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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Other UKR video of shot down Mi-8, here we have see how all began - helicopter oviously has a star on board And a TG screen, which I already posted above, but repeat again - Russians confirmed this was Wagner PMC helicopter, 2 pilots dead, 1 injured
  2. Extended version from unlocked account. Russian helicopter flew along neutral zone and after missile hit turned right to own territory. It fell between Spirne (UKR-controlled) and Mykolaiivka (RUS-contolled) Russian social media shared the same video with claims this is UKR helicopter, being shot down near Kostiantynivka, but this is fake. UKR really lost Mi-8 there, but it reportedly crashed because of technical reasons. Crew allegedly survived. Russians claim the helicopter on the video is Mi-8 of older series, which now use only Rosgvardiya and they always have a cover of Mi-24/Ka-52. Army as if uses only newest Mi-8AMTSh and Mi-8AMTV-5 (no). But this can be a chopper of Wagner or Rosgvardiya, here the photo of UKR crashed Mi-8/17 - we can see diffrent terrain with some facility on background PS. Other Russian TG already confirmed this was Mi-8 of Wagner - 2 pilots dead, 1 injured "Due to information we have, this is board of Russian PMC.... Today we lost exellent officers, even they are already retired and do not "employing" in MoD. Fastest recovery to survived one. Ethernal flight, men"
  3. Russia was "offended" for Sevastopol and launched next traditional Mondey missile mass-attack. 50 Kh-101/555 cruise missiles were launched from Tu-95 and Tu-160 over Caspian sea and Rostov oblast. 44 reportedly were intercepted. Around Kyiv it's claimed 7 cruise misiles shot down. 5 of them - Kyiv hydro energy plant area. Alas, we have anyway one or two hits, so northern and partially western and south-westrn districts of Kyiv now without electricity. Two hits in Kharkiv - most of the city wothout power. Also some power object was hit in Kaniv town, Cherkasy oblast and one in Kirovohrad oblast. Air Force command claimed 18 missiles has shot down Air Command "Center", 12 - "South ", 9 - "East", 5 - "West"
  4. Antonivskyi bridge area in Kherson was struck twice during a hour
  5. Today's shot down Russian Mi-24/35 in Kharkiv oblast
  6. @sburke Major (retired, served in spetsnaz) Aleksandr Martinkiyan, probably chief of staff deputy of PMC Wagner assault detachment or maybe even had a duty in Wagner HQ - Prigozhin personally visited his burials. Killed on 20th of Oct
  7. VABs column of 46th air-assaulr brigade in Kherson oblast
  8. The bridge in Krasnorichyns'ke Railroad bridge in Svatove Reportedly UKR troops cut Svatove - Kreminna road in Ploshchanka village area (I posted the video with UKR troopers and "Oncilla" armored car - it was geolocated in that place)
  9. Our twitters say many of theese losses are from Pavlivka and Bakhmut. But I think, 950 is overestimation. PS. According to some UKR twitters situation around Pavlivka is becoming worse. Too many Russians.
  10. DPR and Russian troops inreaced activity on Avdiivka and Vuhledar directions Yestarday DPR forces - elements of 1st MRBr, recon-assault battalion "Sparta", and motor-riflle assault battalion "Somali" after intensive artilelry and MLRS fire advanced north from Donetsk airport and came to line Vodiane - Opytne villages. They managed to seize eastern part of Vodiane without anny significant resistance. Today clashes continued, according to report of Russian TG Romanov92 in the mid of day UKR troops repelled further advance of DPR foprces in Vodiane. Video of 1st MRBr of DPR how they advanced to Vodiane And their claimed gains (left - Vodiane, right - Opytne) More tough situation on Vuhledar direction. Elements of Russian 136th MRBr (from Dagestan Republic) of 58th CAA, manned by "chmobiks" and armor together with DPR forces - 11 motor-rifle regoment "Vostok" and Operative-combat tactical formation "Cascade" (combined group from special units from army, internal troops, police and MGB) launched massive atatck on UKR positions around Pavlivka - Vuhledar direction. Rybar claimed after two day of fightiing "allied" troops broke through UKR defense on 3,5 km. Khodakovskiy, former commander of "Vostok", reported "Cascade" troops seized southern and south-eastern part of Pavlivka and mopping-up the village. But he says the assault in going hard and only for previous day his unit has 6 dead. Locals and some UKR sources refute Russian claims and say that they just could push UKR troops from gardens area in SE from Pavlivka
  11. Russian trailers move dozens of concrete small bunkers, allegedly for establishing of defensive line on Kinburn spit, Kherson oblast
  12. Rural roads in Kherson oblast now. UKR vehicle is driving along the village street, aside the road dead Russians soldiers lay. Background sound is "A gnat" - joke song of Ukrainian Insurgent Army (UPA) of WWII times: "....as has fell our gnat down to a pulpit and has broke Moscal's ribs and bones [Moscal is ukr. equial of Moscovite]. [We] Burried the Moscal at the side of road - Arms are visible, legs are visible, horns are visible [We] Burried the Moscal like a dog - Arms are visible, legs are visible, arse is visible"
  13. Buggy of 113th TD brigade (Kharkiv oblast)
  14. Rare footage of UKR naval forces in action - UKR medium landing ship "Yuriy Olefirenko" (pr.773, NATO Polnochny-С class) shelled from Ochakiv or Mykolaiv area Russian troops, deployed on Kinburn spit Eight theese ships were designed and built in Poland in 1971-72, so as weapon they have uncommon for Soviet army 140 mm MLRS - Polish analog of old Soviet BM-14 MLRS, designed specilly for export purpose. Pr.773 has two launchers per 18 rockets each "Yuriy Olefirenko" - single landing ship, remained in UKR Naval Forces after 2014. In June this ship was under MLRS strike in Dnipro-Bug estuary, allegedly strike was conducted from Russian big landing ship, but rockets missed
  15. The flight of UKR Su-24M. Before the war theese aircraft were in 7th tactical aviation brigade - two bomber squadrons per three flights of 4 Su-24M and one recon-bomber squadron - three flights of 4 Su-24MR. Total 24 Su-24M and 12 Su-24MR. According to Orix 12 Su-24M/MR already lost.
