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Warts 'n' all

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Everything posted by Warts 'n' all

  1. Zenith... Another thing that you might like to keep in mind. All the threads that have ever been posted about the game are still available to view, so any problems that you have either technical, or tactical, should have been discussed on here previously. Also, if you play in turn-based mode. Use the replay facility as often as you like. If you are taking casualties, and can't work out why at first viewing, just watch it again and again, changing the camera's elevation or rotation, and you should find the answer.
  2. Ah, the cowering gunner. I've had quite a few of them in my ranks too. Haha.
  3. Great comment Peter. At least you make entertaining and informative videos.
  4. I agree that it can be very annoying when you have LOS only to find out that you don't have LOF. I'm losing count of the amount of times I've turned the air blue screaming at an MG team for not opening fire. I'll have to try keeping Womble's explanation in the back of my head. Also, I agree that it did seem to be less of a problem in the original game. I suppose it is just something we will have to work around for the time being.
  5. Zenith As well as the Armchair General videos, which are very informative. There are also, plenty of what you could call "home-made" Combat Mission videos on youtube. A number of which feature the very first tutorial mission. A good place to start.
  6. Haha... Being from Limeyland I don't know anything about New Zealand beers. Are there any worth drinking?
  7. I don't see how my original comment was in any way "attempting to advocate a change in the game". I quite clearly used the words "can't be replicated in the game". NOT "I want to see it replicated in the game". Perhaps being from Venus you have trouble understanding English. To be honest I do think that this matter should be closed for the benefit of other forum members as I suggested in my last posting.
  8. No one is at "citation needed". This isn't a court of law. People are free to make up their own minds about my comment about the reuse of captured weaponry. And, the enemies likely reaction to it. As I said it was an old memory, which I may, or may not have mis-remembered. My copy of "Overlord" is dog-eared, and the pages are brown and crinkled. You either have a photographic memory or an electronic version of it. If I didn't read it there then I read somewhere else a LONG time ago. As for a picture being "posed" and therefore being untrue. Recreations were posed for the camera, it doesn't prevent what was being recreated from having actually happened. "Stalingrad" "Torgau" etc etc Also, what you call a "very strong assertion", is known where I come from, as an "off the cuff remark made after an evening on the ale". I'd leave it at that.
  9. Jon .. I'm too old to remember where I first read about this. Possibly in Max Hasting's "Overlord" 30-odd years ago. I know that the first time I saw a "Schmeisser" it was back in the mid-60's in Maidstone Museum. It was donated by a veteran of the Royal West Kent Regiment who had served in Italy. I suspect that the original owner was a Fallschirmjager. But, it is a very long time since I've been back there. I also know that the Imperial War Museum has had pictures of "Tommies" using captured MP40's on display in the past. Perhaps a younger member of the forum can find more info about this on the net.
  10. The reality was that Allied troops would often pick up German SMGs, something that can't be replicated in the game. They would also get shot out of hand if captured with them, rather than taken prisoner. Let's be thankful that that can't be replicated in the game either.
  11. I agree with Womble. And also, it would need a redesign of the UI, otherwise we'd all be screaming at the screen wondering why the hell a perfectly good tank wasn't moving.
  12. The Vandeleur cousins must be in their graves pissing themselves laughing at this.
  13. I've only played it in v2.12. So perhaps I should have rephrased my last line... "If the fly boys are going to be..." I appreciate that fact that it is unintended behaviour.
  14. Given that the designer allows the AT Guns on the Belgian - Dutch border to survive the pre-game rolling barrage, I found it hard enough to begin with. With the fly boys killing my own men I think that I will find it damn near impossible.
  15. I think "30" is the type of Panzerfaust he is equipped with. As opposed to a "K"... etc
  16. I think that we all get annoyed if our troops stop firing the split second their target becomes obscured. We just happen to forget those occasions when the enemy do the same thing.
  17. Personally, as a relative newcomer to this generation of Combat Mission I think that with the standard lighting it looks great. When I have tried so-called "movie lighting" I've found it looks unrealistically grey and ugly. Sadly, it seems popular nowadays, even with BBC documentary makers. If I want want grey conditions I'll wait for cloud cover.
  18. It is no criticism of Battlefront. But, it is virtually impossible to design a game that recreates how the British used their fighter bombers on the day. Having them "uncontrolled" to roam at will, or giving them a pin point target via a F.O. will not work. Vandeleur had about 100 Typhoons (rather than 4) available that afternoon. The troops on the ground fired yellow smoke anywhere they suspected the Germans to be. The "Tiffies" were then allowed to "go hell for leather for a quarter of an hour" i.e. they used all their gun and rocket ammo, and blasted every thing to bits. They didn't waste time looking for "targets", or give up if they couldn't find any, and they didn't hit their own troops. They just got on with the job. I think those of us who have attempted this mission would love that kind of air support.
  19. Nice comparisons... One Member of Parliament did suggest having a captured Panther brought to the House of Commons to show what British tank crews were up against. Churchill accused him of scare mongering.
  20. Although things might get a bit repetitive, I'd hate to command an army of mutes. One thing I have always liked about Combat Mission is the voices. And sometimes I even find myself talking back to them... "Did you see that?".... "No I bloody didn't. That's the ****ing problem."
  21. I don't mind 1 or 2 minute action videos without commentary, But for full length scenarios I think commentary makes it so much better for the viewer. You get a clear understanding of what the player is trying to do, and their reaction when things don't quite go as planned is always fun to hear.
  22. Yes, that was a shame. I was looking forward to watching it.
  23. You're right Michael.. It isn't on a beach. The caption to the original photo calls it a "piste d'envol"... i.e. a runway in French. The photo shows an airfield close to one of the Cherbourg forts that had been captured in late June. As far as I know, as well as using the rigid metal PSP type of "matting" strips. The Allies also used rolls of linked chain, placed on a Hessian base.
  24. A nice lot of screenshots... I'd like to see Waffen SS vehicles with "SS" number plates, rather than "WH" ones, although I suspect that would take a massive redesign of the game. Or some kind of mod that would need a great deal of work.
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