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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Derfel 2nd

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Posts posted by Derfel 2nd

  1.  Late to the party but just want to chime in with the choir praising this news! As an old fart who did national service 81-82 and then spent basically then spent basically the entire rest of the 80's playing Frank Chadwicks "Assault" boardgame I am so very much looking forward to this. 

    If you want to keep pace with the Assault series the additions to the basic game were:

    Boots and Saddles -Primarily American Cavalry units

    Cheiftain- Army of the Rhein -What it says on the tin, seem to recall belgian and dutch units made an apperance as well.

    Bundeswehr -West German forces

    Reinforcements -Bits and bobs from various Nato units.

    All expansions came with Warsaw pact units as well, including some speculative ones.

    Finally, people who complain about the GRG (Swedish; "Granatgevär" i.e the "Carl Gustav") should be cast out to the nether regions, where there is darkness and great nashing of teeth... It is without doubt the best weapon to issue from the loins of the Swedish manufactury of arms. If Charles XII had GRGs at Poltava, things would have gone very differently, just saying...



  2. SPOILER ALERT!!! This is a thread where I moan about a particularly irritating situation in one of the scenarios in the "Charge of the Stryker Brigade". If you haven't played it you might want to stay away.


    OK, so I come to the scenario "Rockets red glare"; arriving with some scouts and not much else, enemy (red force) units in company strength move up and occupy positions very near the map edge closest to where my scouts arrived. Then my first reinforcements arrive/materialise right in front of the enemy positions and are of course instantly annihilated.

    So, ten minutes in and I'm down an entire Stryker platoon... somehow I doubt this was the scenario designer's intent... I could be wrong...

    Anybody else noticed this?


  3. On 2/16/2019 at 8:36 AM, Apache said:

    I used to be a tabletop gamer.  Recall the first time I fired up CM1, the loading music, throwing Shermans down the road towards occupied positions.  Sensational.  

    Amen to that brother, Amen to that. (or "So Say We All" for the nerdier folks).

    After all these years I still get a kick from remembering the guys insisting that ASL and it's ilk were SO much better and entertaining than any wretched computer game, firing up CMBO and watching their jaws thudding to the ground...

  4. Well, now it feels like the old Board again, people arguing furiously about Bren guns... Also a bit over-zealus defence of the company, a bit of hyperbole on the side of the complainers, and to top it off someone who doesn't believe in Charles and Steve's existence... makes me feel young again.

    All that aside, this silence on the issue of the patch and the complete lack of updates on the website is a tad worrying.

    I couldn't care less about the patch issues in comparison to the idea that the guys who has given me endless hours of entertainment for the last 20 years are in trouble in some way, since most of us here are in 'middle-age' we know what a lot of **** that life can throw at you once you hit 40 or thereabouts.

    So, here's hoping it's just that the patch is turning out to be a right clusterbuck to adjust and that's all.

  5. So, being of a rather lazy disposition I decided to use a map part of one of the scenarios of the battle pack as the base for an upcoming little h2h tournament.

    Now, at least one of the players in the tournament is too cheap... er... economically minded... to buy more than just CMBN. Well, usually no trouble, thanks to the nifty spacebar command in the unit editor I can avoid using units from any other module.

    To my immense annoyance I find that this sort of recycling of maps (well, part of the map) is apparently not possible, something keeps insisting that the scenario demands the battle pack.

    I removed all units, same result, getting interested and more annoyed I subsequently removed all buildings, then replaced all terrain with dirt, finally I removed everything, bridges, roads... It still insists on requiring the damned Battle Pack!

    So, now I've spent more time investigating this than it would have taken me to slap together an map of my own, but I'm still bewildered. Are those scenarios/maps tagged in some way that is inaccessible to the private scenario designer?

    If so, that is mildly alarming as it would indicate a drift toward more restricted access to pre-produced material, something that I would hate to see, as the possibility to edit, re-use and convert published scenarios has always been a very strong point in the CM system of games.

    Of course I'm not suggesting that all vehicles and buildings should be available from modules that you haven't acquired, but the maps...?

  6. Friends! Romans! Scenario designers!

    I come not to drivel about some dead roman dude, but to make a proposal about how we describe mode of play in our scenario descriptions.

    Primus; The scenario designer should always include a mode of play description in the primary information. That is the info that can be seen when scrolling thru the scenario menu.

    Secundus; There shall be four, and ONLY FOUR possible descriptions. Namely: 'Playable in all modes', 'Playable as H2H only', 'Playable as Allied vs AI', or 'Playable as Axis vs AI'. Possibly, if you want to sound less peremptory we can agree on 'Recommended play as Allied vs AI', 'Recommended play as Axis vs AI', Recommended Play as H2H' or 'Playable in all modes'.

