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    danfrodo got a reaction from Rokossovski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    if you use "woke and PC" you are just another brainwashed tool.  This is just a shiny object meant to ignite culture wars.  We have much bigger problems.  Like in the USA we are considered now a failing democracy.  And it's not because of some "woke & PC" horses-t.  It's because of a very different brand of propaganda.
    So how about we all call a truce on this foolishness and get back to Ukraine?  Do we not (nearly) all here have a shared interest in seeing the new Hitler defeated?  What I care about is that the west (and the world) stays united and that Ukraine can emerge 'victorious', although that's an odd word for having a big part of one's country laid to ruin.
  2. Like
    danfrodo got a reaction from Fenris in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    if you use "woke and PC" you are just another brainwashed tool.  This is just a shiny object meant to ignite culture wars.  We have much bigger problems.  Like in the USA we are considered now a failing democracy.  And it's not because of some "woke & PC" horses-t.  It's because of a very different brand of propaganda.
    So how about we all call a truce on this foolishness and get back to Ukraine?  Do we not (nearly) all here have a shared interest in seeing the new Hitler defeated?  What I care about is that the west (and the world) stays united and that Ukraine can emerge 'victorious', although that's an odd word for having a big part of one's country laid to ruin.
  3. Thanks
    danfrodo got a reaction from Tux in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    if you use "woke and PC" you are just another brainwashed tool.  This is just a shiny object meant to ignite culture wars.  We have much bigger problems.  Like in the USA we are considered now a failing democracy.  And it's not because of some "woke & PC" horses-t.  It's because of a very different brand of propaganda.
    So how about we all call a truce on this foolishness and get back to Ukraine?  Do we not (nearly) all here have a shared interest in seeing the new Hitler defeated?  What I care about is that the west (and the world) stays united and that Ukraine can emerge 'victorious', although that's an odd word for having a big part of one's country laid to ruin.
  4. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from G.I. Joe in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    if you use "woke and PC" you are just another brainwashed tool.  This is just a shiny object meant to ignite culture wars.  We have much bigger problems.  Like in the USA we are considered now a failing democracy.  And it's not because of some "woke & PC" horses-t.  It's because of a very different brand of propaganda.
    So how about we all call a truce on this foolishness and get back to Ukraine?  Do we not (nearly) all here have a shared interest in seeing the new Hitler defeated?  What I care about is that the west (and the world) stays united and that Ukraine can emerge 'victorious', although that's an odd word for having a big part of one's country laid to ruin.
  5. Like
    danfrodo got a reaction from The Steppenwulf in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Maybe there is some of that, Kinophile.  I am more disposed to the thought that US/NATO were fearful of escalation (to the level of stupidity on jets & AFVS & tanks), but as Putin has become more ruthless decisions were being considered to increase the support w heavy weapons.  And a perfect time to announce this publicly would be when we see these war crimes.  It's not like they only just began to consider  these complex arms deals over the last day or so.
  6. Like
    danfrodo reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Read this, then tell me why EVERY plane, armored vehicle, and soldier in NATO is not being fueled armed and dispatched to the front lines in Ukraine right now. If the Russians are still there when they get there it's on them.
  7. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    days?  Within days?  We can haz tanks tanks to Urkaine in days?  So are we finally gonna give them the gawdamm jets???   The whole "don't upset little Vlad else he'll throw a fit" bull-t has driven me crazy from the start.
    I know I am feeding into my wishful thinking but if these are combat worthy and can be on the southern front in next couple weeks that could make a big difference.  We'll see if UA can do a better job against ATGMs than russia did, though I suspect morale will be a big factor.  Takes some guts to ambush an armored column  from RPG range.
    Putin is gonna completely flip out over this.  And he'll send jets and missiles to try to stop the trains.  And hopefully those jets & missiles will be shot down w the AD systems that have been sent.
  8. Like
    danfrodo reacted to MOS:96B2P in Unofficial Screenshots & Videos Thread   
    Buran-30 moves elements of a BTG into a village. 

  9. Like
    danfrodo reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    this is actually pretty funny
    Russia vows to target British weapons as UK missile downs helicopter (msn.com)
    What the heck does that even mean? "We are going to target them by flying helicopters at them!!"
  10. Like
    danfrodo reacted to sross112 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    For Pete's sake, it is not RACISM!! Not everything is RACISM!! It's simple BIGOTRY for crying out loud!!
    If you want to be all woke and politically correct about this horse****, at least use the right friggin words.
    And personally, I don't agree with either of your positions. The people of Russia, I think the gray masses in Russia should suffer under sanctions for allowing a criminal regime to exist. They should be despised and ostracized from civilization until they change, but they should not be condemned to torture and death. The RA should be brutally killed to the last man for their heinous inhumane barbarous conduct to the Ukrainian civilians. They are friggin savages and should be treated like such. There is no difference between them and ISIS at this point. Their torture, rape and murder can't be condoned and every member of every unit is responsible for the conduct of that unit and especially it's officers and NCO's, but that does not alleviate private Ivan for following orders, doing it on his own or standing aside and allowing it to happen. You play, you pay.
    But I'm an idealist and believe in right and wrong, good and evil. A hate filled heart is not a bad thing when it is aimed at evil. If this was happening on my soil, to my people, to my family, Kraze would have to push me out of the way to take his turn on the kill, maim, mutilate merry go round on those bastards.
    Man, if I get any  more fired up I might tell you how I really feel.  
