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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Russian Lantset-2 loitering munition hits two UKR S-300 simultainously near Novostepnians'ke village, 2 km SE from Zaporizhzhia. Damn. To lose two launchers from nothing, because two launchers stood side by side. At the beging of video MANPAD launch is seen, likely at Lantset, but missed. This s..t in RUS and UKR armies is called "proyob". And battery commander have to be ready that higher commander will be "yebat' " him from this "proyob".
  2. Subs at the start of video say "combat pigeon" ) Just a coincidence of strike and pigeon flight = mockery video )
  3. DNA-modified pigeon from secret US biolab in Ukraine. Their poo after contact with air turn out to HE substance with around-nuclear TNT equivalent. Several grams of this HE **** can reliase so much energy, like Excalibur warhead )
  4. Commander of L118 howitzer from 46th air-assault brigade has posted tweets about 2 hours ago: "It's a real assault. We never shot so much - our barrel is red-hot. I've never seen so much forces, attacking simultainously, including aviation. Four villages left before Beryslav". But now theese tweets already deleted. Some Russian TG channels reported about 5-hour prelimunary bombardments and huge offensive, but this channel denied that this is main axis of offensive: "One more. Calm down, telegrammers and military correspondents. What are you all f..d up? "All-night arty strikes, mass offensive..." Come to your senses! There are about two AFU battalions per 200 men and 40-50 of vehicles against our two full-strength brigades! We should expect khokhols not here and not this time"
  5. @sburke Lt.colonel Dmitriy Proskurin, likely some logistic unit (in June 2022 he finished Logistical support Academy) Lt.colonel Rustem Gataulin (old photo, where he is major), artillery chief of some motor-rifle brigade
  6. Ukrainains to differ LDPR and Russian mobilaized name the first "mobiks" and latter "chmobiks" Chmobiks is a playword, derived from Russian "chastichnaya mobilizatsiya" (eng. partial mobilization) and a soubriquet of Russian soldier "chmonya" from offensive word "chmo" - some sort of "ugly, disgusting lout". But + "-nya" turns this word in contemptus diminitive: "ugly disgusting lout and pityful looser". Ukranians were amazed, when seen first Russian POWs. Instead "tall athlets" we have seen... this... in dirty oversized uniform... So regular Russian soldier-contractor is "chmonya" and mobilized is "chmobik" )
  7. Meanwhile Russian PMCs likely leveled up to private army corps, due to LostArmour talks They write PMCs enlisted about 6000 of jailed and enlisting is going on. Also "usual" enlistment is continuing and for September as if two brigades trained. In presert time Wagner as army corps has about five brigades, artillery brigade (howitzers+ heavy MLRS+Malkas), engineer-sapper brigade, aviation squadron (Su-25, but likely it will be expand soon to mixed aviation regiment with MiG-29SMT and Su-24M) "Wagner coprs" already almost completely conducted warfare in Bakhmut itself and is taking some neighbour areas - this allowed to free one LPR "regular" brigade to move it to "Kharkiv front" Weapons of PMC units: This is some mistakingly opinion, that Russians don't want to make war. Wagner public in Rissian social media VKontakte has about 300 000 subscribers. Russians maybe don't want to go in regular army, but Prigozhin's propaganda and really more successfull actions of PMC in Syria, Africa, Ukraine, than Army make the hiring much more good alternative for motivated people. Russian PMC have very tough, skilled and motivated comamnders and main core of "sergeants" and veteran-soldiers - they are either real "dogs of war", passed not one local war, or just people, who like to shoot, kill and plunder and they can keep in tough subordination other new-enlistment people. They can be w/o military experience (though in Wagner 2014-2016 were only experienced troopers) or just venturers, or money seekers, or jailed, but unlike in army they can't be "refuzenik" in PMC. They can be shot out by own commander immediately. And nobody will know about it. Other strong side of PMCs - their commanders, like and their Azov vis-a-vis are real "battllefield soldiers", and actively absorb best experience of other troops, try some own developments and have much more flexible tactic, that regular Russian army, which deadly stuck to textbooks. So, PMC can have many "cannon fodder" with mimimal training, but actig with crack merceneries under command of "dogs of war" they can achieve results. What more - motivation and awarding. If you good fighter, you can do fast carrier, and get more money much faster, than in the army. But as told one of Wagner fighters - PMC is a "elite club", but with only one ticket to enter. You can leave PMC only in three cases - death, heavy wound or age retirement. So, now we can see how to establish this DerliWagner - absolutely illegal military structure for Russian law system, but much more effective, than regular army.
