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Everything posted by Haiduk

  1. I hadn't opportunity to add a list for @sburke, because troubles with electricity, but I will catch up ) Major Andrey Orlov, unit unknown, tank troops. Was killed on 9th July Major Roman Gribchenko, RAV service chief (missile and artillery armament service), 70th MRR or 50th SP artillery regiment of 42nd MRD, 58th CAA, Southern military district. Was killed on 6th of April Major Andrey Lisunov, 291st MRR of 42nd MRD, 58th CAA, Southern military district. Was killed on 9th of March
  2. Unsuccessful attack of UKR marines company from 35th marines brigade in place between Vodiane and Pisky, Donetsk airport area. This was on 5th of Dec. Filming from DPR "Sparta" recon-assault battlion drone. Separs say units of their DPR motor-rifle assault battalion "Somali" with support of 11th MRR "Vostok" and artillery fire repelled this attack and destroyed four "Mastiffs" and M113 (more likely this was MT-LBU -based vehicle, judging on video) Part 1 - UKR troops approaching to the treeplant with DPR fighters and their vehicles start to make some strange circle maneuvers, likely to reduce probability of direct hit from artillery. During this circles they shoot at DPR positions. Though from more than dozen vehicles only two approached too close to trenches and the third some further - on 1:39 some sort of RPG-26 was fired at Mastiff from treeplant, but missed. Soldiers dismount and try to clear the trench, but not enough decisivly. Part 2. On the first cadres we can see beginning of attack, but further we can see continue of part 1. While UKR Matiffs stood near trenches, this was enough time to call arty or mortars- as result one Mastiff was hit directly, the second was likely badly damaged. UKR troops seized abandoned trenches in other treeplant and DPR drone dropped grenade on them. Wounded or killed soldier is moved to MT-LBU, but it was hit by mortar or blow up by mine. Totally DPR claimed 3 Mastiffs and M113 (or MT-LBU) as UKR losses in this attack Comments of UKR soldiers in twitter "this was stupid run by the column" "I recognize the mothe...rs top-brass from Kherson direction /35th brigade was moved from there/. There in the same way they drive in columns across the fields to the death. Maybe is a time to deal with theese traitors or stupid asses?"
  3. Reportedly Ukrianian forces conducted strikes today at targets in Zaporizhzhia oblast: Enerhodar (allegedly the site with standing BMPs was hit), Tokmak, Molochansk, Melitopol (local as if write about dozen big explosions) and Berdiansk. Berdiansk was hit the second time for two days - reportedly local small airport was targeted, were Russians established helicopter base and ammo dump. Though, local collaborationist "administration" denies this fact. Also as write Crimean publics throughout last hour explosions were heard over Belbek airfield near Sevastopol, Dzhankoy airfield and Sinferopol (airport area), airbase Saky . It's unclear about results of theese explosions, local "administration" claims AD shot down all targets. On the photo something over Simferopol Citycam of Simferopol filmed explosion Other incident in Crimea - mobilized soldiers from continental Russia were deployed in old abandoned barracks in Ichki town (rus. name Sovetskiy). Because of barracks didn't have heating, for this purpose potbelly stoves. As result, probably because of violations of fire safety snandards, the building burned out, causing victims. Unofficially known about at least two dead
  4. Tu-141 and other this family of jet recon UAVs didn't have real-time tracking capabilities. UAV just activated own photo and cine-cameras in some points, made a shots and returned back. Then the film was developed, photos/cine was made and tnen whoile team of image decoders tried to understand what they see on theese images, before all this was painted on the maps for generals. So, this "real-time" indeed had at leasdt one day of delay Ukrianan forces used Tu-141/143 during 2014-2015 as recons. Some were shot down. Concerning airfield strikes, Financial Times says according to soem sources in UKR MoD, that this was neither upgraded Tu-141, nor new secret Ukroboronprom concern strike UAV with 1000 km range. As if this was completely new model, designed and built by private company. On other hand Politico, again, referring on Ukrainian sources (particularly on Defense Express representatives) confirmed this was upgraded Tu-141 Here a launch process of Tu-141
