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    Suchy reacted to CarlXII in Carls maps   
    I have started a little map project. My goal is to design a few quite large maps that still retain a fairly high level of detail. These maps will not be designed
    as mastermaps ment to be split up into smaller sections but rather to be used as a 'full size' map but you as a potential user are offcourse free to cut and tweak the map in any way you please.
    I will not be spewing these maps out in any great amont. I will be working on these at a relaxed pace and my current goal for the rest of 2023 is to release two more maps after this first one if you guys feel that this initial one is up to snuff.
    This first map is for CMBN. Centered around a village along the Douve river, south west of Valognes. Mapsize is 2700 X 1900 meters. I have taken some liberties with the actual village but the terrain is very close to current day google earth (elevations are fictional).
    I'm planning on making one more CMBN-map and then a CMRT-map this year. Dependant on RL situations i might be able to do a third one. We shall see. Two additional maps after this one should be doable though.
    On this first map (Normandy) i have 'tweaked' the low boccage hedges somewhat. At various locations i have replaced a part of the low boccage with regular hedge tiles to allow for vehicles to cut through. This will come with the risk of bogging down though as the terrain tile 
    at these locations are be mud ground. See pictures below. I have also included a fair amount of boccage gaps to allow for infantry movement.
    These maps will have no units, no set-up zones or no objectives and no AI plans....They can be added as desired. Hopefully these maps will provide nice playgrounds for H2H gameplay or as a starting map for anyone wanting to try and design a scenario using them.
    This first normandy map has been made using the majority of 37mm brilliant 'all in one' mod pack for CMBN. Hopefully the map will still look decent even if you are playing with stock graphics or use different mods. 
    Enjoy ! 
    Some pictures from this first map...
    From google earth:

    From the editor:

    Some ingame pictures:

    This is what the boccage/hedge trick looks like in the editor:

    And in-game:

    Download link:
    https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3h7htnzcx1ykxp/Cotentin Peninsula.btt?dl=0
  2. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    "FAKE LOBSTER" continued
    Continuing my lecture on the elephant in the room..."fake lobster" I call it.
    Fake lobster is when what you see on the screen is not 100% what the game engine thinks it is.
    D. The Armor mods:
    2. AXIS
    d. StuG III Ausf A (early StuG with just the short-barrel 75mm)
    I started messing with this over in CMRT for my Barbarossa mod efforts. I had always wanted to try and make a scenario to depict that famous splash screen from CMBB. The early StuG with the German soldiers in Greatcoats approaching the Soviets hiding in a destroyed building. Here it is in case you never had CMBB.

    I had a couple options. Use along-barrel StuG and Blender mod it to look short? That would just be too powerful. I had the actual gun with the PzIIIN but I was already using that with the PzIVD mod. Plus it was turreted and would not portray properly. Hmmm. I then thought to use the Stummel 75mm half-track. Well, then the armor was way too thin. Oh well. I went with that.
    I think it was a great solution for France 1940.
    Give it a try by playing FR40A STUG HUG!
    Also tucked along with the Bronze "plus up" is a Krupp Protze and a Kubelwagen wearing France 1940 textures.
  3. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in Annual look at the year to come - 2023   
    In a week shy of 2 months, I and about 3 other guys have created a France 1940 mod of damn decent results. 
    Call me an a-hole, but I think a few heads should hang in shame!
    Get it here
  4. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    So many great scenarios that could be written for this mod. Just by myself or with @kevinkin, we just can't pay justice to what COULD be done.
    Right or wrong, one good way to find the basis of a good CM scenario is to look at other games. ASL is one. Lots of scenarios of a certain type. Smaller OOB's. Not giant battalion level encounters. 
    Here is an awesome one I would love to try and do.
    The blitzkrieg in the West had begun. German forces were pouring into France at breakneck speeds. Bridges on the Moselle had been captured undamaged and the advance elements of the 34th infantry Division started to cross as soon as the obstacles installed on the bridges had been removed. One such bridge lay on the outskirts of the French town of Aessan. The job of holding this key objective was given to specially trained and equipped glider troops. As they arrived, they were joined by Vorausabteilung A which had brought up a 37mm anti-tank gun. At midday the 4th Spahis Regiment, supported by Hotchkiss H-35 tanks, counterattacked the bridge at Aessan. Attacker: French (4ème Régiment de Spahis with Armor support) Defender: German (Luftlande Kommando Hedderich and Voraus Abteilung A, Infanterie Division 34)   https://www.aslscenarioarchive.com/scenario.php?id=56361
    EDIT: LUFTLANDE KOMMANDO HEDDERICH was a German Army unit and they did not land in gliders. They took 25 Fieseler Storchs! 5 men per plane and it was a SPECOPS mission. 
  5. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Here is a list of the folders of what is in FR40A BRONZE Level Mod Pack.
    I will walk through each of what is offered for any comments and so folks can lick their lips!

