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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. @sburke Colonel Fyodor Babayev, commander of 41st separate special forces detachment "Rus' "of Rosgvardiya (though, in other Russian sources it's figured as 35th ssfd), Simferopol, occupied Crimea, Southern military district of Rosgvardiya. Killed on 15th of October, likely on Kherson direction
  2. Well, 28 drones on Kyiv in two waves. 1 or 2 broke through in first wave at 7:00 anf 5 could break through in second wave about two hours later. One of them was shot down with rifles by police, but four fell on streets. Like Kraze already said they tried to hit old thermal elctric plant near Kyiv railway station. Looks like obly one drone hit the target, one more fell on the street nearby, third hit wasteland near railway station and fourth ruined half of old residential building. At this moment became knowingly about 3 dead and 3 injuried (all from ruined building), among them - pregnant woman. Approx hour ago or more three cruise missiles were approaching to Kyiv from NE (my familiar wrote in FB that a missile passed on the low altitude over their house in Chernihiv oblast toward Kyiv). Reportedly all missiles were shot down by fighter jets First wave: One shot down Strike across the street from thermal electric plant. On first cadres of video Kyiv railway station building is seen Old house before and after being hit Old woman, rescued from ruined house. 18 people more were resqued from there. Next one incoming It is claimed as police shot down the drone, but as for me the drone just missed and fell on wasteland near thermal plant and railway station
  3. Close impact probably of mortar shell, but soldiers are lucky
  4. When cluster munitions of Uragan or Smerch incoming
  5. After I've seen aerial attack on Brovary Feb 26th from my balcony and heard the terrible howl of jet, passed on low-altitude in the night, I twitch to this time from any loud howling sounds, which similar to jet %) And hate bikers on their damned Sudzukies and Hondas, which fly along the street before curfew or even during it.
  6. One more T-90M can be added to Orix list. I wonder, what unit could use it.... 150th MRD? Wagner? Invisible 3rd Corps? Looks like close artillery shell explosion with side hull penetration with fragments
  7. In St.Peterburg 43 weddings of servicemen simultainously. Obviously, women didn't want to lose opportunity to became millionaires.
  8. This is Ukrainain source, but let it be for a while... Islam Belokiev, press-secreter of UKR Chechen volunteer battalion named after sheikh Mansur claimed on 15th Oct near Samashki settlement of Achkoi-Martan district of Checnya a shooting took place between mobilized and Kadyrov-troops. There were about 10 refuzeniks, which after skirmish escaped from the range. Officially this unconfirmed, maybe local informators or relatives handed over this informatin to pro-UKR chechens. Or this is just UKR PsyOps On 15th Oct the shooting happened between
  9. @Beleg85 Other sources write this lt.col. Lapin just a namesake of Denis Lapin
  10. About shooting on firing range On the screens the story of shooting from wounded soldier. Of course it's just a story, but I will not be surprised if the cause of conflict was that, described under. In short, among mobilized in this unit there were some number of Muslims, citizens of Russia, and three of them - tajik, azerbaidzhanian and adygean have written reports that they reject to participate in the war. After this unit commnader, lt.colonel Andrey Lapin lined up soldiers and delivered a speech on the theme "this is a Holy War". This caused some turmoil among Muslims - tajiks said "This is not Holy War for us, Holy War is Dzhihad only - the war with infidels". Lt.colonel Lapin answered "Then Allah is a coward if he doesn't allow to fight for that country, to which you swore the oath". This caused big rage among mobilized Muslims and even some officers-Muslims were shocked. Between Russians and Muslims short hustle started, but officers could calm down soldiers and as if conflict was extinguished. But most offended tajiks decided to revenge and since 1,5 hours, when their unit was sent to firing range shot out Russians, preliminary adviced Muslims to stand aside (thouigh several Muslims, like and author of this post were wounded). All shooters were not mobilized, but contractors. Lt.colonel Lapin was killed first of all. Two tajiks were killed by warrant officer, who issued bulltes. In the moment of shooting he was in facility with ammunition and had a pistol. So, he came out and killed two tajiks - sen.sergeant Bikzot, and Anushe (rank not mentioned), the third tajik jr. sergeant Amizonda (whos documents I posted above) was wounded, but managed to escape and still hasn't been found. This soldier said the third number of losses - 32 only dead (including both shooters) and he doesn't know how much wounded exactly and said "two helicopters were needed to transport them to hospital" @sburke you can take into account lt.colonel Andrey Lapin, probably 138th MRB of 6th CAA, Westerm military district
  11. UKR soldier writes Russians are attcking on Davydiv Brid direction (their attacks started three days ago) and judging to his words in comment "I just don't want to tell all what I know", likely enemy has some success.
