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Posts posted by ChappyCanuck

  1. Cool, I just found this DAR, thanks to Ian pointing it out to me.  Back to gaps in hedges if I may:


    I do it by getting down at camera level 1 and moving the camera parallel to the bocage line a short distance away.  Watch the berm for spaces - you will see them.  Note if you are looking at the low bocage chances are you will see the odd phantom gap too.  These seem to be places were the art work has a bit of a space and not a real gap.  Sometimes the only way I can tell is to swing the camera around and watch what happens.

    Having glanced at some "how to tell where the gaps in hedges are", one of my tricks is to go to ground level


    Sometimes it is still difficult, even with reading glasses on (yikes) to find those elusive gaps. So, I put shaders on (Alt-R) and this quite nicely reveals the gaps for me.  My apologies if this has already been stated!

  2. Commander’s SITREP1, Turn #2


    The map below shows sub-unit dispositions after turn #2





    San Donato


    Ground – muddy, wet, flat fields with roads lined with trees; San Donato is a small town


    Enemy – an 88mm Flak gun was spotted near the town, along with some infantry elements in the town


    Friendly – CO 4PLDG (Marco) was tasked with eliminating long range weapon systems but NOT to enter the town. Aside from elements of his own formation, a troop of Shermans (3) was attached (one was lost en route to flak fire).


    Result – Task was achieved. Destroyed were the 88, an 81mm mortar and one 75mm recoilless gun. Unfortunately, CO 4PLDG (Marco) was killed by a round from the gun. San Donato has been picketed to isolate the German infantry in the town for Brigade follow on forces to eliminate.


    Hex 3,6


    Ground – muddy, wet, fields. Moro River runs through the battlefield from north to south and is lined with trees.  The elevation on the enemy side of the river was slightly higher, and there were several buildings, concrete walls at various points along the “ridge”


    Enemy – at least two 75mm ATGs and a platoon plus of FJ infantry; HMGs and medium artillery


    Friendly – B Coy, RCR (PhilM) with 2 x troops Shermans (6), Assault Pioneer Platoon, 2 x troops HTs from 4PLDG, a battery 25lber arty, was tasked with crossing the Moro River with infantry to provide a guard in order to construct a bridge for vehicles.


    Result – Task was achieved.  Both ATGs were destroyed along with some FJ. OC B Coy (PhilM) was KIA.  One Sherman damaged, infantry losses due mainly to enemy artillery.  B Coy is now digging in at the top of the ridge to protect the engineers while they construct a hasty bridge. D Coy (Snake_eye) will be passing through B Coy to continue the advance on San Leonardo.  D and B Companies must expect a German counter-attack to occur at anytime.  AT guns will be positioned across the river on the heights. Vehicles cannot cross until the bridge is finished, but can be used for fire support on friendly side of the river.



    Hex 3,7


    Ground – same as hex 3,6


    Enemy – one 75mm ATG and one 50mm ATG and a platoon plus of FJ infantry; HMGs and medium artillery


    Friendly – A Coy, RCR (Kuderian) with 2 x troops Shermans (6), 1 x troop ACs from 4PLDG, an engineer platoon, and a battery 4.2” mortars was tasked with crossing the Moro River with infantry to provide a guard in order to construct a bridge for vehicles.


    Result - Task is ongoing and looking successful.  Both ATGs were destroyed along with some FJ; Germans are retreating, probably to San Leonardo. Some friendly ACs were destroyed. A Coy must be prepared to fend of a German counter-attack, or conduct left flanking onto Hex 3,6, in case of German counter-attack there, or continue advance to San Leonardo. AT guns will be positioned across the river on the heights.  C Coy (Fredrock1957) will move behind A Coy and be prepared for the three operations above. The engineers, 4PLDG elements and tanks will be shifted to the bridge site at Hex 3,6 for crossing. This will become an infantry only/no vehicle support force until that bridge is ready.



    Future Ops .     Things are progressing well so far. The heavy weapons of San Donato have been eliminated and cannot engage our flanks as we advance to Ortona.  We have a bridge site (Hex 3,6) and all engineering resources are converging there. B Coy is digging in to protect the engineers. The other infantry companies are advancing towards San Leonardo.


    Brigade Int has informed us to expect a German counter attack with panzers. AT guns are being repositioned across the Moro, but that is the only AT resources we have for now.


    All forces are to maintain contact with the enemy and continue the advance on San Leonardo as per original plan.


    Pro Patria!!!

  3. Commanders and casual campaign observers!


    There has been some confusion amongst the PBEM commanders at an early stage in this campaign, and I would like to explain how this may have come about, as well as what you may expect to see in the future (to hopefully alleviate further confusion).


    This Ortona campaign, brainchild of Mr Koh, has not only been a lot of work for him with the campaign design, but also in toying with the conduct of it.  Koh and myself (and I can only assume the Axis commander(s)) have bounced emails back and forth almost everyday for weeks about how we would like to see this unfold. Our desire is to have as “real” a campaign as we possibly can. That means fluidity, that means flexibility, and that means logical reaction and situational awareness, just as real commanders experience in real battles.  We think this would be very challenging and fun!


    Here is an example of what I mean. Let’s say two attacks are launching simultaneously and adjacent to each other (like our Hex 3,6 and 3,7 battles).  Halfway through the battle, the enemy begins to withdraw in one hex but holds firm in the other. What if the commander wants the forces in the breakthrough hex to immediately flank the enemy in the adjacent hex?  What if he just wants them to keep pursuing forward? There are hundreds of possibilities within such a battle that doesn’t occur in a “traditional” CM battle.  So I need the commanders in this campaign to understand that sometimes they could be in the middle of their PBEM battle, when suddenly they are informed by their CO (me) to stop. Or to withdraw. Or their tank support is being stripped away because there is a breakthrough on their left.  I need the commanders to understand that I am not trying to screw with you, but that something important has happened in the big picture to necessitate such a change. Please be understanding of this.