  11. Like
    danfrodo got a reaction from Splinty in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I guess that settles the whole "is Kraze out of line" question.  I can't criticize anyone for hating people who come to their country to kill and enslave them.
  12. Like
    danfrodo reacted to akd in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Initial reports only, so treat with caution, but I’ve already seen multiple images of dead civilians with hands tied from Bucha:
  13. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from Aragorn2002 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I think Aragorn is warning us all not to count our chickens before they are hatched, which is an american phrase for 'hubris'.  There is a lot of stolen territory in the south that UKR needs to liberate, but Russians are still strong down there. 
    I still hope for Russians in the south pushing more troops into places they can be more easily destroyed, thinking they are advancing but are actually working themselves into traps.  Just me wishing, though.  If the russians are beat up enough then UA, once receiving the newly trained units and new (& used) equipment from the outside, can push the depleted russians back beyond the Feb22 boundaries.
    But another historic day for the Ukraine's fight for freedom!  Kyiv region recovered, big Russian loses.
  14. Like
    danfrodo reacted to Bulletpoint in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Maybe it's all part of his cunning plan? Stalin purged the officer corps so they could not conspire against him - Putin purges the entire army.
  15. Like
    danfrodo reacted to Vet 0369 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Haiduk, my reply has little to nothing to do with this post. I just want to say that I sincerely appreciate your balanced “reporting” here. While many others were indiscriminately skinning the s*%t in this thread, you have done an extraordinary job in not “getting into it.” I commend you.
    To all the other posters on this thread, who do not live in Ukraine, and are not under shelling, and watching friends and loved ones blown apart by this invasion, “you don’t have a dog in this fight,” and I politely suggest that you STFU!
  16. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from Zatoichi in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Hey all, I might get in trouble for this but I'm gonna do it anyway.
    While we are all very concerned about the deaths in UKR it's also important to remember the other slaughter that's been going on for two years.  Another covid wave, very contagious, is on the way.  I know this crowd skews a bit older so lots of folks here are more at risk.
    If you aint vaxxed, get vaxxed.  If you aint boosted, get boosted.  Only 50% of americans are boosted, though 75% are vaxxed.  Immune system resistance wanes over time, particularly w Pfizer (moderna better in this respect).  At Omicron peak we were losing ~2500 americans a day (~4000 per day at the pre-vaccine covid peak last year).  That nearly all those omicron deaths were PREVENTABLE is a tragedy.  And that tragedy is driven by propaganda, much of it spawned from Russia and percolated thru facebook.  So if you want to give a big FU to Putin, get your shots! 
    I don't want to lose any of you excellent Combat Mission aficionados.
    Hong Kong has a huge percentage of old people who refuse to get vaxxed, it's gonna be a bloodbath.
    Thanks, I will take my vacation now.
  17. Thanks
    danfrodo got a reaction from Homer The Doomer in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  18. Like
    danfrodo reacted to Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Could we maybe knock off these racist accusations? Russian is not a race. Ukranian is not a race. It's the same as saying American or British or French is a race. That's just nonsense and all it's doing is inflaming passions.
    Plus it's tiresome to wade through while trying to catch up.
  19. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So UK sending long range artillery system to Ukraine, it's reported.  Anyone else seen this?  Looks like my hope that there'd by heavier weapons system sent is starting to come true!!!! 
  20. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from Harmon Rabb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    So UK sending long range artillery system to Ukraine, it's reported.  Anyone else seen this?  Looks like my hope that there'd by heavier weapons system sent is starting to come true!!!! 
  21. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from DavidFields in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    I'm with Lethaface on polls in Russia.  They know they are being watched and only a fool would tell the truth to some unknown pollster.
  22. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My oh my, what a lot of excitement over my night, Ukraine day. 
    1.  fuel depot strike:  looks like the ammo depot explosion last week might not have been an accident.  And Putin might use this as a provocation for escalation except that he could just make something up if he wants to escalate.  Plus it seems so far that it's more embarrassing for him to publicize this than it is useful to him for propaganda.
    2.  Armored vehicles being sent to Ukraine:  so maybe we're past the whole foolishness of sending 'defensive' weapons only.  Hopefully the floodgates will open for tanks, planes, helos.
    3.  What does Izyum retreat mean?  Is it just a tactical withdrawal because holding that salient was not longer worth it and freed up forces for use elsewhere?  Or is it a defeat?
    4.  we've seen a very large number of destroyed russian vehicles last few days.  This has got to seriously impact their offensive capabilities.
    5.  and looks like there's some russian troops who missed the chance to escape from Kyiv areas.  Warms my heart. 
  23. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from kraze in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well, Haiduk, I see your Ukrainian army has fallen into genius Mr Putin's brilliant trap of destroying more of his army while he cleverly takes everything he actually wanted!  How long will the Ukrainians continue play right into Putin's hands by destroying his entire northen army??   And all this despite being warned by the genius NYTimes columnist Bret Stephens!
  24. Like
    danfrodo reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    or is he just happy to see....
  25. Upvote
    danfrodo got a reaction from Kinophile in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Well, Haiduk, I see your Ukrainian army has fallen into genius Mr Putin's brilliant trap of destroying more of his army while he cleverly takes everything he actually wanted!  How long will the Ukrainians continue play right into Putin's hands by destroying his entire northen army??   And all this despite being warned by the genius NYTimes columnist Bret Stephens!
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