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  1. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Chibot Mk IX in Evade towards enemy   
    Too bad this problem is still there, I thought it was fixed in 4.02 patch but I was wrong. 
    Mr dumb
    Mr dumber
    dumb and dumber in SS uniform, note that the evade is caused by small arms fire
  2. Upvote
    sttp reacted to coachjohn in Evade towards enemy   
    I posted this about 6 threads down - “Bug with upgrade” (It also happens behind walls and in buildings I goin a message from a couple of guys who quit playing ww2 scenarios and a couple of hard cores saying - live with it. (These are the same guys who bitch if you knock any thing about the game)
    Apparantly it’s been posted and reported numerous times with no reply from BF management - happens every time from them - if they can’t make money - so be it. (If I had new modules coming out - I’d fix the current problems before release so people buy it - just my thoughts)
    As is - WW2 is unplayable BN especially. I’ll try the pause option though.
    Really wanted to buy all the modules for ww2 - I have BN and SF and SF 2 but can’t as is.
  3. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Lt Bull in Storm on Stoumont 19 Dec 44: Then & Now & CMFB   
    I forgot to add and perhaps ask...
    While researching the battle of Stoumont I discovered one book that has actually been published specifically about that 19th Dec battle.
    I would of definitely bought it already however there is something about it that is making me hesitate:
    Duel in the Mist: Kampfgruppe Peiper, Stoumont, December 19th, 1944 v. 1
    Would really like to hear from anyione who has viewed the book, let alone own a copy of it.  Really curious to know what kind of new info/photos etc it contains.
  4. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Lt Bull in Storm on Stoumont 19 Dec 44: Then & Now & CMFB   
    I originally played the excellent Kampfgruppe Peiper campaign that I believes comes with CMFB several years ago and forgot about it enough for me to warrant playing it again. One thing I really appreciate is playing on battlefields that are based directly on replicating the actual historical battlefieds itself.  I believe all the maps in this campaign are like that.
    One battle in particular caught my attention (again) which is the "Storm on Stoumont" battle and it's map. After play as the German attacker I wondered how much more challenging the German attack could be if a human player played as the US.  I was inspired enough to extract and create a H2H scenario battle version of the "Storm on Stoumont" battle and let's just say it is quite interesting to see how that battle plays out when a human calls the shots for the US defenders.
    Anyway, having extensively surveyed the CMFB map in preparation to play the battle, I really got a good feel for the battlefield itself and started researching the actual battle that did occur there on the 19 Dec 1944 between KG Peiper and the US garrison defending. I started looking at the amazing historical combat action photos and videos taken by the Germans during the actual assualt on the 19 Dec 1944 and it occurred to me that my familairization with the battlefield just from playing CMFB was essentially enough for me to have a good enough idea where virtually every photo/scene was taken/filmed. While searching for more photos and information from the battle, I did stumble across a Youtube video of Before & After photo comparisons of the battle of Stoumont that basically confirmed some of my guesses.
    I then decided it might just be worthwhile trying to recreate as many of the photos/scenes from the historical photos and film as possible, just for fun, and to see how CMFB compares. Using the before and after comparison screenshots from the Youtube video, I conveniently added my own CMFB versions to complete the trifecta of comparisons, in cases where the "after" photos (current day photos) had been compared to the historical footage/photos. I recreated in CMFB a number of other photos/scenes for which no "after" photo comparison were suggested/offered. PDF link below:
    Youtube Video: Battle of the Bulge Then & Now - Stoumont Then & Now!
    CMFB Comparisons: Bull's Stoumont Before & After & CMFB.pdf
    And a big shout out and tip of the hat to @Pete Wenman for researching and designing the map you see featured! It's amazing what can be achieved by some within the CM Scenario Designer. Much appreciated.
  5. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Lt Bull in Storm on Stoumont 19 Dec 44: Then & Now & CMFB   
    DOH! I somehow posted the link to this thread instead of the damn file!
    >>>> Bull's Stoumont Before & After & CMFB.pdf  <<<<
    While I'm at it may as well make up for it with a few teaser previews:

