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Posts posted by postfux123

  1. One of my teachers told a story of tanks firing at our school (or rather the SS firing from it). That most likely would have been Shermans against a massive stone wall not causing structural relevant damage but making quite a mess. My grandfather told of a direct hit (no idea by what weapon) against a wooden structure pretty much bringing it down.

    Thats very vague, but the best I have to offer.

  2. I don't need to read the rules because I wrote them :D You misunderstood my point. And that is we are not supposed to be talking about the politics of this conflict, but the military and things directly related to the military aspects.


    This is off topic. But three quick points for you to consider, but not debate:

    1. Tymoshenko was rejected by the population in the recent election. That is because they figured out who she really is.

    2. As far as I know Poroshenko did not benefit from the corrupt privatization of Soviet assets. If he did, then only to a small degree compared to other oligarchs.

    3. A smart man, or organization, senses the change of direction in the wind and orientates his sail so he gets ahead instead of falls behind. Look at the spending record of US corporations and pressure groups to see they generally back both parties in elections, but favor the one that is likely to win with more money.

    4. Espionage is not concerned with motivation. If someone engages in an activity that is orchestrated by and for the benefit of a foreign power against ones own country, that is grounds for espionage. It doesn't matter if the person did it for politics, greed, sex, drugs... whatever... irrelevant. The international nature and primary purpose of a scheme sets this particular case apart from other oligarchs.


    Some other news.

    1. The big one is the SBU has apparently published their list of Russian units operating in Ukraine, where their HQs are, and where training camps are setup. They provide unit designations, street addresses, and 12 digit grid coordinates. Obviously Ukraine is sick and tired of people saying there isn't any hard evidence (despite all the hard evidence). It also indicates that Ukraine no longer sees a value in keeping this information hidden, which is generally standard practice for intel information of this nature.

    Google Translate isn't working right now (at least not for me) so I haven't looked at it directly.


    2. The new Ukrainian government was sworn in and most of the key acting ministers are keeping their jobs. This clearly indicates there will be no change in government policy in terms of progress towards membership with the EU, moves to combat corruption, and prioritizing the war against Russian aggression. Any thoughts Putin might have had that there was still a way to drive a wedge into Ukrainian politics should be out of his head completely now.

    3. There are probably going to be more situations like this "riot" in Yuvileyne, Luhansk, yesterday:



    4. Probably not unrelated, Putin has apparently appealed directly to the separatists to stop stealing the actual humanitarian aid that is in "Putin's Convoys". It's been widely reported (to no surprise) that the separatists unload the trucks and keep some for themselves and then sell the rest to civilians at high prices:


    5. There are reports that some separatists are calling it quits and going home because of the cold and likely generally poor living conditions. Specific areas mentioned are Donetsk, Horlovka, Telmanovo and Novoazovsk. Obviously it is difficult to confirm this, but it's a predictable situation and I'm sure it's happening to some extent.



    Bolds by me. Please reread critically and reconsider your attitude. You are of course also free to debate.

    They way you are handling this forum could qualify you for a director at RT.

    I am out of this and this time for good, but me beeing me I cant restrain myself to make some last points:

    1. I can beat you and your brother in a fistfight with my right hand tied to my back. I just choose not to because I had these kind of fights every day the last 10 months.

    2. If Russia is the only one responsible for the dead and displaced in Eastern Ukraine, who is responsible for the dead protesters and policeman at Euromaidan?

    3. If the prerevolutionary Ukrainian government would have sent the army to Kiev and Lemberg and I dont know which other Western Ukrainian city who would have been your bad guy?

    4.Nobody did "force" England or France to declare war on Germany or the US to support Stalin. Without these direct actions there would not have been a world war. It is an existing but "highly debatable" position if these facts make These powers responsible for WWII.

    5. Calling the strategic bombing during WWII a warcrime means stepping on difficult ground young padawan. I dont think you consider the implications for thousands of allied air crews with full knowledge of their payload and where this was delivered. I am sure you know Dresden is a symbol not a single event. Btw, there where no rules for air warfare back then. Even if you are going for using the rules for ground warfare analogous (and you can make a good point toward that) there is also the position talking about a breakdown of the rules of wars, which also is a good one. Cities as military targets? There are people without an politcal agenda that call Hamburg a decisive point in the war. War (the violent destruction of the enemy) is amoral by ist nature and isnt necessarily restricted to the destruction of the armed forces. I dont want to open this can. Hiroshima anyone? Mutual restraint by agreed rules of engagment is only thinkable if both parties are ready to accept defeat or fear breaking the rules more than loosing. Therefore its the exception not the rule. If you are trying to break down strategic developments to the responsibility of single persons and mix some morals into it you will loose the focus for the big picture. Punitive action as war crime? What about Sherman or Grant as war criminals? The later - one of the greatest man your country can be proud of - for supporting Sherman and letting him of the leash. Was the Wilderness Campaign with its high casualities morally better than the March to the Sea?

