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  1. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interesting article about how Germany sends Leopards and Marders to Slowakia and Greece, in order to enable these country to send their Soviet IFV's to Ukraine. Financial costs for the Germans no doubt.
    That's what I like about Germans. They don't talk all the time, they just do whatever is possible. 😉
  2. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Butschi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Thanks, now you've really shown me. 😉 Back to the ignore list, then?
    I am sorry that you apparently misunderstood this but before going into a rant why not check, it's really a common phrase.
    I did say that I think this situation is suboptimal, didn't I? And while I also said, several times, that I'd be ok with deciding not to deliver tanks because that's how democracy works, I think when you decide to do it there is no point in dawdling. At the end of the day, though, it is like I said, you don't have much of a lever here, so there is no point in ranting, except for venting frustration. If that doesn't sit well with you, that is quite understandable but insulting people who point it out to you doesn't improve your situation - rather on the contrary, I'd say.
  3. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    While I (and I think most here) sympathise with your position here I think there may be a little bit getting ‘lost in translation’:  “Beggars can’t be choosers” is a common phrase in English which is not meant to imply any additional offence to the “beggar” in question, to the extent that the word itself can be seen as derogatory.  It’s just a pithy way of saying that people with no other choice shouldn’t be too critical of the form of assistance they get.  “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is another one. 
    Sorry if you knew that; I don’t mean to patronise.
    Ultimately though Butschi does have a point: there is no legal obligation on any European country to give Ukraine anything (as brainless and immoral as it would be for them not to).  The people on this board will likely be sympathetic to your complaints about the rate of assistance offered but there are those who would take offence and use it to justify ceasing assistance altogether. 

    It’s a bit like putting Wehrmacht insignia on your tank:  ‘dark humour’ to you and your mates, forgivable foolishness to friends who understand your plight, gold dust to those who want ammunition to feed a propaganda war.
  4. Upvote
    SteelRain reacted to chuckdyke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Till they acknowledge the contribution of everybody. They don't mention Lend & Lease thousands of kilometers of telephone cables, radios, trucks. Operation Bagration would be unthinkable without it. Russia at present is not a regime you can do business with. Tony Soprano looks like a choir boy in comparison.
  5. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius visits Panzerbattalion 203 and gets a display of the Leo's capability's . The unit will hand over 14 Leopard 2a6 to Ukraine. In his speech he mentions, that currently not all the necessary tanks to equip 2 battalions have been donated yet. The negotiations on further tanks are ongoing.
    Concerning the replacement of the 14 tanks he says that these should be ordered asap and he doesn't care where the money is coming from. 😀
    English subtitles are available
  6. Like
    SteelRain got a reaction from danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    German Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius visits Panzerbattalion 203 and gets a display of the Leo's capability's . The unit will hand over 14 Leopard 2a6 to Ukraine. In his speech he mentions, that currently not all the necessary tanks to equip 2 battalions have been donated yet. The negotiations on further tanks are ongoing.
    Concerning the replacement of the 14 tanks he says that these should be ordered asap and he doesn't care where the money is coming from. 😀
    English subtitles are available
  7. Upvote
    SteelRain reacted to Zeleban in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Propaganda work is a hard and thankless job that takes a lot of effort and resources.🤣
  8. Upvote
    SteelRain reacted to Bil Hardenberger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Looks like they just stuck the new turret on an old T-72 hull... without bothering to refurbish it first.
    At that rate of fire they would need resupply in about.. oh another 30 seconds of firing... there is probably one minute of firing in that two minute video... and it only carries 1.5 minutes of ammo for those twin 30s. Typical Russian design... prioritizing mass over precision.
  9. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The terminator is back to fight another propagandabattle vs nothing. For a vehicle that entered service in 2021 it looks pretty rusty and worn-out.

  10. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from Bil Hardenberger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The terminator is back to fight another propagandabattle vs nothing. For a vehicle that entered service in 2021 it looks pretty rusty and worn-out.

  11. Upvote
    SteelRain reacted to Der Zeitgeist in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Careful what you wish for. Schmidt wasn't exactly a friend of Ukraine.

