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Posts posted by Heirloom_Tomato

  1. 7 hours ago, Elcloudy said:

    Hello, everyone. I’m new to the forum and CMx2. 

    I’ve been on the fence about buying the BN complete bundle or FI + GL for a while. I haven’t read about those Engine 4 bugs. Are they really that bad so as to wait for the new patch?

    @Josey Wales, your videos made me interested in CM. Great content!

    If you have never played CMx2, you will have nothing to compare things to, so when the bugs people are complaining about show up, they may bother you less. I have not stopped playing any of the games and have adjusted my playing to how the game currently works. 

    After you buy CMFI+GL and/or the CMBN Big Bundle, and have played few scenarios or a campaign, if you find the 4.0 issue to be a big problem for you, there are a few things you can do to make the issue less obvious.

    1. Play PBEM battles with a  trustworthy opponent and agree to take the same level of experience for your units, say all Green or all Veteran. This will ensure both players are dealing with the same quality of troops and have them react the same way to stress.

    2. Have all units with the motivation level set to High or better. The stronger the motivation, the less likely the troops are to break and potentially make a wrong decision. High seems to make them react the way I want them too.

    3. Use on map mortars only, no off board arty. Infantry can have some strange reactions to a heavy arty bombardment. Limiting the battle to on map assets only will reduce the impacts as the shell sizes are smaller and ammo counts lower.

    4. At all times remember your opponent is playing under the same system and rule set. What caused your men to react funny, die a horrible death, and make you spew your cold beverage in a rage filled tantrum? Whatever it was, do it back to your opponent and he will see the exact same problems. The worst part is tho, and I swear it is true, my opponents never seem to have the same problems I do.....😁

    5. Learn to use the scenario editor and build maps. The editor can be more fun than playing the game some days. It will also let you test out all the crazy ideas you could dream off. I like to take quick battle maps, modify them to suit the little idea I have in mind, and then go test them out. I am currently setting up platoon sized engagements and trying to play them with the icons off. Consider the editor to be the sandbox of your dreams!

  2. 4 hours ago, Citizen Snips said:

    Past that, I guess I'm looking for the base game with the greatest variety of units, scenarios, and maps.

    Since all the WW2 titles are all sold as the newest and most up to date there will be no difference in how the game functions between titles. That said, the game with the most variety you are looking for is the CMFI+ Gustav Line bundle. July '43 to May '44, only game with this long of timeline. Only game with two Axis nations, and yes the Italians play very differently. Only game with summer heat and winter blizzards possible. The variety of units is also unmatched for a base game and one module.

    There is only $20 difference between the base game and GL bundle. If you are looking to only buy one game, for now, and will be playing a lot, the extra $20 goes a very long way to expanding the game. As well, Battlefront have a new module for CMFI in the works and hopefully it will ship in the next 6 months to a year. This will expand the game through to May '45 as well as adding new nations, units and TO&E changes. 

  3. If you are after the most variation in units, terrain, weather, Nations and TO&E, the only choice is CMFI with the Gustav Line bundle. CMFI is hands down my favourite game, even though I never thought I would like it to the extent I do. The scenarios are a challenge, the Italian forces are completely unique and everything from tiny little scout cars to the massive Elephant or Brummbar, CMFI+GL has it all. 

  4. 3 minutes ago, bLuNt_wAcO said:

    I'm new to this game, I would like to know...

    1. When is the release date?

    2. Would there be a digital download? I went to the purchase page and it asked for shipping address. I don't have CD drive.

    3. Please confirm that I need to buy Base Game + Module, correct? Is the Base Game playable, meaning that It has a campaign? Or I have to buy a module?

    4. Are the building/structures in the game destructible?

    Thank you...

    1. The release date is "when the game is ready". There is no hard date set, but Battlefront is hoping for the end of September. 

    2. There most definitely is a download only option, all of my purchases from them have been download only. You have to select your preferred method at time of purchase. The store will ask for a shipping address but then note you are downloading the game only so no shipping charges will apply. 

    3. You do not need to buy any modules, however you will find you want to buy them, so just buy the big bundle! 😁 The base game will ship with at least one campaign, 20 scenarios and bunch of quick battle maps. The modules will add more campaigns, scenarios, quick battle maps and unit types.

    4. All buildings and structures are destructible. 

    Welcome to the forum!

  5. Not too sure that what you guys are asking for isn't already in the game. It has been way too many years for me to remember what the combined arms from CM1 was but setting a QB in CM2 to mixed allows you to select any unit available in the game for the date chosen.

    11 hours ago, Badger73 said:

    As well as the ability to add a broad range individual vehicles and teams to any HQ in a purchased OOB.