  12. Aftermath of shooting on firing range in Belgorod oblast. Reportedly during PKM firing practice two tajicks turned around and opened fire to the line of soldiers, awaiting own turn. Officially 11 dead, 15 wounded, unofficially 22 dead, 16 wounded One of shooers - tajik Amizonda Tojiddin, was mobilized to 138th MRB And some also about relations inside Russian army. Here is fresh video, how Russian citizens, natives of Kazakhstan punish Russian for his words "I will slaughter kazakhs" (probably because Kazakhstan rejected to support Russia) Nothing most worst for usual Russian Vanya conscript exists when he turned out to the unit with Caucasians old-servicemen (on Russian slang "ded" - eng. "grandpa"). Caucasians, especially Chechens, Ingushs and Dagestanians humilitate, bully and beat up Russian conscript and even contractor soldiers. In less grade this also true for Syberian and Far East minorities like Yakutians, Buriats and Tuvians, which also bully Russian conscripts. On the photo - favorite type of funny photos of Caucasians - to write on heads or backs of Russians slogans like "Dagi / Chechens / Ingushs are power"
  13. This hit coincidented in time with launches of 10 S-300 from Belgorod toward Kharkiv and failure of 8 or 9 of them. Also the range between "Kyiv area" and Belgorod is 400-450 km, what exceeds Neptune range (285-300 km by different info)
  14. When soldiers have many time ) Border Guards want to wage a war with comfort and built a brick stove with fireplace in one of own blindages )
  15. Kids playing in the crater from Kh-101 missile in Shevchenko park in the center of Kyiv. Missile impacted in dozen meters from kids playground. Fortunately, during the strike no one was on the playground Voice beyond the cadre: "they wanted to intimidate us, but made another one attraction for kids"
  16. Strange silence from both sides. After active morning information boom, no any info all day after this. Footage usually come in next 1-2 days. On other hand some UKR twitters about hour ago posted RUMINT as if Mylove is our, but no any confirmation about this. Maybe really not successfull attempt of offensive, but w/o heavy losses, because most of Russian TG channels also didn't post any victorious reports, if not to count of collaborator Stremousov and a pair of crazy Z-telegrammers.
  17. There are rumors that shooters were natives of Tajikistan, having Russian citizenship - many tajiks came to Russia, they have dirty job in Moscow and some other large Russian cities like unqualified workers on buildings and garbagers. But they could receive Russian citizenship. Russians mostly treat them with contempt, calling "churki", so likely the shooting is a consequence of ethnic conflict. Reportedly there were three shooters - two were killed in skirmish, one escaped. Reportedly 22 KIA, 16 WIA, but uncondirmed yet.
  18. At the Russian school, where future officer studied - sen.lt. Andrey Grakov, who was killed in Ukraine, was hanged memorial plaque, where in cirсumstances of his death was confirmed the strike at S-400 on 5th Aug. Grakov was commander of radar crew (on plaque has written MLRS - looks like multi-functional and fire control radar 92N6E) - all were hit by fragments, he has died in hospital next day. 92N6E
  19. Ferrets now in Azov regiment, likely in recon unit. Number unknown
  20. UKR field kitchen dishes: cheese soup, buckweat with vegetables, meat stew, salad, tea Usaully field kitchen is a part of supply unit in battalion/battery. As I told, soldiers also often cook themselves on own positions if situation allows + food reserve received from civil volunteers. MREs are mostly for raids and for heavy situations, where you can't be supplied by normal food.
  21. @sburke Major (retired, mobilized) Vadim Sedov. Current unit, rank and duty unknown. He was killed Oct 5. On the photo he has maroon beret - this is unofficial color for the best servicemen of Rosgvardiya/OMON. Serviceman, who wants to get maroon beret must pass very tough physical and combat test - one of more violent is a full-contact sparring with two maroon berets simultainously. Candidate must either win or at least not be knoked out for some limited time. Because this is internal subculture, which has roots from Soviet times and all theese tests unofficial, there are enough accidents, when candidates for maroon color turned out in hospital or even died. So this guy was enough tough... but when you fights like a rifleman with stupid commanders, your days are short - looks like this man had a time to live about week or some more after he was mobilized.
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