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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. @fireship4 This is mockery meme ) Russians, who positioning themeselves like "defenders of Russian language" often in real show own terrible analfabetizm. They often write on the walls "For DoMbas!", insted "Donbas". Also Russian propaganda all time was repeating "Ukraine bombed Donbas", so because of words "bombed" and "DoMbas" sound similar, the twisted meme "Dombed Bombas" has appeared )
  2. Captured fighter of Wagner PMC, enlisted from jail - you can see his dog-tag with ID, begining from K-letter. All "usual" PMC merceneries have ID with initial M-letter, but former jailed fighters have IDs with K-letter, so among UKR militaries they also named "Kashnyky" (derived from "Ka" - the letter and "-shnyky" - plural form, meaning "belonging to some group") This guy tells he was jailed for murder, but he claims for "murder becuse of self-defense excess". He also told from his group in 50 men only 12 already left. They all live in one house under total control of Wagner troopers and can't walk away more than 100 m from this house.
  3. Shakhtarsk town, Donetsk oblast (occupied since 2014), something hit Russian military train with fuel on local railway station
  4. Something large is expoloded this night on Kinburn spit, Kherson oblast (long peninsula oppose to Ochakiv), probably in area of Pokrovske village
  5. Pilots suffocated. Likely either mistake of personnel, which charged much more nitrogen into breathing system or system failure. Reportedly two Su-30SM have conducted test flights (one sources claim after repair works, otehr that were new produces jets.) - one landed, but other didn't get in touch. First jet was took off again, and approached to second jet - pilots have seen that crew of second Su-30 sat with heads down withough any reaction. After second Su-30 wasted fuel, it fell on the city. @sburke I don't know if it worth to include crew of this Su-30 in your list, because Orix doesn't include it for now yet in Russian losses, because this happened far from theater of operations. Both pilots were test-pilots: - Maksim Konyushin - rank unknown, was employee of Irkutsk aircraft factory, civil aviation rank - honored test-pilot. - Viktor Kryukov, major, civil aviation rank - 3rd class test-pilot Also: Lt.colonel Vladimir Strelchenko, deputy commander of flying training of 487th separate helicopter regiment (Budyonovsk airfield, Stavropol' region) of 4th AF/AD Army. Got lost on 14th of April. The writing on rocket in memory of his name appeared on 23rd of April, now it confirmed Lt.colonel Grigoriy Khudik, battalion commander of 237th air-assault regiment of 76th air-assaulr division, Western military district. Was killed on 6th of Sep after command post near Bilohorka, Kherson oblast was hit during the battle.
  6. UKR has struck the building of school in Kayiry village in Kherson oblast, were Kadyrov's troops were deployed and posted viseo in TikTok in previous days. Reportedly this was so-called "oil regiment" - special purpose police unit, formally subordinated to Rosgvardiya, involved to security of oil fields in Chechnya. Russian TG sources claimed personnel of three companies are under ruines. UKR soursrs assess enemy losses in 40 KIA and 60 WIA, but this just estimations. Survived after strike
  7. MRB is a brigade. LDPR brigades correspond to Russian TO&E, maybe with some minor distinguishes
  8. 1st Army Corps (DPR): Corps HQ (Donetsk - all names of settlements given according to new decommunized names) Separate units, directly subordinated to HQ: - separate control and HQ security battalion "Pautina" (Donetsk) - separate commandant regiment (Donetsk) - 2nd tank battalion "Dizel" (Donetsk) - separate naval infantry recon battalion "Sparta" (Donetsk) - separate motor-rifle assault battalion "Somali" (Donetsk) - 1st Spetsnaz battalion "Khan" (Donetsk) - 3rd Spetsnaz battalion (Donetsk) - separate engineer-sapper company (Donetsk) - separate SAM battalion (Donetsk) - separate EW company (Donetsk) - separate UAV company (Donetsk) - repair battlion "Kongo" (Donetsk) - logistical&supply batalion (Donetsk) Combat core: - artillery brigade "Kalmius" (new name Tactical Group "Kolchuga" almost doesn't use) - 1st MRB "Slavianskaya" (Kal'mius'ke) - 3rd MRB "Berkut" (Horlivka) - 5th MRB "Oplot" (Dokuchayevsk, Donetsk) - 100th MRB, so-called "Republican Guard" (Donetsk) - so-called "International brigade "Pyatnashka" (attached to 100th MBR, really about 1,5 battalions, represented mostly Abkhazian and Osetians volunteers) - 9th naval infantry regiment (Novoazovsk) - 11th motor-rifle regiment "Vostok" (Donetsk) Territorioal defense battalions: - 1st TDB (Makiivka, Horlivka) - 2nd TDB "Shakhtiorskaya diviziya" (eng. "Coalminer division") (Donetsk, attached to 11th motor-rifle regiment) - 3rd TDB (military builders) (Horlivka, attached to 100th MRB) - 4th TDB (Donetsk, attached to 100th MRB) - 5th TDB - 6th TDB Internal Troops: - brigade "Vostok" (Donetsk), not to be confused with 11th MRR "Vostok" - 1st operative purpose battalion "Patriot" (Donetsk) - 41st operative regiment - 52nd operative regment - 1st Spetsnaz company - 3rd cossack company (Khartsyzs'k) - 4th company "Rubezh" (Zugres) State Security Service: - security regiment - battalions "Patriot", "Legion", "Vityaz' " (Donetsk) Emergency Service - battlion "Legion" (despite they nominaly are emergency service, in real they have a weapon) 2nd ARMY CORPS (LPR) Corps HQ (Luhansk) Separate units, directly subordinated to HQ: - separate control and HQ security battalion (Luhansk) - separate commandant regiment (Luhansk) - 4nd tank battalion nemed after st.prince Aleksandr Nevskiy (former name "Avgust") (Luhansk) - separate recon battalion (Luhansk) - separate motor-rifle women battalion "Rus' " (Sorokyne) - spetsnaz battalion (Luhansk) - separate engineer-sapper company (Luhansk) - separate SAM battalion (Donetsk) - separate EW company (Luhansk) - separate UAV company (Luhansk) - repair battlion (Luhansk) - logistical&supply batalion (Luhansk) Combat core: - 10th special purpose brigade (artillery brigade) - 2nd MRB (Luhansk) - 4th MRB "Zarya" (Khrustal'nyi) - 7th MRB (Brianka) - 6th cossack MRR (Kadiivka) Territorial defense battalions: - 11th TDB "Ataman" (Stanytsia Luhanska district) - 12th TDB "Rim" (Dovzhans'k) - 13th TDB "Kul'kin" (Roven'ky) - 14th TDB "Prizrak" (Holubivka, Donetskyi) - 15th TDB "SSSR" (Brianka) - 16th TDB "Leshiy" (Antratsyt) - 17th TDB "Bolshoy" (Slavianoserbsk district) - 18th TDB "Pokhodnyi" (Khrustal'nyi)
  9. Rare video of UKR 1P148 Konkurs tank destroyers work
  10. UKR soldier, drone-recon instructor tells about battle for Bakhmut. Really, battlle for Bakhmut can be bloodiest in this war. I've just turned back from Bakhmut. And I need to Bakhmut again. There is fuc...g s...t around Bakhmut. I completely don't understand, how our mlitaruies in Bakmut still alive. Really, they should die by all laws of logic. There just a fu...g hell. Those, who live in Bakhmut are Titans. 93rd, 53rd [I suppose, he misspeled and there should be 58th], Skala [eng. Crag, volunteer recon battalion] and other. You are Titans. Everybody. All. Guys, if somebody says that ****..g hell around Bakhmut is not just ****...g hell. This means, you can die, making extra step. This means, that you have skirmishes on "zero line" ALWAYS. This means five minutes without shelling is exclusion. This means that people have been dying. That one tank of rusnya [derogatory name of Russians] can make incapacitate whole rifle company. That one katsap's [derogatory name of Russians] battery can kill 20 men for own ammunition load. That means that we have been burying people. Friends. Nearest. Bakmut still stands. By the cost of people. Bt the cost of best childen of Ukraine. Further he answered about whey General Staff doesn't send there more troops: Because there just mathematically more of rusnya. Because there no opportunity to deploy more our troops. Because there are more Russian assets, than "helmets". Because no opportunity. General Staff did everithing to keep Bakhmut standing
  11. That guy, who posted about winery retaking lately posted this map, but said real advance of UKR troops "slightly more leftward"
  12. 12 tankriders of Georgian Legion attack Russian trench with 3-4 defenders
  13. This account also belongs to UKR serviceman: Bakhmut. We recaptured Artwinery [he meant obviously "Artway" winery] !!! I have a hope that champagne survived. Our guys are handsome!!!! The whole hill in [bodies] of mobiks and "musiciants" [wagnerites]
  14. For those, who havn't own twitter account and can't see a video - Russian Su-30 crashed in Irkutsk. It has fell on two-storey building, but without losses among civilias. Both pilots are dead. The jet belonged to Irkutsk aircraft plant and reportedly was under test flight.
