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Everything posted by theFrizz

  1. I try not to fuss... but I can't deal with crypto stuff on this thread.
  2. I think you've been reading too much of that other media.
  3. It's wild to think how much deception is being used even within their own forces.
  4. You should probably not talk about things you apparently don't understand. The same can be said about the rest of your post. Thanks.
  5. Oh I thought this was the new space force logo...
  6. As a younger man I might have agreed, but I've seen too much crap over the last decade or so to keep giving the Russians a free pass for their vacations. EDIT: Would love to add here that I'm not advocating for anything more than calling out people on their BS, whether they knowingly parrot the Kremlin or not.
  7. I think you're still painting with too big of a brush.
  8. Hello, its been a few years since I've last played. I have CMBN, with the commonwealth and market garden modules. I'm open to getting the vehicle pack. I think I'm pretty decent at the game, in other words I'm not necessarily a noob. As I haven't played in a while, I would be interested in a fairly casual game, I wouldn't want to do too many house rules. I don't care which side I play, I'd like to add in a bit of armor sort of like how it was in CMx1, maybe 1 point out of every 5 spent on armor or something like that. Maybe you have a better idea. can i leave my email here? its going to be the same one as in my profile if anyone wants to send a turn over thanks
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