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    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Italian Brixia 45mm mortar team will be modded to be the early war German 50mm mortar at the platoon level.
    Gotta do what I gotta do
  2. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    @Suchy I now have French forces armed with the Hotchkiss HMG...
  3. Like
    Suchy reacted to Falaise in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    or you remove the cartridges and equipment and put them in "trompe l'oeil"

  4. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    @Falaise @JM Stuff
    We need some leather cargo cartridge pouches.

  5. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    I have a model that I am trying to convert so it enters CM thanks to @Ivan Zaitzev
  6. Like
    Suchy got a reaction from Falaise in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The Berthier M34 looks basically like a Mauser.  The old Berthier 8mm is somewhat similar to the long and short Mosin. The MAS38 submachine gun looks a bit like a Thompson, but the wooden front pad under the barrel would have to be removed from the Thompson. Only with the MAS36 rifle might be a problem because nothing on the CM looks like it.
  7. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Trying to make a Panzer III Ausf F with 37mm gun.

  8. Thanks
    Suchy got a reaction from kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The Berthier M34 looks basically like a Mauser.  The old Berthier 8mm is somewhat similar to the long and short Mosin. The MAS38 submachine gun looks a bit like a Thompson, but the wooden front pad under the barrel would have to be removed from the Thompson. Only with the MAS36 rifle might be a problem because nothing on the CM looks like it.
  9. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   

  10. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    ok, I did my first mdr shenanigan for this [france1940] mod. I am using CMFI by the way. I brought over the shell mdr of the German captured French flametank from CMBN MG module. I used the Churchill I as the host. I am trying for the best apples to apples there! a big heavy slow tank with BOTH a turret and a hull gun. It needs new textures to look French of course.
    THIS IS MY CURRENT FRENCH ARMOR FAMILY FOR THE MOD. THEY ALL NEED NEW FRENCH ARMY COSTUMES! From left to right, the Renault R35, the Char B1, the Italian AB41 which will stand in "as is" for a Panhard AC, and French half-track (also from CMBN MG module).
    I will round it out with a small staff car and an old looking truck. (using the Opel Kadett and that old Soviet truck).

  11. Like
    Suchy reacted to Erwin in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    While all the CM1 games, well certainly CMBB and CMAK. are still fun to play and if well-modded can look almost as good as CM2 from level 3 and higher, there are huge numbers of features in CM2 that CM1 does not have as one would expect since CMBO was released around 20 years ago.
  12. Like
    Suchy reacted to JM Stuff in JM´s Corner   
    News from today
    Bergan in Bergan out !


    Just a remark about the brace on the left dont be correctly showing also the asked pistol and ammo pouches , dont know why ?

    Just a problem with added some braces, everybodys will wear it, also when the bergan is not present !

    Just officer has to have a special uniform without braces that I have to ask to be created by Joop, Cardin, St laurent... I dont know who I have to contact, kdding...😝

    so the faces part 1  already finished and all what we need to have happy Paras !

    I think now My guys look a little more "british" they have the "touch" that I want, wihout the burlaps and for some, open chinstraps but already wiht some gloves with a little too much color, that I have to working on,
    ...and they are not finish, also Brothers arms are coming
    Airborne French CZ NL BE no SAS troops, will come, but also Canadian Polish and the regular infantry !


     EDIT just forgot to show the correct haircut hahaha !


