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Everything posted by sbobovyc

  1. Can someone confirm that the Ukrainian tanker's helmet is slightly offset when prone?
  2. Download the latest version of unmdr to be able to dump that mortar model.
  3. I have not ported unmdr to python 3 yet. Try 2.7 Good on you for using python 3.
  4. The texture 1pn51.bmp is showing the model faces.
  5. What file were you working with? Can you paste the exact command you where executing.
  6. crate1.mdr and crate2.mdr are good candidates to play around with.
  7. http://ironcurtain.no-ip.org:8080/btr70_cm.png
  8. At the moment I am focusing on dumping the vertex information. The model format includes a lot of metadata in addition to geometry. We shall see.
  9. Today I got bored and decided to wrench on some of my old code and this was the result: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B982H8gQa3LZVzhaMWhtbTE5RGs
  10. I just played some CMBS after a long break and it was worth it. I hope that BS gets some modules/DLC/whatever after CM:FB.
  11. Offshoot, you are correct. mdr_mutator is a temporary hack for testing. The proper thing to do is to write an exporter for Blender or 3ds max.
  12. Offshoot, glad you were able to put my tools to good use.
  13. Does your unmdr.py look like this? https://github.com/sbobovyc/GameTools/blob/master/CombatMission/unmdr.py You may have donwloaded an html page instead of the python script. Try to click on "Raw" and save the file as a text file named unmdr.py.
  14. Rotor, Vehicle models are not supported yet.
  15. Thank you! I use the 32 bit version of python 2.7.9 that you can download from the official site https://www.python.org/downloads/. There are alternative python implementations, but I have not tested them.
  16. Been pretty busy lately, but managed to add scaling support to mdr_mutator. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B982H8gQa3LZa2JDZUhUVVYxQkE/view?usp=sharing
  17. New tool release: mdr_mutator Get the tools at: https://github.com/sbobovyc/GameTools/tree/master/CombatMission Short tutorial, modding ak-74m.mdr Copy mdr, textures, and python scripts into the same directory Start a command shell in that directory In command shell, execute python unmdr.py ak-74m.mdr Import ak-74m_weapon.obj into 3ds max (uncheck flip zy-axis, retriangulate polygons) Do your UV edits Export to OBJ format, overwriting ak-74m_weapon.obj (uncheck: export materials, create mat-library, optimize vertex/normals, texture-coord, check: texture coordinates) In command shell, execute python mdr_mutator.py ak-74m_manifest.json Copy the modified ak-74m.mdr to the CM:BS Mods directory
  18. UV map modification is ready for some testing. Is there anyone here that has a good handle on UV mapping in 3ds Max? If you would like to help, send me a PM.
  19. Steve, thanks for your comments. It is true that increasing triangle count will hurt performance and at the moment we are limited to model swapping. Mod tool development is a hobby and I will only use my powers for good. I am still figuring out the mdr format. Broadly speaking, an mdr file contains one or more objects. For example, an assault rifle will have a weapon, clip (should be magazine!), stock and some other objects. Each object has 3D data, texture and some meta data. Some of this meta data looks like 4x4 matrices. Being able to look at the 3D data is fairly straight forward while creating an mdr exporter plugin is much tougher. I have a few experiments I want to try over the weekend, so stay tuned.
  20. I wrote a tool that can parse mdr files and extract the vertex indices, vertex positions and vertex UVs. This info gets dumped to Wavefront OBJ format so that I can view the models in a 3D editor (I use Blender).
  21. Weapons are dumpable, now working on buildings. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B982H8gQa3LZYkl6ZTlHZklyY2s/view?usp=sharing
  22. I am working on some tools that may make it possible.
  23. Access to UVs https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B982H8gQa3LZUVpOLXBMUTlWTms/view?usp=sharing
  24. A little teaser showing what I've been working on these last few weeks. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B982H8gQa3LZY2kzQXJrVU1vaGM/view?usp=sharing
  25. Here is an article about DirectX vs OpenGL performance. What it does not mention is the horrible state of OpenGL drivers on OS X. It is my guess that this one of the reason CM is using such old OpenGL techniques. http://www.extremetech.com/gaming/133824-valve-opengl-is-faster-than-directx-even-on-windows
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