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  1. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Holien in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    To the contrary, the rise of Trump offers valuable insights into the rise of authoritarianism, and how certain elements of a country's population can be made to practically crave it. To me it would be more dangerous not to notice and discuss the historical parallels. I don't think anyone is saying that Trump is or will ultimately be responsible for tens of millions of deaths.
  2. Like
    sttp got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    To the contrary, the rise of Trump offers valuable insights into the rise of authoritarianism, and how certain elements of a country's population can be made to practically crave it. To me it would be more dangerous not to notice and discuss the historical parallels. I don't think anyone is saying that Trump is or will ultimately be responsible for tens of millions of deaths.
  3. Upvote
    sttp reacted to MikeyD in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    Reference the domestic US election of 2016.
  4. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Badger73 in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    I suppose that's true when you count all CM games and maps.  Within CMBN though, this specific bug regularly ruins play.  It is not trivial within that title.
    However, I do understand that debugging it will be a major effort diverting resources from other more profitable work.  I hope someone might wake up in the middle of the night, say "Eureka!", and find a fix for it soon though.
  5. Upvote
    sttp reacted to AlexUK in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    Thanks for the response Steve. I'm not playing on any maps with bocage at the moment because of this issue, so from my point of view it is quite a big one. 
  6. Upvote
    sttp reacted to John Kettler in 506th PIR AARs found!   
    One of my CoC colleagues said he couldn't find any, but it wasn't hard at all to fix that problem. Here's the link to all the ones the WW II 506th PIR part of the 506th Infantry site had. Covers from Normand through the end of the war, with several other types of reports as well.
    John Kettler
  7. Upvote
    sttp reacted to DougPhresh in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    It's the same thing. If your economy produces more aircraft, more artillery and more tanks, than you have the better army.Your company commanders don't need tactical brilliance to take a position, they can call on artillery assets your enemy can only dream of, and those artillery batteries have enough ammunition they care fire harassment missions around the clock. The better army has good-enough tanks everywhere instead of perfect tanks somewhere (or broken down). The better army can make road moves in daylight instead of being bombed and strafed between sunrise and sunset.
  8. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Anxel Torrente in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    If the CM3 would have a similar look to what CM2 has, the UI could be changed so that the sides on the bottom are being used in stead of only being black filling which will remove the abstructing text we now have when the game is paused or whatever.

  9. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Bulletpoint in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    After having put the CM2 titles down for awhile, and having tried a handful of other similar games in the interim, in my opinion the single biggest change that's needed for CM3 is a more efficient way to check spotting / visibility from the various points on the battlefield. Related, but a somewhat different issue altogether, is that I'd love for there to be a way to quickly generate high resolution terrain relief maps for any scenario or QB map.
    Improved animations -- more of them, for more specific actions, with better resolution / granularity -- would also be on my list of high priority changes for CM3.
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to PIATpunk in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    thanks @Battlefront.com for the update!   Steve, could I ask please if there would be any chance of fixing the CMBN hedgerow tac ia behaviour in the near future? 
  11. Like
    sttp got a reaction from domfluff in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  12. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from BletchleyGeek in What I'd like to see in CM3...   
    After having put the CM2 titles down for awhile, and having tried a handful of other similar games in the interim, in my opinion the single biggest change that's needed for CM3 is a more efficient way to check spotting / visibility from the various points on the battlefield. Related, but a somewhat different issue altogether, is that I'd love for there to be a way to quickly generate high resolution terrain relief maps for any scenario or QB map.
    Improved animations -- more of them, for more specific actions, with better resolution / granularity -- would also be on my list of high priority changes for CM3.
  13. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Ivan Zaitzev in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  14. Like
    sttp got a reaction from weta_nz in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  15. Like
    sttp reacted to Zveroboy1 in How do you get your artillery to be accurate?   
    I think sometimes what happens is that you try to have an arty barrage in a area that the spotter can barely see. He can just see a single action square for instance and the LOS is through a tiny gap between clumps of trees or two houses but you order the arty strike anyway. I suspect what happens is that the spotter can't quite see the spotting rounds because of it and that's why it is off. I could be wrong here, it is just a hunch. But when I try to not be clever and fire at a zone where the LOS is less far fetched, it happens a lot less.
  16. Upvote
    sttp reacted to sburke in Looking for Monte Cassino map that includes monastery?   
    The tiles were used in lieu of roads because I hate zig zag roads....  
  17. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from Kevin2k in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  18. Like
    sttp got a reaction from mjkerner in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  19. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Bulletpoint in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  20. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Ales Dvorak in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  21. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Badger73 in QB map pdfs   
    (I'm starting this as a new topic since the links to even the old pdf files will be changing.)
    I just finished the pdf which shows all QB maps for CMBN. It is a huge file -- nearly 400 pages and 330MB -- and is HERE. (A smaller, lower quality version for CMBN is HERE.) Since Assault, Attack and Probe versions of the various QB maps usually vary only slightly, I only included Assault in these pdfs. Those and (I believe) all Meeting Engagement maps. 
    Also, the old dropbox links for the other 3 titles will be expiring, so I'm moving everything to this newer account. Here are the new links for pdf's for the other 3 WW2 titles:
    CMFB is here.
    Here is Red Thunder.
    And here is Fortress Italy.
  22. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Zardoz01 in CMBN QB Maps guide or pdf compilation?   
    I posted a new thread which has the CMBN pdf link it. The links to the older pdf's will also be changing, so I felt that made more sense than just adding a post to the end of an old topic.
  23. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Zardoz01 in CMBN QB Maps guide or pdf compilation?   
    Hi. I'm the one who made those pdfs. I lost a hard drive recently and decided to just go ahead and build a new PC, and I now have all 4 WW2 titles running again. But... I lost the images that I was using to make that last QB map pdf for CMBN. I'm now getting back into these games after a bit of a hiatus, though, and this new solid state drive makes a huge difference in map load times. (Most maps and scenarios now load in about 15 seconds, and I've yet to find any that take more than 30....) So I may start over with the CMBN pdf during this upcoming holiday.
  24. Upvote
    sttp got a reaction from DerKommissar in Bug and stuff thread   
    Has anyone fixed all the South African wav files yet? If so, it'd be great if they could be uploaded to CMMODS or even to the forum or whatever. I'm sure Battlefront will get around to fixing those sounds eventually, but I kinda suspect it could be months before we see the first R2V patch. 
  25. Like
    sttp got a reaction from umlaut in Bug and stuff thread   
    Has anyone fixed all the South African wav files yet? If so, it'd be great if they could be uploaded to CMMODS or even to the forum or whatever. I'm sure Battlefront will get around to fixing those sounds eventually, but I kinda suspect it could be months before we see the first R2V patch. 
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