    So, what say ye? Shall we stand and be standardized or be forever and confusingly sundered?

  7. OK, I'm shoving this in here but I might also start a separate thread.

    I have request/wish/begging on bare knees... Is there any way to make the descriptive text of the vehicles appear in white to contrast with the dark background, I don't know about others but even on my 26 inch screen the text below the vehicles seem blurred and all but unreadable.

    For example look at Juju's preview pics (see the thread about Juju's UI), compare the text under the tank destroyer with the text under the mortar in his later preview pic.

    If this is possible it would really remove an PITA for me, and maybe others.

    Juju informs me that the colour of the text is hard coded so it can't, or at least shouldn't be modded.

    So please?

  8. On 2016-04-14 at 1:12 AM, Juju said:

    Thanks Derfel. Sadly all on-screen text is hard-coded and has never been part of my mods. It could be modded, however, by editing the strings.txt file. I wouldn't know how to and I've been warned this file is best not touched. At all. And if somebody could even pull it of it'd need to be updated with every patch, AFAIK.


    *Sigh* I feared 'twas so. Thanks for the info.

    I guess the only recourse is to pray to the CM gods for change...


  9. Superb work as usual Juju.

    I have request/wish/begging on bare knees... Is there any way to make the descriptive text of the vehicles appear in white to contrast with the dark background, I don't know about others but even on my 26 inch screen the text below the vehicles seem blurred and all but unreadable.

    For example look at your preview pics, compare the text under the tank destroyer with the text under the mortar in your later preview pic.

    If this is possible it would really remove an PITA for me, and maybe others.

  10. @Derfel 2nd

    Are you mostly a CMBN player? Where are we now? Oh. CMRT Forum...perfect!

    OK, I have some projects you might like to work on together for flavor objects.

    Would you like to see a knocked out lend-lease Sherman or knocked-out lend-lease Churchill as your axis soldiers battle against the Soviets? :D


    CMRT Forum? Bah! Details. I can be equally confused and confusing in any Forum. 

    In fact I started this thread here because I really wanted some of the Farm FOs from CMRT for use in CMBN, as it turned out I got all I wanted and more.

    I'll happily take on any collaboration as long as it doesn't involve any... you know... work. 

    As for knocked out tanks as FOs I think that would be useful, especially if they really look knocked out, as noted above there is a point in putting up vehicles from a previous battle as FOs rather than adding them from the Unit selector in the editor.

    I'm going to abstain from commenting on the whole modtagging debate as I don't know squat about modtagging. Whenever we have a multiplayer tournament (or just a h2h game) I just prepare a modfolder that all players download and use during the games.  There's probably a better way of doing this, but it works, so I ain't fixing what works.


  11. Hullo again,

    Just a quick line to let you know I've gone completely bonkers with the whole "Flavor Objects" thing. After collecting every single FO in all the CM2 games (thanks for the tip about CM Afghan Demo, Sequoia) I then started messing about with other things such as vehicles and buildings. So I now, among other things, have a windmill as a flavor object in CMBN.

    Why? I hear you ask, probably raising an eyebrow or three.

    Well, it so happens that a few of my cheap... er... frugal friends couldn't be arsed to buy the Market Garden module so if I place a windmill on a multiplayer map, it won't show up for some of the players.

    Of course it's still a FO, you cant enter it or interact with it, but if you want it to add a bit of local colour in some remote and inaccessible part of your map, it looks great.

    Also vehicles, I've added a few trucks parked in various suitable places on city or town maps and it's remarkable how much more "lived in" the map looks. Of course they're still military trucks, next thing is to mod them into a civilian guise.

    Also, and this might actually be something that affects gameplay; if you place an abandoned vehicle on your map, perhaps to indicate that fighting has been going on for a while, it will in all likelihood get fired on repeatedly until your pixeltroops realize that it's dead. On the other hand, if you put a knocked out or abandoned vehicle on the map as a FO it will get ignored. Depending on your purposes, you might want either thing to happen, but at least you can choose how you want the active units to react.


  12. Well, that was easier  than I expected. A couple of hours fiddling and I now have a folder named "Additional Flavor Objects" in my CMBN Mod folder containing all or nearly all the Flavor Objects from the other two titles that aren't in CMBN.

    Next step, I suppose, will be to put in some modded Flavor Objects or (gasp!) actually mod one or two myself... well, we'll see.

    If there's any interest I can zip the folder and put it in the new repository.

  13. Kohl; exactly what I was looking for. Molto Gracie!

    Sequoia; Yeah, good point, as I mentioned above, I always update the mod/graphics directories of the other computers in a tournament (our usual form of play) so they are exactly the same. Perhaps a missing flavor object here or there doesn't make that much difference but I want immersion dammit!

