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Everything posted by ikalugin

  1. This may sound like a lot, but this is a fairly small ammo dump by ammo dump standards and in a way has solved that specific ammo disposal problem faster than intended.
  2. Yea, one dude got a gamma spectrometer and did not detect tell tale signs of reactor leak (Iodine etc).
  3. That site was dealing with tube artillery ammo from what I recall.
  4. The bridge is fairly high (after all it needs to allow the navigation of Russian ships through the straits), the issue is with various Kiev Loyalist side actors discussing how it is either desirable to blow it up or how they are capable of doing so or how they plan to do it. Which lead to all the security measures around it. We have completed the rail line part of it as well. Bal and other AShM systems were in Crimea before then.
  5. Because the status of the waters is disputed and the presense of important infrastructure in the straits (the bridge) Russia set up the procedure to pass through the straits that included early announcement of intent, standing in que for the pilots, receiving pilots and so on. This is how Ukrainian ships (including combat boats) passed through the place. However Poroshenko apparently had some problems at home and thus ordered a provocation, as martial law (if he managed to pull it off) would have delayed the elections and so on. https://russiamil.wordpress.com/2019/01/07/the-kerch-strait-skirmish-a-law-of-the-sea-perspective/ May be of interest as the western expert view.
  6. Most likely Saturn/Salyut AL31 derivative of some sort. It seems that we really do not like Hellfire idea. UCAVs are getting guided munitions though it seems, maybe LMUR.
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boUaHTI6JxE Okhotnik-B UCAV flight
  8. The Soviet tradition was to do unit or formation wide rotations, ie in WW2. So you first spend your formation, then send it into the rear for it to recover while a fresh formation takes it's place.
  9. Yes, but they are still sitting in positional warfare and small unit tactical fighting.
  10. The irony is that the war in Ukraine is not exactly representative of large scale mechanized warfare either.
  11. Artist's impression yes. Basically the bulk of T14 "turret" is thin sheet cover over the armoured gun mount and various unprotected stuff ie scopes, stow bins etc.
  12. https://army-news.ru/2019/02/minoborony-v-2019-godu-poluchit-pervye-serijnye-armaty/ `First LRIP tanks.
  13. Regarding recoil and shots - in that specific clip they were firing from a stop at close range and a single round, there is no need for the stabiliser to be on. Yet you somehow use that as basis for the plywood theory (which silly due to welded construction). Recoil management uses both the stabiliser and chassis. The high line of fire was selected intentionally for tactical resons. About comparisons - what you are looking for is armoured volume and frontal cross section T14 has little of either in the armoured gun mount. https://rg.ru/2019/06/28/ves-tanka-i-bmp-na-platforme-armata-rassekretili-na-armii-2019.html You may also check your mass sources.
  14. Ahh, the "plywood Armatas" myth. So the video of a T14 firing in 2015 (4 years ago) is used as evidence that the new LRIP (under the larger and later contract) Armata is a plywood mock up. And nothing about say nature of the suspention system is mentioned, or the increased muzzle energy of the gun, or the higher mounting of the gun or any other number of factors. As to the T14 firing with a stabiliser on, how many videos of T14 firing exist? So you seriously want to use that as your argument?
  15. Considering engines are neither designed or made in Tagil I doubt they have any problems, but it does make me wonder what non problems they may have, considering how they discuss 2200hp special boost (форсаж) mode. Maybe you are mistaking the normal practice of boosting from mod to mod (форсирование) for the destructive special boost mode? But surely you must have reliable and authoritive sources? That was in 2010, before those programs hit (expected) delays. The allocated money was spent on procurement elsewhere, the programs were pushed left. Those costs (citation needed) and early LRIP contracts for test companies do not reflect the bulk production costs. Also, in addition to your misperception of our IC the small contracts should not be both seen as a consequence of Russian inability to produce Armatas and at the same time the cause for it, if they do not come from the lack of funding but rather from programs creeping left. Furthermore those order numbers look bizarre and need sources.
  16. They are misreporting. Note how they go with "few" and then name 60 HGVs as a figure, which is about all we would deploy in next 10 years. Fibers (for mil uses) are not seen as an issue. The same thing happened with "no more Su57S, PAK-FA cancelled" and "no more follow up Borei of any kind, they are cut" etc. p.s. 60 Avanguards is: - 20 Avanguards on 20 (or fewer, the scale of desired deployment on this booster is a topic for discussions) UR-100-N-UTTh boosters taken out of storage, with some of them (3-10) going operational this year, this is for experimental services of HGVs in general. - 36 Avanguards on 12 Sarmat ICBM (3 per each ICBM), which did not even finish testing yet. Considering the standard developmental timelines for Sarmat and how it is likely that we would deploy them with a variety of payloads (light monoblocks, MIRVs/MaRVs with parralel deployment etc) I do not see how this alleged production issue is going to impact deployment.
  17. You seem misinformed, 1200hp is the peacetime mode of operation to significantly increase engine lifetime (beyond requirements), 1500hp is the standard mode with the required lifetime, 2200hp is the boosted mode. After the initial LRIP ("parade") batch (of 10 each) for testing there was a period of re-design based on the recomendations from that testing. Now there is an outstanding order for the IOC BDE set, which would be building vehicles with the design accounting for the recomendations. Then we expect another phase of re-design based on that unit level testing before final variant for mass adoption. So why were you expecting follow up Armatas in 2018 if this wasn't standard procurement practice? The price would change with economies of scale and design maturity, same as with all other programs for new equipment. Well that is an amusing extension of the Soviet era bias and is does not actually represent reality properly. Especially the lavishly funded MiC (in 1990s-2000s when it was living at best from Export sales?), made me chuckle. The issue is not the cost or inability to make them in general, the issue is that those new generation programs were delayed the same way such programs were delayed elsewhere, ie the JSF/F35 program in the US. Due to those delays the procurement money allocated was spent on other purchases, the money was there but it would have been stupid to sit on it. Now that those programs are more mature there are outstanding hard signed contracts for IOC batches and those are now being produced.
  18. Staying on topic would be nice, but political discussion already bloomed in the other thread.
  19. BMP3 was amphib (and paradropable for that matter - this is where the heritage of amphib paradropable tank shows and where the rear engine placement helps) before, same as our other APCs and IFVs, and was already sold to marines in Indonesia. Though I guess there are always differences in capability between various vehicles. It would be there when the program is complete. Compare and contrast with how the previous leader of the generation was born - the T64. First they built an IOC set, then took their time working the kinks out, then got to mass deployment (of T64As). They are currently in the process of building the IOC brigade sized set. So the new X engine by Chelyabinsk, new transmission do not exist? Huh. I guess they are using a variant of T34 engine and transmission then (sarcasm). And there we disagree, it is like accusing LM that they cant develop a new fighter in principle because their program went through delays.
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