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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. @sburke Major Rishat Izatulin, 228th MRR of 90th tank division, Central military district. This guy participated in the war since first days and was wounded three times, but light (interesting, that despite most of injuries of this war caused by artillery, he all three times was wounded by small-arms fire). Was killed on 12th of Oct.
  2. Peremoha village of Mykolaiv oblast - about 20 km to frontline Novostepnians'ke of Zaporizhzhia oblast - about 30 km to frontline
  3. Locals write in twitter rhat most of people, who evacuate are pensioners and so-called "zhduny" (derived from meme art "The One Who Wait") - the people, which wait of Russian power incoming or just indifferent people ("no matter which flag"), which scare for your lives. Before a war Kherson had about 280 000 of population. Russians claimed they are planning to evacuate 40-60 000. Russians also established again "barge bridge" under damaged Antonivskyi bridge - this can incease transfer capability.
  4. Theoretical look of "Wagner line" in Luhansk oblast - from the south from Svitlodarsk to the north from Popasna and to Siverskiy Donets river anf futher along southern bank of river
  5. So, German-supplied IRIS-T got own batize of fire in Ukraine. Today was spotted parts of missiles of theese SAMs in some forest near Kyiv, so likely they have been participating since yesterday in defense of Kyiv. Here the video of yesterday stirke on our district thermal power plant, incoming Kh-101 was shot probably with Iris-T. First hit (where smoke) was reportedly because Shakhed attack, but it might be and cruise missile (alas, three employees of power plant were killed by explosion) Today two Kh-101 were shot down over Kyiv. There were two booms, last one enough loud - this missile was intercepted already over the city. First missile shot down a fighter jet. Two other missiles, incoming to Kyiv from NE were shot down in 70 km from city limit in Chernihiv oblast Remains of shot down Kh-101 Except 4 Kh-101 Air Forces claimed for today 10 Shakheds. Alas, two missiles and probably some number of Shakheds successfully hit power infrastructure objects in Vinnytsia and Ivano-Frankivsk oblast
  6. Russian ammunition convoy being HIMARSed in Stara Krasnianka village vicinity between Kreminna and Rubizhne
  7. Russian Lantset-2 loitering munition hit two UKR radars. I suppose, both can be repaired, but they obviosly taken out from action for enough long time
  8. One of reasons about which Russians told - experienced crews will stuck to own old habits in handling with T-72 series and they will adopt more hardly to new tank, so will be best to teach fresh mobilized from zero on modern equipment
  9. Kakhovka dam destruction first of all will hit Russians on left bank - right bank is higher No info from both sides, except foggy hints and RUMINT. From UKR side in that time VERY TOUGH OpSec
  10. That pilot of MiG-29 told fighter jets enough good against Shakheds in night time, when them hard to spot visually and land radars can pass them, or detect too close to their target, because of they fly usually low. But radars of fighters can detect theese drones - their dimensions and geometry give enough clear signal on radars, he didn't say what type of missiles he used, but if he meant radar, maybe this R-27R/ER semi-active missiles. Also I read some reports, that our fighters use guns, when can detect drones visually in daylight/dawn. But I suppose guns is too dangerous due to high speed of jet and low speed of drone. UKR hasn't R-77 missiles, but I think R-27 can be used, though there are contraversal opinions about capabilities of IR homing to lock Shakhed, Orlan or similar drone
  11. @sburke Major Vadim Lemesh, 102nd MRR of 150th MRD, 8th CAA, Southern military district. Got killed on 6th Aug
  12. Look at CNN, maybe she will tell something in twitetr later
