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Everything posted by Bubba883XL

  1. shame he's stopped supporting such an awesome mod, must be one of the absolute must haves, and thank you for doing your part...awesome stuff
  2. lol Ive played mission Arbeitslager and it seemed close to autumn
  3. you found M43 caps? can we have troops wear them?
  4. what are the requirements for white-washed vehicles, i can't find the info in the F&R manual..
  5. I don't even understand the term CM3 As I see it. There won't be a CM3 just an upgrade of the current engine etc. Which is good. I've never even seen a official mention of it
  6. Was there still some additional bits for CMFI or is that done? And I hope the final blitzkrieg module will include British.
  7. it would work better i think if it were just a big hard building with few windows, however, you then couldnt add the towed weapons etc
  8. thats interesting insight, thanks for sharing, do you think its related to the subject matter it covers or the amount of extra content for the title? regards bubba
  9. Don't change your ways, lol I mean hell yeah I guess we'd all like a title / add on quicker. But I love the way you guys have stuck with these titles offering us upgrades. Fantastic way to keep game fresh and playable
  10. That's really cool umlaut. Great try. But I was thinking more of a active transfer, like once the unit is hit. And only when it brews up, it could change the skin to show blackening around the hatches and entry hole of the hit. Would be really nice affect if able to be done.
  11. with recently purchasing CMFB, its awesome and nice to see the winter textures for the tanks again..since CMX1 days, I have been with the series the whole time and remember when the flaming vehicles did not extinguish...I do like that they do extinguish themselves after a allotted time but I feel adding a burnt out skin would add so much to the immersion and atmosphere to the game.... is this possible for future improvements? is it as easy as say winter textures? Bubba @BFCElvis would be interested to hear the teams thoughts, has anyone thought of this before????
  12. its awesome. even tho its different fronts. it totally gives a slight feel of the enhancements that fire & rubble will bring to Red thunder.. and thanks for your help and input Elvis! top man. Bubba
  13. ok, ignore me for this issue lol.... I've only recently purchased CMFB, my game is already up to date with v2.03, now just checking, I don't need the previous patches as I've already got the most up to date version right? (the patch read me in install folder only show v2.03, and not v2.01 + v2.02)
  14. sorry, was refering to what a few have mentioned previously, i may be bit late to party lol... missing FO and so so, has the new 4.03 patch been rectified to show all now?
  15. @BFCElvis. Hi Elvis, mate are these missing TOE items deliberate or a bug and are they on the radar to be fixed? or? stop playing red thunder , its not fair! lol...:-D Bubba
  16. can you not issue a pause order to the vehicle at a certain waypoint and then issue the troops to disembark at that point?
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