  16. By the way western Air Forces hasn't equivalent @cyrano01 Here the article in Russian about upgaded R-37M: https://testpilot.ru/rossiya/vympel/r-37m/ And other artcle, in Enflish about both R-37 and R-37M: https://en.missilery.info/missile/r37
  17. This phrase close by sense to "[keep] work, brothers, [keep] work!" This is meme phrase, wich appeared since 2016 - then Dagestanian Vakhabit fighters seized a Russian policeman (also Dagestanian), when he rested during vacation with own brother. When Vakhabits knew he is policeman, they decided to execute him. They filmed execution on camera and wanted that policeman would appeal to own colleagues that they would quit their service. But policeman said only "Work, brothers, work!" and was shot. Since this phrase became initially for Russian police and later for all force structures some sort of action slogan, meaning of unleashing all their power and fury on the enemy of Russia. New breath this phrase has got since Donbas war, where it was adressed already to "Donbas militants" and Russian volunteers
  18. Another video of mopping-up of Russian positions in tree-plant after arty strike. Survived Russian has thrown grenade from own blindage, but it hit at obstacle and fell back to blindage
  19. R-37 is new missile (maybe you confused it with older R-33?), which was adopted in 1997 and R-37M in 2014. They can attack a target, wich maneuvers up to 8g
  20. During capturing of Russian soldiers one of them wanted to become a hero and tried to threw grenade in UKR troopers. He was shot out, but explosion of grenade probably slightly wounded one UKR soldier Video from closed twitter account through nitter https://nitter.net/Milan8662/status/1586374956677402625#m
  21. Short news from frontlines: - UKR soldier in twitter told in Bakmut Wagner and LDPR mobiks are assaulting winery to retake it again - Khodakovskiy claimed DPR and Russian troops launched offensive on Vuhledar direction and as if approached to Pavlivka village. He says the mud interfere to both sides. UKR side has struck advancing DPR troops with aviation. UKR source in twitter confirmed he has seen two Su-25 under MiG-29 cover, which returning bacjk from that direction. Other UKR TG source writes UKR Command has seen their preparations and conducted some counter measures. He told there are many "chmobiks" among Russian units
  22. Russia started to use super-long range air-to-air missiles R-37/R-37M. Theese misiles have claimed range up to 398 km (but more reliable is 300 km). R-37 can be launched from MiG-31BM heavy interceptor, R-37M - from Su-35S and Su-57. Missiles likely get initial targeting from A-50 AWACS Allegedly already two UKR jets can be shot down with theese missiles. One of more probable victims - last shot down of Su-24M, which was damaged over Donbas and fell in Poltava oblast. Also likely was shot down one MiG-29 HARM carrier. One missile was spotetd over western Ukraine, but result unknown MiG-31 now often take off from territory of Belarus R-37 in flight over westren Ukraine
  23. Here is another assesment of today's atatcks, also as if from BSF HQ source. This source rejects sinking of landing craft or missile boat, which I posted above, but claimed military freighter was sunk. Also it claimed was hit fuel depot (but it was almost empty) and storages on the shore (probably due to flying drones attack). This source also claims about 4-7 KIA and 15-20 WIA on Russian ships. He told in better case repair of Admiaral Makarov will take 2-3 weeks, in worse case 2-3 months. The third source tells the attack was conducted by Ukrainain-developed USV with 1000-1200 km range, which can carry 75 kg of HE. Other guy of SOF on the eve of attack made a hint "Soon you will hear great "cotton" and posted a picture of pack a cigarettes named "Vega", so probably this USV has name "Vega". This half-submerged device reportedly was made from components of usual hydrocycle
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