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Posts posted by Eicio

  1. I do agree to a lot of your comments, when I made this post I was thinking especially about AT guns, omnipurpose guns / fire support guns are really usefull but I was more in a situation where I only got at my disposal infantry available (with their support equippement) whereas my opponent would have access to a large panel of armored vehicles.

    So would I be able to bring my AT gun close enough, good LOS and set it up fast enough to get a shot to the ennemy armor ? 

    For this I'd think that the size and nature of the map is critic : you could bring an AT gun to use if you can set it up in a way where the gun is far enough and have an appropriate LOS where you need to attack. 

    But even in this "perfect" case scenario you'd still be vulnerable to ennemy fire (guns, mgs) and of course a well aimed mortar barrage would put an end to this.

    However I'm pretty sure that if you try to set up an AT gun on an uneven map and/or too close to the ennemy your try will end well before you could say.


    So if I'm on a situation where I couldn't rely on armor to deal with potential armor, even if I put the map selection on random, I wouldn't spend ressources on canons, even if they're cheap, but I would make sure to have a lot of panzerschreks/faust/PIAT/Bazookas and on regular artillery(off map) not to waste my time on a tricky canon set up, the odds are too unfavorable for it to be worth it IMHO.

  2. Thank you for all of your answers, I'm doing a lot of QB against the AI and find out that some countries/corps don't have any kind of tank/SPG at specific times during the war.

    Thus I was wondering the "practicality", so to speak, of launching an attack with such a force and it seems that it's a complicated trick to realize and that the terrain has to be on your side.

    I did prevail against the AI once while I had no tanks against a "almost no infantry only tanks" ennemy (now I tend to manually choose the AI forces even if that's quite an advantage to get something more realistic). Though the terrain was montainous with some haze using panzerschreks, some panzerfausts and relying heavily on artillery to overwhelm the shermans and perhaps kill the open topped achilles. The casualty were high even if there was no open flat "no man's land" between them and my gebirgsjager thanks to the outstanding ability of the tanks crew to spot laid german troops on the side of their machines.

  3. Hello 

    I was wondering about the usefulness of canons during an attack.

    As far as I know canons are good in defense, you put them concealed here and there and they can be a nasty surprise for your opponent's armor. However I do prefer self propelled canons even in defense in spite of their cost since when a canon is spotted, when it shoots basically, it become a priority target for the ennemy's artillery and your canon is probably going to be destroyed really easily because of it's lack of armor whereas a tank or SPG will survive (generally) and can retreat pretty fast.

    My question is about the usefulness of canons in an attack situation, imagine you've got yourself in a situation when you've only access to infantry to attack an ennemy that probably has some armor at his disposal. In this case do you rely solely on your panzerfaust/schreck or do you bring a pak 40 or a pak 40 with a truck ? I guess it would be too slow to bring a canon without a truck and even then you'd better drop the gun not too close to the ennemy and it would take some time to position the gun so... Is there a point to bring a canon as an attacker or even in a meeting engagement ?

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