  13. Some facts about Shakhed-131 (smaller brother of 136 with 10-15 kg warhead) and -136 after their remains research by UKR engineers: 1. Engine (in Shaked-136). German-develped Limbach L550E for small aircrafts. Clones produce in China and Iran (likely China was a source). This is air-cooled 4-cylynder horyzontally-opposed two stroke engine with displacement 548 cc and 50 hp 2. Navigation. Drones are not guided, they fly by coordinates and have GPS (CRPA) and inertial navigation system. GPS is default. It has protection against GPS-jammers/spoofing. If drone is losing GPS signal, inertial system is turning on and the drone continue a flight, but can have course errror 5% of traveled route. When GPS signal is renewed, GPS-navigation turning on again and drone is conducting course correction 3. Electronics. Flight control block of Shakhed-131 composed from five boards with processors TMS320, F28335 from Texas Instruments. Shakhed-136 - CPU marking is removed, but due to architecture it matched to Altera/Intel product. Some types of Korean chips are present of Shakhed-136 board 4. Manufactiring. One of factories, which produce theese drones (as well as Mohajer-6) was built in Tajikistan by China, use Chineese technology and controlled by Chineese Sources: https://en.defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/an_advanced_radio_communication_device_on_american_processors_found_in_the_shahed_136-4446.html (in English) https://techno.nv.ua/innovations/drony-kamikadze-shahed-136-50277597.html https://defence-ua.com/weapon_and_tech/ne_tilki_shahed_136_zjavilos_detalne_doslidzhennja_sche_odnogo_iranskogo_drona_kamikadze_jakij_vikoristovuje_rf-9033.html (here pdf file with detailed report with photos of Shakhed-131 components) Communication board of Shakhed-136
  14. Shakheds don't fit for HIMARS hunting. They suitable only for stationery object attacks. There were dozen cases when they appeared on frontline, when they destroyed some number of our atrillery pieces and trucks, but all theese strikes were successfull only because targets were found as long-time standing. HIMARSes either move, or hide.
  15. Shakheds are already being sooting down by fighter jets, but this is dangerous hunting. Several days ago we lost MiG-29 over Vinnytsia - pilot shot down Shakhed, but hadn't time to evade of fragments of destroyed drone (carrying 20-30 kg of HE), the jet was damaged and lost control, so pilot was forced to eject. For two days he shot down two cruise missiles and five Shakheds
  16. This is Osa (SA-8). Theese SAMs organized in regiments - one per each Operative Command + one in Naval Forces.
  17. Half of NE part of Kyiv w/o electricity now, trolleybuses and trams in that part are halted
  18. About two hours ago three Shakheds have struck our district thermal power plant. The fire was extinguished since a hour. Also one cruise missile was flying later as "control shot",but was intercepted probably in Brovary area. There was no elecricity turn off, but were problems with my cell phone internet
  19. Alas, I havn't own account in twitter, so can't see locked twits (
  20. Interesting episode - UKR drone spotted enemy drone, equipped with VOG-grenades dropping system (likely some Russian volunteer unit or LDPR unit - Russian regualrs alsmost didn't use such "inventions"). UKR drone escrorted own opponent and than soldier with anti-drone rifle jammed enemy drone and intercepting control, conducted sharp swing movement of enemy drone in order to hanged grenades hit each other and exploded. The drone was destroyed.
  21. @sburke Major Pyotr Tochilkin, chief of liason of artillery brigade. Killed on 13th Sep Lt.colonel Mikhail Yermolin, battalion commander (artillery or AT) of 126th coastal defense brigade of 22nd Army Corps of Black Sea Fleet. Killed around 2nd March near Mykolaiv. His documents were posted resently, but now we have visual confirmation of his body in refregirator with his name, marked on plaque. On July his body still in Ukraine. "Lt.colonel" of DPR Vladimir Sheyko, citizen of Ukraine, 1st motor-rifle brigade of DPR. When he was a major he was a commaner of artillery battalion. Currend duty unknown. Got killed 15th Oct.
  22. The moment, when Russian Su-34 hit the house Aftermath. In present time officially claimed 6 dead, 27 injured, several missed
  23. Two hours ago we had third wave of Shakheds. 6 drones (well, more correctly to call them loitering munition, but drones for short also good) tried to approach to Kyiv from SE and E throug Boruspil and Brovary. Four were shot down over that towns, two could pass further, but where shot down over Kyiv Except Kyiv, Brovary and Boryspil, other batch of drones attacked several other towns of Kyiv oblast - there were reports about air defense work from Vasyl'kiv, Fastiv and Bila Tserkva Night engagement of Shakhed over Kyiv Also one more video of rifle shooting at drones during todays first attack at 7:00
  24. UKR UR-77 mineclearer in action before advance of armored group behind
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