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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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  1. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Vadrigar in PBEM++ Login: Please add Copy & Paste functionality   
    Hello all,
    I'm trying to login to PBEM++ using my Slitherine Account data. However, I have a pretty long, auto-generated PW stored inside a PW Manager. I tried to type it in two times, two times "invalid credentials". I'm a bit fed up about the fact that Copy & Paste does not work in the login dialogue. My PW about 25 chars and maybe I made a typo somewhere or mistook a 0 for an O, but this would be a moot if Copy & Paste would work as expected.
    I don't think I'am the only one using a PW manager with a long and complicated PW, so it would really be a quality of live improvement if Copy & Paste functionality could be added.
  2. Like
    Bufo got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Heads up on Radeon graphics - never drivers cause issues   
    I wanted to tell this earlier, but been expecting AMD to fix it, which it didn't.
    With AMD Radeon cards if you have any driver installed above 21.8.2. (that was the last working version), the game will crash on larger scenarios and experiences huge performance issues on the smaller ones.
    The error message says out of memory.
    I just realized that with the release of Cold War on steam some people may have problems with the game because of this.
  3. Like
    Bufo got a reaction from Myles Keogh in Heads up on Radeon graphics - never drivers cause issues   
    I wanted to tell this earlier, but been expecting AMD to fix it, which it didn't.
    With AMD Radeon cards if you have any driver installed above 21.8.2. (that was the last working version), the game will crash on larger scenarios and experiences huge performance issues on the smaller ones.
    The error message says out of memory.
    I just realized that with the release of Cold War on steam some people may have problems with the game because of this.
  4. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to dbsapp in Infamous Mig-23/27   
    Does it mean that F-15 should be called "infamous" as well? 
    "The US military has confirmed for the first time a 2019 airstrike in Syria that killed up to 80 people, mostly women and children.
    It said the drone operators in Al-Udeid airbase were stunned when they saw the first 500lb bomb dropped by a US F-15E plane, and then a second, 2,000lb bomb dropped on the survivors".
    And Apache helicopter is infamous as well?
  5. Upvote
    Bufo got a reaction from dbsapp in Heads up on Radeon graphics - never drivers cause issues   
    I wanted to tell this earlier, but been expecting AMD to fix it, which it didn't.
    With AMD Radeon cards if you have any driver installed above 21.8.2. (that was the last working version), the game will crash on larger scenarios and experiences huge performance issues on the smaller ones.
    The error message says out of memory.
    I just realized that with the release of Cold War on steam some people may have problems with the game because of this.
  6. Like
    Bufo got a reaction from THH149 in 1.02 patch notes   
    * Slitherine PBEM++ capability has been added. The game engine manual (found in game install directory) details this system on pages 30-31.
    * Adjusted point values of most tanks and tank hunters. Purchase cost was increased by 15-25%, depending on the specific model, with more modern models tending towards the higher end of this range.
    * Thermal sights on a vehicle contribute more to raising purchase cost.
    * Tanks without laser rangefinders are battle sight zero'd to 1200 meters.
    * TOWs should now cause major suppressive effects / injuries if fired indoors.
    * Fixes to minor artwork issues with BMP-2 / BMP-2K.
    NOTE: Most of the changes listed here will not be reflected in scenarios created before v1.02, and will only appear in newly created scenario files using v1.02.
    * Added x2 rifles with grenade launchers to US Engineer squads.
    * Changes to US Infantry Company Weapons Platoon:
        - Weapons Platoon HQ now has x3 men (a platoon XO and a radioman added), and a Jeep with driver.
        - Added a driver to the jeeps of the mortar teams. The jeep also stocks extra mortar ammo now.
        - 60mm Offmap option will now properly have x3 mortars.
        - Weapons Platoon now has the option to use 81mm mortars instead of 60mm mortars.
    * US Infantry Battalion Mortar Platoon now has option to be either M29A1 81mm mortars, or off-map M107mm mortars (was previously just 81mm mortars).
    * US Bradley Mech Infantry Rifle Company fire support team's Bradley swapped for an M113.
    * Added US fire support formations for sections of x3 60mm mortars and x3 81mm mortars.
    * Added Soviet 2S3 formations equipped with cluster ammunition.
    * FIXED: Some minor flaws in the logic that assigns team equipment.
    * FIXED: M113 series vehicles were seeing through smoke.
    * FIXED: Various crashes.
  7. Like
    Bufo got a reaction from Bulletpoint in Agenda / Handguns.   
    LoL you actually agree with him (I suspect you didn't want to), because of  your obliviousness to even try to understand that he is talking about the game and not real life.
