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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by db_zero

  1. If anyone was wondering why there are no women on this forum, this thread would be a great place to figure out why. I am no longer sure I should be encouraging my daughters to play this game and have them seek out opponents on this forum.

    I asked a simple question to find out if there were any plans to include women who played a role in the Red army and the amount absolute drivel in the responses has been disappointing. If I had asked this question in the Peng challenge thread I would have expected this.


    The responses have nothing to do with the lack of females on this forum. This is not Angry Birds or Hello Kitty and BF could spend a lot of time, money and resources and would not attract enough women to make it worthwhile simply due to the subject matter.

    As for women in direct combat roles that involve very heavy physical demands I'm ambivalent.

    In some ways I'm against it. I've been in situations where HR or some other starry eyed individual with an adgenda mandated quotas and the results are people who can't hack it are put into positions because of race or gender and the end result is the rest of us end up carrying the load to make up for the shortcomings.

  2. had no problem? This is a grossly inaccurate statement.

    I had to wonder about that statement myself. I was under the impression that even with a longer 76mm gun it was still inadequate against the Panther and Tiger. Now the question is did the APCR rounds make a difference and were Sherman crews issued a lot of these types of rounds or just a few.

    I thought the tank destroyer units has the tank with the better guns and more silver bullets to fire with. I've been told by other players what makes the M-18 so dangerous is the 76mm gun and ammo it carries.

  3. One problem that you may find after this' date=' is it that you will have very few men in the later missions. I only lost about half the infantry that you did, (mainly because I settled for a minor defeat when I got hammered around "Bill"), but even with fewer casualties in Mission 4 I still had far too few troops when it came to the Aalst mission further on in the campaign.[/quote']

    I definitely agree with this. I recently played this and was far more cautious and methodical, but because I upgraded to 3.0 and didn't bother to download the hotfix I had a lot of infantry slaughtered by my own air force and come the next battle when I saw what I had to fight with, just decided to start the whole campaign from the start with the latest 3.0 update.

    Regarding using dismounted tank crews as scouts and sacrificial lambs. I've done that myself from time to time, but was told by someone that they are worth buku points. I really would like to see BF do something more to discourage that. As mentioned in other threads I still think the pistols are far far too effective. IMO tank crews are specialists and I don't know what the specific doctrine was, but I would think they were instructed to try and preserve themselves as they were harder to replace than tanks?

    I do like your videos. In fact there are other threads from other posters who make video and I love them all. They are a lot of fun to watch on a tablet.

  4. Interesting. I can't say I notice it yet, but if true that could be a new and good thing. Many building would be constructed of materials that would not stop bullets while other buildings constructed of more stout material would offer some protection.

    The SMGs that fire pistol caliber ammo would be stopped more easily, while the larger caliber bullets like the 30-06, 7.92 and 30 cal would have more penetrating power.

    The MaDuce or .50 cal on the other hand is a beast. I would think most buildings would not offer much protection.

  5. I like Italy/GL in some way better then RT at the moment. I agree you should buy GL too if you want to go the Italy route. The 3.0 upgrade has decreased the load times and I think the AT gun changes are for the better.

    It's also a matter of taste. Many are very hard core Eastern Front fans so they are going to be fanatical about RT. I know some good h2h players who are also history buffs and would love to play them in Italy, but they are just not interested in the theater.

    Some of the battles are very infantry centric and can be slow grinding slogs where you're spending a lot of time probing to locate enemy positions and then carefully moving HQ or FO's into position so you can call down artillery fire before advancing. Its a refreshing change, but may not appeal to all.

    There are some battles with armored forces too so there is variety.

  6. The OP brings up a valid point, but as been mentioned in the past being that Combat Mission is not really war and you don't face the real dangers of real war, players are far more aggressive than they would be in real life and therefore battles suffer a compression effect.

    In real life I could see digging in happen and a few hours if not more pass before the next hedgerow taken, but in CM it doesn't work that way.

  7. For all of the children on here posting about "oh my system is better than your system" please save it for a social media site. This thread is for Mac users keenly awaiting 3.0 and nothing more

    I was just having a little fun in jest. Macs are ok and it where I'm at mac and PC users like to poke fun at one another for fun, but we all get along in the end.

    I think in general the PC in general is a platform in decline as tablets and other mobile devices have skyrocketed in popularity. Also saw a recent article that describes how multi core processors sit ilde as programmers have developed multi core programs.

    Enough of the thread hijack...

    Hope you all get you're 3.0 upgrade for the MAC soon and it all works well. Then we'll all be on the same version and the battles can resume.:D

  8. Work be damned - gaming is what it is about. Macs just don't get the love so why bother to keep making it the main game machine.

    Make your own machine over buying anybody's idea what it should be. I never understood why you would want to buy a premade unless it was a laptop.

    Honestly if you can use a MAC you can use Windows. Back in the day when Windows sat on top of DOS one could see why one might use a MAC. Playing with the command line editor and tweaking the config.sys and autoexec.bat could be daunting for some.

    Today windows has pretty much caught up to the Mac. The Mac is a great piece of hardware, but like the Sherman vs Tiger debate, having more is often a winning strategy.

    Besides what exactly is Apple these days? I would venture to guess they are far more interested in IPhone, tablet and their upcoming new IWatch than PC's.

  9. Son, if the quality of your life hinges entirely on whether or not you get to play computer games, I'd advise you to get counseling in some form or other.


