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Posts posted by gdbf01

  1. Yup, I get it now :D . I'm taking some heat myself but I deal mainly in graphics now and they seem to be a weeee (i.e. VERY little) bit better at that. Mostly though I got tired of the interminable MS updates that broke as many things as it fixed. Of course, we all know Mac's aren't perfect either (but I'll never admit it in public.... oh, wait... :wacko:).

    You're right. My brother is north of Ottawa a bit. I just thought if we were close and you were looking for someone to massacre on a regular basis, I'm up for some learning, but that would be a bit of a drive <LOL>

    Thanks again Ian, appreciate the input :)

  2. Thanks for this Michael. So you're saying that the SSD and 16 GB RAM would be a bit lacking for these games? I'm running with 16 GB RAM now on the PC and everything seems happy enough. I tend not to go for the really big battles myself though so probably it wouldn't be an issue anyway, but the more info I have going in, the better.

    Thank you Michael.


  3. Thanks for this Ian. I am intrigued/concerned(?) on not wanting to comment on #2 - sounds like I might be in for considerable grief if I do make the move (or vice versa)? Anyway, good to know about the installers. Thanks for the assist.


    (PS - I'm in Ontario as well - north of Kitchener - wonder if we're neighbours? ;) )

  4. G'Day All,

    I'm starting to consider switching my games (I only own BF games, so that part is easy) from my aging PC to my new iMac with the latest version of Sierra installed. Hardware wise this should be fine with 16 GB of RAM within the 5K iMac 27" with SSD. The reason for the switch is that BF are the only games/simulations I'm playing now (and CM, at that) and all my actual work, etc. is done on the Macs (I have an LT as well, but won't be using it for CM), thus the PC days are numbered I suspect. In terms of CM I have all the current versions including Game Engine 4 for all except CMFI. Now I have read in one forum where a chap was switching to a Mac and it was recommended he do the installs in increments rather than trying to do it all at once, so I'm aware of that much at least. So my questions are:

    1. For anyone that has run CM2 on both PC and Mac's (assuming comparable machine specs), do you have a preference of one over the other? This switch is not a done deal and I may opt not to do it depending on various factors.

    2. Are there any performance penalties/enhancements of one over the other that you saw?

    3. I'm assuming I would need to repurchase the set (makes sense - totally different OS), but want to confirm that.

    4. Assuming "Yes" to #3, are the current games being sold now the latest version (i.e. GE4), or would you still have to go through the full update procedure after installing the base game(s)?

    Thanks very much for the help.


    PS - I too would love to see a Commonwealth module for CMFB!

  5. G'Day All,

    I'd like to sign up to Twitch TV so I can chat during Chris' presentations (haven't missed one yet :)). My question is, signing up for Twitch is totally separate from Facebook, correct? I'm assuming it is, but there seems to be a connection of some sort, and I'm not interested in having a FB account. So, can someone please confirm that if you sign up for Twitch, you do not end up with a Facebook account as well?

    Many thanks.

  6. Thanks Vergeltungswaffe. I see it's up there now. I noted that my title for it is more like a DOS line than something more attractive, which will be fixed in the next one. I also will add more useful information in the front end so people know a bit more of what they are getting (into :D). It's a pretty steep learning curve at the moment, but hopefully I can get the mechanics of getting these things out down fairly quickly and be able to concentrate on making better scenarios :)

  7. Well, the deed is done. I have just uploaded a new Medium Battle for MG in the repository. It will likely take a day or three to appear. The file name is MG_Bunker's_Rout_GD.zip if you're looking for it. It's Allies vs. the AI only (didn't want to take on too much for a first try). Comments and critiques welcome (if it's terrible, please say why so I can target areas to improve in future :)). Hope you like it.

  8. From what I can remember, they make a bit of noise alright. They are definitely louder than a rifle, and there's a pretty good muzzle flash with them (sometimes you can see them by day from a distance if you know where to look), so they aren't real quiet. They aren't like field guns of course, but yeah, you can hear them probably from 500m or more.

    As for being "gamey", I located a mortar the same way vs. the AI once. I figured, "AHA! Gotcha!!" Unfortunately, his round was pretty accurate. That ended the game. Let's just say it didn't end well for me :o. Gamey or not, it doesn't always help :rolleyes:


  9. Thanks much for this :). Upload coming later this week once I put the finishing touches on it (I'll post that it's up). It's my first one so it will be a little rough around the edges, but hopefully fun anyway.

    Thanks again for the help.

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