  5. In mid-July, former members of the battalion recorded a video blaming Zelensky for their losses. “We as fighters of the territorial defense were illegally sent to the fornt lines,” their spokesman said. Bright example of incompetence of all level - from battalion command to privates. Soldiers say about "we as fighters of TD", but in real 6th SRB is Army Reserve Corps unit , not Territorial Defense Command. SRBs are attached to mech./motorized brigades. So, they even didn't know where they served. Or this is misunderstanding of journalists Also they say "we were illegally sent to frontline", but indeed as far as on 6th of May Parliament ammended the law about National Resistance, were was directly pointed that TD units can be involved in frontline actions. Before this the law has some unclear provisions. With this SRBs and TD units we had a double picture. On the one hand many people enlisted to TD with a hope they will stand on checkpoints, receiving army salary and will not be sent to war (especially this actual about western Ukraine TD units). But if TD units mostly were formed from volunteers, that SRBs and 11x th mech brigades of Rserve corps - from mobilized citizens, many of which had only almost useless conscript service in past or never served in army. Officers to theese units also were mostly mobilized with Soviet of 90th-2000th years Ukraine army experience. And this borned other hand problem - they often couldn't adequately make decisions, they maintained poor training to own personnel. So, not very high motivation of mostly village and small town guys, which often turned out in army in some similar way like this was in Donetsk, supplemented by "old school" command incompetence and too short time for training. Alas, the time demanded many infantry and in most cases they got only basic training in 2-3 weeks. But when they came to fronline they often didn't understand what to do. So, they expected Zelenskiy personnally must give an order to dig positions to them instead take the shovel and dig it themselves. Unit commanders in own turn gave them stupid orders and couldn't maintain communications with neighbour units and support. And this much more decreased a morale, so many soldiers desertred and filmed a videos "we are betrayed, command threw us to cannon fodder" Additionally commanders of mech.brigades sent attached SRBs to hardest defense positions in order to save own "veterans" So from May to mid of autumn in such conditions with bloody "natural selection" have been forming and hardening enough part of UKR army of 2022 enlistment...
  6. UKR pilot with codename KARAYA issued own photo from incident on 12th Oct over Vinnytsia, when he is wounded and in process of parachuting after bailing out of own MiG-29, damaged by close explosion of Shakhed, which he could destroy, but has flew too close. A guy from engineer personnel told, KARAYA made this selfy and sent to them with words "Guys, you can not wait my jet today back"
  7. An article (in Ukrainian) how Ukrainian volunteers-engineers from Respeechers and i3 Engineering companies and programmers, serving in 125th TD Brigade, created AI warning system ZVOOK (from UKR. "zvuk" - "sound"). This system allows to complement possibilities of Air Defense radars to detect approaching missiles and kamikadze drones - it's sound sensors listen the air, select suspicious sound, AI analyzes it and if the signal is matches to threat sound, it transmits alarm via cell phones towers to Air Defense datacenters. By the placement of activated sensor, AD can decide to react on that direction. This system had been developing four months and was set up immediately after AI could detect true signal at 50/50 level - because we had a lack of radar covering - on the meeting develppers with Lviv oblast administration, representatives of cell phone operators and militaries they got permission to launch the first trial systems. Gradually engineers enchanced sound mirrors, electronics and could learn AI to work almost without mistakes. Interesting, that most problematic was to learn AI to differ a sound of cruise missile from cows mooing. In present time 40 ZVOOK sensors already installed on more critical directions, but developers say there are need 600 sensors throughout all country in several echelones to be effective complement of radars. In plans of developers - to make the system capable to determine a coordinates, speed and course of target. Now it can determinate approximately a bearing and elevation angle. Also developers want to scale the project and turn it in future to commercial product. https://www.epravda.com.ua/publications/2022/11/28/694314/ ZVOOK sensor on cell phone tower And "prototype" of ZVOOK - Dutch soldier of 30th years with acoustic system. But now human ears and brain substituted with electronic and AI
  8. All much worse. They concerned not for identity, but... alas, I can't find this TG post of one of Russian propagandists, but his takes were briefly like that: our lose to Ukriane will call into question the natural advantage of Russians over Ukrainians.
