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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. Dead Russian prisoners of Wagner on Bakmut front UKR soldier writes: The day of almost continuous fightings. Russians driven here more and more people. Captured "zeks" (prisoners) say about 2000 for our section of front. You begins to believe so far. This start to remind WWII. All land aroud covered with this motherf...rs. The group of 10 persons come, get fu...d, 4 retreat. New group, again get fu...d, again rollback. And whole day we spend in such format. Sometime they crawl corpses of their dead comrades and start to dig in almost under them to survive. It's happens, they lay prone near bodies and lay by hours. Other soldier: We are going to battle for Bakhmut. Now already this come almost to "bayonet attacks". Wagnerites driven forward "zeks" - they dig in one-by-one like Japanese. Our infanty told they as if from nowhere burts to our trenches. Fu...k, where is my katana?
  2. No evidences that they were 100 % unarmed (grenadeds, pistols etc), because procedure of unit surrendering wasn't finished and UKR soldiers didn't have time to search them. Combat episode wasn't finished. To prove during suddenly started engagement? To whom? They had to call a lawyer under fire? Western rules based order often turns out into swamp of bureaucracy, red tape of 100500 of committees and useless talking shop.
  3. @sburke Former police major Sergey Kaditskiy, PMC Wagner. Was convicted for 15 yeras of jail, after in 2017 he was drunken and shot dead own former wife and wounded own former father-in-law. Major Yevgeniy Zadvornov, motor-rifle battalion commander, 255th MRR of 20th MRD, 8 CAA, Southern Military District. Data of death unknown Major Vyacheslav Beschastnykh, regimental navigator, probably 960th assault aviation regiment (airfield in Krasnodar region, Su-25SM/SM3) of 4th mixed aviation division of 4th AF&AD Army. Was killed on 9th of October - probably shjot down over Mykolaiv oblast (Su-25 was claimed shot down at this data there by UKR AF Command "South") Lt.colonel Artyom Ivanov, unit unknown, probably logistic unit of Air Forces or VDV. Was killed on 16th Nov Major Artyom Ozerov, chief of staff deputy, probably 538th SAM regiment of 4th tank division, 1st tank army, Western Military District. Was killed on 6th of November.
  4. @Battlefront.com This Russian source claimes that number of males-prisoners in Russia sharply decreased for September-October on 23 000 persons, which exeeds of any amnesty level. On the start of August in Russian jails were 349 000 of prisoners. Thus, most of this 23 000 more likely were enlisted to Wagner PMC. For other assesment, mentioned in this article to the end of October Wagner got 20 000 of prisoners and to the end of November this number can reach 30 000: https://zona.media/article/2022/11/18/navoynu According to Russian prisoners insides, now process of enlistment is not free-will. Representatives of Wagner PMC arrive to jails and correctional facilities and claim at least 150-200 "volunteers" from each. In first order theese criminals, convicted for serious crimes. Facility administration torture with shockers and cold water those prisoners, who reject to enlist. Almost all "hills of bodies", described by our troops around Bakhmut were not mobils, but former prisoners.
  5. Why Colby writes TRLG-230 has 150 km of range? It has only 70.
  6. Ukraine has opened investigation of the case of Makiivka shooting warcrime, but against Russian troopers as violators of article 37 (perfidy) of Geneva Convention. I agree with this fact, that Russians were surrendering not as separate persons, but as a unit, and process of surrendering wasn't finished because this Rambo opened fire. Russians weren't searched and moved to other place, so process of their turning to POWs wasn't finished too. On the video you can see a moment, when laying Russian raises own head and sees on their last guy, who prepared for shooting, but didn't warn UKR soldiers (and who knows, maybe he had a grenade a could throw it). Also on the video, filmed from UAV you can see bodies, laying separately from this group, likely they tried to attack UKR soldiers to disarm them and were killed. Maybe we can talk about "juridical grey zone", but according to Art.37 and situation 4 vs. 11 (and 2-3 vs.11 after shooting start) didn't leave the choice to shot out all.
  7. Yes, our charity funds negotiate only with commercial traders. Back-and-Alive and probably Poroshenko's fund have direct licenses for military equipment supply. The fund of Serhiy Prytula probably buy equipment through some intermediary company.
