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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Thewood1

  1. I had to do a restore on my laptop. Went to download CMSF2 and noted my order is in the accounts/order list. Is there a reason for this? Is there anywhere I can get the order info and download link, besides the email?
  2. Just thought I wold capture that for posterity.
  3. "I don‘t see much sense for many small countries to invest in self-defense." Not a very good global view of things. Countries don't invest in defense because they know some bigger country or the UN will come to their aid. Its unfair and dangerous for everyone. This is how you end up with several countries being over committed to UN budgets and deployments. These small countries should commit some budget so that they can contribute to UN missions, at the least.
  4. This same conversation popped up on the Steel Beasts a few months ago. Same issue in that the AI can see through even the smallest pinhole of foliage and react something miles away on the other side. CM tends to have a much better spotting model at the unit level over SB, but this issue seems exactly the same.
  5. Because google exists for a reason. With this guys approach, I felt I would go the extra mile, using google... https://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/WYSIWYG-what-you-see-is-what-you-get
  6. Not just complaining about it, but now on to how people talk about it.
  7. WYSIWYG has been around longer than mobile phones. If you have played computer simulations for more than 20 years, you know what it means.
  8. Funny, I used MBT and IDF to generate some Steel Beasts games. Its harder using them with CMBS, but there is some alignment with CMSF-type OOBs.
  9. I know that. That's why I was asking if anyone actually sees that. Was wondering if anyone has actually saw it. I'm not talking about generic players. I was hoping someone would comment that has actually played campaigns and scenarios with personal observations'.
  10. Are casualty rates tending to be lower in campaigns than scenarios? I would think that would limit the tendencies to push units beyond more realistic limits.
  11. Surprised there aren't more comments about the progress on the patch that was mentioned...patch fatigue?
  12. I can't find it, can you point me to it? I didn't think it was out yet.
  13. Biggest cyber threat to manufacturers and utilities are internal threats. A lot of it comes about because ops people never change passwords. Former employees can access any of it that isn't secured. People rave about "Russian" threats to the grid. Its more likely that engineer you fired a year ago screwing around in your DMS.
  14. Where is 4.1? Is that the patch everyone was waiting for.
  15. But your analogy was add ons like a rear view camera. An engine is a different story. Don't read disagreement into what I am saying. I specially call out the BFC's dilemma and also empathize with them. But at the same time, new car buyers coming in and paying full price for a new car do have expectations around some basic technoloy features they see in similarly priced cars. Those tech features have zero impact on how the car will handle snow, is maintained, etc., but those tech features are becoming very large factors in car buying. My son bought a car, with all other things being equal, based on how easy the bluetooth was to connect to. The engine, suspension, etc. are commoditized for what he needs it for. Car analogies are tired and don't work. Most people don't buy cars the same way they did even five years ago. To carry this to BFC, someone comes from ARMA or a flight sim like IL-2 where DirectX is the backbone and are shocked at the graphics and performance. Is the tactical engine the best out there? Probably. Is it what people see when they first fire it? No. There is nothing BFC or it fans can do to change that except convince them the graphics are worth it because its a different kind of game.
  16. Just because I like beating the crap out of car analogies... When your truck is all used up, and you go to buy a new one, wouldn't you expect the new one to offer the neat back up camera. Especially if you had seen them on other trucks 5-6 years ago. Not saying I don't understand BFC's dilemma, but we gotta stop using car analogies and metaphors.
  17. Its not as dumb as it sounds. When you buy gas or stay at a hotel, they will put a test charge through if you aren't a regualr customer. It goes in and out so fast sometimes, the bank never lists it on the statement. I have seen some weird names when they do get tracked.
  18. Typically, when you start getting charges from stolen info, the culprits will put a small charge through, like one to two dollars. They do this to test the card and prep it for a larger transaction. I had my cc number compromised a couple times in the last few years and got a very detailed explanation from my CFO. He convinced me to only do online transactions with PayPal, Steam, or a burner card. Never use a debit card. He said Paypal is very close to impossible to compromise unless you are in very unsecure area and using it, like in an airport wifi. The other thing he said is always run a cheap VPN. Like Paypal, its close to impossible to compromise. Nothing is foolproof, but Paypal combined with a VPN will make it difficult.
