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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by postfux123

  1. I have already stopped to try to keyhole MGs for tasks like covering sunken roads. The "face" command seems to help sometimes but it is too much of a gamble.

    The problem I had in this game wasnt with a wrong angle but that the MG couldnt fire down in the "reverse slope" created by a hedgerow.

    All I wanted was to get the guys there to keep their heads down so that my scout team could ... ahm scout. I would have been perfectly happy with firing a little high over their cover.

    As it was lack of recon cost the neighbouring squad dearly and brought me over the 10% losses limit. :mad:

  2. Erwin, I seldom use LOS check thinking the game gives enough advantages, knowing the postion of every door and every hole in hedgerows in advance.

    In the mentioned game the MG team was on the march and in the orders phase I checked and they had LOS. I let them stop and deploy and the LOS was gone. Annoying.

    The reason I let the MG march forward was that everyone up front did have LOS to that position, but I didnt want to burn squad ammo and had the time to bring the MG up since I was stuck behind the minefield anyway. MG didnt get to fire a single shot. Annoying again.

    The enemy abandonde the position without any apparent reason, adding insult to injury.

  3. There was a single engineer just one action spot ahead and one to the right. He was either doing buddy aid or lying on the ground marking the minefield.

    An LMG team a little back and to the right could also fire into the position.

    The ground is perfectly flat with some vegetation between everyone and the target. I had the MG walk from good cover way back right into the (until then undiscovered part of the) minefield because i couldnt believe it.

    Edit: Just finished the game. The engineer was now busy on the ground marking the newly discovered minefield and couldnt get LOS, neither the MG. Everyone else did. Must have to do with stance. This means my men are more vulnerable taking shots just behind hedgerows?

    Edit #2: Undeployed the MG, couldnt get los. Moved a BAR team in the same action spot, could get LOS. That doesnt seem right.

  4. Intersting stuff mech.gato.

    What could be implemented is a breakdown not due to lack of service but wrong treatment/ tendency to break fully serviced.

    Driving full speed over the breach just blown by your engineers might brake a jeep fresh from the ship. Also I believe to have read german commanders where not too happy with the Panther partly because the front suspension qas too weak.

    The jeep thing is at least partly simulated by wheel damage, the panther thing perhaps is not worth the effort or didnt result in breakdown.

  5. My MGs seem to have worse LOS than everyone else and cant fire at a "reverse slope position" regular infantry has no problem firing at. The reverse slope was behind a hedgerow on an otherwise perfectly flat area. Couldnt get them to fire behind the cover. They seemed to have LOS while on the march and had lost it once deployed.

    Is this a known issue or working as intended? I had these poor guys walking just into a minefield trying to get LOS.

  6. I need to correct you on one point - the game is completely playable in its current state.

    More than that. It is not only the best wargame I know, but simply the best computer game out there. Given time it will beat the hours i wasted with CIV.

    I honestly just forgot to add this guy to my first post: ;)

  7. "Clips of bullets?" If that's not a weird phrase then I don't know what is, in relation to the Thompson. Considering the two main weapons in the American arsenal that used the .45 cal round didn't use clips, it's probably just another example of someone using really bad terminology.

    You should tell Webster he doesnt know what he is writing about. He was 21 back then. If he is still alive I guess he is much less dangerous today. Dont want you to get Brooklyned. Wait, let me think a moment ... ;)

    I find two explanations for this terminolgy.

    Perhaps Paratroopers dug in on the frontline didnt care too much about the semantic implications of a spring or Hoobler took the SMG as a secondary weapon making his actions even more "absurd".

  8. I suggest you find some other way to entertain yourself if you want to last around here.

    I was hoping the ;) would do it this time.

    Disclaimer: I am a great fan of the game since CMBO and am still playing it daily despite his serious shortcomings and the criminal business model ;) ;) ;)

    Thompsons don't use clips.

    "Hoobler returned and began to prepare for the patrol. He put on his wool knit cap, rubbed dirt into his face and on the back of his hand, and borrowed a Thompson from little Mack of the mortar squad. Filling his pocket with CLIPS of bullets, he tried to keep up a running chatter, but his voice broke, his hands trembled and he began to stutter. It was the first time I had ever seen him show fear and I admired him very much for forcing himself to go along."

  9. Started to read Websters book, which is great reading and i trust also authentic. Some fun facts:

    1. In the hours after dropping into Normandy captured vehicles were used by the Paras (should qualify as during battle).

    2. In Holland they were riding tanks into (likely) battle with the order: Ride until you get hit.

    3. A recently shot captain got relieved of his peronal equipment by company HQ (not mentioning his gun). Looting of fallen fellow soldiers seems not to have been uncommon.

