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Everything posted by borg

  1. is this chugging on still ? Thanks @LongLeftFlank
  2. Judging from the rate of forum postings and the very very latest post(s) by Steve commenting/replying back on the released beta video - I sense its close. I also think it could have served as an exercise... are there / is there anything in the video , that is worth commenting about that is not right ? (except the bird song :P)
  3. Man. All the talk of Hindu Kush (caucasus; sorry spelling) makes me remember the campaign Heart of Darkness. One of the missions - was with two valley passes and three hill/mountain sides. With an All American para units , and ANA army.
  4. Hahahah seeds and plant ! Awesome.
  5. Hello @Combatintman hello @Sgt.Squarehead ! Guess whose back from the ? CMSF2! Boy - am I late for this party or what. so - even though with all the Fictional Syria 2008 setting. We may see some nice Afghan Hindu Kush ? (Hint hint)
  6. I trick question to you all & @Battlefront.com if I may - IF cmsfII is an updated cmsf to V4.0 specs.... will the vanilla campaigns and scenarios be the same as original cmsf... Or will there be new ones incorporated. ?
  7. im watching you @Sgt.Squarehead - always watching you
  8. Good luck guiding the airborne on their 4th jump in hells highway :-) I’m having a blast in this throwback to the past.
  9. Now that I have flirted with CM for just over 3 yrs I guess... I’m returning to campaigns at CMBN level. This one in particular - set in Holland (my fav place!) is truly a charm to play - for both fun and tactix I am impressed at the small details that @Paper Tiger put in around many corners of the small towns. Replicating how a real authentic town was (is) in the low lands. Just finished mission 1 , done n dusted with US Major Victory
  10. Cool. I think, we should all admit - that It does look super wonderful. The drone footage is something AMAZING.
  11. God damn no worries... is this a big or too much of an eye candy in the modern titles to implement ? Man.... I loved it.
  12. Guys - speaking of beautiful mods, I happened to see this little clip and circa 8mim50sec you can clearly see a sort of drone footage ... god damn. Is this just eye candy and visual edits by the user or part of the IN GAME setting ? It looks as if - footage from the drone view. thanks mateys.
  13. looooool Good one. But who would want to put an IED inside ? that would certainly keep everyone on edge - building by building. Roadside IEDs - now thats classic.
  14. so just a dumb question., can I use (activate) an IED during a mission or is this something scripted into the scenario ? and its controlled by AI. thanks guys.
  15. About blowing the skiite out of some talibs or bad ppl using IEDs or the other way around IEDs - what a hard core feature that CMSF brought to us - and realistic in the setting.
  16. Have u guys watched The long road to home ? Airing on National Geographic - is it good ? Reminds me of the setting we see here
  17. So CMSF2 is really gona be something eh guys.... I wonder what @Combatintman will steer up in the editor.
  18. I thought I read it somewhere in the fora, by Steve himself - that when CMSF2 comes out - it will come out with all three modules and all. No ? ill try dig the forum, and search for it. OK FOUND IT ! so at one point, Steve said ... so that settles it.
  19. Wow... I can already see CMSFII blasting through the record sales. Who knows, even though as @Battlefront.com said, don't expect it out on January 1st 2018 - when will pre-orders start. Is that usually, few weeks before release. Or few months ? Cant recall. Probably, the very first thing we ll see - is a dedicated forum section. Any rough ideas when that will hit the online view.
  20. I c. Can we do more to convince battlefront ? And if we can. In what ways?
  21. But whose appetite ? :-/ im sure Afghan/iraq setting would be equally welcomed.... however truth be told - these scenarios can be ‘easily’ replicated just like CMSF ? Am I correct in assuming so.
  22. So, Will we be able to feast on this in 2018 ! I fully concur with above.
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