    [heerfj] is a folder of the mods to allow the fallschirmjagers (fj) to display like the German Army (heer). This is specifically so I can display the Pak36 37mm ATG. Only way to get it on the CMFI battlefield is by buying fj.
    buildings: well, an assortment I grabbed way back. It can best be increased. I will swing through it and decide to add stuff from CMBN. I usually open both folders on the screen and split-screen them and grab copy from left and paste to the right and then bulk rename to add [france1940]
    DMs 1940 Heer is the stuff from the land down under. @Damian45
    DMs 1940 Waffen SS Camo. More modding love from the Southern Hemisphere.
    FR40 French is a bunch of stuff that @Falaise and I cranked out.
    German Gas Sheet the new gear item made in Blender and textured by forumites!
    "Nice to Haves" are music, loading screens and splash screens.
    mountains are your CMBN horizons.
    Opel Blitz: somebody's early war Opel Blitz. Not mine. I forget who did it. I apologize.
    Opel Kadet Jeep: an mdr rename to bring that Opel from CMRT to look 1940-ish.
    paK36 37mm in early war colors I did with help from I think Ben Park. I think. 
    R35. modding Italian R35 over to the French.
    Stuka attack sounds: a scrounged mod with Hollywood siren and jericho's horn sounds and Stuka image for your air support
    weapons swaps: renames of various mdr files
    Just a part of the overall mod. Maybe build up some buzz in the forums. Get some attention. Maybe collect a few more scenario writers?
    A mod in your hard-drive sitting unused --
    --is a sad and lonely mod.
  6. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    @Damian45 and I teamed up to do the gas sheet pouch. I hacked it together in Blender and did an initial (lame) image. I combined it to 3 different existing gear models.  Then Damian showed up and sprinkled his usual magic on it.

  7. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    1940 Panzerwaffe beret...