  8. Misterious EUSV, being found on the shore near Sevastopol could be UKR experimental device: https://news.usni.org/2022/10/11/suspected-ukrainian-explosive-sea-drone-made-from-jet-ski-parts One commentator suggested, this USV had a control via Starlink, but because Starlink is not working in Crimea and around, the vessel could lost control and throw ashore itself
  9. Aftermath of yesterday UKR strike on sugar factory in Russian Oktyabrskiy settlement of Belgorod oblast - there was burning and ammo detonations. Oktyabrskiy is in 11 km from the border NE from UKR Kozacha Lopan' border town. On the video we can see a military camp and place with burned beds - the big tent was here. Russian military bloggers wtrite about losses anong Rosgvardiya unit, deployed here - 3 KIA 14 WIA Upd. Theese were troops of 49th Rosgvardiya operative purpose brigade from Northern Osetia.
  10. Main reason of my reduced activity is a work and some tiring from this 8-month information marathone Concerning to strike consequenses in our district of Kyiv - cell phones and internet still working. Main discomfort - there wasn't hot water for three days. Two days electricity was turning off at the morning for two hours and two days ago all our district has plunged into the darkness from 20:00 to 1:00 of next day. As I know Irpin' town was turning off completely on two days. Just a look from my balcony after the strike at the district thermal plant. There was two very loud booms. Most dense smoke is from missed missile. I don't know what could burn with such dark smoke.
  11. Switchgear of Belgorod "Luch" thermal plant under strike this evening Looks like this a hostility of Kursk People's Republic toward Belgorod People's Repuplic. Ukraine seriously concerned and сalls for diplomacy! PS. Reportedly 8 from 10 S-300 missiles, launched from vicinity of Belgorod on Kahrkiv exploded in the air over Russian territory. One missile lost control and hit Belgorod thermal plant territory
  12. Interpreting of last Mashovets posts During last 5 days Russians have been crossing to active preventing of further advaning of AFU on Svatove - Kreminna section. They are trying to win a time for more solid defense establishing and want to seize more advantageous forward positions NW from Svatove Russians are counter-attacking in area Kolomyichykha village with forces about 1,5 BTG of 1st GTA, mainly consisting of 27th MRB units W and SW from Svatone Russians countering UKR troops on the line Raihorodka - Karmazynivka and also on direction Krasnorichynske - Makiivka. Here Russian forces consists of mainly of 3 BTGs of 254th MRR of 144th MRD and 55th MRB (moutnain), elements of some Spetsnaz brigade (likely 16th, but maybe 3rf too), elements of reservists volunteer battalions BARS-13 and BARS-16 Most active attempts not only to delay UKR forces, but even to retake the line Terny - Torske, enemy has conducted 4-5 days ago, atatcking of Terny and yesterday, shifted attack of Torske. Initially they have thrown forward 6th assault detachment of Wagner PMC, completely consisting of former jailed - 110 men. They attacked by two groups per 40-45 men with recon groups ahead, but anyway were spotted by UKR troops and shelled with mortars and artillery. Later Russians moved forward 2nd echelone - reinforced company of 752nd MRR of 3rd MRD, two platoons of BARS-13 reservists, and a rifle company of DPR mobiks (on the map mistakingly depicted as LPR) from 119th rifle regiment. Ememy had too small number of armor (likely only in 752nd MRR company and likely abot 50 % of full composition), but actively used artullery and mortars fire to support own troops. Russian attack was repelled, Wagner assauult unit lost about 30 % of personnel, at least one jailed was captured. He told about on their section soon will arrive one more assault detachment from the former jailed and about 30 % of personnel have high motivation to fight. Yesterday assault of Torske also was repelled, though Russians likekly could reach outskirts of the village - one soldier wrote "Russians are really in Torske, but only dead" If we will take whole sector Svatove - Siveroidonetsk, Russians formed here two conditional groupings - "northern" (Svatove area) and "southern" (Kreminna - Rubizhne - Siverodonetsk). Total their defense consists of 10-11 BTGs in first line and 6-7 BTGs in second line as tactical reserve. 4-5 more BTGs are in deep rear on replenishing. Theese forces are from 2nd, 20th, 41st CAAs, 1st TA and elements of one Spetsanz brigade (16th or 3rd): 2 BTGs of 21st MRB, 2 BTGs of 30th MRB, 2 BTGs (remains) of 200th MRB, 1 BTG of 55th MRB (mountain), BTG of 27th MRB Also here 2 BTGs of 4th MRB of LPR, 4 rifle battalions of mobiks from two rifle regiment (one of them 119th rifle regimeny of DPR), 7 battalions of LPR Territorial defense and mobiks, 6 detachments of different BARS and regional voulunteer battalins (total strength is about of 1,5 standard battalions) Need to know, that Russian BTGs after Balakliya disaster in real in better case are "2 company-sized" or "reinforced company-sized". BTGs also lost from 30 % and up to 50-60 % of own vehicles Russian grouping wich covers remained part of Kharkiv oblast and border area (Tavilzhanka - Troitske - Nyzhnia Duvanka) has 6-7 BTG: 2 BTGs of 55th MRB, 1 BTG of 15th MRB, 1 BTG of 252nd MRR of 3rd MRD, remains of BTG of 200th MRB, remains of 59th TR of 144th MRD, combined battalion - remains of 18th coastal MRD of 11 Army Corps
  13. BTR-4MV1 in service. First time it was spotted as far as in June. This is demonstrator, belonging to Morozov Design Bureau, manufactured for offering to Peru
  14. Zelenskiy: according to UKR intelligence, Russia ordered in Iran 2400 Shakhed drones Danilov: Iran couldn't produce own drones itself. We investigate remains of shot-down Shakeds and see, that their manufacturing became possible because Iran could buy electronic components of some leading industrial countries, buypassing sanctions. I think, some companies tensed up...
