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  1. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to delliejonut in QB Purchase Points Reference   
    Looked and couldn't find these values anywhere. A list of QB battle sizes and types, and their corresponding amounts of purchase points. 
    Attack   TINY   Defender- 738 Attacker- 1164   SMALL   Defender- 1185 Attacker- 1908   MEDIUM   Defender- 1945 Attacker- 3175   LARGE   Defender- 3236 Attacker- 5327   HUGE   Defender- 5432 Attacker- 8986   Assault   TINY   Defender- 695  Attacker- 1206   SMALL   Defender- 1112 Attacker- 1981   MEDIUM   Defender- 1822 Attacker- 3298   LARGE   Defender- 3027 Attacker- 5536   HUGE   Defender- 5076 Attacker- 9342   Probe   TINY   Defender- 780 Attacker- 1121   SMALL   Defender- 1257 Attacker- 1836   MEDIUM   Defender- 2068 Attacker- 3052   LARGE   Defender- 3445 Attacker- 5118   HUGE   Defender- 5787 Attacker- 8631   Meeting Engagement   TINY   951   SMALL   1547   MEDIUM   2560   LARGE   4282   HUGE   7209
  2. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from cool breeze in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    she should go back to the kitchen
  3. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from agusto in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    hey, no need to be feminazi
  4. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in NVIDIA WHQL'ed drivers 350.12   
    even lizards from the neon galaxy cannot improve cm performance, i doubt this driver will
  5. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Saferight in NVIDIA WHQL'ed drivers 350.12   
    even lizards from the neon galaxy cannot improve cm performance, i doubt this driver will
  6. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to c3k in Test number2: ABrams vs ATGM   
    I find su25 strafing also does a good job of stripping EVERYTHING off my Abrams.
  7. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to highlandcharge in Black Sea Patch v1.03 Preview   
    Yes its kind of like a bad doctor joke... "doctor my arm hurts when I do this with it"

    Doctor replies "don't do that with your arm then"

    Man am I looking forward to this patch :-)
  8. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to agusto in Black Sea Patch v1.03 Preview   
    "Doctor, when i touch my toes it hurts! And when touch my nose it hurts too!"
    "No wonder, your fingers are all broken."
  9. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Agua in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    she should go back to the kitchen
  10. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in Katusha: Girl Soldier of the Great Patriotic War   
    she should go back to the kitchen
  11. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to J Bennett in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Yes but even the best drugs are cut with:   A:  snow that looks like powdered sugar
                                                                          B:  snow that looks like talcum powder.
             One vote only please.
  12. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Aurelius in CM:BN Screenshot Thread #2   
    Multiplayer battle. SS doing its job

  13. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to waclaw in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    This is a new game (I'm not interested at what the engine is made - it's not my problem) and I have my expectations (we all have them) - I hope to increase the quality of the product and the new content, so I made a list of what would make me particularly interested in - and this everything.   if I have to pay another 55 bucks there must be something more than a new campaign / scenarios and a number of new vehicle models     Wiggum15   you are not aggressive, they just are oversensitive
  14. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Odin in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  15. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Putting everyone who is not happy with everything BFC does on your Ignore list just shows how much of a (so called) "Fanboy" you and some others here are.
    "Near constant whining and no valuable input", should i laugh ?
    The only "valuable input" for you is if someone cheers BFC like a little cheerleader !
    There is a technical bug report thread -> Hell no thats not a bug/issue, buy a new PC and shut up !
    Someone points out a spotting issue -> Stop complaining the spotting model is to complex for you to understand, thats all !
    A guy points out the lack of progress of the CMx2 Engine games -> Vote him down, and tell him how he is just constantly whining !
    Someone request a new feature -> Shut up dude, BFC has "other work" to do !
    ...just pathetic !
    Maybe iam to negative towards BFC and CMx2, but some of you alre clearly way to positive about every aspect of CMx2 and BFC as a company !
    So i just try to balance things a bit...
  16. Downvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from A Canadian Cat in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  17. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Bulletpoint in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  18. Upvote
    Lacroix got a reaction from Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    no i ll continue to piss them off ,legaly. I do not mind sneak peak reviews, nor did i say that i wont buy this game. all i said was: not good as it could be (realistically good,not pure imagination). we are starting to see a pattern: create 2 or 5 new vehicles ,add new formations (same weapons,maybe some minor changes) , make 100 maps out of which at least 50 are complete crap. (digression: some maps from RT are ported to BS..) call it a new game and charge 55 dollars. shadows,shaders,sounds,animations all same,its just a reskin. i know,cm is best game in this genre and beyond, but facts are facts. i cannot be bfc fanatic. one guy saying this is nothing, but 400 people saying it would definatelly change something. and i think its rightful demand. Bring more ,bring more features,do not make reskins all the time. i can live with cm's state for now ,but naturally i want better productS
    edit: also, patches or fixes , shouldnt be seen as ' favor'. they are there because game wasnt polished enough.they know that if they make crappy buggy game and give no patches,they ll be gone.its a natural process,repairing your body
  19. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to kohlenklau in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    ...they work on "The Fog"? ...well I will be ready with the Adrienne Barbeau mod! 

  20. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Kommissar in Veterancy,Leadership,Morale,Fitness   
    I played the Wargame series (Airland Battle, Red Dragon) where they do reveal all the stats at play.  It leads to hilarious posts containing complex mathematical formulas crunching all the numbers together to suggest e.g., that the veteran T-80U should be 5 points cheaper to buy in the game.  I agree with the other comments about the benefit of the "mystery".
  21. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Thats actually true.
    Everytime i play CMx2 i think about how much better it could be if the developers had choosen another engine that wouldn't get the game stuck into a "dead end" from which there is no escape.
    CM needs three things, a more flexible engine (that means new features can be included easier and there arent that many "dead ends"), a ArmA like editor and a more appealing user interface.
    There are so many shortcomings and problems with the CMx2 games but its still the best 3D tactical wargame out there and really fun to play most of the time...
  22. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Sorry but everyone sees that these screenshots are ugly, they better did not post them at all (and i think they show nothing you could not already do with the existing games/modules and some bmp editing... )
  23. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    ...you mean features that already were in CMx1 and suddenly disappeared in CMx2 ?
  24. Downvote
    Lacroix reacted to AttorneyAtWar in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Well, your posting in a thread Chris made right now...and Steve frequently drops clues or answers questions in some threads if he is asked directly.
  25. Upvote
    Lacroix reacted to Wiggum15 in More Bulge Info! (and a few screenshots...)   
    Yeah, Steve posting about his opinion about Russian politics and Chris cautions users from time to time...did i miss something ?
    Sorry i dont want to be offensive but thats all i heard from them in the last few months...
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