    I just loaded up CMFI, set a quick battle to huge and mixed. I chose an infantry battalion, took the machine gun platoon section Hq and added a tank, halftrack, breach team, sniper team and an FO all under his command. What are you hoping to do that I didn't just do?

  6. 17 minutes ago, mjkerner said:

    Sorry for being a bit thick, but I haven’t had any coffee yet this morning and I want to make certain I’m tracking right. I own CMSF1 (purchased from BFC) and all 3 modules. As I understand it, I don’t need to pre-order anything, and can just wait for CMSF2 to be released, and then buy the upgrades to all 4 products at that time, correct?

    Correct. There is currently no preorder option for the upgrade, only for those seeking to add or purchase for the first time.

  7. 25 minutes ago, Battlefront.com said:

    Yup, the times they are a changing ;)

    More screenshots will be added in the coming weeks.  But more importantly, we've started work on the Demo!  That will be available to you ahead of the full release by quite a bit.  Four scenarios giving a feel for the Base and some of the Module content.


    As someone who never bought CMSF the demo is very welcome news indeed.

  8. 1 hour ago, LiveNoMore said:

    I haven't figured out the total scoring as you would see in a campaign.  What I did was set up the first 2 scenarios and use the average from the play test games to create the initial set up locations for the last one. Santa Maria is a fresh battle. The map is clean. Miramar has the Greek 3rd trying to get to the Canadian Saskatoon unit and moving forward from there. The map has burning wrecks and damage. Some of the units on both sides are also less than full strength because of battle losses. Rimini Airfield then starts with the map littered with wrecks and such from the first 2 battles. A lot of the units are at less than full strength. 

    In my game with Rocketman his results closely mirrored the historical results that I had read about.

    Right now I am trying to create a scale for the cumulative score from all three games. That's going to be the best I can do until a system is in place for H2H campaigns. 

    Great idea. 

  9. I took a look and it appears to me you are playing a huge battle on a huge map. There are lots of men and vehicles being ordered around, as well as arty falling. Some of your orders appear to be quite long, asking men to move almost halfway across the map. I wonder if this is not causing the problem. With so much happening on this map, is the TACAI having a hard time figuring out the correct path for your men to take and so they are in the still in the planning phase during the turn.

    A few questions for you:

    1, How long have you let the game run without making any adjustments to the orders? 1 turn, 2 turns, 15 turns? If you leave everything alone, do the men eventually start to move?

    2. When you gave new orders on turn 12, did you give the exact same orders to all your men? Or did you reduce the number or length of the orders?

    3. On turn 12 do all the men start moving right away as if nothing was ever wrong?

    4. Does this only show up in Huge battles or are you seeing the same thing happening in ALL the battle you play?

    5. Is this a PBEM only problem for you or does it show up in single player battles as well?

    6 hours ago, Gazmaps said:


    Ok good point.

    Try this link. Also a screenshot showing the "Planning" status. Units that were not given any order in the previous orders phase are normal - they just have "spotting".

    Yes we are both on 4.0

    If anyone want to chk out the game file ask me for the password and Ill send this thru.








  10. I have never seen this issue and have played several large pbem games. To clarify, both players have engine 4.0 installed?


    Those who do check this sort of thing are going to ask for a save game. Do you still have a turn available where this occurs? If so, can you post a link for others to check it out?

  11. It is a scenario with AI plans for one side, no briefing, no briefing maps, no extra goodies. In its current state it is only playable for someone looking for a quick battle experience with all the fun of not picking your own forces or having a clue what you are up against. 

    When I compare what this file is to the scenarios uploaded to TSD3, most people would consider this to be 75% complete. I have no plans to upload this as a completed scenario.

  12. 1 hour ago, Badger73 said:

    @Heirloom_Tomato - I am interested in seeing what you did.  I'm looking for a straightforward scenario to deconstruct in order to learn and understand AI scripting.  I don't know why AI plans intimidate me but they do.  Examining your efforts might help me get jump-started.  If so inclined, PM me to work out a way for me to access it.  Thank you.

    I will happily send you the file. If anyone else is interested let me know. 

  13. I did this for mistermark, and it was simple. We talked about the battle he was looking to fight, I took his parameters and the map he wanted to use and then crafted an enemy force and AI plan. The whole process took me a couple of hours to do, including a quick play through to make sure the AI plan worked as intended.

    The bonus part for me anyways, is now I have a quick scenario to play in year or so, once I have forgotten all about the details of this battle. It seems the older I get, the quicker I forget things, so maybe it will only be a few months from now!

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