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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by BLSTK

  1. Vat iz dees toylet paypar ov vitch yoo speek?
  2. Is it not "verboten" to show one's "Adolf Nummer 3" haircut during the course of battle? Btw, I especially like pix 1, 2 and 4 for their monochromatic tone. Ausgezeichnet, Jorge!
  3. Bad luck or good marksmanship on the part of the AA gunner? Terrific sequence, Kenzie.
  4. "I love you. You love me..." Sorry, Gents. Forgot this was a wargamers' site.
  5. Yeah, we get it. I just bought a MacBookPro. But I don't feel the need to open two (2) threads to tell the world about it.
  6. Jack, I love your presentation. The "inset within the screenshot" technique captures the action nicely.
  7. ...and cats around the world have been nervous ever since.
  8. Working title for that one is CM: The (not so) Fast and The (understandably) Furious.
  9. And Tecumseh defeats the Americans before deciding to give the Brits the boot as well, thereby uniting North America under the Six Nations flag... Coming soon to BFC...the War of 1812. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=110686
  10. Luckily he can claim it as his principal residence.
  11. Was there ever a better TV series than "Blacksheep Squadron" ("Monty Python's Flying Circus" notwithstanding)?
  12. There you go again, Tommy. Always fishing for compliments.
  13. Now for a battle of another kind. Take the Trivia Challenge: http://www.canadiangeographic.ca/atlas/quizzes.aspx?id=WAROF1812_QUIZ〈=En
  14. True. The Whitehouse is still standing.
  15. So that gives Obama plenty of time to pack.
  16. Our fearless leader enjoying a moment of reflection.
  17. OK, Emrys. That one brought a smile to my face. It was even tasteful. Get it? Tasteful?
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