    6. I know I am terribly OT on 4 and 5 but that pretty well describes why I got engaged in this "discussion". I am sure most people behind the gunsigghts on both sides bringing death and destruction to Eastern Ukraine are decent men. The probability might drop with irregular forces, no matter which side. Warfare is ugly and These guys wont change that. People that are having an agenda towards making a good guy/ bad guy situation out of a higly complicated ongoing conflict are fueling escalation and therefor get blood on their hands without leaving their living rooms. Thats why I dont think you are a decent guy and nothing you said on this forum did change my opinion. In the beginning I admit I was expecting some sort of clarifaction (and some other members more diplomatic than me, too) but you did everything to reinforce your point.

  3. Without Russia's direct actions in Ukraine there would be no war at all. Therefore the weight of responsibility for all death and destruction ultimately rests on the shoulders of Russian foreign policy. Just like the death and destruction in Europe in WW2 is the responsibility of the Third Reich. However, individual actions can be placed on the shoulders of Ukraine just as they can for the Allies in WW2. Just because the Third Reich started WW2 in Europe doesn't mean that fireboming Dresden can not be criticized as an immoral and illegal act.


    Without the direct actions of France and England and Lend and Lease a lot of death and destruction most likely could have been avoided according your undisputable logic applied to Eastern Ukraine.

    And it was the Third Reich ultimatly responsible for the firebombing of Dresden. If you send your army away to conquer the world the enemy will come and burn down your citys. Always was like that, always will be. Even precision ammunition wont change this.

    If you reduce these actions to Bomber Harris or some other individuals you are loosing the big picture again. Hitler was warned about the strategic capabilities (likely monthly production of heavy bombers). 3/4 of the Luftwaffe were deployed against the SU. The enemy will use what he has one point or another. Thats what escalation is about.

    I wont discuss your other points because I promised not to challenge your worldview and because talking to a wall seems to be more productive. Name me a wingnut and call it a day.

    Edit: Btw, the article I linked is mainly about the ineffectiveness and shortcomings of the US government. If you would have spent 5 minutes of your precious time you would be in a position to know this. At least you realised it wasnt a Russian source. I am aware now it takes the threat of deadly force to make you consider reading a deviating opinion or beeing exposed to facts not fitting in your world view. Sorry for breaking my promise, but this one was too hard to keep.

  4. But this is off topic. So please don't try to debate it here. Or convince me that the world is flat.


    Since I initially responded to one of your posts I am surprised I am OT. As long as the topic is the situation in Eastern Ukraine and not bashing Russia. I admit I am OT on this one.

    Wrong -there was never a point Russia was doing nothing. In fact Russia had been active for years.

    You are right of course. I didnt want to try to downplay Russian involvement in Ukraine (that would amount to stupid propaganda). What I wanted to express is that Russia did nothing on a scale we saw after the overthrow of the Ukrainian president and we still see today.

    I am Austrian, I consume only german media (who dont "support" that "narrative" and RT only when I stumble over some link. I dont think RT is very informative even if only to counterbalance western media. It is easy to get all relevant facts from western media if you take the effort to differ between reported facts and conclusions or opinions. You might want to try this angle (or not): http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/february/09/victoria-nulands-ukraine-gate-deceptions/

    I have no connection to Russia whatever. Historically my grandfathers fought Russia (also in Ukraine), one of them "deserted" in the last days of the war to be with his family when the Red Army was expected to reach his home town.

    One of them (the volunteer, not the "deserter" told us kids: "Everything is better than war."

    Clausewitz wrote about two factors that can lead to an uncontrollable escalation of war:

    1. the importance the involved governments gives to the cause: check, we didnt support the change from one corrupt government to another, we are fighting for democracy, human rights, Europe and to keep the Red Army out of Barcelona)

    2. the emotion the population does attach to this cause: this is why I get jumpy everytime someone who has some influence on an audience is trying to spin some good guy/ bad guy storie. I jump a lot these days.

    To call your posting about the responsibility for displaced People in Eastern Ukraine cynical is too polite. I am shocked about the way you as an administrator are leading this discussion. When another opinion is voiced you denounce him as a Propagandist, Insult him and tell him to shut up for beeing OT. I recommend you read the forum rules.

    It is not you or your kids that are dying or displaced in Eastern Ukraine or will suffer in an escalation. So stick with your computer games.

    And dont worry I wont try to shatter your worldview on any of your forums again with my propaganda. And yes, I know you dont care.

  5. Of course he is. Its the facts. The Ukraine conflict has been steered by the Kremlin from the first day. You think those 'green men' came from the moon?

    These are facts:

    1. Ukraine wanted to sign asociation agreement with EU. Russia grumbled and did nothing. EU didnt want to sign. In Fall 2013 Merkel said Ukraine is not ready.