  9. Konstantin Mashovets claimed UKR troops as far as on 4th Dec cut off the road between Svatove and Kreminna in Chervonopopivka area. He didn't confirm directly that village under UKR control, but likely it is already a grey zone. No official confirmations
  10. Decisive NO. Just we also can play a game "It wasn't us"
  11. Technical rate of fire of 2A28 gun is up to 8 shots per minute. I, think future CM should have opportunity to set desirable RoF for any weapon system, not only for artillery
  12. We had Korshun-2 project (ground attack cruise missile), before a war, but there were no any signs this project had any moves to "metal" phase. And it claimed range was 300 km
  13. We hear maximum level of sound at approx 0:18 and on 0:42 we see the flash. So, if 6200 m the object overcame for 24 seconds, that it speed is about 260 m/s (936 km/h). Some other sources counted from first appearing of the sound to the flash and got 230 m/s (830 km/h). Jet loitering munition? Cruise missile ? (Korshun-2, for example), Hrim-2 in some "flat trajectory" mode?
  14. VERY lucky UKR battalion of S-300 under attack of two Lancets. No direct hits. Probably because of strong wind operator couldn't keep the course at the last moment
  15. First wave of attack is finished. Next one is coming. From Kyiv water reservoir (NE) was herad several fast explosions, but its weren't similar to recently heard AD work sound or missile hits. Something like several cluster munitions fast sounds or like AA-guns work (Gepard?). Social media reported about AD work in Kyiv oblast. Several hits in Odesa oblast and Mykolaiv oblast Again likely incident with UKR S-300 missile - the part has fell on Moldova territory, no casualties and destructions
  16. Air raid alarm - reportedly 15 strategic bombers in the air. Looks like Russians are really were offended Some Russian TG now claim also Shaikovka airfield (Tu-22M3) was allegedly under attack, but no confirmation. Probably this can be confused with information, issued by Russian oppositioner Latynina, that as if on eve on this airfield was a leak of toxic fuel for Kh-22 missile and airfield for now is closed until emergency works are competed
  17. There are many discussions what weapon could hit Ka-52 with "top attack". 138th AD brigade, who claimed they shot down this helicopter had S-300PS, but allegedly this hit not similar for S-300 work, though it could be just coincidence. One of versions - this could be Aspide SAM. And somebody even presented weird version this could be SMART ammo from the howitzer ) PS. Russian TG Fighterbomber has written in this helicopter the best and more combat effective crew on this direction was lost, having many targets being hit
  18. Except 2 damaged Tu-95 in Engels, reportedly on Dyagilevo airfield were damaged 4 aircraft. This is a base for 43rd Aircraft combat usage and personnel retraining center (Tu-95, Tu-142, Tu-22M3) and 203rd aerial refuel tankers regiment (Il-78) Our intelligence has been expecting huge strike on 5-6th Dec, so looks like this attack can foil Rissian plans little bit. On eve Ukroboronprom announced new series of tests of work against EW assets of our new kamikadze drone with 1000 km range, carring 75 kg warhead. More recently charity fund Back-and-Alive has started fundraising for some "black box" project for Intelligence Directorate for about 6 million $ - this project has an aim "to reduce Russian strike capabilities" So... What from theese two ? )))
  19. @sburke Colonel Denis Davydov, commander of NBC-regiment, probably 19th NBC regiment of 29th CAA, Eastern Military District, data of death unknown NBC regiment equipped has heavy flamethrower company with 3 TOS-1A
  20. They can hit only limited number of tagets whithin Kharkiv, Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson oblasts with theese missiles