  19. "main game and a module" That is a quote from his post. I think this link will get you to the CMSF2 full game installer. https://battlefront.sharefile.com/share/view/s5335e41e5c84a91b
  20. "But BFC's DRM process is no worse than any other. DRM just sucks for customers, period. After all they are meant to stop the game from running BFC has made lots of improvements from CMSF1 days onward. I have had one DRM activation not work out in all my years (not counting a few bugs during development). Support had me fixed up really fast." Again, take a look at the complaints in detail. The DRM is much easier now that in the past. But that legacy doesn't just disappear when its fixed. The DRM issues with false flags and registry cleaner tools is what most people remember. It caused some people to stop buying and playing. Note that when someeon shows up in those forums to complain, one of the first questions asked is if BFC is still using that problematic DRM system. For people who are here every day, It seems so straight forward. But when 80% of the games out there are using a system like Steam where the DRM is hidden and almost unseen, its a stark contrast to trying install the full CMBN family with 5-6 separate activations and IIRC a patch in there somewhere as well. Its all well and good and seems so seamless for people who live and breathe BFC and CM is one of a limmited number of games. But for someone that comes back to CM once every few months. Its not easy. In the end, its BFC's decision to cater to its limited core customers if it wants. But this type of conversation is the result.
  21. You're missing the point. The wrong name was up there over a week after being pointed out several times across a few threads. Having to go to the help desk shouldn't have had to happen. Its just sloppy and exudes a lack of consideration to customers, whether people who read the forum daily, or only play the game. Any company I have worked for, as soon as someone point out something like that, it would have been changed post haste. I have worked for companies from four people to 40,000 people. Why make your customer have to go through a couple extra steps when fixing a single character on a label as soon as you hear about it would have solved it? Why make the customer go through more work and aggravation? This would not have been accepted with such timidity for any other game I can remember. A big game company like Paradox or Matrix would have excoriated on their own forums for doing that. As I said before, there is some general sloppiness leaking into launches and website execution that I never thought I would see at BFC. BFC used to be all about first time quality. Its why length of time between patches never used to bother me. Now, we are seeing months and fractions of a year go by before stuff gets fixed. I dread seeing any issues in the games because I know it will be a while before it gets fixed.
  22. I'll just beat this horse again...things like the patch page, installs, drm activation, etc all seem so simple if you come to this forum every day, are a beta tester, or constantly install and reinstall. But for people who might take long absences away from the game, like me at times, coming back in and seeing how a patch page is organized, or not having spelled out exactly what needs to be downloaded, what order serials need to entered, not having enough activations, etc., can be a very frustrating experience for a game that is priced at CM's level. The help desk is very helpful in resolving issues, but its still frustrating. If you look around at the bad rep the BFC gets on some sites, that is the crux of it.
  23. IL-2 is actually on par with CM2 in pricing. And they have periodic sales that significantly lowers the barrier to entry. A full game like BoM costs $70. And each game is part of a larger game that combines as a huge environment of maps, planes, and other content. You can also buy a few individual planes and campaigns. Its just like the BFC game and module system. In fact, its exactly like it. The main difference is that with CM2, the games can never interact. In IL-2, the games all share the common engine in real-time and can all planes, scenarios, and maps can operate together when purchased. Another key part is that patches add significant features and functions. And they are all backward compatible. New content comes out almost monthly. I have always hoped that CM2 would be more like IL-2. This is the kind of comment that makes me realize that people on this forum don't really look around at how other games operate and what is really available out there. Its a pretty insular world on this forum.
  24. If you actually read those threads, most people like the game. The majority of the complaints seem to about figuring out the upgrade/patch/DRM process. It appears that people close to BFC and are long time players way too easily dismiss legit complaints.
  25. He's not the first. There have been a few people who came in other areas looking for it. It took me 15 - 20 minutes of poking around to find it. Not the end of the world, but on the cusp of aggravating.
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