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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by MOS:96B2P

  1. Well maybe this is intended behavior then................. That would really suck if a supply truck became immobilized and you couldn't recover the supplies from it. I don't use trucks very often and must have never tried to Acquire ammo from an immobilized one. It probably was immobilized APCs and IFVs I was remembering. In any case I sent the save file to Ian. If there is a problem BFC can put it on the list. If not they can ignore it.
  2. User Interface. So any mods that change the stock user interface.
  3. I am waiting on some PBEMs to be completed before downloading Engine 4. So what nations have what color of tracers? And @Macisle those puffs of smoke are cool .
  4. From the video it looks like CMRT with Soviet troops and a Gaz MM truck. I just loaded my CMRT test map and the same thing happened. The crew is bailing out on their own as soon as the truck becomes immobilized (without the player hitting the Bail Out or Dismount button). When troops are loaded back into the vehicle as soon as they have loaded they immediately bail out also. Making it impossible to Acquire ammo. Normally troops can Acquire ammo from an immobilized transport. So I think we can call this a bug. I tested this in CMRT v1.03 Engine 3. (I have a few PBEMs I am waiting to conclude before downloading Engine 4.) In what version and engine of CMRT did you see this behavior? If you saw this in CMRT v1.03 Engine 4 we should probably take steps to get it reported. I was a Beta tester for CMFB and am able to report problems for that title however after I reported a problem in CMBN (US Platoon HQs able to call in directed air strikes) it seems my reporting ability was restricted to only CMFB . So while I could try again I don't think it will let me report a problem in CMRT. If you answer that you saw this behavior in CMRT v1.03 Engine 4 then we should give @IanL a heads up and ask for his opinion and help on this one. In theory this can be done. OpFor fire will be stopped by friendly armor (not so much soft skin transports however) and friendly fire will go through friendly armor. (See screenshot below) However with rounds ricocheting and explosions near by I don't find it very practical to try to have a team follow a tank up a street. They are bound to take casualties and suppression. It is sometimes useful for a team to take temporary cover behind a knocked out friendly tank (waypoint with a 10 second Pause or something) before bounding to the next cover. But not more than this IMO. The below screenshot was taken in Engine 3.
  5. I thought I have had troops mount an immobilized transport to Acquire ammo. Maybe I'm miss-remembering?
  6. Is this happening in a saved game that was originally started before the 4.0 upgrade or a new game started after 4.0?
  7. Yes . The link is down at the bottom of my posts. The sig. line I think they call it.
  8. Many vehicles in the game now don't have radios so it would be the same for the early Soviet tanks. They would need to be in voice, close visual or distant visual of the platoon HQ tank to be in C2. Maybe more open hatches and even more TC casualties? I would not expect BFC to code signal flags however. That would probably just be handled by the current distant visual C2.
  9. If your playing against the AI and the AI spots your unit it will generally fire (if in range etc) at your unit. So your recon by fire will increase the chance of the OpFor seeing and shooting at your unit. A human opponent may give his troops a short Target Arc. Depending on the soft factors these troops can be very hard to provoke.
  10. IMO, and as @gnarly said, level that house if you think it may be a threat to your command. If you decide not to then be prepared to suffer the consequences. In a PBEM the fewer house rules the better. About the only house rule that is really necessary is no firing into the attackers setup zone. Even this rule could be modified some as in: No firing into the attackers setup zone for the first 15 minutes (depending on game length). Or the attacker has a secure area for his air defense units and on map mortars to sit the entire game. When playing single against the AI it may be a good idea to introduce a few more house rules to make the AI more competitive and give yourself a more challenging game. A human player (PBEM) does not need this extra help. Probably the important thing to take away from this thread is to discuss ahead of time any potential house rules with your opponent before you even start to think about a PBEM. I will agree to some odd house rules sometimes just to make my opponent happy and be able to play however there are some rules in this thread I would not agree to. Humans are sneaky, crafty, dangerous SOBs. That's part of what makes PBEMs fun.
  11. In the past when I upgraded game engines my mods still worked with the sometimes exception of user interface mods. The interface modes sometimes had to be updated by the mod creator and then re-downloaded after deleting the old mod. IIRC all the other mods still worked. This time BFC has created some newer stock mods such as muzzle flash, tracers etc for Engine 4. The newer stock muzzle flash & tracers may be better than our mods. So after I get Engine 4 I will probably pull out my mods for muzzle flash etc and see if I like the new stock ones better. But all the Aris vehicle mods etc should still work and not need to be re-downloaded if the 4 upgrade works the same as 2 and 3 did.
  12. YES!!!!!!! CMSF is probably a lot of work to bring up to current 4.0 standards. But just cancel days off and git er done already .
  13. September 18th was the last time ChrisND was reported as active on the forums. Not sure what to make of that. Maybe he doesn't want the distraction of dealing with the forum and his Twitch account and he is hard at work on a project? Or something else happened? Hope everything is okay with him.
  14. I don't have the new Engine 4 upgrade yet (waiting for all the dust to settle). With Engine 3 you had to Deploy weapon one turn and then Hide on a later turn. The weapons crew would not do both at the same time except for in the Setup Phase.
  15. At the very top of the forum under: Happy Holidays is where I first noticed Upgrade 4 info. Most all the sub forums have conversations about it now.
  16. Pretty much what @Cobetco said. I would just add that troops shooting from a halftrack makes the halftrack a bullet magnet. IMO it is better to keep the HT buttoned with a small Target Arc to try and avoid troops shooting and drawing fire (The HT and troops almost always come out worse). After the troops are safely disembarked I will sometimes use the MG on the halftrack to support the troops. Even this must be done carefully or you get a KIA gunner.
  17. I'm guessing BFC is quiet due to the Christmas season. They are working on new material for Fortress Italy and the engine upgrade. I think you can go ahead and buy CMFB and when the engine upgrade comes out (IIRC) that is sold separate for about $10. AFAIUI there is no monetary savings to waiting.
  18. It would be interesting and would help to spark conversation if some screenshots or something were posted .
  19. You can put a 360o Target Arc of about 100 meters (or whatever distance is appropriate) on the troops using Hunt. Then they will (generally) only react to danger that is within the Target Arc. Target Arc + Shift = 360o. Yes. Just click on the OpFor unit that is an identified contact (not a Tentative ? contact). The friendly units that can see it will illuminate. You can also click on every friendly unit to accomplish the same thing but as you found out that is a lot of clicking. If you are firing the mortar indirect the spotter (HQ, F/O and some XOs) needs line of sight. If you click on any HQ unit and then open the fire support panel all the artillery/mortar assets will be displayed. Click on the one you want and there will be an option "Go to Spotter" Click on that option and it will take you to the spotter.
  20. I just completed this excellent scenario CMRT Fester Platz Polozk by @PanzerMike. I played as the Germans defending in urban terrain against an attacking Soviet AI. The AI made it an interesting fight. I was getting low on ammo and was preparing to fall back to a new defensive line when to my relief the AI surrendered. The urban terrain was realistic looking and and a challenge to fight in with some roads completely blocked by rubble. Below are some screenshots. I don't think there is any actionable intelligence in the screenshots.
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