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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. GoPro video of Foreigm Legion during Siverodonetsk battle in June. Arrival to industrial zone - moving to objective (hold some facility until the nightfall) - fighting - returning back In clash phase soldiers can't understand from where and who (enemy or own) fires at them
  2. LMM Martlet MANPADs showed itself like most effective means against Orlan-10 and other fixrd-winged recon drones Soldier of 95th air-assault brigade shot down Orlan-10
  3. Last night UKR forces have struck Russian base on Chaplynka airfield. There were detonations heard In previous days Russians started relocation of the base some 20 km to SW to the outskirts of Havrylivka Druha village. Chaplynka airfield didn't use before a war, but Russians established here helicopter base and transshipment point for troops, ammunition and military cargo
  4. Open day in psychiatric clinic - members of NOD social-political movement (eng. NLM - National Liberation Movement), which positioning itself like ultra-conservative and putinists march across Moscow streets chaunting for nuclear strikes on USA and for "offensive on Washington", and Putin's slogan that "[after nukes] we will go to Paradise like martyrs, and our enemies just will croack"
  5. One more Russian unit, was left as rearguard - captured T-72B3 mod.2016 has tactical sign of 228th motor-rifle regiment of 90th tank division (phase 1 "O" marking) of Central Military District
  6. They were neither trapped, nor isolated. They had some troubles with supply after HIMARS strikes on large ammo dumps and bridges, but they adapted own logistic even for grown up grouping. Only damaging of Kerch bridge and close winter made their situation too risky for holding the right bank further.
  7. "A deal between Russians and Ukrainians" is no more as speculations. Here Russian rearguard convoy (our soldier on the video tells about 3 armored vehciles, 2 trucks and jeep), withdrawing to Kherson was encircled by UKR troops. Russians made logical choise - they surrendered Also I doubt a "deal" could provide artillery and HIMARS shelling of crossings and left bank as it took place.
  8. The man, who performed a plan of General Staff of right bank liberation - major-general Andriy Kovalchuk, 48 y.o., commander of Operative Command "South" and Operative-Strategic Troops Grouping "Oleksandriya" (Southern theater). Today he visited Kherson. He participated in peacmaking operation in Kosovo and Liberia. In 2014-2016 was a commander of 80th airmobile brigade, was wounded during the battle for Luhansk airport, but didn't leave own sodiers. In 2018 he received honorary British award for best graduates of National Defense Univercity - the Sword of Queen Elizabeth II
  9. "Pushing enemy off" was claimed. Let's see... As I know Russians set mobile concrete bunkers there, but Kinburn spit guarded mostly by Rosgvardiya.
  10. Mavik of 63rd mech.bigade has dropped small bomb on AT-mines, but operator made a mistake with altitude - the drone was lost in huge fireball. 63rd brigade also participated in liberation of Kherson oblast
  11. National Guard Special Forces detachment "Omega" again practiced on firing range with Stugna-P near Pavlika. Data of filming unknown
  12. @sburke Major Igor Savelyev, pilot, unit unknown, got lost on 11th of May. In this day Ka-52 was claimed shot down Lt.colonel Ruslan Mukhametkhanov, unknown motor-rifle unit. Was killed on 12th of Aug
  13. Russans still use Shilkas (second video). This one was captured in damaged condition
  14. Establishing of temporary bridge likely through Inhulets with MTU-55A (or MTU-72) bridgelayer
  15. The spit is a place, from where Russians often shelled with Grads and heavier MLRS Ochakiv port
  16. Russian rare equipment, destroyed/abandoned in Kherson oblast BMP-2 with 675-SB3KDZ protection kit Tor-M2 SAM Counter-battery radar Zoopark-1M Claimed as abandoned S-300 launchers, but no close photos to make shure this
  17. It's worth also would be translate fragment of video with speech of Dugin. In short: - this is not only a war of Russia and NATO, this is a war of God and Devil, Heaven Hosts and demons of Hell - Western ideology is a lie and sin, because it rejected God, if it rejected God, then it from Devil. - We must withstand against western Satan ideology with own ideology of Holy Rus and must build vertical of power like Heaven Power is built. Russian ayatollah....
  18. She was stunned first seconds Laptop has tough battery - I turned it on and battery showed 40% of charge after several months
  19. Two days ago, there was interview with guy, who participated in this battle and survived, he pointed that they had 43 fighters in the park. Maybe nearby was other detachment, maybe that were civilians, all this have to clear after exhumation. Here his interview (in Ukranian): https://www.pravda.com.ua/articles/2022/11/8/7375378/
  20. Well guys, at last I got this! Symbolically in the day of Kherson liberation ) Thank you @Kinophile for this initiative and enough "family diplomacy" in resolving of sudden obstacle on "last mile" Thank you @Battlefront.com - Steve, your "bribe" ) will be worked out )))) Thank you all, who donated anonymously Thank you, all other, who just have been reading and support our country - first two months were some nervous and psychologically hard, so this my 24/7 "marathone" here was giving me some emotional relief.
  21. Those guys from Khersonian territorial defense, who in first fierce days of war tried to defend own city with Molotov coctails and were shot out by occupants in Buzkovyi Park (eng. Lilac Park)... I hope, they are seeing now from own heavens, how an enemy is fleeing back through the Dnipro. They gave own lives for the sake of this day. This is about tragic episode, when on 1st of March 43 fighters of local 194th TD battalion tried to ambush Russian VDV column in the park, but because treason Russians knew about this and shot out them with BMD guns. Of course, this story already started to mythologize - they were armed not only with Molotov, but with AK and two old RPG-18 and even managed to hit one BMD, but knife Russian fire didn't leave chances for them - at least 18 were killed in the battle, which lasted about 30 minutes. 13 fighters could retreat to nearby factory, but Russian during mop-up shot dead more guys. Destiny of rest unknown. Several fighters were wounded, but could hide and survive, because Russians after the battle shot out wounded and after all have been sold bodies to their families for money.
  22. I'm sorry, Shoigu told about "over 30 000" of personnel
  23. Some more scenes how locals meet own army Russians see this too and in some very rare heads a sparkle appears: Translation: Khersonians met us with protests. But AFU meet with flowers. Then for what our guys give own life?
  24. Russian MoD today reported that they have withdrew from right bank 30 000 of troops and 5000 military vehicles. But UKR GUR believes, there are enough part of Russians still on right bank both in some riverine ares of Kherson city and Kherson oblast - you can see Deepstate map - there are still large grey zone between Kherson and L'vove and between Kherson and Dnipro estuary. From Ukrainain side in fightings were involved next brigades (I don't know in what composition of battalions), of course, a list isn't full - ?? tank brigade (elements), 28th mech.brigade, 66th mech.brigade (?), 128th mountain-assault brigade, 59th motor-rifle brigade, 60th infantry brigade, 1st special force brigade (indeed light ranger-type infantry), 35th marines brigade, 36th marines brigade, 46th air-assault brigade, 131st recon battalion, several battalions of National Guard units, SOF (at least elements 142nd SOF Center and 73rd Maritime SOF Center), unknown number of Territorial Defense battalions. It can be a grouping not less 30 000
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