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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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  1. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bubba883XL in CMBN - Upgrading to Version 4   
    I just purchased the upgrades and am having few smaller issues, i will hold and wait. is real shame that an update is already bugged and broken
  2. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in CMBN - Upgrading to Version 4   
    Don't. There's a bug where your guys do suicide runs towards the enemy. Wait till that gets fixed.
  3. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in To buy or not to buy   
    You know what Ultradave, I must admit that you are right on this. I did find the post by Steve that I was remembering, but I missed his post on the same topic later on in the thread where he clarified BFC's position a little bit.
    Here's what I was originally referring to: Steve said "The bocage issue you've brought up is certainly more than irritating to those who experience it, but it is fairly isolated when one considers the whole range of possible Combat Mission games and maps.  We have to balance our limited resources. I'll see what I can do, however don't hold your breath for anything soon.  Our schedule is crammed at the moment and we're already having to juggle too many things.  The release of RtV helped get things back to "normal overloaded", so odds of a patch are better."
    Later in the thread, though, he clarified that work was ongoing, but that a patch would not be anytime soon. That's still quite disappointing, and I'll admit is a little extra grating after it taking something like two years to fix the artillery / indirect fire issue. After all, these were issues that did not always exist, i.e., they were introduced by UPGRADES, so I think it's more than fair to expect those issues to be addressed by specific, individual patches. Just my opinion.
  4. Like
    sttp got a reaction from Warts 'n' all in To buy or not to buy   
    It has been game-breaking, practically speaking, at least twice for me personally. And has caused me to quit scenarios several more times than that. If your radio and binoculars get separated, for example, good luck calling in artillery. Or imagine you've only got one bazooka or panzershrek, and its carrier is stuck hugging a hedge? Are these situations really that hard to imagine?
    I'm sure the fanatics will come to BFC's defense and try to justify how this simulates the chaos of battle or some other such nonsense, but it is almost impossible to exaggerate how frustrating these two bugs have been. It has nothing to do with poorly plotted movement waypoints. It's a bug, plain and simple, and is apparently just not that important to them... or is about as important to them as the bridge bug that's existed for how many years now?
  5. Upvote
    sttp reacted to com-intern in To buy or not to buy   
    This is the bug I am referring to. IMO it would be possible to overlook it if CM:Normandy was the only game available. However, with CM:Eastern Front, Italy, Syria, and so on being available I think it makes Normandy an non-starter.
  6. Upvote
    sttp reacted to com-intern in To buy or not to buy   
    Agree to disagree then. I just find it frustrating enough that I would not recommend anyone buy CM:BN unless they were absolutely married to the idea of playing that first few months of the war. Like I said, I would be more forgiving of the issue if CM:BN were the only game in existence but it isn't.
  7. Upvote
    sttp reacted to com-intern in To buy or not to buy   
    I might shy away from CM:Normandy as I believe hedgerows are still bugged. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but in a game where they play such a critical role I don't think I could recommend making the purchase.
  8. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Sublime in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    me neither.  I also hate to admit it, but its taken way too long to come out.  I know its insane to even say after reading 5 pages of aragorn bashing over saying it but its friggin true.  Im sorry guys but I think the game needs a new engine or to gracefully retire.  not be dragged around as a mummified corpse like Norman Bates dead mom.
    I mean after these modules what then?  Berlin city fighting in this engine? ugh.   Stalingrad in this engine would be vomit inducing.  Theres a lot of other things too.  I love this game series and its given me more pleasure longer than any other series but Im burned out, have been burned out, and the engines over 9 years old...
    Think about it.  CMBO released in 2000.  I remember it well.  9 years later I was playing a fixed SF and waiting eagerly for CMBN.   Not eagerly awaiting a 10th CMx1 release.  Im sure others will totally disagree and thats great  - Im truly happy you either found this game or can continue to get joy and delight from it, instead of playing it so long it has no allure or mystery.  Its all old tricks to get around broken or fudged in game mechanics, unrealistic stuff, and knowing that its really invisible die rolls and not bullets coming down that street that decide if those men get hit.
    cheers to all that remember who I am.. miss some of ya
  9. Upvote
    sttp reacted to AttorneyAtWar in Just a thought-Combat Mission is so authentic and immersive we nickpick any blemish?   
    You've told this same story about 5 times now and its still wrong.
    Games should always be looking out for the good constructive criticism, there is nothing wrong with changing your game based on it as long as you do it responsibly. I guarantee you Steve doesn't agree with this ridiculous anecdote you drag out whenever someone has a minor criticism or suggestion.
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in Just a thought-Combat Mission is so authentic and immersive we nickpick any blemish?   
    I actually mostly meant about the graphics, which is one point that people have been "nitpicking" about.
    But there are games out there where trenches and foxholes are dug into the terrain, where tanks turn at the right speed and leave tracks, where the damage model is more advanced than in CM. Where you can order one or more vehicles to cross from one side of the map to the other by road, and they will do it automatically. Where there's an operational layer that means conserving ammo and resupplying troops becomes a factor. With larger maps that make long sight lines and engagement ranges more important, and where damage from each engagement carries over to the next.
    All those things have been suggested for Combat Mission as well, many times. Is that nitpicking? I don't know. But the contrast between the CM engine and what's possible today is getting pretty big. That's the only point I was making.
    I don't really want to make advertisement for specific games here on this forum, or start a boxing match.
  11. Upvote
    sttp reacted to BluecherForward in Any Chance for a New Afrikakorps game?   
    Interesting perspective, but I'm going to go with Stalin, Krushchev, and Zhukov on this subject:
    "I would like to express my candid opinion about Stalin's views on whether the Red Army and the Soviet Union could have coped with Nazi Germany and survived the war without aid from the United States and Britain. First, I would like to tell about some remarks Stalin made and repeated several times when we were "discussing freely" among ourselves. He stated bluntly that if the United States had not helped us, we would not have won the war."  Khrushchev, Nikita Sergeevich; Khrushchev, Serge (2004). Memoirs of Nikita Khrushchev: Commissar, 1918-1945. Penn State Press. pp. 638–639.
    Soviet Marshal G.K. Zhukov is quoted as saying: “Today [1963] some say the Allies didn’t really help us…But listen, one cannot deny that the Americans shipped over to us material without which we could not have equipped our armies held in reserve or been able to continue the war.” The Significance of the Allied Lend-Lease Program and Soviet Victory during the Second World War
    "Now they say that the allies never helped us, but it can't be denied that the Americans gave us so many goods without which we wouldn't have been able to form our reserves and continue the war," Soviet General Georgy Zhukov said after the end of WWII.
    "We didn’t have explosives, gunpowder. We didn’t have anything to charge our rifle cartridges with. The Americans really saved us with their gunpowder and explosives. And how much sheet steel they gave us! How could we have produced our tanks without American steel? But now they make it seem as if we had an abundance of all that. Without American trucks we wouldn’t have had anything to pull our artillery with." https://www.rbth.com/defence/2016/03/14/lend-lease-how-american-supplies-aided-the-ussr-in-its-darkest-hour_575559
  12. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  13. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  14. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  15. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
    Que des héros sur cette plage.