  8. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Bagpipe in 1.02 patch notes   
    I am fairly new here but this seems a bit of a bum statement.
    Shouldn't we be expecting the developers to be working to update their original scenarios to keep in line with fixes ad improvements as they are made? 
    Seems like a strange thing to admit things needed fixed/improved and then declare that the base game will not have those improvements incorporated.
    Or am I missing something?
  9. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Artkin in Current drawbacks of CM4.0   
    These are excellent points that arent brought up often around here. I think they should recieve some attention, probably for CMx3. 
    The only point I think is not as good as the others is point #1. It would be nice to have a rewind feature but I think that's something we wont see. I would much rather have something like the ability to combine our PBEM turns into one continuous battle 
  10. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to AnnRayTac15 in Current drawbacks of CM4.0   
    1. No Replay function for Real-Time
    This one is not so important but can be still useful, especially for the new players who are more willing to play in Real-Time to have a review.
    2.Useless Peek Function
    A. The speed of peek is way too slow, i don't know what' wrong with the solider, they have to prone on the ground, move very very slowly to the corner.
    B. the peek function only is operating when behind a House, not a wall. Interestingly, most of the time, there are lots of walls block your view and you need peek function to scout.
    C. Peek is stupid in CM, a solider will be pinned to death if he is peeking, how?
    3.Administration command is still stupid
    Combine Command indeed plays its role, however..............
    A. A battle often causes lots of sections heavy casualties, some time the player needs to control even more then 6 units contained 6 solider to attack, it's a meaningless stress on the player. it should be able to combine these sections together!
    B. If i have a 13 men Marine Squad, then i sent a Scout team. if they are dead, this 9 men squad can not be divided forever, no way.
    C. The squad-A and squad-B always automatically combine when i don't want to.
    Sometimes, there is only a small house for shooting and covering,  i wat to command a squad to fire at two different positions so i divided them, but after a while, they combine automatically. WTF?
    D. The squad-A and squad-B never automatically combine when i want to.
    Some time i divided a 13 mean squad into three teams
    guess what, sometimes only the Squad-A and Squad-B can combine together, Squad-C? never, i don't get it, no matter how long they spend, where are they, Squad-AB can not combine with C
    sometimes they can, sometimes they can't
    WTFK what hell
    I get more confused
    4.Ammo Sharing  is stupid
    Cm does not provide Ammo box in most of the battles, and some times we do not have vehicle which contains ammo
    In the half of the battle, lots of squads are already running out of their ammo so they have to be close to another squad to gain ammo.
    Which means, a bunch of people have to be moved together, stupid, vulnerable to the damage.
    But players have to, in some scenarios, the players have to take care of a large field with limited ammo and men
    We should be able to use acquire to other squad without staying together as it's very very foolish
  11. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Redwolf in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    I think I want to make a quick detour for those who think that the better gun makes the StuG so expensive (thinking AT capabilities make the majority of the price formula for some reason).
    Sherman 105 - 217 points StuH 105 mm - 270 points Why? How? The StuH has 31 HE shells, 2 HEAT shells, 1 MG with low ammo. The Sherman has 53 HE shells, 5 HEAT, some smoke, apart from its own smoke launcher, 3 MGs incl. .50cal and a turret, one with thicker front armor than the StuH front.
  12. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Bulletpoint in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    Many reasons have already been given in this thread. Such as the StuG lacking a turret, being short one MG, and having less ammo than the M1.
    But don't worry. I won't insinuate you're a poor player or having Nazi sympathies for disagreeing with me on this.
  13. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to BornGinger in Some scenarios are unable to download   
    The Combat Mission games are quite outdated so it's only on par with it that the system is as well.
  14. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Bulletpoint in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    Have you considered people might just disagree with you? For actual reasons?
  15. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Larsen in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    I have no idea how what you say is relevant to the current discussion.
  16. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Redwolf in So now that CMCW is being released on steam on the 16th...   
    Hopefully the same day?

