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Posts posted by Panserjeger

  1. For the 2 FJD on the 1st of July there is no mention of the FG42, the following weapons are listed:

    Karabiner 98 k. 6441

    Zielfehrnrohrgewehre. 286

    Gewehr 41. 142

    Pistolen 1817

    M.P.  640

    At the time it had only 5 battalions available.

    So as you note, a very large amount of MP with 3 FJD, the number of one FG42 per squad is also plausible given 181 in total in the division.



  2. 1 hour ago, Seedorf81 said:

    "Norway also decides to donate F-16's to Ukraine"

    No numbers available yet.

    Of the 57 F-16s in Norway's inventory 32 are currently being prepared to be handed over to Romania and there is a contract for the sale of an additional 12 to Draken International but this contract is yet to be approved.


    No details yet if the the F-16s to Ukraine is part of the Romanian batch or not.

  3. 2 hours ago, BornGinger said:

    @Panserjeger It's a pity that you in T-312 Armee Abteilung Narwa Grasser don't have roll 1632 which is were the war diary is. And there is no war diary for the 20 SS-division either. I was hoping to find some more info about the fighting around the river Emajõgi in the Autumn 1944. I hope I can find those somewhere else for example on the jccalvin ftp-server.

    Thank you for the stuff you have.

    @BornGinger I actually don´t know why I didn´t have that roll, it was available on the net. Have uploaded it now, thank you for the tip! 🙂

  4. 23 hours ago, BornGinger said:



    If someone would like to read a compilation of both the German and Soviet documentations of the battle around Olkhovatka 15 - 17 September 1942, where the German 13 Army Corps was situated along the river Don, that is to be found here.

    This pfd-file comes with the Bird Grove DLC for the Graviteam Tactics game Mius-Front.

    If you are one of those "Combat mission fanboys" you obviously have the policy to never touch anything connected to Mius-Front.

    That's ok with me.

    @Panzerjaeger The file T-312 AOK Norwegen, are those the rolls to the Norwegians of the skijäger-Battalion or the ones of the Legion Norwegen?

    Never mind. I download the files and look myself. Both groups of Norwegian volunteers are interesting anyway.

    @BornGinger, The Skijäger-Battalion was a part of the 6. SS-Gebirgsdivision Nord while I think the Legion eventually became part of  the 11. SS-Panzergrenadierdivision Nordland as Regiment Norge.  If you are interested in the Skijäger-battalion I found a red Army report on the attack on heights Karpolat and Hasselman where the battalion was almost wiped out. Could be an interesting CM scenario someday 🙂 I have attached the translated report and the map.

    Attack on Ski Battalion Norge.jpeg

    Attack on Ski Battalion Norge June 44.docx

  5. 3 hours ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Pål, do you perhaps also have the url's of the 1. and 50. Infanteriedivision for me? The above url's for the 5. Panzerdivision are very informative.

    Almost nothing for the 1. Infanteriedivision, only one document:


    For the 50. infanteriedivision I have the following:






















  6. 2 hours ago, LongLeftFlank said:

    Request:  Does anyone have any coherent and current info on Ukrainian manpower readiness and buildup? (Written sources much preferred, svp)

    Operation Interflex (the training of UA troops in UK) is ongoing. I am enrolled in the Norwegian Heimevernet (Territorial Defense) and we recently were offered to volunteer for participation in the operation. Currently the norwegian instructors are from the Rapid Response Force of Brigade North, but now they are asking for more instructors from the reserves. 


    There will be two contingents, one January-April 2023 and one April-July 2023. The norwegian instructors will get a three weeks refresher course in Norway before leaving for UK, but there are of course requirements that they posses the required qualifications.

    The UA troops will get 5 weeks of intensive training. No details about how many troops are to be trained, but 10.000 were trained in the initial phase of 120 days. Hopefully a lot more can be trained now that the number of instructors will increase.

    Edit: There are rumours of gross salaries of 120k NOK a month (11.4k USD), so the pay is really good. But there will be work around the clock with very little leave.

  7. 28 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    Pål, a question. Years ago I came across a Swedish book on the operations of the Hermann Göring Panzer Division against the Soviet bridgehead at Sandomierz. The books is one in a series on Operations/Eastern Front 1944 by Leandoer  & Ekholm Forlag. Does that ring a bell and do you perhaps know whether it's available in PDF format?

    Sorry, I have not heard about that book. Here in Norway the books by Zetterling and Tamelander are quite popular, but I have not read anything by Leandoer.

  8. 7 minutes ago, Aragorn2002 said:

    It does, Pål. Yes, unfortunately for me in Swedish, but never translated as far as I know. I'm also looking for more info on the German divisions fighting at the East Prussian border in October 1944, like the 5. Panzer and the 50. Infanterie.

    A lot of the documents from https://wwii.germandocsinrussia.org/ are from the units fighting in East Prussia, but it is not very well indexed and difficult to navigate. That is why I have collected the url's and placed them under the different divisions. For the 5. Panzer I have the following:







    All these links can also be found in the folder "T-315 5. Panzerdivision (TSAMO)".

  9. Hi Guys, glad you found the content interesting 🙂

    @RockinHarry, did you try the list view (right under the log on button, top right corner)? This should give you the file sizes when you doubleclick the folder to see the contents.

