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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Borozenske village is liberated. Likely yesterday. Zaluzhnyi claimed for 9th November Ukrainan forces liberated 12 settlements. On the photo are soldiers of 515th separate special force battalion of 1st Special Foces brigade named after Ivan Bohun. This is new-formed brigade, being established in March. It includes four separate special forces battalions. In this battalions served not only Ukrainians, but also foreign volunteers. Despite this brigade has a status of "special forces", but it subordinatws not to GUR, but to Operative Command "North" of Ground Forces. So, they are not real SOF, but just some sort of "rangers"
  2. Snihurivka liberated - troops of 131st separate recon battalion in the town. Interesting that white cross sign on their Kozak-2, probably they were moved to Kherson direction from Kharkiv oblast.
  3. As for me this is inccorrect to explain success of Russians only with UKR "crappy equipment" and say "UKR didn't have army" like this already say followerts of Poroshenko, defendding Minsk agreements. I'm sorry, we raised 350 000 of personnel. And our "scrappy equipment" was not much worse then that one, with which we broke Russians in Phase I in 2022. Javs, NLAWS, drones it's all good, but 24th FEB we have met with the same T-64BV and BMP - and most of theese BMP already was older BMP-1, not BMP-2 like in 2014. The same Soviet artillery engeged the enemy. If Russian modernized army mod.2022 turned out so "sucked", imagine what it was in REAL in 2014! All Russian and separs sucesses were caused not only traitors and corrupted leadership and military planning mistakes. First of all they were caused by the abscense of political will of Poroshenko to resist by military way. Poroshenko was like Denetor, who looked in Palantir, seen the "power of Mordor" and lost will to fight. Each time he was appealing to West "to influence on Russia", and repaeating "did you see Russian military budget? We can't fight with Russia". If Minsk-1 can be considered as needed respite (but anyway, this was political success of Russia - they hadn't a goal to conquere Ukraine - only to force our politics to stay in Russian orbit), that Minsk-2 turned out political disaster, which didn't match to result of Debaltsevo battle. UKR group of troops (even not all army, but about 6000 men!), avoided encirclement, but Poroshenko agreed the document, which really was similar to political capitulation, because the document clearly provided a formula "first - local elections, then - withdrawal the troops" and a result of Minsk-2 acomplishing should be establishing of "special status oblasts", with own force structures, own cultural and economy policy, own right of direct relations with Russia and veto on any pro-Western steps of Ukraine - all this with fixing in Constitutin. Ukriane power over thees territories in result would be remained like nominal. And Poroshenko like and Putin, Merkel and Olland signed Declaration in support of Minsk-2. So, he agreed on this BS and set huge mine under Ukriane, giving to Russia formal lever of political pressure.
  4. Reportedly again near Spirne NE from Bakhmut. Data unknown.
  5. There was info 2-3 days ago UKR arty of HIMARS has struck HQ of 205th brigade, and as if brigade commander and most of his officers where killed or wounded. But still no official confirmation
  6. I doubt, because all best UKR troops involved in other directions. I even can't say who are on Zaporizhzhia front exept local TDBrs, elements of 17th TBr. In that time against UKR troops there concentrated almost all forces of 58th CAA and about half units of Eastern Miliatry District, involved in war.
  7. UKR Wiki article about ATO/JFO losses had last name on 23rd Feb under number 4552. But this number included all losses of all force structures (with police, volunteers and emergency service) in warzone i.e non-combat losses, which amount about 30 % of total according to 2017 year statistic.
  8. Interesting hints for today: - some RUMINT that front is moving in Zaporizhzhia area, but still no real info from there - Taras Chmut, the head of Back-And-Alive foundation wrote in own twitter: "I wanted to write something, but better I will keep silence... Well, there will be many of "cotton" soon" Somebody tied the latter words with this: Russian S-300PM1 launcher was spotted copmpletely destroyed near Ilyine on half way between Tokmak and Berdiansk. This is about 63-65 km to frontline. Launcher was hit on move, so this wasn't HARM or HIMARS
  9. Yes, this wall is for fallen in ATO/JFO before big war
  10. In context of this and post of Mashovets it's became clear a sense of yesterday UKR hit the building of Donetsk Railway Directorate in Donetsk, completely destroying dispatcher center
  11. But one of soldiers says that they are from "9th regiement" - this can be only DPR unit.
  12. Of course, no, but I wanted to say - western AT ammunition was shared among all brigades, without dividing on "elite" or "usual". I've seen information, that NLAW was company-level weapon and shared among platoons, in that time that Javelins were on armament of AT-battalions of brigades. But the way of current war probably has broke typical TO&E
  13. The same video without lock Russian BMP-2, captured in Pavlivka area Russians attack along the gardens with 7 units of armor and on the second video T-80BVM ambushed in Pavlivka - both videos filmed on 2nd of November. One of theese tanks, hit in Pavlivka was showed as captured on the video of "Omega" Special forces unit of National Guard Though, Russian also inflicted some losses during the fight for Pavlivka - "Lantsets" hit two M777 in tree-plant near Bohoyavlenka village 20 km NW from Pavlivka, which supportred UKR troops. It's hard to say either howtzers destroyed or damaged, but obviously, they taken out.