    4. Webster broke a Thompson not issued to him hunting a rabbit in England. (doesnt elaborate on his choice of weapon).

    5. A volunteer for a battalion patrol to assault a farmhouse borrowed a Thompson from the mortar squad and stuffed the clips in his pockets. (this seems to have made its way into Wikipedia).

  10. I think this argument arises in large part from a disconnect between SMG effectiveness in-game and in reality.

    Not for me. I am very happy with rifles on long ranges and pull the SMG out of the line if possible to preserve the ammo for situations where i need some close range firepower. Loosing the only automatic except the LMG is very annoying to me espacially since there is lots of close quarter fighting not only in urban areas but also in bocage.

    You're joking, right?

    No, dead serious. The game is spoiled for me. Lacking other entertainment I decided to troll the forum instead. ;)

  11. I have no idea if the reason you purport is why the games is the way it is.

    I would argue however that it is due to rifles and SMG's being personal weapons, while LMG's or larger are generally considered support weapons that are far more important to the squad as a whole than a single SMG.

    As for your point with regard to soldiers on the eastern front taking SMGs I would be interested to know how many troops actually swapped their issued weapon for a SMG in the heat of battle, particularly if you are referring to German use of Red Army SMG's. I would suspect very few were snatched up mid battle.

    Bottom line I'm winning this argument because Battlefront happen to agree with me (or vice versa if you prefer). :D


    I think you are wrong about how the game works. A rifleman wont pick up an SMG since rifles and SMGs are considered equal. A crewman armed with a sidegun will pick up both given the chance. A difference between personal and support weapons is not simulated.

    Here is what wikipedia - quoting a serious source - says about the Thompson in France: "The gun was prized by those lucky enough to get one and proved itself in the close street fighting that was encountered frequently during the invasion of France. Former Paratrooper David Kenyon Webster in his book Parachute Infantry spoke of the guns being "borrowed" by riflemen from members of the mortar squad for use on patrols behind enemy lines."

  12. 'To right a great wrong'... lol!

    C'mon mate. Not picking up an smg is hardly game breaking or wrong.

    In reality, a rifle has more hitting power and is a man stopper. SMG's have lower powered rounds and are only useful in very close contact.

    As for driving around in a Kubel?... 'Posing' doesn't win battles :)

    There is a fundamental here that those that feel soldiers should be able to pick up the personal weapon of another are missing.


    LMGs get picked up nearly every time, AT weapons get picked up nearly every time. The game features this behavior only not for SMGs since they are considered equal to rifles.

    Every argument claiming the SMG is not as versatile as a rifle and a specialized weapon actually supports my point as long as the squad is full of versatile weapons and loosing its only specialized one.

    To my knowledge at least on the eastern front soldiers would often take SMGs not issued to them initially. I guess in bocage country some short range firepower was regarded usefull so having one short barrelled automatic wasnt a bad idea historically.

  13. I've never had any other of my men try to filch someone else's personal firearm. Is that how it happened with your guys?

    Unluckily, no. I could respect this behavior.

    Mine are only mumbling about weapon cleaning sets, lack of stopping power of an automatic .45, strange things about 1st person shooters and are looking in another direction. Some even go so far as to say posing doesnt win battles.

    Are you using a mod or do I have to buy an upgrade?

    Your story is also explaining why the BAR is free for taking as soon as Brooklyn is down.

  14. I have been told this has been discussed to death, is handled historically correct and wont be changed by BF.

    So naturally I have to start a new thread to right a great wrong. Here it comes.

    I am annoyed to the extreme when I lose a leader in rifle heavy american squads because it does not only mean the loss of a useful guy but only of the mostly single SMG making "assault" teams a lot less effective.

    The SMG is gone for good since it isnt picked up except by soldiers armed with sideguns usually not found up front and not often used as assault Teams even when the get the SMG.

    In a game where AT weapons are picked up every time by every soldier I think SMGs should at least be taken as a secondary weapon.

    Given many Pictures of german soldiers in russia with russian SMGs i guess it was not uncommon to swap a rifle against a SMG even if you had to rely on the enemy for supply.

    BTW why cant my GIs drive abandonde Kübelwagen that could be put into action by any german soldier immediatly.

    The game is completly unplayable with these shortcomings.

  15. BF has a system to keep all games up to date and also expand them. They could just leave the game as it is and concentrate on new projekts - like most developers do. What they offer is service (for money) not a rip off.

    There a few examples of games beeing developed like Combat Mission from CMBO to CMBB 3.0 and preserving its character while introducing new features all the time. The balance between realism/playability, freedom of action/micromanagment has been constantly kept just perfect.

    I think these guys deserve not only money but also some credit to put that much effort in the game.

    Complaining about upgrades is like complaining that we have to pay for CMBB because all the new stuff should already have been in CMBO.

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