  8. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    ***I don't have them ready yet****
    But here is my system I am going to use! It will be a "tiered" system or whatever might best describe it. I will package the mods to release with scenarios in a consecutive manner over the next couple weeks or months. If you are wanting to play the mod. You gather up all the mod packs as we go on into the summer. Start with bronze, have fun with a few scenarios that have been matched to what bronze mod pack offers. Get it? The scenarios will say somewhere what mod packs they need. If it says silver. then that means both silver and the base bronze. Gold scenario needs gold but also silver and bronze. Finally the diamond scenarios will need diamond and the 3 others. I could have skipped the words bronze, silver, etc and just used A, B, etc. but it seemed a nice way to think of it.
    FR40A BRONZE LEVEL MOD PACK (should be next weekend 4/8/23 along with several teaser scenarios!)
    I have mods I am still working on and they have been conveniently assigned to the last mod pack, the DIAMOND level.
    The above system SHOULD allow scenarios to be staggered in development as well. @kevinkin
  9. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The number of friends and fans of CMFI FRANCE 1940 mod are currently countable on your fingers and toes. It sure seems.
    So, why not just address the elephant in the room?
    I admit it. In this mod, you will be offered some "fake lobster" I call it.
    I guess "fake crab" is better known. It is fish that is processed and made to look like crab with coloring.
    I joke and use lobster because of the long use of Space Lobsters in CM forums, etc.
    What is my "fake lobster"?
    Fake lobster is when what you see on the screen is not 100% what the game engine thinks it is.
    Some folks are confused on what is possible as a non-BFC forumite trying to mod the game.
    Some folks are purists on the simulation and will not even look at fake lobster.
    I would say that this mod has fake lobster but it also has situations where the fake lobster is not present.
    The mod CAN be enjoyed by purists. It just has to be a certain scenario to avoid their food allergy!
    I will take this time to go through the mod carefully and explain what is modded. If you have negative comments or criticisms, you can PM me or attack me here. but I prefer the PM.
    A. The infantry mods:
    1. ALLIES
    To me this part of the mod is almost empty of fake lobster.
    @Falaise and @JM Stuff and @Damian45 and I have worked to create a new arena of infantry combat.
    CMFI has many nations and we took great advantage of that.
    The 1944 French equipped with US gear have been modded to look like 1940 French Army. Regular metropolitan French troops AND Colonial troops -perhaps from Morocco. JM made the awesome RF grenade emblem helmet after I struggled and failed. Falaise made the Moroccan crescent moon collar badge coats. JM AGAIN gets a gold medal and made "crescent moon" emblem helmets. His new name is "Mr. Helmet"...?
    The 1945 Brazilians equipped with US gear have been modded to look like 1940 French Army, the Senegalese Tirailleurs (S.T.). Names modded by me to be Senegalese! JM made a helmet with anchor emblem of the S.T. Falaise made coats with anchor badge on collar. I used black faces from my [buffalo] mod. I need to sprinkle in some Senegalese into the French voices which were renamed from stock Brazilian voices.
    The 1943 Polish equipped with British gear have been modded to look like 1940 French Army. Voice files renamed and modtagged to now be French. Names changed to French names. Ranks changed to French 1940 style.
    Bolt-action rifles. Sure, deep down, there are differences. Maybe we are generically treating them as the same. At the CM level, I think it is ok with this mod.
    We can do certain scenario editing tricks to keep the number of SMG low on the French side. Both sides have rifle grenades. Oh well. There are not too many.
    I only have 60 minutes for editing and can make additional posts for this description of the mod.
    Folders for infantry


    I am probably almost at my 60 minutes for editing. You might notice german ponchos up above. These are my existing transparency files to make stuff not be visible. I just re-use and rename. Falaise and I have made brand new gear items. We also decided to have some items just vanish. US webgear compass pouch for example. The same will be true for German Y-strap upper back gear that cannot be there as France 1940 the Germans are going strapless! 😮
    The wife now returns soon from her 1 week away and I must go crazy to clean the sink dishes and all such things in a rapid last-minute manner. 
    MORE DESCRIPTION LATER. Next is AXIS Infantry to showcase the beautiful mods of @Damian45
    one more screenshot to show Senegalese folder

  10. Like
    Suchy reacted to JM Stuff in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Just in case that the german from @Damian45 would try to pass to the Albert Chanel  that eventual @kohlenklau could have a scenario in his box,  with some research from @Suchy to prepare a duel with @Falaise or @kevinkin or @Heinrich505 supported by @Ivan Zaitzev and @Vacillator and well commented by @Erwin...
    I was prepared some older helmets for the defense of the Eben Emael fortress, and hope this time that they will put some heavy weapons on the roof of the fortress, to say a good welcome to these gentlemen falling from the sky...not that we have again A Deja vu...
    (Just kidding boys)

  11. Like
    Suchy reacted to Paper Tiger in Coming soon - USMC Gung Ho!   
    Well, it's been a lot more work than I'd anticipated. This is a rework of my old USMC campaign, a six mission campaign I put together shortly after the British Forces module for CMSF 1 was released. I spent SO much time making 'The Road to Dinas' that I missed playing with the USMC, which has turned out to be my favourite US formation to work with. 
    I thought I was just going to have to make up a new core unit file, sub in the new units and tweak a few bits and pieces to take advantage of the new systems but I ended up pretty much redoing it all from scratch. Anyway, let me show you the old maps and the new versions. Each picture is taken a 6 am in the morning from the same position so that you can see main differences.
    The first mission is Meet the Flintstones. This is a NIGHT Missions and this is the old map...