  14. No, there are enough video, where even brigades of 4th Reserve Corps equipped with western AT-weapon, maybe not always NLAW/Javs, but with enough number of AT-4/Matador etc. Even some TDBr had theese toys. Some problems were in May-July with 1xx th mech.brigades - "third wave", they really had lack of modern equipment as well as a lack of trained commanders on all levels, which caused their mostly poor effectiveness This war erases borders between nominal "elite" and "average" units. Almost all cadre brigades involved in fight since 24th Feb, rotating only some battalions time-by time for short period. All effectiveness depends from command - from squad leader to brigade HQ. The same Kraken - exellent unit, but only for specific tasks, they are just force recons, hunters, infiltrators, shoot-and-scoot, cleaners, but not "line" unit for head-to-head showdown, like usual infantry
  15. Drone operators of 71st jager infantry brigade spotted Russian BTR-82 and targeted artillery strike, which hit APC from second shot. At the end of video, soldier says they were lacky because after BTR was hit they had a time to go away and their position was hit with cluster rocket
  16. Just different types of drones. Usually Mavic can carry one rarely two grenades. Next level is Matrice 300 (on jargon a "mattress"), which can take more grenades or Matrice 300 or similar drone type with revolver dropper, then it become as real B-52 :))) Taiwan haned over 680 drones equipped with revolver droppers
  17. "Kamchatka marines" in the letter are 40th naval infantry brigade, so they fight together with 155th naval infantry from Vladivostok. Also Russian military correspondents in big fury and demand tribunals and death penalties not only for mentioned in the letter above generals, but also to personnel of some unit of 3rd Army Corps, which set fire own armor as if this did Ukrainians in order not to drive to help trapped marines through deadly mud field Looks like fiasco near Pavlivka will be new round of inner fight between MoD party and Prigozhyn-Kadyrov party in Russian force structures rivalry (most of Russian military correspondents/propagandists are supporters the latter party)
  18. SBU "Alfa" Special Forces hit three Russian BMP-3, gathered in one point with 120 mm mortar. Claimed three destroyed, but more likely destroyed only one or two, the third is damaged by close explosions Location - near Yahidne village, Kharkiv oblast.
  19. Typical Russian negligence and incompetence - memorial plaque in honor of the pilot captain Rabazan Radzhabov (31st fighter regiment), who was killed during UKR Tochka-U strike on Millerovo airfield on 25th Feb. On the background of plaque art designer has placed... UKR Su-27. It didn't bother anyone
  20. 108th separate battalion of 10th mountain-assault brigade repelled another attempt of enemy advance in Spirne village, Luhansk oblast (29 km NE from Bakhmut). At the end of video you can see bodies of 29 Russian or LDPR fighters, which UKR soldiers gathered after the battle. Also two tanks and probably BMP were destroyed. One more tank is seen on the road after explosion by mine, but this is probably recent loss. PS. In comments already noted as minimum half of video is about the recent fighting in July
  21. During several days two articles in NYT and WP with a sense "US must force Ukraine to negotiations with Russia" NYT (author professor of international relations C.Kupchan) - "Ukraine's battlefield succeses could go too far. Risk od wider war, undermining democracies, total defeat of Russia is udesirable" WP (as if source in Biden's Administration told that US privately encouraging Ukraine to negotiaions, because Zelenskiy's ban of talks wih Putin generated concern in part of US partners in Eurpope, Africa and Latin America): https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/2022/11/05/ukraine-russia-peace-negotiations/?fbclid=IwAR0NI93cYh8697VA1g1qMRmdqsyAAHe9rk_PrkQ_VJCQq9JL4GLawuVXcos
  22. This is border guard unit of FSB Border Guard Service in Belgorod and Voronezh oblasts. Conscripts could be not mobilized to border guards, but just formally trained in it or maybe on the base of this unit really planned to establish some sort of "territorial defense" like told this survived soldier.
  23. Ouch.... The watching of Russian WWI uniform in version of authors of this movie inflict me a pain )
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