    2. Ukraine needed money, asked EU. Negative.

    3. Ukraine asked Russia. Got credit. Moscow demanded to rethink alignment.

    4. Ukraine did.

    5. Protesters supported by Western powers moved to the street, occupied public buildings, armed themselves and fought police with deaths on both sides.

    6. Yanukowitch and western officials signed an agreement for early elections.

    7. Next day violent overthrow of Yanukowitch. Nato warns Ukraine to use military force. Unconstitutional government taking power in breach of the agreement is accepted by western powers immediatly.

    8. Breakaway/ Annextion of Krim

    9. Protesters supported by Russia moved to the street in the East, occupied public buildings, armed themselves. Regional Police didnt intervene.

    10. An unconstitutional and not democratically legitamted government in Kiev sends loyal parts of its military to quell the rebellion.

    This was all planned by the Kremlin? While Putin was busy hosting the Olympics? You are serious about this?

    If with "green men" you are refering to Russian soldiers I think they were already there, several thousands of them. Its called "military base".

  6. And who forced Ukrainians to leave their homes? The Ukrainian government? No, the fighting did. And who is responsible for the fighting? There would be no fighting now if it were not for Russia's direct aid. So Russia is responsible for the people being forced from their homes, not Ukraine.


    You are not serious about this?

  7. I probably average about 1 ticket a month from someone saying they purchased the game somewhere and are asking me for a key. My favorite is this one that came across a few weeks. The guy was adamant that he had purchased the game and demanded a key. As proof of ownership he sent me this:


    Yeah, that was me. Now I am stuck with this slow paced, boring and graphically outdated game I didnt want and cant even update without key.

    I demand a vehicle pack with heli riding flamethrower infantry and the ability to pick up SMGs!!! - and the key!!!

  8. There was a German aircraft carrier but it was scrapped before the war before it was complete (IIRC). Even Hitler knew it would be useless.

    Btw if the Germans had been any smart they hadn't started the war.

    You do not take into account it was an preemptive strike.

    Where is this thread going? :)

    1. To the dogs?

    2. To the 'my army is bigger than your army' ?

    3. To the 'Great WWII conspiracy theory group'?

    4. All of the above?

    I have a preference for # 3 ;)

  9. I think submarines were one of the smarter moves of Germany regarding effort and effect. They fell behind technological and had a huge problem with sigint but stragetic it was way smarter than building very modern and expensive battleships for instance. Submarines had the potential to partially balance allied production.

    One might wonder on the other hand why later in the war Germany build an assortment of badass tanks and another assortment of more economic fighting vehicles while the powerhorse US concentrated on one reliable (but not very badass) tank design with good success and the SU pumped out "junk" with a good gun and sufficient armor. I dont think the Sherman was cannon fodder but a very succesfull tank design (perhaps more so than a Königstiger).

    What I wanted to say is that good engineering alone does not mean you are smart or rather pull my hat to YankeeDog for having done this already in style.

  10. I use move frequently. Everytime when enemy contact is not expected the whole squad moves with, well move. It works also fine to let the fire teams follow some way behind a scout Team in cases where enemy contact is possible but not likely (because they didnt open up on the scout team). 1 or 2 turns behind the scouts there is not much to worry about at least against the AI.

  11. I've always envisioned it as a series of quick dashes from cover to cover with brief pauses in between to allow for enemy reaction and to catch a breath. I'm not sure that the designers had that specifically in mind though.


    Me too. But this is what the manual says: "Soldiers move at a jog. This movement type emphasizes speed over cover, cohesion and awareness, but is not a full out run. It may lead to some bunchin up, as it is more difficult for soldiers to remain in formation. More tiring than move but still sustainable for longer periods atleast for fit soldiers."

    That should be done even with carring some serious weight along, as YankeeDog points out.

    A series of dashes would be better simulated with a series of fast or quick commands perhaps with pause orders. This should also help with cohesion.

  12. Feh. You can definitely do a fast jog with a 26kg load if most of it is distributed well on a backpack. Been there, done that, have the strap abrasions to prove it.

    On decent ground I may add. Once you are moving mass helps along. The thing simulated by "fast" or "quick" in the game are (and were) way beyond my ability and I have also carried my share of backpacks.

    You is definitly wrong as long as it is not some generalisation. :)

  13. There seems to be a tug of war between one group that wants more automation and convenience and the other that wants more realistic time penalties and more intense micromanagement. If the two sides are evenly split that must mean BFC is doing something right! ;):D

    One vote against micromanagment. I think even the actual system is a step toward micromanagment.

    Automation and realism are no contradiction. Why not a button to activate "aquire" for the squad and one to allow it for the truck and when both are activated then just let them sit beside the truck until they have fully resupplied?

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