    And this is the new map...

    As you can see, it's pretty much doubled in size. If you've played the original, it will probably feel reasonably familiar with the old version.
    The next mission is The High Chaparall and the map for this one has changed very little. it's a DAWN mission.

    And here's the new...

    It hasn't changed much although there was a LOT of deforestation which took place to the new. Apart from the map, it's been reworked very substantially and the AI improved.
    The third mission was a real problem for me. It was originally called CAAT Fight and it took place on this map...

    The problem wasn't with the map but the battle itself. It was rubbish! It was an interesting idea and was inspired by the first episode of Generation Kill but it wasn't anywhere near as much fun as that episode. So this one got a new map and new forces with the same concept:

    I really enjoy playing this one. It's a NIGHT mission and, like the original, you only have the CAAT units to work with. But it feels completely different and I find it a lot of fun to play.
    Now we come to the HUGE reworks. These took over a week each to fit up and the missions needed to be redone entirely, new AI forces, new objectives etc...
    the first of these is Watching the Detectives. here's the old map...

    And here's the new...

    It's more than doubled in size and there has been very substantial enhancement of buildings complexes etc. This is a DAWN mission and has gone through several iterations before the right battle was found for it. it's a tough mission with the player attacking down a slope in full view of the defender with little cover to work with. it took many attempts to make this feasible and I'm happy with the end result. You need to take this one slowly.
    Then Mission 5, Bridges. Once again, the old map has been massively expanded.

    And the new one is almost entirely different...

    There are some similarities but as you can see, it's almost entirely new with new, more realistic villages added. Again, finding the right battle for this map has taken a lot of time and this is the mission I'm currently playtesting.  it'll probably change a little before I finish with it but I've finally whittled down the forces on both sides so that i can carry out the mission without having too much at my disposal.
    Al Qusayr
    The map for the last mission is almost the same. there are some significant improvements for it but you won't see these from such a wide angle. the mission has also been redone with new forces added and all-new AI.

    And there it is. I'll go into each mission in a little more detail later. This is very close to finishing now. I expect to have finalised it by the end of this month.
  12. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    It is my great pleasure to announce that a fantastic forumite and talented modder @Damian45 has burned the midnight oil down under (Perth W.A.) and just this morning delivered a fantastique set of 1940 German Army uniforms. 
    I will be editing this post and show off some screenshots of his stellar work. They are from a PBEM I am now testing.
    This scenario with a French AI plan is for Damian so he can take a break and enjoy the mod a bit before he heads BACK to continue the outstanding modding effort and deliver us some new Waffen-SS uniforms. and a few other goodies too!
    Before I show the screenshots, let us bow our heads and remember this solemn rule...

    ok, so here are the screenshots. Freedom of speech but if you want to discuss uniforms, please make a new thread. PM Damian if you want or give "likes" here. 

  13. Like
    Suchy reacted to Butschi in Creating Maps with CMAutoEditor   
    I decided to create a new topic for this because "tool to set elevation in the editor" is no longer really a good description. Finally (from my perspective 😉) I managed to release version 2.0.0 of CMAutoEditor.

    Woah, Butschi, wait a minute CMAutoWhat? What the hell are you talking about? CMAutoEditor is a tool that takes "external" data, like elevation, and automates clicking in the CM scenario editor. This way it kind of works around "missing features" in the editor. Wouldn't it be nice to import something like a heat map instead of clicking elevations in the editor? Of course I can't change the editor but by letting CMAutoEditor do the clicking it does something similar.

    Version 2 is really a major update as it now includes importing data from OpenStreetMap. This way you can basically use CMAutoEditor to create a whole map for you.
    Still, feature creep and being overly ambitious is certain to kill such a small project so I had to triage what makes it into this release and what (maybe, provided there is enough interest on your side and enough time on my side) gets postponed to a later update.