  13. Like
    Suchy reacted to Mr.X in Preview: First FanMade BattlePack for CM Red Thunder   
    We have the announcement of a (hopefully) stunning new module for CMFB, for a absolutely great CMBN BattlePack, for a very interesting CMFI BattlePack - so WW II fans like me are happy wth the coming stuff in 2023.
    BUT, something is missing....where is the CMRT ? No new content after the release of the fantastic BattlePack of George MC in 2022 😢
    And here it is: 
    While back after a long break, Mr.X was very busy and is working on a FanMade BattlePack for 2023. More to come....
  14. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    I don't own CMCW.
    I am not saying it is the greatest thing since sliced bread but has anybody tackled into a winter mod for CMCW? I checked CMMODSIV but didn't see anything. I thought I saw a @37mm screenshot but who knows. 
    It has its limitations and issues to mod it over to CMCW. Fake snow. But in my experience the REAL 1980's CMCW snow (not Miami Vice cocaine) is realistically many years away - with no jab meant at the guys driving the bus.
    Maybe  I should lay down on a couch and talk to an attractive female therapist with her top button hopefully unbuttoned but as soon as I see CMCW I somehow start thinking to make CMCW Yom Kippur and as soon as I heard of CMCW BAOR I am thinking to make CMCW Falklands. It is my mental issue I guess.
  15. Thanks
    Suchy got a reaction from AtlasActual in Canadian Armed Forces Rework   
    !!! Super!!!
  16. Like
    Suchy reacted to WimO in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    Expression of gratitude to Battlefront team.
    Like other players of Battlefront's Combat Mission series, I have my own wish list, of things I'd like to see that I think would make the game better. Now at the age of 72 and wargaming as my primary hobby for 64 years, I have learned that such expressions of "I'd like to see it done this way", appear to be an inevitable response to any set of rules and any game. Tiresome sometimes. To rules writers, game coders and games masters, such feedback can be a bit discouraging. So at this time I want to say:
    I am VERY HAPPY playing the WWII Combat Missions series 'as is'. It is afterall - a game.  From my perspective it is a perfect follow-up or replacement for miniature wargaming. To me this is what it feels and looks like. Except it looks better than minis, I can field larger armies, and I don't have to learn a 60+ page book of rules!
    When we gamers sometimes appear to gripe about this or that feature no implemented - we might as ourselves, "How long have I been playing these games." For me the answer is "Continuously since the release of series one - Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin, CM Afrika Korps etc." So I must have been enjoying it as is. No? So many years of fun.
    And I LOVE having an easy to use Scenario Editor. I probably spend more time tinkering with map making, or tweaking graphics than actually playing. I have yet to play through all of CMBN's over 300 sceanrios in my collection.
    In conclusion. THANK YOU Battlefront for many years of happy gaming, for your many hours of coding work, your responses to the community. Given my wonky ticker, I don't knwo if I'll be around to enjoy engine 5. I hope so.
    Dr. Wilhelm C.T. Oudshoorn BA, DDS (a.k.a. WimO, a.k.a. Kandu)
  17. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in "EARLY WAR ORPHANS" rally point   
    EARLY WAR ORPHANS...mount up!
    OK, all is not lost. BFC has moved onward. We aint got no official help.
    We can still squeeze out some juice.
    We have to think outside the box.
    Sure, some of you would LOVE a TO&E but we aint got none.
    We CAN try for small early war scenarios with infantry, maybe some support weapons, MAYBE a vehicle or just an immobilized or KO vehicle.
    I got like 6 of you out there that seem to like this. So Steve is absolutely correct. BFC SHOULD move forward officially.
    I cannot help but keep diddling in the early war.
    Maybe not exactly "early war" but I am involved in a Spanish Blue Division Mod.
    I finally stumbled upon a Call of Duty Mod with Spanish voice mp3 files. I am converting to wav and renaming to match CM. What a pain.
    I will try to have something released in February 2023.
  18. Like
    Suchy reacted to The_Capt in Combat Mission Cold War - British Army On the Rhine   
    Cold Warriors.
      Well it looks like Steve has already dropped the mic over on the annual update thread, so let myself, Bil H and Cpt Miller (along with a small team of unwashed heathens - two of whom are actually from the UK), be the second to announce the first CMCW Module - CMCW - British Army On the Rhine (BAOR).