  8. Taras Chmut, the head of Back-and-Alive charity fundation told they had a negotiattions with some Polish weapon trader about large party of ZU-23, but unsuccessfully - Polish side wanted too high price
  9. On 2014 Shilkas were decomissioned so far. In late 2014 the process of their returning to service begun, but turned out they were in pretty bad conditions. Many of spare parts were absent and some of them even had been taking in Russia via third countries or with smugglers. Initially repaired Shilkas moved to separate units, which had a task to stop LDPR infantry advance untill heavy wepon arrive from withdrawal zones. But later they were included to AA-battalions of new-formed motorized infantry brigades and marines brigades. Motorized infantry brigade should have 8 Shilkas. Marines probably had only 4, but I didn't recall now. In best case in pre-war four mot.inf and two marines brigades we could have at least 40 Shilkas. Might be some number were repaired and stored in reserve, but I don't know. But even theese Shilkas had disabled radars - as I know their components didn't manage to replace. Several UKR enterprises offered modernization with new radars, but all this was limited only with several specimens for demonstration. So, Shilkas mostly can be used only for direct optical targeting or as infantry support. Without radar it value as effective AA means is doubtful. Also we have big defficite of usual ZU-23 and barrels for them
  10. There were some videos of Kornet, Metis-M and Fagot launches but mostly "somewhere" with unknown result. But yes, this war is a war of artillery and AT-mines
  11. No, they were ususal "chmobiks". Just too dirty. This probably happened in Makiivka village of Luhansk oblast - Svatove direction. Some hints about this was on Lostarmour. As if unit of mobilized Russians got order to move in Makiivka and seiz some houses. I don't know how it happened, but Makiivla already was under UKR control. Maybe this was some outskirt houses - on Russian forum also many people asked how they turned out in UKR-controled village. So, on next morning UKR troopers encountered with this group. What happened nexy you can see on the video. Russian shooter violated article 37 of Geneva Convention and made all other own comrades legitimate targets. According to Russian forum talks, command of 20th CAA treats to mobilized like to the livestock. They are throwing them in sensless counter attacks and "chmobiks" have huge losses. I can't find this video now, but I've seen it in some twitter account - widows of killed Russian mobilized soldiers appeal to anybody for assistance in evacuation of about 80 bodies from Kolomyichykha village area (Svatove direction)
  12. Zelenskiy wants UKR militaries to take part in investigations. In Ukriane now very big suspicion, that there was also Russian missile, being chased by Ukrainian, but because finding remains of Russian missile would be put NATO in front of inconvenient developments (art.4 at lest = "escalation"), that USA hasted to make a statement only about UKR missile to hush up the question, hinting also to Poland they should make a statement also about UKR missile. I think this can be true - I don't believe in accident launch. Russian missile have to be somewhere on UKR on on Poland territory. By the way, yesterday Russians repeated this trick - they launched several Kalibrs from Black Sea, which passed through Odesa oblast very close along Moldova border and hit something in Khmelnitskiy oblast.
  13. 2 cruise missiles were shot down over Kyiv and 2 Shakheds over Kyiv water reservoir this morning. Reportedly missiles hit industrial facility in Dnipro, causing strong fire. 3 civilians dead, some were wounded. Also a missile hit some object in Odesa oblast
  14. Today's evening some unclear explosions in Rostov-on-Don city, in the place where located 834th Air Force Training Center and Missile Troops Military Institute. Local Russian news don't post anything about this. Video is blured, so impossible to see what exactly goes on. Reportedly a series of explosions was heard in Dzankoy, occupied Crimea. A video, whith huge fire and detonations, which now is sharing is not from Dzhankoy. Maybe something will be clear later Upd. Reportedly Dzhankoy airbase and power plant hit. The town without electricity
  15. Last night UKR drone has struсk oil reservoir in Stal'noy Kon' settlement (in eng. "Iron horse" - poetic and template newspaper name of the tractor in early years of Soviets) in Oryol oblast. The range from nearest point of UKR border is about 170 km. Local authorities claimed this was a drone. There were already several attacks of long-range suicide drones, probably of Chineese origin, which hit Russian facilities in 120+ km zones (what exceeds Tochka-U range). Alas in that time turned out that fuel tank had only remains of fuel - about 3 tons and the fire was extinguishe during 30-40 minutes
  16. Looks like it. There was also one hit of something like RPG-7 projectile, but probably ERA has activeted. Russians use HE rounds only. Enemy attacked from former "Republic the Bridge" positon on the western outskirt of Pisky toward next Pervomaiske village
  17. @sburke Major Nikolay Saidov, chief of [UAV] service - UAV navigator, likely 35th motor-rifle brigade, 41st CAA, Central Military District. Was killed Nov 6th. Likely brigade's UAV control center was struck. Lt.colonel Aleksandr Vshyvtsev, was killed Nov 14th, motor-rifle troops, unit unknown
  18. One of possible reasons of missile accident - improved Kh-101 missiles, last batches of whicn now equipped with EW counter-measuring equipment against SA-missiles. UKR missile could lost targeting or drawn away by EW work. Condolences to Poland... Despite this is a war and many wars had border accidents, but... lives can't be turned back.
  19. Interesting, that Russians not only move own mobilized to existing units, but create new - theese servicemen on the video are remains of company of 359th motorized rifle regiment from Smolensk. This is new type of units almost similar to rifle regiments of LDPR, but likely having own transport or even some light armor. They say their unit has only usual infantry weapon - AK, RPG-7 and... Mosin rifles. They tell the comamnd all time was moving them from place to place several weeks and has told them, their main task had to be "to dig". They last position was some place on LEFT bank of Dnipro. The command didn't aware them, that RIGHT bank already abandoned, so they continue to stay on positions as if nothing happened. But one day drones appeared and became to ajust intensive mortar fire from right bank at their positions. Because of this positions of onew platoon were almost completely destroyed and caused losses in personnel. Then strike drones appeared, which were dropping grenades on them, also causing losses. They can't wistand with small arms to the enemy on right bank and not having any communication neither with own battalion HQ, nor with regimental HQ decided to withdraw
  20. Zelenskiy just claimed NASAMS hit 10 targets from 10 tracked - 100 % result. NASAMS became operational about a week ot more ago. Two systems were deployed in Ukraine, but number of batteries and launchers unknown Kyiv sky also guard IRIS-T, their results also enought high, allegedly about 90 %
  21. I think, Russians already used first batch of Shakheds and next one likely only recently has delivered (there were some flights of Il-76 from Iran) and now is assembling
  22. Is the third photo with tail part of Kh-555 from impact site or just for comparison?
  23. I can't see anything interesting for Russian cruise missiles on UKR territory in Przewodow area. Maybe Chervonohrad with coal mines and likely some power equipment in 25 km from Przewodow. Though if Russian missile targeted Chervonohrad area it should be intercepted over the town or hit some object, but it flew further and probably (!) being chased by UKR S-300 missile. But further... where and for what? Very starnge...
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