    Now, the PzC campaign software is a great tool to bring tactical sized formations to battle and spawn PBEM battles. However, it is limited in scope. For the examples listed above, it falls short, and an umpire is extremely necessary to make judgement decisions on the fly. Koh has probably pulled his hair out a few times with my requests…but he has either made a die roll, or made a logical judgment call, and then he lets me know my options.  I think this has worked very well so far even though you guys have no idea it is happening behind the scenes.


    Another cause for confusion has been the objectives.  Traditionally, the green locations are objectives to secure, or exit forces off board, etc.  But so far we have had very nontraditional ones. Let’s look at the San Donato battle.  The town was in green, but I told Marco that I had no interest in securing the town at all. His mission was to destroy the long range weapon systems (which he did) so that they couldn’t engage our flank while we were advancing on Ortona.  He was also instructed to picket the town and destroy anything coming out from the town. Very different types of objectives.  And they will most likely continue to be that way.


    Finally there has been some confusion in communication, which is perfectly natural in war. But here we have a great PM or email system, so if something is unclear, please ask. I prefer the traditional German style of giving orders:  I give you the task(s), the resources, and the time frame and I leave you to it. Then go out and have fun J


    Unfortunately, we have lost one commander along the way because of some of the confusion generated by the above issues. I would rather not see that happen again.  The goal (I think) is to have fun through challenging situations and to be entertained.




    PS:  My SITREP for turn 2 will be coming tonight!  There is lots that has happened and lots coming up!

  4. Phil, as per your orders earlier:


    "Here is what you have:  B Coy, RCR, two troops of tanks (6 tanks), a troop of halftracks from 4PLDG (recce), arty (25 lbers) and the Regiment's pioneer platoon (treat them nice!  I used to be Pioneer Platoon Comd for 2 years) At some point the pioneers are released for bridge construction - Koh will let you know the details.


    Your tanks/vehicles cannot cross the muddy river banks  at this point, although they can provide sp fire,  so we need a bridge. It is imperative that you cross the river with your infantry so that the pioneers/engineers can build that bridge."


    It's all there. The assault pioneers in CW have always been the engineers - technically they are infantry with engineering skills. Not sure why you don't know this before?

  5. An interesting historical note:   The Germans had demolished the bridge due south of San Leonardo (where Phil and Kuderian are) so the entire Divisional plan was to cross with infantry and build a Bailey bridge where the demolished bridge now stood. As the operation was underway, the Engineer colonel suddenly informed Gen. Vokes that it was impossible to build a Bailey bridge there. Gee thanks engineers!  They had to shift an entire brigade westwards and re-launch the assault. Imagine that planning nightmare. 


    In the end, a Major Fraser (engineer) improvised the bridge. 


    "The engineers planned to confine the river to a culvert over which a corduroy-road causeway would be constructed. The corduroy road would consist of 800 twelve foot long round timbers of eight inch diameter set side by side. Under this would be a culvert built out of several rows of connecting lines of 40 gallon drums, with the bottoms cut away so each allowed the river to flow through the next in line.  A bulldozer would fill the streambed with dirt, forcing the river into the culverts, then grade a track from the bridge to the existing roadway. It required 34 three ton trucks..."   p. 128 "Ortona" by Mark Zuehlke.


    The bulldozer was engaged by enemy fire several times, but the bridge was finally constructed after 7 hours! 

  6. If I may jump in here guys.....ultimately, the only objective that matters is Ortona.  Phil, as Koh and I have discovered, PzC is a good software tool but it cannot account for everything. Look at the very first battle of San Donato.  The town itself was the "green" objective, but I told Marco to stay out of the town - my objective was to destroy the long range weapon systems outside of the town, to picket the FJ in the town, and exploit/bypass the town.  But in PzC only one side can really occupy a "hex".  This is a great example where an umpire is required. Koh had to logically come up with a result other than the usual "we took the hex".


    In your battles (Phil & Kuderian), Koh informed me that grunts have to be on the other side of the river in order for a bridge to be built because vehicles cannot cross. No more, no less. I would say exploit as much as you can so that in a real life situation that bridge could be reasonably built. Koh will look at each situation and make a judgment call/roll of a die.  I know its not a "hard objective" but so far in this campaign, these battles have not been typical....so far.


    Anyway, I hope that clarifies what is going on. Congrats - you have done very well in your battle so far...just a little bit more :)

  7. Yeah that is one huge green zone with lots of buildings for him to hide in. This was only intended as a probe originally, so I think you have done well pushing that far.  I think 4 x AT guns are toast so that in itself is a win in my eyes.  I wouldn't even bother with the woods - they are just infantry at long range with small arms....bypass in order :)  I would just picket them with something in case they try to withdraw back to the town.


    I am not sure how effective the arty has been on the buildings...very sporadic with lots of buildings to block its effect....but you never know.


    I am sure our CO will not send you to latrine duty lol

  8. What a fantastic campaign!  I am currently on battle #5 - "Mondrainville".  Battle #1 has been the most difficult so far and I scored a Tactical victory. The others I have scored major/decisive victories but let me tell you, that was no easy thing, and it could have gone very bad in any of those battles.  And the best thing is that I am playing "ironman" - no cheating with file saves. :)


    Your maps are gorgeous, the sighting of your German forces is brilliant, and this is the first time that I feel the AI is actually a fellow player and not an automaton.  Bravo to you, sir!


    PT - I was wondering if you could provide a list of all the battle numbers and names in this campaign?  I cannot seem to find it, although I do remember reading it somewhere.  I went through this forum topic again but nothing.  Many thanks!

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