    We are still in development so I will only outline the broad strokes of what we are working on, and insert the caveat that we reserve the right to add/subtract - 
     - Time frame of the game is going deeper backwards into the Cold War.  We are setting the clock back to 1976, so CMCW will now encompass 1976-1982 (including some minor tweaks to the existing US orbats).  As has been noted we are less interested in the later Cold War years largely because they really do start to resemble the later CM titles and we are shooting to keep CMCW distinct in its own right.
    - UK BOAR - right now we have a pretty comprehensive build planned for the UK units as they transitioned from their 1974 structures - to where they landed in 1980.  As per the picture above players should be able to become deeply engaged within the historical BAOR sector of the ETO.
    - And because I just have to represent the home team, we are also doing the Canadians.  That little black box is the planned 4 CMBG AO - you will note this was right at the tail end when the brigade was still part of the BAOR, although for those that really want to play First Clash and park them down in Lahr you are fee to do so because the basic unit structures remained the same.
    - We do have plans for the Soviet side, but are going to hold off on details until we zero them fully in...more to follow. 
    - I will let you all speculate and discuss what new vehicles and weapon systems we are talking about but there is a not insignificant list of new ones we are planning - more as we start to get some cool screen shots.  
    As noted by Steve, we are well on our way and are planning for a release this year - content and full scope remains TBA.
    Thank you all very much for your support, the response to CMCW has been well beyond what we were expecting and that is entirely thanks to you guys.
  19. Like
    Suchy reacted to NPye in Custom 3D Models and Mods Compilation   
    Watch out for this important update next week...
    Battle for Berlin Notes V2.1
    After feedback from the BF community I have updated and put right a few issues on some of the scenario maps including:
    • Set up of the forces was wrong on some of the maps. Fixed.
    • Missing Axis troops. Fxed.
    • Mission Objectives missing on Kroll Opera House. Fixed.
    • A map was missing completely called Assault the Reichstag. Fixed.
    • Plus some other minor issues fixed.
    If you note anything that looks wrong, please contact me and I will look into.
    New scenarios coming soon. Thank you for your time.
  20. Like
    Suchy reacted to AtlasActual in Canadian Armed Forces Rework   
    Canadian Armed Forces Rework
    by Atlas
    Picture library:   https://imgur.com/a/wZPsRCx
    Being a CAF soldier myself, it bothered me very much to see the vest used by the soldiers was not period correct (1982 pattern load bearing vest) and to me did not look the way I wanted my pixeltruppen to look.
    I started from scratch my vest mod and this time I made a chest rig worn over the fragmentation vest. I decided this based on a photo I found from infanteers in Afghanistan (2008-2010) wearing chest rigs (see picture library). I have made and tested several versions and I finally completed the one I think looks best. I am not the best texture editor but I have spent several hours working on this project. I will give it to you soon, but first care for some history about the Canadian tactical vest?
    The CAF is known for using a two system armor carrier including a fragmentation vest and a separate load bearing vest.  However, the troops in Afghanistan did not like the 90s era issued vest very much. The problem is, it isn't nearly modular enough as it had fixed pouches, no MOLLE and simply can't haul enough gear required in the field without major jerry-rigging. Take the mags for example, the average combat load during the Afghan war was 10-12 mags per soldier and the vest can carry only four. On top of that, they are placed very high up on the chest, fully enclosed and hard to reach. The theory was that having the mags on the chest would protect soldiers which were hit in the lungs/heart area. The bullet would first have to pass through a steel mag and it’s ammo, essentially turning your reloads into somewhat of an armor. Except, we aren't in the 90s anymore, and we now have real purpose made armor plates.
    It was a great idea at the time, but that time passed a long time ago.
    Some units, especially infantry units, allowed their members to wear their own kit because they acknowledged that the issued vest did not meet real life war fighting requirements. Some bought commercially available chest rigs and some used older Canadian issue pattern 82 webbing.
    Nearly 20 years later, the tactical vest is still issued today to the disappointment of soldiers across Canada. However, in the late 2010s when going in deployment in some areas (Iraq, Mali) soldiers were issued SORD SCS Chest rigs that had to be given back upon return. Some tests were conducted with various LBV's and chest rigs but there is no replacement in sight at the moment...
    Now back to this mod!
    -All pouches reworked with magazines showing from the side of pouches.
    -Medical pouch with red cross and buckle
    -Two front utility pouches with buckles.
    -Uniform with IR Canada flag, IR identification patch and an ISAF patch.
    -Made in great detail, the skin has contour shadowing as well as a custom mapping file. 
    -Worn and dusty look for all infantry weapons except for sniper rifles and AT launchers