    @Artkin, difficult if you don't read German for sure. But the TOEs (Gliederung or Kriegsgliederung) are often schematic, the symbols are explained in english on this page:  http://niehorster.org/011_germany/symbols/_symbols_43.html. Zustandsberichte are status reports of units, they will give unit strength as Soll (Authorized strength) and Fehlstellen (Missing from authorized strength). So the actual strength (called Ist) is Soll minus Fehlstellen. The Zustandsbericht usually contains a Gliederung (TOE) chart as well, and often the strength of the subunits are given as a percentage of authorized strength. 

    The attached image shows the TOE of the 90th Panzergrenadier-Division on 1st of May 44 as an example, here you can see that the 361st Grenadier Regiment had 92% of authorized strength and each of the companies of its 1st battalion had 1 HMG and 14 LMG. 1st and 3rd company in addition had 2 medium mortars, while the 4th (heavy) company had 8 HMG, 5 medium mortars, 2 75mm antitank guns and 2 50 mm antitank guns. The battalion was motorized (indicated by the small wheels below the battalion "box").
    I'll be happy to help out answering questions or finding information on a particular unit. 

    T314R1266 55779-2 LI AK Ia KTB 2 Anlage Kriegsgliederung Mar-Jun 44 (dragged).pdf

  10. Hi!

    I thought I could share my collection of German source documents on this forum, hopefully it can be of use for Scenario designers and others who are just history buffs. Mostly from December 1943 up til the war's end but also several stray documents from earlier in the war.

    The files can be found here:


    It is for the most part comprised of freely available NARA rolls, but I have made pdf-files out of them and named the files to make it easier to find the relevant information. In addition there are weblinks (.url-files) to the collection of captured documents in the russian archives (TSAMO,). Sadly I haven't found a way to open the directly from Google Drive, but you can download them and open them from your computer or go to https://wwii.germandocsinrussia.org/de/nodes/1-bestand-500 and search for the document in the search field using the numbered reference (eg. 12472-385).

    I have also uploaded several pdf's of books found at http://prussia.online/, They are to be found in the folders English Books and German Books. 

    Let me know and I will post a description of the naming convention used for the files if it is confusing.

    Most of the files have been downloaded through http://wwiidigitalarchives.org/, files published by the National Archive at https://catalog.archives.gov/ and John Calvin's FTP site. The "Topographical Maps" section contains contemporary maps of the Eastern Front, most of them 1:50000 or 1:25000. If there is need I can post an explanation of how to find the correct map for the area you are working on.

    A large number of the files have been compressed by me to save space. If there is a particular map or image that is too low quality it might be possible to get a higher quality version.

    I hope some of you will find this interesting,



  11. 3 minutes ago, dan/california said:

    Seems like he moisture management would be a bigger problem than the Finnish style. But I assume they have been proven to work.

    No big problems with moisture, they are easy to take on and off as needed. We strap them to our backpacks so they are available when needed. 

  12. 2 hours ago, The_MonkeyKing said:

    Thick *** winter rubber boots with added boot lining (can be easily switched when gets wet, "rotation") combined with thick *** quality winter socks. Indestructible 


    In Norway we use these:


    You wear them over your regular boots. They are waterproof and can even be used while skiing. Every soldiers favourite piece of equipment 🙂

  13. 1 hour ago, panzermartin said:

    Also I believe technically it was a difficult task for Russia to carry out. Unless there is a way to blow these from inside? How could they approach with submarine /drone and go unnoticed in high intensity waters scanned 24hr by hostile forces ? This perfection in execution doesn't feel very russian to me. 

    There have been two incidents recently where norwegian seabed cables have been cut. One was a fibre optic cable to Svalbard, and the other a combined research/defense cable in the North Sea (probably used is to detect subs). Investigations have found that both cases were probably sabotage, but it is of course almost impossible to get proof of who was behind it. However, a norwegian media outlet investigated the incidents, and found that at the time of both incidents the same russian fishing vessels made repeated passes in the area of the cables.

    Here is a link to the article, sadly only in norwegian: https://www.nrk.no/nordland/xl/russiske-tralere-krysset-kabler-i-vesteralen-og-svalbard-for-brudd-1.16007084

    In Norway we are pretty much certain that the russians were behind it, but without concrete proof the government did not confront the russians directly. I work with IT security, so this has been a big thing recently as the most important communications cables out of Norway are sea cables.

    So for me there is no doubt that Russia has the capability to do sabotage on the seabed, using civilian ships or submarines.

  14. Ukraine will get the Black Hornet 3 drone: https://mil.in.ua/en/news/norway-and-great-britain-to-transfer-to-ukraine-black-hornet-micro-unmanned-aerial-vehicles-and-nightfighter-anti-drone-systems/

    I´ve actually used this drone myself, incredibly easy to operate after a short briefing. And it is so small that you can´t hear or see it if it is more than 10 meters away. It is designed to be used in Squads or Platoons for recon, also suitable for urban conditions as it can fly very low undetected to look under bridges etc.

  15. 1 hour ago, Huba said:

    Steel rain time!


    Apparently the M270s are a part of a joint deal between Norway and UK. In the 90´s Norway acquired 20 MLRS M270, but after we joined the ban on cluster munitions in 2005 they have been in storage. We can´t send them directly to Ukraine because the Norwegian ones needs an upgrade to be usable, so instead UK will donate M270s to Ukraine and Norway will replace them. The first shipment will be 3 units, but there might be more later. 


  16. 13 hours ago, Calamine Waffles said:

    Kast talks to Dobrev, who has been one of the more prescient analysts when it comes to this war.


    This one is absolutely worth the time to watch, Dobrev have some very good examples on how corruption and greed have undermined the combat effectiveness of the Russian army prior to the invasion. 

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