  15. Today's statistic on 13:30 - 20 missiles shot down from 28 launched and 13 Shakheds. Alas< again several missiles could hit targets in western Ukraine. Two Shakheds hit thermal plant in Vinnytsia oblast, which was damaged yesterday by missiles. The strike injured 6 men of repair team
  16. Looks like this is one of many tablets with special soft, integrated in information system from Back-and-Alive charity fund, which supplies Ground forces AD units and maybe Air Forces AD with theese tabs. I've seen they have been equipping SA-8 crews with theese devices.
  17. UKR M777 crew prepares Excalibur round for shot with M1155 device
  18. The smoke has flew from Kyiv reservoir - the missile intercepted. No boom was heard. According to reports two other were approaching from SW, but also were intercepted. Over Brovary district (east from Kyiv) Shakhed-136 was spotted, no reports yet about shot down or impact. Many reports that Russian cuise missiles today often change own routes or even circle - probably Russians try to spot AD assets to correct corridors for main launch. Well, looks like I will not go to work today again %)
  19. Yesterday evening I've seen 2-3 hours blackout in neighbour residential blocks, but in our blocks electriciity is not turned off.
  20. We have own domestic thermal sights and monoculars from TVT company, which products are known under name Archer (use FLIR technologies): https://archer.ua/ua/catalog/index/teplovizijni-priladi-vijskovogo-priznacenna-en But the need of NV and thermals so large, that big amount of equipment is supplied by crowdfunding and equipment can be very different. During ATO Belarusian NV and thermals Pulsar and Russian NV Yukon were being bought in big number, but now I suppose, we don't buy this equipment. The saturation of NV/thermals equipment can be various even inside brigade - all depends from platoons and companies commanders and soldiers initiative. Before the war in average many platoons of mech./motorized brigades had thermal sights for PKM machine-gun and thermal camera for observing. NV sights like PVS-14 mostly were shared among air-assault/marines troops, SOF and recon units of mech.troops. In 2018 I read that in some air-assault battalions each squad had three PVS-14
  21. Two cruise missiles impact this morning nearby TETs-5 (fifth thermal power plant) on southern outskirt of Kyiv. First missile likely inflicted damage, because hit switchgear site. Second missile likely hit some auxiliary facility. Missiles came from southwestern direction.
  22. Some controversal information from Crimea. Local social media five hours ago have been posting about the strike at Dzhankoy airfield, where 39th helicopter regiment is deployed. As if dozens killed and wounded. Other publics refute this information, telling AD shot down UKR missile or kamikadze UAV and it fragnents fell on private houses, causing destructions and damages of several barns and houses. One girl was wounded. Aftermath of probably shot down object falling in Dzhankoy: And news about strike at airbase: Other writing tells about the strike and losses, but "authorities keep silence about many losses, my friend called me - they expected invasion from the mainland" Later this photo appeared as if the fire on airbase, but still no any information
  23. Several stationery tanks with volume like tank-car exploded. Also several railway cars were destroyed/damaged and some light facilities burned.
  24. UKR kamikadze drone RAM II hit Russian SAM Osa (SA-8) RAM II is short-range drone, developed by UKR company KORT. It can fly up to 55 minutes on the range 30 km, carrying 3 kg warherad (HEFRAG, HEAT, thermobaric). Cruise speed 70 km/h. Manufacturer is upplying army with small number series of theese drones, which ordering mostly in crowdfunding way. Since today Serhuy Prytula charity fund anounced fundraising for big batch of RAM II as a revange to Russins for strikes. Only for a day already 5,6 millions USD were gathered.
  25. We have worse result in western Ukraine, likely because a lack of AD assets, pulled out from there to cover more priority areas. One of successful examples - UKR fighter jet shot down today two cruise missiles over Chernivtsi oblast. Alas almost all missiles, targeted L'viv, Ternopil' and Khmelnitskyi oblast reached own targets or at least hit surface with detonation.
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