    While we're on the subject, wouldn't it be a good idea for a BFC update that includes all general flavor object (i.e those not super specifically linked to a certain theatre/game) in all the games? Perhaps It's just me, but when I see what guys like Pete W or  Umlaut can do with the present set of flavor objects in a particular game I really, really would like to see what the can do if they get even more choices.

    Hmm... maybe we could just create a collection of all standard (those that come with the various games) flavor objects ready for inclusion in all games, I suppose that would mean a bit of work renaming and so on but still... hmmm (again) maybe someone has done this already?


  14. Gents,

    Thanks, I do indeed refer to Flavour objects, 'twas in a moment of confusion I grabbed the wrong term.

    Pete; I think I understand you, but to clarify; you cannot create a completely new flavour object and add it to the game (which is odd, now I come to think on it, didn't someone create a parachute object for Market Garden?) but you can add an existing object from another game if you name the files correctly.

    Another question then; how do you select that new object, will there appear a new number in the editor when you use a previously unused slot?

    Oh, and BTW Pete, looking forward to new maps from you in CMFB, I have used and sometimes modified your maps (properly credited, of course) for our little group of H2H players for years now.




  15. Fellow carbon based beings;

    I have searched the forums for a bit but can't find the answer to this here question, either because my internet connection is acting up or because I suck at forum searches, anyho I would be very grateful to know if it's possible to add doodads to the CM2 games, I know the existing doodads can be modded of course, but can you increase the number of Doodads available?

    A while back I created a monster mod directory where I renumbered a lot of building textures so I have an immense number of choices when I build my maps, which I found very useful to increase the immersion level of the maps (of course I mainly play head to head games with friends that have the same mod directory).

    So; is there a way to add to the bag of Doodads? Specifically I would love to bring the farm doodads from CMRT over to CMBN for a start.

    Any and all suggestions are welcome!




  16. My battle with Bil for MG was similar: I chose an airborne heavy oob, to showcase what they could do. He picked a lot of armor. I still won. ;)

    Hang on, you won? Are you drunk or am I? (50-50 chance I suppose) I seem to recall Bil beat the pants off you and then used them to flog you around the house...

    No, I couldn't be arsed to look it up, I genereally prefer to make my mind up first, then ignore any facts, I find it... soothing...



  17. "hellcats and Jacksons don't have machineguns. well the jackson B's have a ball mount, which is useless."

    Good point, I had forgotten that. Well, that is another crumb in favor of Baneman's orcs. If they can approach from several directions at once the Shreks should make short work of the TDs, of course that is assuming they don't stop a 90 mm HE round long before they get into the district...

    I guess Bil will mix the TDs with Shermans to prevent this, or he might just keep the TDs at distance and just use the Shermans against the infantry once he figures out Banemans force-mix.


  18. For some reason that lone JagdTiger reminds me of "Grond", that big-ass battering ram they use against Minas Tirith in the Lord of The Rings. There's a passage that goes something like "Long it was in the making... Orcs surrounded it, Trolls walked behind to wield it..." (quoted from memory because I can't be arsed to look it up right now)

    I get this image of that JagdTiger slowly moving down a snowy road with German infantry swarming about it... probably with Baneman circling above it on a very large newt...

    In any case I mostly agree with Ken; it does feel like Baneman brought a spoon to a knife fight, but there is one thing; distance. As I understood the description of the terrain there aren't any large open vistas. That means that the infantry have a chance to get in close and personal to Bil's armor, close enough? Well, maybe.

    Also it means that if there is interaction between the armored units it will be nasty, brutish and short, RoF and crew experience might be more important than bore size (insert joke of large bores on the forum here).

    So, I guess my conclusion is that Baneman's best option is Orc tactics, spread out and swarm all over the enemy, and if you can, bring a cave troll...


  19. Gentlebeings,


    As immensly pleased I am that turn based LAN/Internet play is now available there is one fly in my otherwise gourmet ointment.

    Recently my little group of players have been playing each other rather frequently and it turns out that though the game performs pretty smoothly over the Internet, we have found one exception; Artillery.

    Basically it comes down to arty missions being fired at all points of the compass with no reference to the specified target. Sometimes the incoming rounds lands behind the spotter or hundreds of meters outside the map. In addition there have been "Ghost Missions" which sounds cool but really isn't as it means that the artillery fires randomly without any orders at all.

    I have done a good bit of testing and my conclusion is that artillery works perfectly when played over a LAN but when the orders have to venture out on the Internet something goes pear shaped.

    So; my questions to you fellow players are :

    1. Have you noticed this behavior?

    2. Any recommendations as how to correct it?

    I will report it as a suspected bug, but I first wanted to see if there was anybody else out there with similar experience.









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