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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. A thread about Russian loitering munition Lantset from one of the top Ukrainian specialist in UAV I translate most important things: - Lantset is disposable drone and it hasn't regular procedure of landing - Lantsets guide not so through own TV-guidance system, but mostly from other drone Orlan-10 or ZALA, which spots a target and transmitted signal to operator. Without "external" drone, which watch above, Lantsets would be used almost blindly, because their TV-camera can see on short range only and their launch without surviellance drone is just "usage at hazard" or has a sense if operators 100 % know where the target, because dron has limited time of flying (about 40 minutes) - Thus, one of the methods to fight with Lantsets is timely spotting at destroying of surviellance drones - Lantsets can be targeted by GPS, like Shakheds, but their accuracy in this case much worse, than in Iranian drones. - Lantset has lightweight warhead, so operators have to choice direction and zone of strike to inflict maxiumum damage - this is mostly possible only with a help of surviallance drone too - Branches of trees can be obstacle for Lantsets or steer it from course, so hiding in forests and tree-plants can raise your chances not to be attacked - When Lantset locks on his target you can't suppress it with EW. EW supression has a sense only before it to supress it comm channel, though in that case it can attack by GPS/GNSS coordinates, but like was told above, its accuracy will be not enough. - When Lantset loked on, it sharply raises speed and attacks - but in this phase it engine become very loud (it already heard from several hundreds meters) and crew has about 5-10 seconds to escape - Lantset suspiciously similar to Israel Hero, the difefernce only in dimensions, maybe this drone was designed thanking to Israeli UAV technologies (Russia and Israel had close cooperation in this sphere). - During initial phase of war usage of Lantsets was episodical, peobably because the were produced in small number, but during the summer, ZALA likely could expand production and now Russians stored much more number of drones. And probably they haste to use it until the sky is still has enough number of clear days - cloud weather interfere to surviellance drones and this reduces effeciency of Lantsets
  2. @sburke Colonel Andrey Bespalov, tank troops, unit and data of death unknown Lt.colonel (retired) Viacheslav Zangiyev, former commander of helicopter regiment, since 2019 was a chief of the Center of Aviation technic and weapon science&research, retired in 2021. Enlisted to Wagner PMC. Got lost on 31st of Oct, when Wagner's Mi-8MTKO (handed over to Wagner from Belarus) was shot down near Spirne village (Bakmut area) Rank unknown, likely major - Viktor Zhydayev, deputy commander of regional volunteer battalion "Osetia" (Northern Osetia). He was crack soldier, having experience of many local conflicts. Before "Osetia" battalion was a member of PMC Wagner. Data of death unknown. Lt.colonel Ivan Kardashov, battalion commander, was killed on 20th of October
  3. During "phase 2" Russian superiority in artillery allowed them to fire with whole artillery battalions like by classical Cold War time doctrine. Almost full-strength battalion of 16 (from 18) Msta-S howitzers on position near Izium area in April Example, how much arty Russians involved at the beginning of battle for Lyman in May:
  4. Some Russian source told about 15th November date as a time of full withdrawal from right bank of Dnieper
  5. UKR troops of 3rd mech.battalion of President's brigade repel Russian assault. Russians shell from three sides, their sniper work. At the end of video drone appeared over positions and soldiers ask each other is this one our or enemy and decide to shoot at it. President's brigade is a special unit, subordinated directly to President. Before the war it was President's regiment and consisted of two special light battalions (initially they had BTR-80, but later they were moved to other units, and what was received instead I don't know), honor guard company and honor guard orchestra. Main tasks were guarding and defense of president's administration and other government buildings, ceremonies, meeting of delegations etc. Despite such rear service 240 servicemen of regiment participated in ATO/JFO, particularly in the battle for Debaltsevo in 2015. Since 24th Feb, the regiment became a brigade, all battalions became mechanized and the 3rd battalion was added.
  6. Russians attacked with Tornado-S or Smerch MLRS (also was info about several Shakheds strikes) something like ammo dump in Pokrovsk town, Donetsk oblast. This is rear of Donetsk oblast, close to the boundary with Dnipropetrovsk oblast and to this time was rlatively calm place. Locals tell in twitter, this strike is 100 % because of somebody of pro-Russian population has been sending information to Russian side.
  7. Prytula Foundation has planned to raise money for 50 FV103, but has raised for 60.
  8. All electronic components, TV guidance, thermal matrix for them have foreign origins. Russia can't produce modern electronic components. I've seen that Lantset-1 was crashed as far as in July and was under research, but I didn't see reports about it parts origins like for Iranian drones
  9. Last night Russians decided to change direction of attacks on Pavlivka and attacked from flanks - from controlled by them Mykils'ke on the east and form the area of UKR-controlled Prechystivka village on the west. Locals reported about heavy clashes. Due to absence of Russian victorious reports, looks like their outflanking maneuver also failed. Though. we have next videos from there: UKR Omega specail force detachment of National Guard captured slightly damaged T-80BVM, belonged to Russian 155th naval infantry brigade Russian marines from 155th brigade had really bad days near Pavlivka....