  21. Not quite. This is Russian state mythology - as if they came to wild steppes and brought there civilization and established cities. Partially this is true, but indeed all Russian cities "founded" in 18th century appeared not on emty place. On the place of Kherson since at least mid of 17th century (maybe and early) existed the town Bilhovychi or Belehovishche. It's nothing known about it and his population, except it was pointed on 17-18th century maps. And it name is Slavic (Ukrainian or Polish). The wide spaces of modern Odesa, Mykolaiv and Kherson oblasts in 17-18th centuries were under power of Budjak (or Akkerman) Horde, populated by Nogais - Turkic etnnic group, akin to Crimean Tatars. They were double vassals of Ottoman Empire and Crimean Khan. But very likely that in theese steppes there was some symbiosys between Turks, Tatars and frontier people, cossacks and fugitives from Ukraine, who recognized their power in exhange to permission to settle here.... Probably turmoils of the end 17th century and further Russo-Turkish wars led to decline of Bilhovychy - this is unknown, on the maps of begining of 18th century this town already marked as "ruines". But Russians exactly here in previously settled place built initially St.Aleksandr Fort and further new city, named "in honor" of antique Khersones (now part of modern Sevastpol) And this was everywhere in Black-Sea steppes. Russian had been conquering Tatars, Turkish cities and lands of Zaporozhian cossacks, eliminated and expalled population and initially settled there soldiers, workers and peasants (mostly from Ukriane) and later re-built theese cities on modern manner, giving them "Antique-Greek-like" names (Odessa, Kherson, Sevastopol, Mariupol, Nikopol), according to fasion of theese times - Catherine II and Potyomkin were fans of Ancient Greek culture. And removing by this old hystory of theese place, establishing own myth "we established theese cities, this is our land" So Odesa - is fromer Turkish/Nogais fortress and port town Khadjibey (there is also version in 14-15 century it named Kotsiubiiv and was a southern port of Great Duсhy of Lithuania, but later has fallen in Tatarian hands). But indeed atique Odessos was on the place of modern Bulgarian Varna. Mykolaiv (Russain name Nikolayev) - was built on the place of likely Ukrainian/Tatarian town Vynohradna Krynytsia (or more polonized name Vinaradna Kricza - eng. "grape well"). The town in own turn was built on the place of old Lithuanian castle Vitovka Sevastopol - former Tatarian harbour and city Akyar. But real Sevastopolis was on the place of modern Georgian Sukhumi in occupied Abkhazia Nikopol - frormer Zaporozhian cossaks town Mykytyn Rih Melitopol - Tatarian or Zaporozhian town Kyzyyar Simferopol - Tatarian Aksmedzhit And many, many other...
  22. Aftermath of Lantset hit at D-20 howitzer - mostly minor damages. Soldier shows pieces of fittings - Russians put in into warhead to increase of fragmental effect
  23. Current TDF are not the same, that in first months of war. They are the same enough experienced troops, passing many fights like other new-formed brigades. Just light infantry, but clashes near Bakhmut is brutal fight in WW1 style + arty, many arty, even sometime with hand-to hand combat in the trenches or at least knife-range skirmishes. I don't know who exactly came there as "special forces", but note, that with this term in Ukraine named not only real SOF (SSO in UKR), but some sort of "rangers" - light forces for infiltrations, mop-up, rapid hit&run, search&destroy actions. They can have different subordination - Ground Forces, National Guard, police, GUR, SBU, but not to SSO Command. In National Guard some units also has a status of "special", but it means just some priority tasks, appointed for them.
  24. Main fight on Zaporozhzhia front is Orikhiv - Huliayopole line. Tokmak railway node is last one, from which this group is supplied
  25. UKR General Staff claimes UKR forces damaged railroad bridge through Molochna river near Starobohdanivka village, Zaporizhzhia oblast. This is beteween Melitopol and Tokmak. This will delay for some time supply of Russian frontline units in Zaporizhzha oblast and southern part of Donetsk oblast.
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