  12. Like
    SteelRain got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    In 1999 the Bundeswehr had a Reserve Formation on Standby at the Bergen Training Range equipped with
    Leopard 1's because the commanders feared that the Leo2 would be too heavy for the bridges in Kosovo.
  13. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If that is true the easiest way for the manufactures would be to release an official statement to safe his reputation and blame the Bundeswehr for the failed maintenance. That didn't happen so i guess both are to blame and cable fire sounds more like a serious design flaw.
  14. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For all of you guys wondering why the Bundeswehr is so reluctant to donate Bundeswehr Marder IFV's to Ukraine.
    One company of PzGrenBtl 112 was on exercise and all of its 18 Puma IFV's, that were upgraded to the newest Version Puma S1/Puma VJTF in 2020, failed within 8 days of training. The commander of 10. PzDiv explicitly mentioned that the Pumas were not exposed to heavy duty use.
    PzGrenBtl 112 with its Pumas was scheduled to take over the VJTF lead by 01.01.2023. Now it has to fulfill this role with its aging Marders.
    After 10 years in service and an extensive upgrade in 2020 which should bring the puma to a "war ready" state the Puma is still plagued by all kinds of Problems.
  15. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from Artkin in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For all of you guys wondering why the Bundeswehr is so reluctant to donate Bundeswehr Marder IFV's to Ukraine.
    One company of PzGrenBtl 112 was on exercise and all of its 18 Puma IFV's, that were upgraded to the newest Version Puma S1/Puma VJTF in 2020, failed within 8 days of training. The commander of 10. PzDiv explicitly mentioned that the Pumas were not exposed to heavy duty use.
    PzGrenBtl 112 with its Pumas was scheduled to take over the VJTF lead by 01.01.2023. Now it has to fulfill this role with its aging Marders.
    After 10 years in service and an extensive upgrade in 2020 which should bring the puma to a "war ready" state the Puma is still plagued by all kinds of Problems.
  16. Upvote
    SteelRain got a reaction from JonS in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For all of you guys wondering why the Bundeswehr is so reluctant to donate Bundeswehr Marder IFV's to Ukraine.
    One company of PzGrenBtl 112 was on exercise and all of its 18 Puma IFV's, that were upgraded to the newest Version Puma S1/Puma VJTF in 2020, failed within 8 days of training. The commander of 10. PzDiv explicitly mentioned that the Pumas were not exposed to heavy duty use.
    PzGrenBtl 112 with its Pumas was scheduled to take over the VJTF lead by 01.01.2023. Now it has to fulfill this role with its aging Marders.
    After 10 years in service and an extensive upgrade in 2020 which should bring the puma to a "war ready" state the Puma is still plagued by all kinds of Problems.
  17. Like
    SteelRain reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The news blackout makes good military sense, but bleep me it is crazy making. Game bone maybe? pretty please? sugar on top and an open ended pre order? We just pay you now and all you have to do is throw a bone a week?
  18. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    After I've seen aerial attack on Brovary Feb 26th from my balcony and heard the terrible howl of jet, passed on low-altitude in the night, I twitch to this time from any loud howling sounds, which similar to jet %) And hate bikers on their damned Sudzukies and Hondas, which fly along the street before curfew or even during it. 
  19. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Bil Hardenberger in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Looks like they need to break out CMBS, visit my Battle Drill blog and brush up on their basic movement and react to contact drills.   
  20. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Anders_1970 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Russian soldiers are as disciplined as the rabble participating in Trump rallies...
  21. Like
    SteelRain reacted to The_MonkeyKing in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    We learned from history that we didn't learn from history.
  22. Upvote
    SteelRain reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh military field pipelines exist and I am sure the Russians even have them (assuming someone maintained them).  In NATO we have them, the French are the experts apparently.  Problems with Kherson:
    - Still need a lot of trucks and engineers to lay them, hard to miss on modern battlefield.  And crossing the Dnipro - an area they would have had  a lot of eyes on would have been damned hard.
    - They are designed to be laid well back in the Corp/Div rear areas, outside of enemy artillery range and well protected from air strikes. Normally a fuel farm is constructed that is linked to civilian infrastructure or they bring fuel in bulk via trains.  One does not run an operational pipeline that close to the frontlines because once it is seen it is hit.
    - To lay it across the Dnipro to a fuel point (again very hard to hide), in range of UA guns and missiles, they would have to dig the thing in in order for it to have any survivability.  And we are back to very hard to hide.
    -  The fuel farm would have to be out of HIMARs range, and impossible to hide but also target #1 for whoever has been blowing up airfields.
    So technically possible but I would be shocked if they could pull it off and not get smacked by UA arty or some such.
    As to deep penetration as Plan A, we have seen no evidence of this on the UA side.  They have been pretty tight but sending a formation 20-30kms deep takes a lot of logistics build up and mass, which even the Russian could have seen.  From what I can see a broad front attrition-to-manoeuvre was the most likely plan, after they had already stressed the RA support system.
    Real question is not “how well can the RA resupply?” Because unless we missed something big it won’t be enough without working bridges.  The question is “how much did the RA stockpile that did not get got by UA deep strike?”  That is the long pole in the tent as to how long that they can hold out….physically, moral is a different beast.
  23. Like
    SteelRain reacted to danfrodo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think you had a typo, perhaps you mean to say "So yeah - nazis, antivaxxers, commies, traitors -- Idiots.
  24. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Commies and Nazis holding hands praising Putin's regime. Sounds like Dugin's dream come true.
  25. Like
    SteelRain reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I'm late to the party due to a business trip, but to comment on the Prague protests.
    The political parties organizing it were 1) SPD ("common man" far right party, claiming to be direct democracy party - basically nazis) 2) Tricolor ("intellectual" far right party, basically nazis in suits) and 3) Communists (actual Stalinists who renamed themselves after the revolution, sadly never got banned). None of these parties had any success in last elections, by the way, and all are basically known to be getting Kremlin money.
    They were protesting for 1) leaving the EU 2) leaving the NATO 3) leaving the WHO (... wtf) 4) "not diluting Czech nation with Ukrainian refugees" 5) removing sanctions and buying Russian gas 6) some other nonsense like people being give 3 MWh of electricity every year or something.
    So yeah - nazis, antivaxxers, commies, traitors and idiots.
    Some of us have already made arrangements to run a counter-protest in case they do this again - it is true that we got bit blindsided by there being so many of these scum.
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