  10. Russian Lantset loitering munition can be real headache for our troops. Lantsets have 1kg (Lantset-1) or 3 kg (Lantset-3) warhead depending on task. Warheads can be HE or HEAT. Probably, first M109 damaged only, but obviously has taken out of action for long time Rare video of attack on UKR naval forces with Lantset, due to their range it can be in Ochakiv-Mykolaiv area
  11. Two points of view (ATGM operator and drone) of the same episode - Stugna-P hit Russian or DPR tank near Pavlivka, Donetsk oblast, where Russians try to attack: Enemy tank got a missile, but was lucky - the crew could extinguish fire, but the second missile has exploded the tank - throwing into the flight enemy driver In short, Russian operation for capturing of Pavlivka and Vuhledar has been developing in this way (according to Russian point of view) Day 1: yo-ho-ho! We surprised theese Ukie-pigs! Our heroical DPR troops advanced on 3,5 km, we already mop-up Pavlivka, Ukies can't bring reinforcements - our arty controls all ways from Vuhledar! Soon Pavlika will fall and we will go to Vuhledar! Day 2: we have seized southern and south-eastern part of village, Ukies risist yet, but their resistance haі been weakening. Now Russian marines in action! High Command offered a Hero of Russia for those company commander, whose company will burst first to Vuhledar! Day3: well, we seized almost all village, but couldn't yet push Ukies behind the river (it divides Pavlivka on more larger southern and lesser northern part). This is unfair - damned Ukies sat in Vuhledar on the dominant height and adjust own arty, we can't supply troops because this and because damned mud. Day 4: either we will produce 122 mm ammo, or all country will produce zinc coffins. For two days of fighting for this damned Pavlivka our Marines lost more people, than for all First Chechen War... Our offensive was premature and unprepared. This is unfair! Damned Ukies wait for suitable weather to atatck in that time we attack, when theese damned rains and mud! Why our commander didn't attack Vuhledar from flanks and directed us to assault Pavlivka! Real situation from UKR side (according to Pavlivka settlers): in day 1 DPR pushed our troops from gardens SE from village and took two farms on S and SE. On day 2 they could seize several houses in SE part. Day 3 - clashes, no advance. Day 4 - UKR troops pushed enemy back from SE of village and likely from farms. Gardens, according to loclas, now is grey zone.
  12. Russian BTR-82A carried AT-mines on the top and something happened...
  13. Ukraine suffers a defficite not only in artilelry, but also and in mortars of all calibers. Already before a war we had some problems with reserves of 120 mm moratrs, because for 8 years many barrels were exhausted and some were lost in actions. Production of own 120 mm mortar M120-15 "Molot" (eng. "Hammer") encountered with problems in design and bad choice of alloy for the barrel - theese moratrs were unsafe for crew. Only in late 2021 we can get enough stable specimen of domestic 120 mm mortar MP-120, but it completed tests and was adopted only at the end of January 2022. Thus, currently Ukraine has been collecting 120 and 82 mm mortars from all world
  14. From LosArmour forum - as if elements of Russian 56th air-assault brigade, defending Pravdyne village (SW from Kherson), have received an order for "regrouping" (means "withdrawing") Next RUMINT - as if a representative of building company, which hired by Russia for works in future "buffer zone" on left bank of Dnieper told, that full withdrawal of Russian troops will happen up to 15th November
  15. How Ukrainian soldiers cook on positions, when situation allows to do this )
  16. In Ukraine the age of persons, liable for military service in wartime is 18-60 years. Many of theese aged soldiers in army jokingly named "diad'ky" (eng. "uncles") and say that "diad'ky are towing all war on their shoulders". Yes, many of them served recently in Ukrainian or even in Soviet army, but this was many years ago and their value not in this. Many of theese 40-45-50+ men are from villages and small towns, where no enough comfort life like in big cities, but hard handwork in agricultural enterprises, on their farms and on their homesteads. Yes, often theese men are addicted to alcohol and have only basic shcool education, but they used to be in hard conditions. They can do everything from anything. They can coock without field kitchen, they can repair any vehicle without special repair unit, they can dig and build blindage without sappers and then made from it not dirty hole, but something like this: Many of modern "city generation" - IT, office employees, used to comfort life, which for example can be cool coders or managers, but often can't hammer a nail stright (because they have a money to hire an "uncle" for this), just would be loss at this war without theese "uncles". They are mainstay of infantry, armor and artillery. Youngers maybe fight more effectively, they more capable in command, tactic and application of new toys like drones, but "uncles" give them own experience of real life and skills.
  17. Russians hit two port tugs in Ochakiv, which transported a barge with grain (it's unclear from the report, either they were hit during towing or they just did this work recently). Two sailors killed, on missed, one wounded. No info, what weapon was used
  18. Alchevsk, Luhansk oblast (occupied since 2014) - two HIMARS missiles to local hotel in this morning, where Russian officers have been deploying since 2014. No info about casualties.
  19. Thanks for yor wishes! ) There was a week of rains, so ground is muddy, especially in Kharkiv oblast and Donbas. Today in Kyiv we had clear sky and about 8...10 degrees with strong cold wind. This week in Kherson have to be mostly dry and cloudy, so the ground can dry too
  20. Just an illustration of bloodiest battle for Bakhmut. The woman, UKR civil volunteer, which took care over one of companies of 93rd mech.brigade to help them with fundrising and supply with food and goods: I feel very f...g bad because of I can't more to open fundrising for "own 93rd", because they are gone. In company left 4 men, which know "own angel". They have seen such things, that they already don't need anything in principle. I'm writing, writing to them, but they don't need anything. Just would be survive. Now they went to rear to replenishing, who remained. But if could see those eyes... My mother have been knitting a socks for them from the spring - for all company.... She had a time to sent only 10 pairs. At last she finished socks for all other and now she "and what to do at all?!" - in full stupor. And mashrooms... What for we collected mashrooms? We have been rolled it into liter jars... Sad smile...
  21. UKR BTR-3DA still in action Maybe in first time I see "Baryer" mounted ATGM with RK-2 missiles like in Stugna-P. During ATO/JFO BTR-3DA and BTR-4 very rarely carried RK-2 - mostly they either didn't have ATGMs or had old 9M111M/9M113 ("Baryer" allows to use it instead RK-2).
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