    The cut affecting most of you is that for this release only CMCW is really supported. The reason is that there are differences in what is in the scenario editor for each CM title. That means not only are there buttons at different positions but there are also different buildings, roads, flavour objects etc. which need to be programmed as a "profile". I intend to modify CMAutoEditor in a way that the community can help with that but I am not yet sure how best to do it. So, for now CMCW only. CMBS should work for everything but flavour objects.

    Another thing I had to cut is support for Windows version older than Windows 10. I know, there are quite a few of you around who still field Windows 7. However, python is only supported up to version 3.7 on Windows 7 and a few of the libraries CMAutoEditor depends on require python 3.10. In addition, I don't have a farm of PCs idling at home where I can test different Windows version so I can really only develop for Windows 10. Sorry for that but maybe this doubles as a friendly reminder that nowadays Windows 7 is a security liability and you should upgrade to Windows 10 or 11. 😉
    There is of course a long list of things I'd like to improve eventually and given that this is a rather complex piece of code the chances that it is free of bugs is close to zero. So, feel free to contact me here or on github if you find something!

    Now, with all the caveats out of the way let's move on to the more pleasant stuff. 🙂 What's new in version 2? Well, of course OpenStreetMap data. You can import forests, rivers, roads, streams, railways, farmland, grassland, bushes, buildings and even bus stops, wayside crosses and much more. I improved the tools to import DGM data so that now arbitrary rectangles can be extracted. The information from this can be loaded into the OSM data converter so that you don't have to manually enter bounding boxes. (The geotiff tool is unfortunately among the things that didn't make it for this release so you are left with the previous capabilites). CMAutoEditor itself is now also much faster. Please note, that it may be too fast for what your PC can handle. If you experience "holes", e.g. when setting the elevation, that means the CM Editor is not responsive enough. I will make the parameters that determines the rate of clicking selectable from the GUI in a later update. Last but certainly not least there is a GUI for all the tools, so no more going to that evil shell, typing commands - kudos to @Dawntaker for supporting me with GUI making!

    One more thing. I won't repeat the mistake and not have a manual or tutorial video ready at release: Since my previous tutorial video is now totally deprecated I am doing a new one. This time, instead of just telling you what the different features do, I'll do a step-by-step tutorial in four parts where I will create an actual map. This way I will certainly miss a few features but you should get a better feeling of how to actually use the tools in reality. Part 1 is finished already and it covers "installing" (i.e. downloading the .exe files) CMAutoEditor, installing other necessary tools, selecting a location for the map in map.army, finding and downloading elevation data, downloading OpenStreetMap data and getting historical aerial imagery and working with it. So, basically the boring stuff, some of you might say, but possibly the most important part. 😉
    In the future I'd like to adapt CMAutoEditor to one of the WW2 titles, I think CMFB or CMRT would be best. Obviously present-day OpenStreetMap won't do for that. So, instead I'd like to make another tutorial showing how to use and old map or aerial image to make "OpenStreetMap data" from scratch and feed it into the CM scenario editor. Drawing polygons and tagging them is still - in my view - much more comfortable than clicking in the editor with some semi transparent overlay. So, if you have good material, go ahead and make a suggestion here. 😉
    I hope you enjoy this new version of CMAutoEditor and the tutorial video(s)!
  14. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    right now (I THINK) these are the only guys who want the mod and scenarios:
    @JM Stuff
    @Ivan Zaitzev
  15. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Canteen Boy!!!
    French Model 35 with one spout.
    Not the famed double-spouted Model 1877. A bit too hard to hack in Blender.

  16. Like
    Suchy reacted to JM Stuff in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Dont need to do it is finish, I work always for myself in darkness like the truck !
    now working on the chinstrap !