    Take away a kids mobile device and XBox or PS3 and see what happens these days. In fact in many places where parents can no longer physically discipline their kids without the kid threatening to report it to the police or child protective services, parents have resorted to taking away the cell phones and internet connection...

    Life did suck for me back then when I couldn't play the IBM based games. But I had guns, girls cars and other stuff to keep me occupied.

    Come to think of it I still do have the same things to keep me occupied.

  10. db_zero,

    Problem solved! Presumably from your now resolved bandwidth issue, what I saw was a still of Panther. Period. The video now works, allowing me to see the new flame effects. Impressive. Also impressive was the ability of that poor man in the KT to anticipate his agonizing wounding! I played it through several times, and he does start wailing before the KT's hit. I was kind of freaked out by watching what looked like an armored road race more reminiscent of WoT vids than WW II armored warfare as I understand it. I'm reading Delaforce's book on 3 RTR, and one of the men quoted (believe it was Crisp) talks about his M3 Honey unit racing to the rescue of a besieged infantry force during Op Crusader. And the cross country speed of his unit is? 15 mph! To me, these tanks in the vid look like they're moving Fast at road speed. Things look as if they're unfolding at double realistic speed, if not more. Maybe I'm wrong, but something seems badly off here.


    John Kettler

    Its hard to see from the video posted, but the KT got sprayed with MG fire that wounded the exposed commander seconds before the 85mm shell killed it and set it on fire.

    The other crew escaped, but the commander who was already wounded could not exit the burning tank and was slowly roasted.

  11. this sounds so simple.

    Sometimes the simplest things are the most difficult. I've played this against the AI at iron and didn't finish and h2h where my opponent disappeared.

    One would think a very small and simple skirmish would be easy and simple.

    As it is its tough. If you add any sort of supporting arms (artillery, armor) to either side it changes the equation dramatically.

    I have 2 h2h games going at the moment and the poor bloody infantry plays a vital role, but its not the main one as is the case for Kiwi soldiers...without supporting arms Italy can be a real meat grinder if you're not careful, patient and on top of your game.

  12. If CM was an operational game yes. On the tactical level CM simulates its not worth the effort. If we go down this road we're going to have to start randomly having men in squads go away due to lack of food, diarrhea ect...

    and what about ammo duds? I've heard stories of German ammo being defective because the forced labor used in the manufacturing of it deliberately sabotaged it.

  13. sburke,

    I don't understand. Maybe my 2009 iMac simply isn't up to it, but I don't see a flame anywhere on that (just noticed the gun was down) dead Panther. Armor seemed to burn quite nicely and visibly in CMBN's Barkmann's Corner, so if there's flame in the pic, why don't I see it? Clearly, you all do.


    What video, please? I see no link indicating there is one, just db_zero's Photobucket pic link.


    John Kettler

    I may be close or exceeded my free 10G limit on PB.

    Anyway depending on your system and bandwidth the video may not render well or as good as the original.

    The original looks spectacular and the sound out of a 5.1 system is just as good.

    This was played and rendered with an ATI 5850 video card and has the shadow bug. If I did it on my new Nvidia GTX760 it would look even better.

    I have to say the GTX760 looks great not only in CM, but A-10 Warthog looks and runs great at 1650x1024 cranked up to max...

  14. My first computer was a Macintosh. Then I got a real computer :P

    Well at least you apple users have it a little better these days. You still do pay more for the Apple logo, but back in the day when my friends were playing tons of great games and simulation on PC I had to suffer as they would never be ported from the PC to the MAC :(

    Life sucked. Then I got a PC. It not only changed my gaming but my life. I soon discovered that employers would pay for someone who understood the PC and how it worked.

    BF should take a page out of Apples playbook-they charge more because they know the believers will pay more.

    Charge $20 for the Apple 3.0 upgrade :P

  15. When all the elements come together Combat Mission has no peers. If you have the right system, the right mods and understand how to play the game its beyond belief. If there is something comparable that is better I'd like to know

    I restarted campaigns in Italy, Market Garden and Normandy and I'm still blown away. There are campaigns and battles I've never opened and h2h is the best.

    I just got a new Nvidia video card. It looked great with my old ATI video card, but it really looks nice with the new card.

    All that said and done, its not something with mass appeal. Its not designed or marketed to the lowest common denominator. If you're not familiar with WW2, weapon systems and tactics it can be frustrating and if you're not willing to put the time and effort into it you'll probably not stick with it.

  16. I have 3. Only one old enough for a boyfriend thank goodness.

    One of the oldest tricks in the book. I can't say I didn't try to pull that one off a few times when I was young.

    Had niece over a while back and took her shooting for the first time-mom who is the polar opposite of me really loved that!

    Niece was nervous, but before long she said she was a convert and can't wait to turn 21 to get a handgun.

    Now that she's near 21 I get texts saying how much she love this gin, and wishes she could afford to get it...

  17. I'm hoping you lost a zero in there some place. Otherwise, you must have one hell of a panoramic screen.



    Ah yes a zero missing....

    Another thing I'm liking so far with my new Nvidia card is the way it handles dual monitors. The Catalyst drivers could be do strange things at random times. Apparently this is known as other have reported it.

    Nvidia seems more stable with multiple monitors.

  18. One thing I notice about Thompsons in American and British squads is they go through ammo fast and its not always easy to resupply as not many have .45 cals ammo and alot of times the trucks, jeeps and Bren carriers don't have .45 cal.

    Your pixel troops always use full auto even though the Tommy gun can be fired semi auto.

    The ammo pouch is a very good point. I don't think they had the same sort of quick release webbing in use today.

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