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Posts posted by Heirloom_Tomato

  1. I just upgraded to CMRT V4 on my desktop, I was able to activate the product with no issues but now the game crashes on loading. Any ideas on what to do?

    Let me add to this by saying when the game first would not load, I thought I had done something wrong. I uninstalled the game and started over with a fresh install and upgrade. Same issues. All my other games I am upgrading to 4.0 are currently working just fine.

  2. 29 minutes ago, SgtHatred said:

    This is technically possible, but is it not against the license to do so? It's not unreasonable to ask you to buy 2 copies if 2 people are playing it on 2 separate machines.

    I have always assumed it was fine. I own both machines, we live in the same house, she only plays with me.  If she starts to play games with multiple other people, playing for hours a day, then yes, purchasing a second copy for her makes sense. But for the odd game between family members every couple of weeks? 

  3. 50 minutes ago, Mord said:

    That's cool. How old is she? Does she dig the history? What sides does she like to play?



    She will be turning 16 in December. Her Grade 10 History Class covered Canadian History from 1900 to present day and of course I was a big help for her WW1 and WW2 sections. When she asked if I had any books on the role of Canada in WW2 and I brought her 15 books..... lets just say her project on Juno Beach was the best in the class! 

    Some of her friends at school like to play World of Tanks and she was griping about how it sucks to start off with a crappy tank when everyone else has uber tanks. I told her should could play with the best, if she played me in CM since everyone can have the best right off the start in CM. We have played a few battles in CMFI and CMRT, platoon of infantry and a tank. She is getting better, but with sports teams and homework it has been a while since we last played. We usually play the battle twice, each of us as either side, just to show her it is possible to win as either Allies or Axis if you use the equipment properly. 

    26 minutes ago, sburke said:

    bigger question  does she let him win just to make him feel better and get a larger allowance?

    No allowance in my house, everyone chips in to help out and we take care of spending money for them if needed. 

  4. How many of you Steam users can make a single purchase through Steam, install it on multiple computers, and play the same game, at the same time, on those machines? 

    I have never been able to do it and I think it is impossible to do.  I purchased two new laptops just shy of a year ago and installed all my CM games on both laptops. My daughter and I can play LAN a match anytime we want with CM. We can't however play a LAN game with any of my Steam titles as they are installed under one user name on both laptops.

    For this reason alone, Battlefront should stay away from Steam like it is the plague. I have ZERO interest in purchasing multiple copies of each game just to be able to enjoy a battle with a family member.


  5. 4 minutes ago, Ithikial_AU said:

    Many blue moons ago when the whole Upgrade system was announced I mentioned that long term it was going to turn into a bit of a logistical nightmare trying to balance multiple number of game 'families'. At the time there was only two families (I think), now we're heading for six.

    Has this experience changed BF's thinking around release strategy? For instance bolting on on more modules to CMRT to push that front back to say Kursk, rather than releasing a whole new family for July 1943 - May 1944 eastern front? I'm no programmer so no idea if it would make a difference man hour wise but logistically/project management wise wouldn't there be some gains?

    Or connecting CMFB with CMBN? 

    Thanks for the update Steve, it is nice to know some of the backstory behind the delay.

  6. 2 minutes ago, benpark said:

    The RT map limits were extended upon release of the core game. That map will be fairly large, given the amount of hardware taxing graphics upon it. Sorry, I can’t say the exact size yet. I know what I intend, and that should do most of the important central areas.

    Bear in mind that the Berlin map is only one of a number of large maps that will exist as scenario, campaign and QB maps- as well as exist for user scenario design.


    So big then, hey? 😁

    Thanks again @benpark for all your work on this and other maps. Really looking forward to having the chance to play on them. 

  7. @benpark I was not thinking to have a battle on the whole map but rather was curious how much of the city would be covered. Is it a 3 km by 3km map, 5 km by 5km or have the limits been stretched and you are making for us a 10km by 10km map? 😁

    From what has been shown so far it looks like you have put in a massive effort into this map and it is very much appreciated.

  8. 1 hour ago, Sublime said:

    Wait what about 

    Volkssturm and


    Especially Volkssturm you cannot do a proper end of war germany with out them??


    11 hours ago, Battlefront.com said:


      The Module will contain:

    • Waffen SS, Luftwaffe, Kriegsmarine, and Volkssturm forces as well as the progression of standard Heer formations.

    Edited to bold what Steve said.

  9. 1 hour ago, benpark said:

    That should cover what we can say, but I will add- The screenshot above of the Berlin Map is only the top third of the entire master map, but the rest is WIP. So there is a lot more to see, map wise, and in other locales that are already in good shape.

    If you are allowed to say.... just how big is the Berlin Master Map?

  10. 5 hours ago, c3k said:

    Great looking map!

    I'm surprised you did not find any history of a battle at Golnyki. I seem to recall a furious pitched battle. The Fuhrer train was on the tracks, immobilized due to a just-blown rail by the local partisans. The Soviets had a nearby Guards Tank regiment (I forget the unit) which poured in to capture the high ranking Nazis assumed to be on the train. Meanwhile, the local SS kampfgruppe raced to rescue them. The 2nd rate Wehrmacht unit garrisoning Golnyki had to fend off the Soviet armored juggernaut and buy time for the Panthers and Tiger II's to arrive, while simultaneously sending a few kubelwagens out to the stalled train to extricate the VIPs. The peat bog and the attached FlaK unit were all that could help. The Partisans? Yep, after blowing the track, they'd infiltrated the town. 


    Just sayin'...

    So I just checked the editor and no trains, partisans or SS units available. Thanks for the bone about the new Red Thunder module. 😁

    If these units aren't in the next module I will hold you responsible for getting my hopes up. Especially working trains.

  11. 33 minutes ago, Bil Hardenberger said:

    Fascinating stuff.  A lot of potential here for some creative uses... I can see a scenario with two main components, a scout component where the goal is to identify enemy units and formations... and then a combat component where you are tasked with destroying the enemy force. 

    A possibility with this idea would be to set the HQ units as the spot objectives and the rest of the formation as the destroy objectives. The higher up the command chain, the more value for spotting, ie: 50 points for platoon HQ's, 150 for Company HQ's and 300 for the Battalion HQ.

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