  17. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    @Heinrich505 Thank you to my buddy Gary for the playtest...
    We spotted a few things to fix and of course there are many more improvements that can be made to the mod. It just takes time and effort.
    If you want to write a scenario using this mod, please PM me. I can share my advice on what units are "representable" within the scope of what I have modded. For example, like I explained earlier, I used CMRT as the base because I could get the Anti-tank rifle ATR for Brasche Encounter. If BFC would release a small module to sprinkle such items in the other titles, we'd have increased flexibility. oh well! But CMFI also serves as the base for the mod due to the numerous nations available. Thank you BFC.
    ON MY PLATE...
    1. try to create the MAS36 rifle
    2. I asked a buddy to make the MAS 38 SMG
    3. make the French canteen and finish all gear for French
    4. tweak the German heer tunics, remove frozen meat button loop ribbons, etc.
    5. Adrian helmet badge
    6. Char B1 Bis camo
    7. make some tiny teaser scenarios for folks to try against the AI
  18. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The reserve company on the move toward the bridge...

    The German squads hold their ground having occupied the French foxholes...

    Capitane Jambon eyes the battlefield to determine his course of action.

    He orders the Pan-Pans forward!

    Under the cover of the Panhard "Grammont", the soldiers bravely move forward.

    "Grammont" covers the crawling infantry...

    Gollat is excited as he reaches the detonateur - but he has no training and cannot properly connect the wires.

    But the Germans are unaware of that fact and assume the charges will be fired off. They pull back leaving their dead and wounded.

  19. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    The Falaise Memorial Leather Cartridge Pouch is completed!

  20. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    "Mort por la honour d' France" (I think that is the inscription on French war graves)

    Sergeant Falaise fires a flare (simulated due to BFC not coding flares or starshells) to alert the reserve company of 72 soldiers (rifles only!) with a few officers. Another LMG. ONLY TWO DAMN SMG's sneak in. Gotta do what I gotta do.
    The reserve company must get here on foot so it will be at least 5 minutes.
    But they also have 2 Pan-Pans. Panhard scout cars. 20mm autocannon and a co-ax MG.
    The beautiful flowers of bel France. @Lucky_Strike thank you!
    Here are "le bad guys"...

    MON PARDON! It is LT Falaise! He only has a pistol and his men look ready to do the marathon back to Paris?

    MERDE!!! They have routed!

    Here comes the judge! errr...I mean...the boche.

    He is alone now at the bridge...

    a bullet has ended his life...

  21. Like
    Suchy reacted to JM Stuff in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    I love really your determination and  obstination to do your best, this mod could be one of your best, this one could be also a step to created perhaps 39 with Poland like Falaise was talking shortly about, and 36 in Spain,...ok perhaps a little too much...need only very old vehicles,  and simple weapons... hold down Phill, if I can do something tell me, this will not perhaps be perfect but perhaps this help you a little to breathe.
  22. Like
    Suchy reacted to Erwin in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Love it.  Those of us who are less bothered by historical accuracy than for the chance to play early war will appreciate this.
  23. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    OK, the leather texture is soon to come but I have found the seed that will eventually be the "Falaise Memorial Cartridge Belt"...
    I am a Blender hacker amateur pinball machine tilter. But I keep trying. I did try my own custom 3D shape and it had an error so I tried my other trick which is to successfully open a BFC mdr and THEN sneak in what I want and export it usually successfully. That still was giving me errors. So, I resorted to going "mdr shopping" for an exisiting gear that seemed about what I needed. It came from the "british_breadbag" so I called it for now the "frenchy_breadbag". This is only because I try to stay with same number of letters.  british is 7 letters and so is frenchy.
    I have made the leather texture from Falaise's photos but now must rework it.
    Here it is before...not perfect but I was gonna try to use it as version 1.

    Notice this below official mdr for the original british_breadbag is kinda lower quality with those gaps showing when rendered. Maybe somebody's kid did it.
    The center heart is where I tried to dial the dimensions to be what Falaise told me. Blender kinda rounds it slightly different versus what I entered.

  24. Like
    Suchy reacted to kohlenklau in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    A Blender mod Panhard AMD35. Gotta do what I gotta do!

  25. Like
    Suchy reacted to Falaise in HOW TO MAKE A BIG MOD (TEST DUMMY LOG)   
    Luckily I have one lying around next to me!!!
    my hand for the scale





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