  15. This is upgrade on new tech-level of Soviet system ). MANPAD squad commander had 1L15 "tab" - on the photo below (had 7 kg of weight), recieving information about aerial situation from PPRU-1 - AD battalion command and radar asset. Of course, currently all this stuff already became obsolete and probably out of service, so UKR MANPAD units could react only after visual contact or warning by radio and searching. So, this software and new tabs significantly imroved their capabilities. Though I've seen first time theese tabs in MANPAD unit
  16. As I know since 2014 OFFICIAL supply to Russia were canceled, but Boguslayev never hide own pro-Russian sympaties. I think, he was detained also and bacause of that strange deal with China, when startegical UKR enterprise almost ended up in the hands of China and only pressure of USA forced to break a deal
  17. Suddenly very pesimistic post from Grey Zone: https://t.me/grey_zone/15443 In short: - situation around Kherson became in some things even worse, then after UKR breakthrough to Balakliya in Kharkiv oblast. - organized withdrawal of 1st line of defense already almost impossible (but author says he will be glad to mistake) - There are two questions - how to withdraw troops on left bank and how to explain this for people in Russia? - author supposes, some troops will be left for "last stand" to become "modern 28 Panfilov's men" and their fight for Kherson will bring like "Stalingrad-level" epic battle [some our experts also say Russians can left there DPR mobiks and Russian "chmobiks" or some alsmost "dead" units, ecacuating from right bank only VDV and relatively capable units of Eastern nilitary district] - UKR hasn't any reasons to blow up Nova Kahovka dam, in 1941 exactly Red Army has blown up DneproGES dam, to delay German advance PS. my post is the same as article 5 of Beleg85 )
  18. Very strange, that usualy official information from General Staff always catchs up social media information - from RUMINT to video confirmations. Now there wasn't even hints about this in previous days, but GS claimed Russians withdrawal... From other rumors, UKR as if close to liberating of Mylove (based on this hint from Georgian Legion "Almost there, Mylove") and Sukhanove. Russians in own turn claimed about own "counter-offensive on Kupiansk and Lyman directions" and "UKR offensive on section Chervonopopivka - Zhytlivka", but looks like this is just about local meeting engagements. Interesting rumors from Russian TG channels, as if Russian troops left own positions near border Russian town Shebekino in Belforod ob;ast - UKR artillery already several day have been shelling this area and hit again their power infrastructure
  19. EC H125 of State Border Guard of Ukraine and probably 10th operative reaction detachment "Dozor" of Border Guard (some sort of special forces unit)
  20. First appearance of T-62M on Krasnyi Yar range (Transbaikal region). Tanks equipped with 1PN96MT-02 gunner's sight with thermal channel and LRF. In 2019 this sight was mounted on the batch of upgraded T-62 for Uzbekistan 1PN96MT-02 has detection range 2000 m and angle of view 9 degrees and 3 degrees for 6.5x zoom
  21. Locals on Donbas (especially in Luhansk oblast) write, Russins now mostly use "mobile ammo dumps" - group of several trailer trucks, which load themeslves from trains directly on railway stations and then deploy themeselves throughout cities and towns, changing own stand points. Locals write the huge number of trailer trucks are driving around.
  22. @sburke Major Nikolay Aseyev, recon battalion of 346th Spetsnaz brigade (also known as SOF center "Senezh"), SOF Command. Killed on 4th of Aug. Important note - this brigade is not usual "GRU Spetsnaz", this brigade is of SOF comamnd - new structure, established in 2012. Russian SOF Command consists of SOF Centers - "Senezh" and "Kubinka-2", training center and 561st emergency center. If "Senezh" was established by GRU as far as in Soviet time and was heavily classified unit, expanded into brigade since 2012, then in establishing of "Kubinka-2" big role played FSB.
  23. Since morning Russia launched already the second wave of missile strikes. Several power infrastructure objects in Khmelnitskyi, Lutsk, Rivne, Kirovohrad oblast and Odesa oblast were hit. Six missiles, heading to Kyiv were shot down over Kyiv and Chernihiv oblasts. Currently Air Forces Command claims 18 shot down missiles - 5 Kalibrs and 13 Kh-101/555 Today's video UKR fighter launch a missile to intercept something over Odesa oblast, but result is unclear
  24. @sburke Lt.colonel Yevgeniy Loskutov, chief of recon, HQ of 11th air-assault brigade, Eastern military district. Data of death unknown. Buried on 20th of Oct.
  25. There is real vinery "Artway", which specialized on sparcling wines production by classical Champenois technology since 1950: https://artwinery.com.ua/en Bottles keep in alabaster adits on 72 m under surface. Vinery get a grape in southern oblasts of Ukraine
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