  6. Upvote
    sttp reacted to PIATpunk in Evade towards enemy   
    nice work.  It was eventually acknowledged by Steve but no patch forthcoming - I expect nothing until well after the new RT module is released given how things move these days.
  7. Upvote
    sttp reacted to AlexUK in Evade towards enemy   
    I'm not playing anything with bocage until resolved. Hopefully we can get an update soon. 
    Thankfully that still leaves quite a lot. 
  8. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Lt Bull in Evade towards enemy   
    I've gone looking for a thread posted maybe a year ago where I was originally made aware of the "evade towards enemy" behaviour (though probably an actual bug) that typically involves infantry behind hedgerows breaking that cover when under fire and running towards the enemy through gaps in the hedgerow (invariably to their deaths) that I can confirm I has been able to reliably replicate when I downloaded and played the saved game that was provided by a user investigating the issue at the time. From what I understand, this issue may only be specific to CMBN and seems to only have appeared after one of the recent patch/engine upgrades. I would have checked the status of the issue and would have posted on that thread there but I have not been able to find the thread curiously enough, hence this new thread.
    So I have just started a mirrored CMBN H2H QB on a map that I know several other players have battled over, and I just had a most extraordinary occurence of this "evade towards enemy" behaviour (or whatever you want to call it).  I had three infantry teams lined up along a stretch of hedgerow in a defensive deployment, evenly separated by about 15m.  Behind them is a flat wooded orchard. In front of them is a road, beyond which the terrain gently rises, criss-crossed with some buildings and hedgerows.
    On the second turn of making contact with the enemy directly in front of them, returning fire and taking some level of suppression, each team, at some point in the turn, decided to essentially break cover and run sideways along the hedgerow to the nearest infantry-sized gap in the hedgerows and run through the gap in to the open directly towards the enemy where they just get shot up.  When the teams actually break from taking casualties, the surviving pixeltruppen (eg. those that remained in place cowering behind the hedgerow) rout away from the hedgerow/enemy through the orchard behind them.
    Units lined up behind hedgerows engaging enemy start of turn:

    "Rattled" pixeltruppen running suicide through hedgerow gap to meet their maker:

    For the full video experience, you can watch it unfold here:
    First and second teams suicide
    Third team suicide
    I did wonder if I had inadvertently given move orders to my units during the previous orders phase (can happen if you just want to select one unit to issue a move order to but inadvertently double click it whereby also selecting all its subordinates and/or formation level units as well).  However, I can rule that possibility out: other units in the formation were unaffected.
    Still not satisfied, I checked the QB map in the Scenario Editor.  All "Friendly Direction" parameters were correct for the battle.  I then created a scenario file using the same map and parameters and purchased the same units on both sides.  I then placed the exact same German teams from the same platoon from the same company etc that I had purchased in the QB in the same spots and attacked them with the same infantry (US paras).  Incredibly (or maybe not so incredibly), the same thing happened!  Suicide through the hedgerow gap.
    Even better: I have created a scenario file (TEST GAP.btt) using the same QB map with all units in place.  All you need to do is load the scenario file, play it as a turn-based Hotseat (or SP Germans) and just press Go for both sides, no need to give any orders.  The units will start shooting and exchanging fire immediately.  You should see this behaviour with your own eyes occur within the first minute of battle:
    TEST GAP.btt
    So what is Battlefront's official stance on what appears to be on this undesirable TacAI induced behaviour?
    "What issue?" (no response/acknowledgement) "Nothing to see here, working as designed"(if so please explain) "Yeah, can't fix it, too bad, sucks for you though" "Wow, looking in to it, hopefully find a fix, keep you posted" FWIW, I have forfeited that H2H QB I am playing.  I can't afford to have that kind of thing happen and take those kinds of cheap loses and just continue playing regardless, let alone think it won't happen again.  I think for now I am regretfully going to just avoid playing any CMBN (or at least anything with that hedgerow terrain) until this issue is resolved.
  9. Upvote
    sttp reacted to PIATpunk in Bug with upgrade? What gives?   
    I stopped playing.
  10. Upvote
    sttp reacted to coachjohn in Bug with upgrade? What gives?   
    Okay. Came back to normandy after a couple of years off. playing campaign. My troops are nice and safe at the top of a reverse slope. Letting them sit there and gain fire superiority while I circle other troops around flank.
    All of a sudden - no orders given - when the enemy fires in their direction they charge the enemy machine gun. They stop about 10 yards away but most are cut down.
    Wanted to see if it's the campaign so I played a smaller scenario. About 10 minutes in, my troops are safety behind concrete wall while I lay down machine gun fire from another spot and circle the back of the house. Again for no reason I hear "let's go men" and the get up and charge the enemy machine guns - two full squads cut down.
    While I remember the panic problem with troops in 4.0 I never remembered this. Am I crazy or what?
  11. Upvote
    sttp reacted to PIATpunk in Bug with upgrade? What gives?   
    not crazy.  Nasty bug that has not been addressed but reported many times.
  12. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    If I were BFC, I wouldn't need to contact them all, because as you just said, the new version of the campaign would automatically be included next time there is a patch...?
    We're mainly talking about the official campaigns here. That's where the real problem lies. Because that's the stuff we can't repair, ourselves. And that's why people keep coming across the same issues in the same campaigns.
  13. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    Yes, that would work, but it is not possible for us players to open and edit the battles inside a campaign.
  14. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    I was not aware BFC updated this bug in the official scenarios and campaigns. What I read previously was that they would only fix it going forward.
    Not really? Wouldn't it be safe to say that all instances of this particular building in all scenarios made before the fix would be bugged?
    Once you're opening up the scenario for fixing the building in that location, it shouldn't be much more work to do a quick flyover and see if there are any of the same type of building elsewhere on the map... and then fix those at the same time.
  15. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bulletpoint in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    As that example was from the official KG Peiper campaign, will reporting this as a bug fix the problem?
    I assume you might fix the underlying problem with the offending building, but people will still find the bug when they play that campaign? Because they will still have the faulty version sitting on their harddrive...
  16. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bozowans in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    So here is an example of the problem I was talking about on the Stavelot map. 
    The problem affects these two white buildings highlighted here, just off the town square:

    Here is a close-up. As you can see I have men stacked up right in front of the doors. Neither the front nor the rear doors are functional for these buildings, and it seems the only way in is to go through the inside of the adjacent buildings. Also, this is not the only building type affected by this bug. Some of the really narrow buildings on this exact same block are also affected by this, but for now I'll just point out these.

    Here are the movement orders I have given. I had two separate teams try to enter the buildings side by side at the same time to illustrate the problem.

    When I hit the big red button, both teams ignored the doors and then started running off to the right:

    They circled around the corner, made a U-turn, and then entered the adjacent building at the end of the block.

    Naturally, this meant that they ran right into the bullets of the Americans across the street.

    So as you can see, it can be a bit of a game-breaking bug when it ends up like that, especially when playing a long campaign where every casualty you take matters. Luckily I save the game at the beginning of every turn anyway just in case something like this happens. I have multiple other examples and screenshots of this happening to other buildings on this same map as well.
  17. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Oddball-47 in Infantry not using nearest entrance to buildings   
    It has been a ridiculous problem for years. It's not merely annoying. It's often scenario breaker. Seems like it would
    be a relatively simple fix. Is there some mystical property(ies) assigned to front versus rear doors? 
  18. Upvote
    sttp reacted to sburke in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    Because sometimes, most people agree based on facts. And yes the Russian bots are active at spreading mis information. So it becomes even more critical to go to verifiable sources you can reasonably show have a basis for knowledge. In this case the medical community who are overwhelmingly giving the same advice bar a few exceptions who generally pop up on right wing conspiracy sites. If you tend towards bogus information sources you will get bogus information. That Fox has gone 180 on this in the space of a week should make anyone pause. Clearly they are a bad source of info. 
  19. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Xorg_Xalargsky in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    battlefront, a plea from the heart to release Fire and Rubble early
    my brother, Jayden, has a serious lung condition that would make COVID-19 nothing but a death sentence to him
    however, he is too much of a ladies' man to stay inside as he should, no, he goes to clubs and bars every night, mingling and engaging in the very opposite of social distancing
    the only thing that could keep him inside would be the prompt release of Fire and Rubble as his obsession for the fairer sex is only surpassed by that of the late-war Eastern Front of WW2
    battlefront, please, you are my and my mother's only hope
  20. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Wicky in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    Challenge for politicians (and us all) is keeping the patient (country) alive and functioning 6–9–12 months (poss. longer...) while on lockdown undergoing treatment during World War Flu...
    20/03/20 Restriction to continue ‘most of a year’
    Policies to limit the spread of coronavirus would need to be in place for "at least most of a year" to prevent intensive care units being overwhelmed, according to official scientific advice to the government.
    The documents, prepared by the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (Sage), said alternating between more and less strict measures could "plausibly be effective at keeping the number of critical care cases within capacity".