  16. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
    La pointe du hoc:

  17. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
    dans le bunker d'observation:

  18. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  19. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  20. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  21. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Léopold in Visite à Omaha Beach   
  22. Upvote
    sttp reacted to umlaut in Effective ranges for Bazookas and PzSchrecks?   
    Well, I couldnt help myself, so I set up a test:

    10 Panzerschreck teams (all veteran) vs 10 immobilized Shermans facing away from the Panzerschrecks, set up in "firing lanes" divided by walls, so each team could only engage "their own" Sherman. Distance: 195-200 metres.
    I ran the test three times, so in total I tested 30 schrecks vs 30 Shermans.

    Hit with first shot:                             5 teams
    Hit with second shot:                       10 teams
    Hit with third shot:                             8 teams
    Hit with fourth shot:                           4 teams
    Hit with fifth shot:                              1 team
    Hit with sixt shot:                               0 teams
    No hits with any of the six shots:      2 teams

  23. Upvote
    sttp reacted to umlaut in Umlauts Commercial Buildings   
    Howdy folks
    The other day I realized that I had an almost complete mod set of commercial buildings that I´d never finished and released. So now I have brushed up the files and made it sort of ready for release. Mind you: The mod set is not as finished as I would like it to be - that is the reason why I didnt release it, when I made it three or four years ago. But I dont think I will ever get the time to fully complete it - so I have decided to release it as it is, rather than just letting it sit idle on my hard drive. 
    I am going to make it temporarily available from Dropbox - but hopefully it will be on CMMODS IV soon and then I´ll remove them again.

    Here´s a bit of info on it:
    Umlauts Commercial Buildings
    This set of mods contains modded commercial buildings for CM Normandy.
    I have added murals to the gables of some of the buildings and some extra storefronts.
    According to my research they should all be typical of Normandy in 1944 – but I could be
    The mod set contains quite a few extra commercial buildings, compared to the base game:
    Buildings 100: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 3 sets
    Buildings 101: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 15 sets
    Buildings 102: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 2 sets
    Buildings 103: Base game = 2 sets – this mod = 13 sets

    Mirrored gables
    Unfortunately, the game reuses the gable BMP´s for both gables of a house, so if a
    commercial building isn´t accached to another buildong, then one of the murals will always
    be inverted.
    I have tried to fix this by adding two different versions of each gable – with the inverted
    part on both sides. This means that you can place two commercial buildings next to each
    other and cycle through the building layout (shift-left click), until the inverted gables are
    hidden where the buildings meet.
    Choosing the preferred layout
    I highy recommend that you cycle through the building layout (shift-left click) of each
    building to choose the one with the preferred layout. If you leave it to the game, the
    building layouts are assigned ramdomly – and you will probably see a lot of inverted
    gables and indentical buildings next to each other.
    When you cycle through the layouts, remember that there are up to 15 different layouts for
    some types. And if you click and nothing seems to change – then it is probably only the
    layout of the gable that has changed, while the rest of the building stays the same.
    I have altered the damage files of the game to suit my tastes. The buildings with damage
    showing the brick work through the plaster are modded to fit these damage files. To apply
    damage, press shift-alt-leftclick.
    Please remember that I do not consider this mod set completely finished. But I dont think I
    will find the time to finish it anytime soon – if ever – so I´ve decided to release it as it is.
  24. Upvote
    sttp reacted to rocketman in CMRT Module 1 Bones   
    I wouldn't say no to ten battle packs 😊
  25. Upvote
    sttp reacted to BluecherForward in The Year Ahead Bone Post   
    What about adding a "REPEAT" mission to artillery fire missions and registering fires on those target which have already been called in once? The arty in this game is very nicely done, even including the linear sheaf mission - so why not the "repeat" mission? Call for fires that are serviced normally result in that target be registered as well, so why not automatically insert a TRP onto every site in which artillery is called - like in the real thing? Maybe some nations were not up to doing this in the Second World War, but U.S. and British artillery certainly were - I assume the Wehrmacht was as well. Not sure if the Soviets used that capability.
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