    But keep in mind that if you run Windows you can get a Matrix key for your BFC CMCW, which gets you a steam key. So you would be able to toy with the new version on day one.
  17. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Haiduk in Ukrainian Armed Drone (from Turkey) Destroys Separatist Howitzer in Donbass in UA's First Such Strike   
    @John Kettler @Bufo
    UKR volunteer UAV unit "Aerorozvidka" (eng. "Air recon") issued the video of own strike detachment combat work. They use armed variant of R18 "Zhnets' " (eng. "Reaper") octocopter. This UAV was developed by initiative group of Zhytomyr Military Institute and produces in small number in their own workshop. Strike variant of the drone armed with two RKG-1600 HEAT bombs, designed by Mayak factory on the base of old Soviet RKG-3 HEAT antitank grenade. Accuracy of dropping is 1 sq.m from 300 m of altitude.
    In the video you can see not only different strikes on enemy vehilces and facilities in night conditions, but also working of UAV operator with some sort FBCB system "Delta"
    On the photo R18 dropping the bomb

    RKG-1600 bombs

    Video (from 62 second)
  18. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to absolutmauser in Steam game   
    I know this is an old post, but looks like Cold War has a new release date of November 16th on Steam! Woo! =D
  19. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to DerKommissar in Ukraine BRDM-2 Texture Issue   
    Version seems to be the right one. Tried another reinstall on Steam, this time with a cleaner that removed saved games + settings. Same deal.
  20. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Larsen in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    I really don't understand how the origin of the particular gun on a piece of armor has anything to do with its pricing. All the guns have their characteristics. That's it. How it was developed, by whom, for what purposes has really nothing to do with the fact that for combat arms battles StuGs are priced out of the game.
  21. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Larsen in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    I see that @chuckdyke is undeterred by logics. OK. Let me try a different approach. It looks like you are a big fun of big guns - the bigger the better. The StuG gun is at 75mm gun The armor is 80mm, I believe upper hull has 10% slope. It costs 299 points. 
    M4A3 (76) early is 256. It has a bigger gun, sloped lower and upper hull armor (45 and 55 degrees, I believe) and a similar turret armor to StuG (I think it is something like 75mm) that is also a bit sloped (correct me here if I am wrong). I know you don't care about the HE, MG and everything since those deal with the guys that carry really small guns but it has 40 rounds of 76mm HE and over 6K of MG ammo. How that is fair? If StuG is 299 then M4A3 (76) should cost like Panther at the very least.
  22. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Larsen in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    Ah... you are at it again.
    First if all the US 76mm gun is a gun designed specifically for use in tanks (at least according to wiki). Second, I don't see how that is relevant. Its characteristics are very similar to what StuG fields in.
    M4A3 has more HE, turret, 3 MG with abundant ammo, better spotting, somewhat similar armor and yet it is more than 40 points cheaper.
    Giving extra points to one side is not a solution. The whole idea of points is to access a value of certain unit in general situations. StuGs are prices out of QBs as of right now. 
  23. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Redwolf in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    Real tankers neither choose the "map" they are on nor the side the enemy tank shows them.
  24. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to BornGinger in Engine 5 Wishlist   
    When I read about the Second World War it is often mentioned that the German soldiers and people who believed in the Nazi cause put a trust and large amount of hope in "Hitler's Wunderwaffen" as they seem to have called them. I wonder whether part of these "Wonder Weapons" were x-ray glasses, early prototypes of the drones which are used today or maybe even the not confirmed fact that Superman's brother was cooperating with the Germans?
    These screenshots from the game (the A December Morning quick battle map changed into an attack quick battle) shows that BFC either knows a bit of this secret fact and have put it as a feature in the games or, most likely, that it's about time that BFC takes a closer look at what is wrong with the line of sight in the games and what they can do about it to make the games more tactical and more challenging to play.

    I'm sure that having a magic line of sight and a magic line of fire will ensure that BFC will sell loads of copies of the games on Steam to kids who allways want to win but it's probably not so interesting for many others who buy the games. The upcoming engine update could be used for changing the way line of sight and line of fire work.

  25. Upvote
    Bufo reacted to Redwolf in Petition to equalize QB prices of some similar WW2 tanks   
    Ideally we would be able to load an XML file (or whatever format) with a price list. But that is not going to happen I'm afraid. On the bright side, there are not that many pricing issues that many people complain about. So if we get this one out of the way that would leave us with a better game.
    As you say, some price differences between some Sherman models are also puzzling. I don't bother unless I can have a wet model. Maybe something was actually fatfingered when the cheapest one ended up sub-200.
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