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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by StieliAlpha

  1. Yesyesyes, that sounds familiar. As far as board games are concerned, I am even asked to get rid of an old one, before I buy a new one. Now, how can THAT ever work? ?
  2. Ahhh, THAT sounds good! My wife calls me a "Nerd". I like your understanding way better, of course. :-)
  3. Yep, exactly the same with me. The strange thing is: We seem to like it and are proud of it! What does that tell about us? ?
  4. I don't think it's pointless to send the file. The annoying thing is, that vehicles can get stuck in really stupid situations. In one of my cases, plotted a move from A to B. Unfortunately, there was a corner of a house in the way. But the driver followed a straight pass, right into the wall. In another case, a Pz IV got caught in a wall, just by turning in place. Our brilliant AI should be smart enough to avoid such collisions. Bur then, I remember in the good ol'e Commandos, you could order a truck to drive over friendly troops right in front of it. Or order troops to rest in front of a moving train and they would not move. Compared to this title from the 90's, CM is miles ahead. ?
  5. Well, at least I managed to salvage some ammo before the half track was blown apart.
  6. I used to do 300m Rifle shooting as a sport for quite some time and would say: Hitting a moving target on 100m, under stress and combat conditions is veeeery difficult.
  7. I would call that a bug, indeed. In another thread, I reported some examples of vehicles getting stuck in buildings, walls and hedges. Unfortunately, I had no save game files. But I support Ian's advise. Try to give simple orders, like Move and Reverse, for a while. Very much to Ian's surprise, I managed to free at least one half track from a building. Did not help much, though. Thereafter it was caught in a square of (the same) building and hedges. It could only wait for a Sherman, to deliver the "Coupe de Grace". Think of it as " **** happens".
  8. Thank you, Sir. Hm, boxes seem appropriate for an engineer, but I guess I'll better use old fashioned letters this time: :-)
  9. Yep, nice to see that "****" happens everywhere. ? ?????? Eh, what?
  10. I think, I explained myself sufficiently and I do not see a reason to apologise for anything, but I am tempted to say: "Yes, yes." Let's look forward to constructive discussions in other threads. ?????
  11. Eh, I used an emoticon. But you are right. It is difficult to show emotions in texting. Business wise, I try to avoid that completely. And then people say, that my correspondence is too cold, factual, engineer like. Well, I guess one can't do it right for everybody.
  12. I have to second Bulletpoint in a way: Three hits at ranges over 170m are strange. Under all circumstances. But then: I consider 100m as the maximum reasonable range. And all too often, my guys seem to hit nothing at that range. I don't buy the "targeting" argument. With just 6 shots and such a slow rate of fire, there is not much of a targeting benefit.
  13. Well, remember the gunner at Omaha Beach. Unfortunate things happen...
  14. Once again: Try Matrix Games. They have a huge range of all sorts and varieties. But stick to the best: Combat Mission. ?
  15. I know, I know. That was supposed to be a joke. I recall 100m as minimum altitude for special forces, which fits nicely to your 200 to 500 feet range and is certainly nothing for "ordinary" WW2 paras.
  16. Well, a friend of mine was engineer in the Bundeswehr. He said, they could not completely clear minefields, which they laid just days before, even with a mine laying plan at hand. So, clear an enemies minefield quickly and under combat conditions? I don't believe that is possible. Not at this game scale.
  17. Hm, is it? I thought they would fly in low and jump from 30m. ? I must say the "intro sequence", well first few minutes, of this scenario, with the air attack warning sirens, the humm of the Dakotas, the P47 attacks and finally this reinforcement report are pretty immersive. We'll see how the fighting works out.
  18. Interesting. Last time, a long while ago, I ran through the whole "patch from scratch" process, too. Just out of curiosity and because I may need it next year: If I now can install V3.0 of CMBN right away, what happens to my old versions of CW and MG? How and when would I install them? Or do I install really everything in one go with this V3.0 install and only need to enter the registration codes for CW and MG at the end? THAT would indeed be perfect.
  19. Here is a nice clip about modern days paradrops in Germany: http://de.sputniknews.com/militar/20160421/309358114/humvee-zerschellen-bei-luftlandung-in-deutschland.html What shall we say? Forget P47's. I want this feature in CMBN!
  20. Ah, yes. Can be. The turn before, I received a LMG team as reinforcements. They may have been the messengers. Never seen that before, but: Ok, you learn something new every day...
  21. Gents, I am playing Dropzone Charlie from the battle pack. Defending with the Germans, I received a reinforcement prompt, that approx 150 Paras just landed. Well, since the Germans don't have any, they must be US. ? Is that as it should be? I have never seen reinforcement notifications for the other side before.
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