    This mod works great with @37mm's Afghanistan timeframe and I hope he might add mine into his.
    - This is a combination of my 2 previous projects packed in one mod for the sake of simplicity and upgradability.
    - I have made the pictures into an IMGUR library so if I add content onto this mod, I will be able to add more photos to the album. Same principle applies for the download, it is in a Google Drive folder.
    - The way the CAF soldier is made, the vest is not it's seperate entity and is included in the uniform skin along with it's pouches. Since the pouches are fixed by default, there is no way for me (Please let me know if there is!) to add pouch modularity to the vest even if the game files shows lots of pouches with canadian classnames. That's just the way it is I guess. This game is so realistic, even the lack of modularity of the vest is represented in-game LOL.
    Picture library:   https://imgur.com/a/wZPsRCx
    Download: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Rys7jpzU9yTxZ1irI5jCM6dqTte2BQDh?usp=share_link
    Extract to
    Hope you enjoy,
  21. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in Beutepanzer   
    My opinion: for mdr swapping, you can go 2 ways which have their own + and -.
    The @Suchy system is you go ahead and bring in the actual opposite side's weapon. Think of a water-cooled HMG being used by modded Hungarians in CMRT. Use the editor side switch trick to purchase it and bring it with a Soviet guards crew onto the axis side. Then you do get the actual performance of the weapon. You can use [guards] modtag to maybe get their uniforms looking like Hungarians. You then must decide to not worry to hear a little Russian.
    The shell and host system is where you get the visual appearance of a beutepanzer T-34 over the actual internal workings of the PzIV. In this case you have a German crew and all is well there BUT you must accept the performance of the gun/turret rotation/ammo choices/etc. is slightly askew.
    EDITORIAL: Many modders burn the midnight oil and put in so much labour of love. We're hamstrung. Think @NPye. But the actual BFC person with the keys to make awesome things happen seems to me to turn off the lights promptly at 5pm and head home. I suspect it is worse than that, as I think his BFC related efforts are extremely tight on an annual basis and he has a main job. He must be nearing age 65 to claim social security and maybe retire from that "main job" and might delve more into CM coding and new content for CMX3. My fantasy. Best wishes to him. This is not personal.
  22. Like
    Suchy reacted to Artkin in Changing Formations from Column to Line Abreast   
    Yeah so units cannot just make formations. Every unit has to be individually moved into their place. However, you are able to select all units under a command (By double clicking the platoon, company, battalion commander) and you can give them all a movement order at the same time.
    There are a couple downsides to this. First: your troops cannot change the angle of the formation when it was originally made (Think if you were following a forest line in parallel and then the forest had a 90 degree angle to the right). You will have to plot out orders one by one, or plot the entire formations orders then manually adjust them.
    The second: over distance the formation gets kind of distorted, you can see this easily on larger maps. I'm not sure what causes it exactly, or if some angles (Camera perpendicular to grid squares for instance) will prevent this from happening.
    The larger scenarios can be a bit of a pain (especially in real time mode) when plotting moves. This is part of the CM suffering we all go through.
  23. Like
    Suchy reacted to Artkin in What if any thought has been given to the next game coming out.   
    Frankly I find balancing to be nonsense. If I make a scenario it should be true to the original intent of my design. If it's imbalanced it would be good to write it in the description.
    I prefer treating this as a sim rather than a game as much as I can. I give extra ammunition boxes for my troops and I set them to lower experience levels to reflect what combat footage I have seen. I guess my scenarios come out different than others. I like playing with big formations and giving the commander total reign over how they choose to employ that force. 
    If you play this game long enough (IMO) it's not too hard to eyeball a scenario out before testing even begins. 
  24. Like
    Suchy reacted to Billy Ringo in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    "We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." — Elie Wiesel
  25. Like
    Suchy reacted to Maciej Zwolinski in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Breaking the rules to do the "right thing" is a bit of Polish style, I am afraid🙅‍♂️. All those insurgencies and conspiracies in our history were technically illegal. The "Rules based order" applicable in Polish territory the past 250 years was mostly based on rules imposed by others, and when this is the conclusion you get during history lessons throughout your education, it underlines some important things about rules: they are created by someone to achieve something, and there is nothing sacred about them. 
    Having said that, I do not believe that Morawiecki would actually act in breach of the Leopard supply contract. He is not a a tough politician at the heart of the matter. But defying rules to do a good thing looks particularly well in Polish eyes and I am sure he felt good saying that. And It may even work!😝
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