with infantry, positioning my vehicles to support them properly, and what to do (and also NOT to do…) with light mortars.

    Thanks to Benpark for this very nice design.


    On 12/1/2017 at 8:58 PM, Freyberg said:

    What a fabulous, intense and difficult scenario! Those damn Luftwaffe are few, but they are so fiendishly well positioned.

    Just to correct: they are not so few. One of the challenge of the scenario is, the force ratio is not heavily in favor of the attacker (I don't give the maths to avoid spoiling). Anyway, these Luftwaffe guys seem to bear thousands of automatic weapons! That's depressing!

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