    Impact of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to reduce COVID- 19 mortality and healthcare demand
    Here is a link to the full text of the Imperial College study of the future course of the infection in the UK and US under various scenarios for government actions.
    According to reports, this study has been exceptionally influential on the US and UK governments very recently.
    The study simulates the future of the disease with a very detailed and complex model.  Each individual is modeled and different sorts of interactions in schools, at work, and socially are done.  Census data is used to assign simulated individuals to various groupings that interact with each other in different ways.
    The conclusions are sobering.  They say there are two basic options.
    Option A is suppression with strong lockdown measures.  They conclude this can succeed and keep the disease from spreading to most of the population.  But lockdown measures have to be maintained until an effective vaccine is ready.  When the lockdown is relaxed, the virus comes back.
    Option B is mitigation.  The curve is flattened.  Peak health care demand is reduced by 2/3 and deaths by half.  But hundreds of thousands still die and healthcare systems are overwhelmed many times over.
    So, crippling economic and social damaged for at least 12-18 months or huge numbers of deaths.
  21. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Bud Backer in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    The sad thing is that if the measures undertaken to minimize spread and fatalities are successful, it will be interpreted by many as “gee, I told you this wasn’t so serious.” SMH. 
  22. Upvote
    sttp reacted to Megalon Jones in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    I work in the medical field.  That's literally the worst possible scenario.  This is several magnitudes more serious than the flu.  The panic buying is a result of poor leadership and people not paying attention (or being unable to be differentiate trustworthy news sources.)   If your news source went from 'Meh....It's like the flu' to 'Holy F*ck!  National emergency!!' in the span of a week, that ought to be a tell.
    I stockpiled back in February and have been social distancing for the last two weeks.  You don't need a weatherman....yadda, yadda, yadda 
  23. Upvote
    sttp reacted to sburke in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    Are you guys F'n kidding me?  You really fall for this clap trap?  Good lord.  The panic and hoarding is a sad over reaction, but the ostrich head in the sand attitude is far worse and more dangerous.  That guy basically spun a web of no real facts and you accepted at face value that yep , all is good this is normal?  wtf??  Sorry, wrong.  This is a serious highly infectious and much deadlier disease.  What next?  The pandemic of 1918 was just another cold season?
    At least you guys are consistent in where you go for source material.  Won't be surprised at all to hear you watch Seam Hannity, except now he says he always took this seriously.
    In the public discussion of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic in early 2020, Wodarg gained notoriety as an interviewee in video clips typically published on rightwing video channels. There he presented his thesis that SARS-CoV-2 was only one of many similar viruses which usually go undetected as part of an ordinary seasonal period of respiratory infections (casually called flu or cold), and that the worldwide activities to stop the pandemic were only a "hype" caused basically by selective perception of researchers.[4] He detailed his thesis in publications on his personal website.[5] His comments on the COVID 19 pandemic caused criticism from German scientists. Various German media examined Wodarg's claims for accuracy and concluded that his statements would largely contradict the verifiable facts, some statements were neither refutable nor verifiable, but on closer examination proved to be misleading.
  24. Upvote
    sttp reacted to sburke in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    That is some logic.  If everyone gets the virus at once, the hospitals get inundated, respirators are already in short supply - result LOTS more people die.  Health care workers that would be needed to treat folks are sick.  The mortality rate for Corona virus is well above that of the flu even by conservative estimates.  In Italy the mortality rate for older folks is close to 19% (overall rate is estimated at around 8%)  Flu rate is around .1%.  Might want to spend a little more time reading up on real facts.  The panic etc is in good part due to our leaders spreading false information and our response coming so late.  
    The social distancing that is being encouraged has one major goal - to spread the infection rate over time to allow the health care community to manage the influx - that's it.  It won't stop the virus, but it might keep our healthcare system from collapsing and therefore keep more people alive.  The alternative and the result of what you are proposing is every country becomes Italy - the comparable death rate in the US if we go though that is about 18,000 people in the space of 6 weeks. (had to correct that, googled the wrong info)
  25. Upvote
    sttp reacted to MikeyD in Red thunder and Covid -19   
    Are you volunteering to die?
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